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The redistribution of air masses induces gravity variations (atmospheric pressure effect) up to about 20 μgal. These variations are disturbing signals in gravity records and they must be removed very carefully for detecting weak gravity signals. In the past, different methods have been developed for modelling of the atmospheric pressure effect. These methods use local or two-dimensional (2D) surface atmospheric pressure data and a standard height-dependent air density distribution. The atmospheric pressure effect is consisting of the elastic deformation and attraction term. The deformation term can be well modelled with 2D surface atmospheric pressure data, for instance with the Green's function method. For modelling of the attraction term, three-dimensional (3D) data are required. Results with 2D data are insufficient.From European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) 3D atmospheric pressure data are now available. The ECMWF data used here are characterised by a spacing of Δ and Δλ = 0.5°, 60 pressure levels up to a height of 60 km and an interval of 6 h. These data are used for modelling of the atmospheric attraction term. Two attraction models have been developed based on the point mass attraction of air segments and the gravity potential of the air masses. The modelling shows a surface pressure-independent part of gravity variations induced by mass redistribution of the atmosphere in the order of some μgal. This part can only be determined by using 3D atmospheric pressure data. It has been calculated for the Vienna Superconducting Gravimeter site.From this follows that the gravity reduction can be improved by applying the 3D atmospheric attraction model for analysing long-periodic tidal waves including the polar tide. The same improvement is expected for reduction of long-term absolute gravity measurements or comparison of gravity measurements at different seasonal times. By using 3D atmospheric pressure data, the gravity correction can be improved up to some μgal.  相似文献   
Thin‐bedded delta‐front and prodelta facies of the Upper Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta Complex near Hanksville in southern Utah, USA, show significant along‐strike facies variability. Primary initiation processes that form these thin beds include surge‐type turbidity currents, hyperpycnal flows and storm surges. The relative proportion of sedimentary structures generated by each of these depositional processes/events has been calculated from a series of measured sedimentological sections within a single parasequence (PS6–1) which is exposed continuously along depositional strike. For each measured section, sedimentological data including grain size, lithology, bedding thickness, sedimentary structures and ichnological suites have been documented. Parasequence 6–1 shows a strong along‐strike variation with a wave‐dominated environment in the north, passing abruptly into a fluvial‐dominated area, then to an environment with varying degrees of fluvial and wave influence southward, and back to a wave‐dominated environment further to the south‐east. The lateral facies variations integrated with palaeocurrent data indicate that parasequence 6–1 is deposited as a storm‐dominated symmetrical delta with a large river‐dominated bayhead system linked to an updip fluvial feeder valley. This article indicates that it is practical to quantify the relative importance of depositional processes and determine the along‐strike variation within an ancient delta system using thin‐bedded facies analysis. The wide range of vertical stratification and grading sequences present in these event beds also allows construction of conceptual models of deposition from turbidity currents (i.e. surge‐type turbidity currents and hyperpycnal flows) and storm surges, and shows that there are significant interactions and linkages of these often paired processes.  相似文献   
The initial phase of the eruption forming Ukinrek Maars during March and April 1977 were explosions from the site of West Maar. These were mainly phreatomagmatic and initially transitional to strombolian. Activity at West Maar ceased after three days upon the initiation of the East Maar. The crater quickly grew by strong phreatomagmatic explosions. During the first phases of phreatomagmatic activity at East Maar, large exotic blocks derived from a subsurface till were ejected. Ballistic studies indicate muzzle velocities for these blocks of 80–90 m s−1.Phreatomagmatic explosions ejected both juvenile and non-juvenile material which formed a low rim of ejecta (< 26 mhigh) around the crater and a localized, coarse, wellsorted (σφ = 1−1.5) juvenile and lithic fall deposit. Other fine ash beds, interstratified with the coarse beds, are more poorly sorted (σφ = 2−3) and are interpreted as fallout of wet, cohesive ash from probably milder phases of activity in the crater. Minor base surge activity damaged trees and deposited fine ash, including layers plastered on vertical surfaces. Viscous basalt lava appeared in the center of the East Maar crater almost immediately and a lava dome gradually grew in the crater despite phreatomagmatic eruptions adjacent to it.The development of these maars appears to be mainly controlled by gradual collapse of crater and conduit walls, and blasting-out of the slumped debris by phreatomagmatic explosions when rising magma contacted groundwater beneath the regional water table and a local perched aquifer.Ballistic analysis on the ejected blocks indicates a maximum muzzle velocity of 100–150 m s-1, values similar to those obtained from other ballistic studies on maar ejecta.  相似文献   
The identification, remedial treatment, and monitoring of contaminated sediments are among the priorities for managers of the Tampa Bay Estuary. Tampa Bay, as an urbanized estuary, is subject to the input of watershed sources of chemical contaminants, including metals, pesticides, and organic chemicals. Although the use of biological indicators and their incorporation into multi-metric indices is not new, the refinement and applications of such techniques for determining environmental condition still require further development and exploration. We present a single Tampa Bay Benthic Index (TBBI) that was developed specifically for Tampa Bay. Stepwise discriminant analysis was applied to a comprehensive list of potential benthic metrics. Results from the stepwise procedure identified the metrics that best discriminated between "healthy" and "degraded" conditions, as defined by sediment contaminant effect levels and dissolved oxygen. Discriminant analysis was then applied to the resultant three variables to determine the linear combination for the index.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of a case study analysis from the knowledge domains of vulnerability and resilience. We analyzed 20 scientific assessments to provide empirical evidence for successes and failures in collaborative knowledge production, i.e., the joint creation of assessments reports by researchers and decision makers in policy and practice. It became clear that the latter typically use insufficiently the research-based knowledge available and researchers typically produce insufficiently knowledge that is directly usable. We found a number of functional, structural, and social factors inhibiting a joint problem identification and framing of knowledge producers and potential users: divergent objectives, needs, scope, and priorities; different institutional settings and standards, as well as differing cultural values, understanding, and mistrust. Combining understanding from multiple sources and providing mechanisms for linking solutions proposed by research with articulated needs and problems of practitioners would reduce the discrepancies in activities of different actors and result in more timely and context-appropriate solutions. In the concluding section we argue for a more locally embedded and socially contingent production of actionable knowledge and make suggestions about ways to enhance effectiveness of research-based knowledge.  相似文献   
The Sheepbed mudstone forms the base of the strata examined by the Curiosity rover in Gale Crater on Mars, and is the first bona fide mudstone known on another planet. From images and associated data, this contribution proposes a holistic interpretation of depositional regime, diagenesis and burial history. A lake basin probably received sediment pulses from alluvial fans. Bed cross‐sections show millimetre to centimetre‐scale layering due to distal pulses of fluvial sediment injections (fine‐grained hyperpycnites), fall‐out from river plumes, and some aeolian supply. Diagenetic features include mineralized synaeresis cracks and millimetre‐scale nodules, as well as stratiform cementation. Clay minerals were initially considered due to in situ alteration, but bulk rock chemistry and mineralogy suggests that sediments were derived from variably weathered source rocks that probably contained pre‐existing clay minerals. X‐ray diffraction analyses show contrasting clay mineralogy in closely spaced samples, consistent with at least partial detrital supply of clay minerals. A significant (ca 30 wt%) amorphous component is consistent with little post‐depositional alteration. Theoretical modelling of diagenetic reactions, as well as kinetic considerations, suggest that the bulk of diagenetic clay mineral formation occurred comparatively late in diagenesis. Diagenetic features (synaeresis cracks and nodules) were previously thought to reflect early diagenetic gas formation, but an alternative scenario of synaeresis crack formation via fabric collapse of flocculated clays appears more likely. The observed diagenetic features, such as solid nodules, hollow nodules, matrix cement and ‘raised ridges’ (synaeresis cracks) can be explained with progressive alteration of olivine/glass in conjunction with centrifugal and counter diffusion of reactive species. Anhydrite‐filled fractures in the Sheepbed mudstone occurred late in diagenesis when fluid pressures built up to exceed lithostatic pressure. Generating fluid overpressure by burial to facilitate hydraulic fracturing suggests a burial depth of at least 1000 m for the underlying strata that supplied these fluids.  相似文献   
Open-ended piles such as tubular piles or I-beams are used as foundations for offshore and nearshore construction. After the pile installation a load test to estimate the bearing capacity of these open-ended piles is necessary. Due to the offshore conditions and the high bearing capacity of the installed piles a static load test is not normally feasible. Therefore, dynamic load tests are carried out where the wave propagation due to an dynamic impact at the pile head is measured. The methods to estimate the bearing capacity from the measured signal of the dynamic tests were derived for solid pile profiles. It is questionable whether these evaluation techniques are applicable for open-ended piles. Hence, the influence of various important system parameters as well as the differences between static and dynamic load tests on open-ended piles is investigated in this paper.  相似文献   
Milatz  Marius  Hüsener  Nicole  Andò  Edward  Viggiani  Gioacchino  Grabe  Jürgen 《Acta Geotechnica》2021,16(11):3573-3600
Acta Geotechnica - Gauging the mechanical effect of partial saturation in granular materials is experimentally challenging due to the very low suctions resulting from large pores. To this end, a...  相似文献   
Mussel shells have been used in a number of paleoecological and environmental studies. The interpretation of stable carbon isotopic composition of shell material is still controversial. The carbon for shell carbonate precipitation can either be derived from ambient dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), with shells recording environmental signals, or from metabolic CO2, with the potential to disguise environmental signals. To gain insight into this question, we investigated four nearly 100-yr long-term records of aragonite shells from an extant freshwater bivalve species, the endangered freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera L.). Single growth increments of the outer prismatic and the inner nacreous zones were successfully and easily separated with a simple heat treatment for chronological analyses of δ13C in single layers of each zone. Autocorrelation and semivariance statistical methods reveal that mussels show distinct individual signal patterns, which extend up to 25 yr. Signal patterns are reliably reproduced with replicate samples from defined layers within one shell and show similar patterns with a slight offset for inner nacreous and outer prismatic layers for individual animals. Mussels exposed to the same environmental conditions exhibit distinct and contradictory signature patterns, which do not match between individuals. This observation can only be explained by strong metabolic influences on shell precipitation. Environmental changes in pH, temperature, electric conductivity and atmospheric carbon signature had no or little (<5%) influence, whereas body tissue protein and body tissue δ13C signatures negatively correlated with the youngest produced shell δ13C signatures, indicating that respiration causes a preferential loss of light isotopes from body mass and an inverse enrichment in shell aragonite. Hence, the shells of the freshwater pearl mussel yield a long-term record of metabolic activity, whereas the use of δ13C in these shells as recorder for environmental signals is questionable. This may also be true for shells from other species, for which metabolic carbon incorporation has been acknowledged.  相似文献   
Augustine, an island volcano in Lower Cook Inlet, southern Alaska, erupted in January, 1976, after 12 years of dormancy. By April, when the eruptions ended, a new lava dome had been extruded into the summit crater and about 0.1 km3 of pyroclastics had been deposited on the island, mainly as pyroclastic debris avalanches and pumice flows. The ventclearing phase in January was highly explosive and we have been able to document 13 major vulcanian eruptions.The timing, thermal energy, mass loading of fine particles and the horizontal dispersion of these eruption clouds were determined from radar measurements of cloud height, reports of pilots flying in plumes, satellite photography, seismic records and infrasonic detection of air waves. A lower estimate of the mass of fine (r < 68 μm) particles injected into the troposphere from the 13 main eruptions in January is 5.5–18 × 1012 g. The corresponding mass loading of fine particles within individual eruption clouds is 0.3–1 g m−3. We calculated thermal energies of 4 × 1014 to 35 × 1014 J for individual eruptions by applying convective plume rise theory to observed cloud heights and seismically determined eruption durations. This energy range compares favorably with the 4–16 × 1014 J of thermal energy, calculated from the cooling of juvenile material contained in a typical eruption cloud.The vulcanian eruption clouds stayed intact for at least 700 km downwind. Satellite images in both visible and infrared wavebands, showing the Gulf of Alaska just after sunrise on January 23, reveal a series of puffs strung out downwind from the volcano, 20–30 km in diameter and with their tops at altitudes of about 8 km, overlying a continuous plume at altitude 4 km. Each puff corresponded to a seismically and infrasonically timed eruption. A substantial portion of the material injected into the atmosphere between January 22 and 25 was rapidly transported by the subpolar jet stream through southwestern Canada and the western United States, then northeast across the States into the Atlantic. The clouds were observed passing over Tucson, Arizona, on January 25 at an elevation of 7 km.Several of the eruptions penetrated into the stratosphere. Sun photometer measurements, taken at Mauna Loa, Hawaii, six weeks after the eruption, showed an increased stratospheric optical thickness of 0.01 (wavelength 0.5 μm), which decayed in about 5 months. The maximum column mass loading of the veil was 4–10 × 10−7 g cm−2. The mass of the veil, spread-ever a fourth of the earth's surface, is 10 to 100 times larger than can be accounted for by assuming that injected ash and converted sulfate particles from the 13 main Augustine eruptions are the only components contributing to the stratospheric turbidity observed at Mauna Loa.  相似文献   
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