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A multi-method geochronological approach is applied to unravelthe dynamics of a paired metamorphic belt in the Coastal Cordilleraof central Chile. This is represented by high-pressure–low-temperaturerocks of an accretionary prism (Western Series), and a low-pressure–high-temperatureoverprint in the retro-wedge with less deformed metagreywackes(Eastern Series) intruded by magmas of the coeval arc. A pervasivetransposition foliation formed in metagreywackes and interlayeredoceanic crust of the Western Series during basal accretion nearmetamorphic peak conditions (350–400°C, 7–11kbar) at 292–319 Ma (40Ar/39Ar phengite plateau ages).40Ar/39Ar UV laser ablation ages of phengite record strain-freegrain growth and recrystallization with a duration of 31–41Myr during a pressure release of 3–4 kbar. During earlyaccretion the main intrusion in the arc occurred at 305 Ma (Pb–Pbevaporation; zircon) and the Eastern Series was overprintedby a short high-temperature metamorphism at 3 kbar, 296–301Ma (40Ar/39Ar muscovite plateau ages). Fission-track ages ofzircon (206–232 Ma) and of apatite (80–113 Ma) aresimilar in both series, indicating synchronous cooling duringdistinct periods of exhumation. Early exhumation (period I)during continuing basal accretion proceeded with mean ratesof 0·19–0·56 mm/yr, suggesting that erosionin a tectonically active area was an important unroofing mechanism.At the same time mean rates were 0·03–0·05mm/yr in the Eastern Series, where crustal thickening was minor.A shallow granite intruded into the Western Series at 224 Ma,at the end of basal accretion activity, when exhumation ratesdecreased to 0·04–0·06 mm/yr in both seriesduring period II (100–225 Ma). Major extension, basinformation and local bimodal dyke intrusion at 138 Ma were accompaniedby mean cooling rates of 1–2°C/Myr. Accelerated coolingof 3–5°C/Myr at 80–113 Ma suggests a mid-Cretaceousconvergence event (period III). After 80 Ma cooling rates decreasedto 1–2°C/Myr (period IV). The pressure–temperature–deformation–timeinformation for subduction, basal accretion and exhumation inthe accretionary wedge of central Chile illustrates that theseprocesses reflect a continuous cyclic mass flow that lastednearly 100 Myr, while the retro-wedge remained stable. Afterthe cessation of accretion activity a similarly long periodof retreat of the subducting slab occurred; this ended withrenewed convergence and shortening of the continental margin. KEY WORDS: exhumation rates; Ar/Ar geochronology; fission-track geochronology; Chile; paired metamorphic belt  相似文献   
恒山中段新太古代高压麻粒岩区的构造特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
恒山中段高压麻粒岩区是华北克拉通新太古代高压麻粒岩最好的露头区之一,北部为强烈重熔的灰色片麻岩区,构造样式以穹窿、近水平韧性剪切带为主,中部以近东西向的右旋走滑剪切带与南部变形变质程度相对较低的岩石单元相接,后者主要的岩石类型为均匀的英云闪长质片麻岩和变质辉绿岩墙。高压麻粒岩以透镜体形式出现在北部。本文通过对恒山高压麻粒岩区构造特征和构造样式的分析,认为高压麻粒岩区主要经历了4期构造变形:①高压麻粒岩透镜体里的逆冲型韧性剪切变形和走滑剪切变形;②向南或南西的伸展变形;③右行走滑剪切;④向东或南东伸展变形。对恒山地区的高压麻粒岩的出露起决定作用的是两次伸展构造运动。  相似文献   
Eastern Ancient Terrane of the North China Craton   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Based on the spatial distribution of ancient rocks and zircons, three ancient terranes older than ca. 2.6 Ga have recently been identified in the North China Craton, namely the Eastern, Southern, and Central Ancient Terranes. The Eastern Ancient Terrane is the best studied and understood of the three ancient terranes. It has a long geological history back to ca. 3.8 Ga ago and includes the areas of Anshan-Benxi, eastern Hebei, eastern Shandong and western Shandong. In Anshan-Benxi, several different types of 3.8 Ga rocks were discovered together with 3.1-3.7 Ga rocks, whereas 2.9-3.0 Ga K-rich granites and 2.5 Ga syenogranite occur on larger scales. In eastern Hebei, 3.0-3.4 Ga rocks and older detrital and xenocrystic zircons were identified. In eastern Shandong, there are a large volumes of 2.7 Ga and 2.9 Ga rocks. In western Shandong, early Neoarchean(2.6-2.7 Ga) intrusive and supracrustal rocks are widely distributed. Whole-rock Nd and zircon Hf isotope data suggest that both mantle additions and crustal recycling played important roles within the Eastern Ancient Terrane during almost every tectono-magmatic event. Most BIFs in the North China Craton are late Neoarchean in age and are distributed on continental crust along the western margin of the Eastern Ancient Terrane, probably suggesting that a stable environment was one of the key factors for the formation of large-scale BIFs.  相似文献   
A large-scale high-pressure granulite belt (HPGB), more than 700 km long, is recognized within the metamorphic basement of the North China craton. In the regional tectonic framework, the Hengshan-Chengde HPGB is located in the central collision belt between the western block and eastern block, and represents the deep crustal structural level. The typical high-pressure granulite (HPG) outcrops are distributed in the Hengshan and Chengde areas. HPGs commonly occur as mafic xenoliths within ductile shear zones, and underwent multipile deformations. To the south, the Hengshan-Chengde HPGB is juxtaposed with the Wutai greenstone belt by several strike-slip shear zones. Preliminary isotopic age dating indicates that HPGs from North China were mainly generated at the end of the Neoarchaean, assocaited with tectonic assembly of the western and eastern blocks.  相似文献   
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