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通过中国极化区发展及功能模式分析方法探讨,构建识别极化区功能的指标体系,采用极化区发展分析及功能评估方法,对中国已经批准建设的、具有极化区发展潜力的16个规划发展区进行了发展状况分析及功能定量评估,并提出发挥重要竞争力和影响力、承担重要引领带动功能、具有重要门户和枢纽地位、支撑落后地区快速发展等4类适合中国区域发展现状的极化区发展功能模式。  相似文献   
Summary The authors prove that the solution of Laplace's equation under Neumann's boundary conditions can be transformed to an advantage into determining the field which is generated by charges, induced by the external field at surfaces of discontinuity.  相似文献   
Land use information over large areas is increasingly important for many studies related to environment in general and global change in particular. Yet there is a dearth of methodological knowledge in this area, especially regarding the practical task of producing land use maps. In this article, a systematic land use mapping approach is developed, based on land cover maps that in turn are produced through remote sensing. The concept is based on the recognition of varying strengths of land cover (LC) – land use (LU) relationships, from the thematic and spatial points of view. Several categories of relationships are identified, ranging from direct (case 1) to multiple/complex (case 4), and appropriate mapping strategies are discussed for these cases. Using a mapping study in Lebanon, it is shown that the principles embodied in this approach correspond to issues and conditions in real mapping situations. Finally, the concepts are translated into a series of steps through which the method can be applied to large areas, taking into consideration the specific requirements and constraints of each case. The final land use map represents an acceptable compromise between accuracy, level of detail, and cost.  相似文献   
This paper provides a multi‐dimensional analysis of the impacts of the Indian Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme using a case study from rural Tamil Nadu. Drawing on structured interviews in households and semi‐structured interviews with local employers and officials, we analyse the effects of the workfare scheme when it is widely and properly implemented. We distinguish between different conceptualizations of the work scheme as a means of welfare provision, labour market policy and intervention directed towards other objectives. We found that the goals of the scheme were fulfilled unevenly in the given context. Among other findings, we show that positive effects on the welfare of participating and non‐participating households were accompanied by adverse effects on the local economy and negligible impact on out‐migration for work.  相似文献   
The Rhine catchment experienced strong changes in upstream allogenic forcing during the last 20,000 years. Climatic changes of the glacial–interglacial transition and steadily growing human impact during the second half of the Holocene forced the Rhine to adapt, resulting in changes in the fluvial morphology. The lower Rhine left two late Weichselian terraces and many Holocene palaeo-meanders in the Lower Rhine Valley (western Germany). This well-preserved terrace sequence is used to investigate the exact course of events of the lower Rhine response to changes in allogenic forcing. Five detailed cross-sections that integrate new and existing borehole data were constructed, and the deposits were analysed with regards to abandonment of terraces, changes in number of active channels, fluvial style, terrace gradients, and overbank sedimentation during the Lateglacial and Holocene. We improved and expanded the chronology of the Lower Rhine Valley deposits by dating new samples (14C, OSL), and integrated these with existing dating evidence (archaeological and historical data, cross-cutting relationships). Twice during the glacial–interglacial transition, the lower Rhine changed from braided to meandering fluvial style. During both transitional episodes (meandering) secondary channels existed alongside the main channel, with a life span up to 2500 years. The findings imply that the lower Rhine was inherently slow to complete the full morphological transition to a single thread meandering system. On specific aspects of response, the morphological response (point bar/terrace formation, contraction to a single thread) extended over relatively long periods of time, whereas discharge-related response (e.g. fluvial style change, abandonment of braidplains, channel bed lowering/incision) seems to have been near instantaneous. Reach-specific conditions determine the degree to which the geomorphic response is delayed and the complexity of the resultant morphology. Increased human-induced sediment delivery (last 2000–3000 years) is expressed as relative thicker and coarser overbank deposits in the entire study area. In the downstream part of the Lower Rhine Valley it accelerated high-stand deltaic backfilling and decreased incision. The response to human activities occurred relatively quickly in contrast to the long-term fluvial response to the glacial–interglacial transition, because the human impact mainly involved change in delivery of the suspended load.  相似文献   
The Plechy pluton, southwestern Bohemian Massif, represents a late-Variscan, complexly zoned intrusive center emplaced near the crustal-scale Pfahl shear zone; the pluton thus provides an opportunity to examine the interplay among successive emplacement of large magma batches, magmatic fabric acquisition, and the late-Variscan stress field associated with strike-slip shearing. The magmatic history of the pluton started with the emplacement of the porphyritic Plechy and Haidmühler granites. Based on gravity and structural data, we interpret that the Plechy and Haidmühler granites were emplaced as a deeply rooted, ∼NE–SW elongated body; its gross shape and internal fabric (steep ∼NE–SW magmatic foliation) may have been controlled by the late-Variscan stress field. The steep magmatic foliation changes into flat-lying foliation (particularly recorded by AMS) presumably as a result of divergent flow. Magnetic lineations correspond to a sub-horizontal ∼NE–SW finite stretch associated with the divergent flow. Subsequently, the Třístoličník granite, characterized by steep margin-parallel magmatic foliation, was emplaced as a crescent-shaped body in the central part of the pluton. The otherwise inward-younging intrusive sequence was completed by the emplacement of the outermost and the most evolved garnet-bearing granite (the Marginal granite) along the southeastern margin of the pluton. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
New continental crust was formed in the Svecofennian domain of the Baltic Shield c. 1.9 Ga ago. Approximately 0.1–0.15 Ga later, new crust accreted to the SW part of the Shield. In this paper an attempt is made, on the basis of gravity measurements and lithogeochemistry, to describe the tectonic processes responsible for the continental growth c. 1.75–1.8 Ga ago. The Transscandinavian Granite Porphyry Belt (TGPB) separates the Svecofennian domain from the polymetamorphic terrain of the SW Swedish gneiss region. Red orthogneisses occurring immediately west of the TGPB are the deformed equivalents of the TGPB type granitoids, while grey orthogneisses, displaying a tonalitic-granodioritic trend and situated further west, were generated in a »volcanic arc« environment. The TGPB granitoids and the red SW Swedish gneisses represent a transition from this volcanic arc type rock to contemporaneous »within-plate« type granites intruded in the Svecofennian crust. The volcanic arc was forced against the Svecofennian crust in which large tensional fracture zones ensued with strike directions normal to the collision front. In such tensional environments the »withinplate« type granites were generated. In the collision zone the crust was down-warped, and huge amounts of granitic melts were generated at the base of the crust. This TGPB Magma rose upwards utilizing the fracture zone between the arc rocks, generated slightly earlier, and the Svecofennian crust. A relatively thin upper part of the TGPB that spread laterally westwards became strongly deformed during the collision (i.e. the red SW Swedish gneisses), while the major deep-reaching TGPB root zone that was not completely solidified yet, acted as a buffer against the foliation front.
Zusammenfassung Vor 1,9 Milliarden Jahren kam es zur Neubildung von kontinentaler Kruste im svecofennischen Bereich des Baltischen Schildes. Ungefähr 100–150 Millionen Jahre später wurde im Südwesten des Schildes neue Kruste hinzugefügt. In diesem Artikel wird auf der Basis von Gravimetriemessungen und Lithogeochemie der Versuch unternommen die tektomschen Vorgänge, die zu diesem 1,75–1,8 Milliarden Jahre alten Krustenzuwachs führten, zu beschreiben.Der Transskandinavische-Granit-Porphyr-Gürtel (Transscandinavian-Granite-Porphyry-Belt/TGPB) trennt das Svecofennium von der polymetamorphen, im Südwesten Schwedens gelegenen Gneis-Region. Ein direkt westlich des TGPB gelegenes Vorkommen roter Orthogneise entspricht den deformierten TGPB Granitoiden. Graue Orthogneise, die weiter im Westen aufgeschlossen sind, zeigen eine mehr tonalitische bis granodioritische Zusammensetzung und werden auf einen vulkanischen Inselbogen zurückgeführt. Die TGPB Granitoide und die roten südwest-schwedischen Gneise stellen einen Übergang von den Inselbogen-Vulkaniten zu den zeitgleichen »Intra-Platten-Graniten« der svecofennischen Kruste dar. Der Inselbogen kollidierte mit der svecofennischen Kruste, es entstanden großräumige Bruchzonen mit Streichrichtungen senkrecht zur Kollisionsebene. Während des Zustands der hohen Druckspannung des Gebietes intrudierten die »Intra-Platten-Granite«. Innerhalb des Kollisionsbereiches wurde die Kruste nach unten gebogen, und so entstanden an der Basis der Kruste große Mengen granitischen Magmas. Dieses TGPB Magma stieg entlang der Störungszone innerhalb der Inselbogengesteine, die nur wenig älter sind, und der svecofennischen Kruste, auf. Nur ein, von relativ geringer Mächtigkeit, weiter westlich gelegener Teil des TGPB, die roten südwest-schwedischen Gneise, wurde während der Kollision intensiv deformiert. Dagegen war der Hauptanteil der tiefreichenden TGPB Wurzelzone noch nicht vollständig erstarrt und wirkte deshalb wie eine Pufferzone gegen die Schieferungsfront.

Résumé De la croûte continentale nouvelle s'est formée il y a 1,9 Ga dans le domaine des Svecofennides (Bouclier baltique). Environ 100 à 150 Ma plus tard, de la croûte nouvelle s'est accrétionnée à la bordure sud-ouest du bouclier. Cette note basée sur des mesures de gravité et la lithogéochimie, présente un essai d'analyse des processus tectoniques responsables de cette croissance continentale d'âge 1,75 à 1,8 Ga. Le «Transcandinavian Granite Porphygry Belt» (TGPB) sépare le domaine svécofennien des gneiss polymétamorphiques du sud-ouest de la Suède. Immédiatement à l'ouest de TGPB affleurent des orthogneiss rouges qui représentent l'équivalent déformé de granitoïdes du TGPB, tandis que des orthogneiss gris de tendance tonalitique-granodioritique, situés plus à l'ouest, ont été engendrées dans un environnement d'arc volcanique. Les granitoïdes du TGPB et les gneiss rouges du sud-ouest de la Suède représentent une transition entre ces produits d'arc volcanique et les granites intra-plaque de même âge intrudés dans la croûte svécofennienne. L'arc volcanique a été accrétionné à la croûte svécofennienne avec production dans celleci de grandes fractures d'extension perpendiculaires au front de collision. C'est dans ce domaine en extension que les granites intra-plaque se sont mis en place. Dans la zone de collision, la croûte s'est incurvée vers le bas et de grandes quantités de liquides granitiques ont été engendrées à la base de la croûte. Ces magmas TGPB sont montés à la faveur de la zone fracturée entre les roches de l'arc engendrée un peu plus tôt, et la croûte svécofennienne. Seule une fraction supérieure relativement mince du TGPB, développée vers l'ouest, a subi une déformation importante au cours de la collision, pour former les gneiss rouges du sud-ouest de la Suède; par contre, la partie principale de la racine profonde du TGPB, qui n'était pas encore entièrement solidifiée, a joné le role tampon en avant du front de foliation.

, 1,9 100–150 - . - (Transscandinavian Granite-Porphyry-Belt - TGPB) , - . TGPB , , , - , . TGPB - . , , . («within plate» type granites) , . . TGPB , , . TGPB, , - , . TGPB, , .
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