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The Post-Forum Study Tour following the 4th World Landslide Forum 2017 in Ljubljana (Slovenia) focuses on the variety of landslide forms in Slovenia and its immediate NW surroundings, and the best-known examples of devastating landslides induced by rainfall or earthquakes. They differ in complexity of the both surrounding area and of the particular geological, structural and geotechnical features. Many of the landslides of the Study Tour are characterized by huge volumes and high velocity at the time of activation or development in the debris flow. In addition, to the damage to buildings, the lives of hundreds of people are also endangered; human casualties occur. On the first day, we will observe complex Pleistocene to recent landslides related to the Mesozoic carbonates thrust over folded and tectonically fractured Tertiary siliciclastic flysch in the Vipava Valley (SW Slovenia), serving as the main passage between the Friulian lowland and central Slovenia, and thus also an important corridor connecting Northern Italy to Central Europe. A combination of unfavourable geological conditions and intense short or prolonged rainfall periods leads to the formation of different types of complex landslides, from large-scale deep-seated rotational and translational slides to shallow landslides, slumps and sediment gravity flows in the form of debris or mudflows. The second day of the study tour will be held in the So?a River Valley located in NW Slovenia close to the border with Italy, where the most catastrophic Sto?e landslide in Slovenia recently caused the deaths of seven people, and the nearby Strug landslide, which is a combination of rockfall, landslide and debris flow. The final day of the Post-Forum Study Tour will start in the Valcanale Valley located across the border between Slovenia and Italy, severely affected by a debris flow in August 2003. The flow caused the deaths of two people, damaged 260 buildings; large amounts of deposits blocked the A23 Highway, covering both lanes. In Carinthia (Austria), about 25 km west of Villach, the Dobra?/Dobratsch multiple scarps of prehistoric and historic rockslides will be observed. Dobratsch is a massive mountain ridge with a length of 17 km and a width of 6 km, characterized by steep rocky walls. The 3-day study tour will conclude with a presentation of the Poto?ka planina landslide, a slide whose lower part may eventually generate a debris flow and therefore represents a hazard for the inhabitants and for the infrastructure within or near the village of Koro?ka Bela.  相似文献   
Gerardo Herrera  Rosa María Mateos  Juan Carlos García-Davalillo  Gilles Grandjean  Eleftheria Poyiadji  Raluca Maftei  Tatiana-Constantina Filipciuc  Mateja Jemec Auflič  Jernej Jež  Laszlo Podolszki  Alessandro Trigila  Carla Iadanza  Hugo Raetzo  Arben Kociu  Maria Przyłucka  Marcin Kułak  Michael Sheehy  Xavier M. Pellicer  Charise McKeown  Graham Ryan  Veronika Kopačková  Michaela Frei  Dirk Kuhn  Reginald L. Hermanns  Niki Koulermou  Colby A. Smith  Mats Engdahl  Pere Buxó  Marta Gonzalez  Claire Dashwood  Helen Reeves  Francesca Cigna  Pavel Liščák  Peter Pauditš  Vidas Mikulėnas  Vedad Demir  Margus Raha  Lídia Quental  Cvjetko Sandić  Balazs Fusi  Odd Are Jensen 《Landslides》2018,15(2):359-379
Landslides are one of the most widespread geohazards in Europe, producing significant social and economic impacts. Rapid population growth in urban areas throughout many countries in Europe and extreme climatic scenarios can considerably increase landslide risk in the near future. Variability exists between European countries in both the statutory treatment of landslide risk and the use of official assessment guidelines. This suggests that a European Landslides Directive that provides a common legal framework for dealing with landslides is necessary. With this long-term goal in mind, this work analyzes the landslide databases from the Geological Surveys of Europe focusing on their interoperability and completeness. The same landslide classification could be used for the 849,543 landslide records from the Geological Surveys, from which 36% are slides, 10% are falls, 20% are flows, 11% are complex slides, and 24% either remain unclassified or correspond to another typology. Most of them are mapped with the same symbol at a scale of 1:25,000 or greater, providing the necessary information to elaborate European-scale susceptibility maps for each landslide type. A landslide density map was produced for the available records from the Geological Surveys (LANDEN map) showing, for the first time, 210,544 km2 landslide-prone areas and 23,681 administrative areas where the Geological Surveys from Europe have recorded landslides. The comparison of this map with the European landslide susceptibility map (ELSUS 1000 v1) is successful for most of the territory (69.7%) showing certain variability between countries. This comparison also permitted the identification of 0.98 Mkm2 (28.9%) of landslide-susceptible areas without records from the Geological Surveys, which have been used to evaluate the landslide database completeness. The estimated completeness of the landslide databases (LDBs) from the Geological Surveys is 17%, varying between 1 and 55%. This variability is due to the different landslide strategies adopted by each country. In some of them, landslide mapping is systematic; others only record damaging landslides, whereas in others, landslide maps are only available for certain regions or local areas. Moreover, in most of the countries, LDBs from the Geological Surveys co-exist with others owned by a variety of public institutions producing LDBs at variable scales and formats. Hence, a greater coordination effort should be made by all the institutions working in landslide mapping to increase data integration and harmonization.  相似文献   
Summary Turbulent erosion of the cold air pool (CAP) in a basin was investigated with a goal of evaluating Petkovšek’s (1985, 1992) hypothesis that wind velocity above a cold air pool must increase with time in order to destroy a cold air pool by the turbulent erosion mechanism. Measured wind data at surface stations above the CAP in the Ljubljana basin (in central Slovenia) show an increasing wind velocity with time, while coincident sodar data show the simultaneous time evolution of a vertical wind profile inside the basin, ending with complete erosion of the CAP. Numerical modelling with the MM5 non-hydrostatic model (Dudhia 1993, with Janjić’s 1990 and 1994 turbulent package of Mellor-Yamada level 2.5) in an idealized basin proved that when the wind exceeds a certain threshold velocity, the CAP starts to erode. The process stops, however, if the wind speed does not increase further. If the wind velocity continues to increase, the simulation leads to complete erosion of the CAP. For comparison with a real basin, erosion was also simulated in more complicated relief (one roughly representing the Ljubljana basin). The general results of the simulation are basically similar to the ones in the idealized basin. Received June 21, 2001 Revised November 13, 2001  相似文献   
The article examines the evolution of the Slovene minority in Carinthia (Austria) in dependence of political and socioeconomic developments and the methods used for determining the size of the minority. With statistic censuses which use the language of social intercourse as a criterion for measuring the size of the minority it is nowadays possible to determine only about one third of the minority population. Assimilation was most powerful in the stage of industrial society, when political pressures on the minority were also very strong. In tertiary post-industrial society the minority has better possibilities of preserving its national identity.  相似文献   
The permittivity, waves and altimetry (PWA) instrument was designed for the investigation of the electric properties and other related physical characteristics of the atmosphere of Titan, from an altitude around 140 km down to the surface. PWA carried sensors to measure the atmospheric conductivity, and record electromagnetic and acoustic waves up to frequencies of 11.5 and 6.7 kHz, respectively. PWA also measured the relief roughness during the descent and the permittivity of the surface after touchdown. The measurements and the results of the preliminary analysis are presented. An ionized layer is detected at altitudes above 50 km, using two independent techniques, and the presence of free electrons in the upper atmosphere is confirmed. An electric signal at around 36 Hz is observed throughout the descent, but it is not yet confirmed that this emission is unambiguously related to a resonance of the ionospheric cavity. The relative dielectric constant of Titan's surface material is nearly 2 and the electric conductivity 4×10−10 S m−1. The electric properties of the surface seem to evolve after touch-down, possibly due to a local warming of the landing site by the Huygens Probe body.  相似文献   
Bezak  Nejc  Sodnik  Jošt  Maček  Matej  Jurček  Timotej  Jež  Jernej  Peternel  Tina  Mikoš  Matjaž 《Landslides》2021,18(12):3891-3906

Debris flows are one of the natural disasters that can occur in the alpine environment, cause large economic damage, and endanger human lives. This study presents an overview of recent research done in relation to the debris flow hazard assessment and conceptual mitigation at the Koro?ka Bela area in Slovenia. This includes fieldwork, lab experiments, modelling, and a conceptual design of hydro-technical measures to reduce the risk. The results indicate that multiple debris flows occurred in the past in the area but a relatively long period of more than 100 years without an extreme event led to urbanization and development of the area. Magnitudes of the most extreme events as the worst-case scenarios were estimated to be in the range between 100,000 and 400,000 m3, using debris flow modelling and geological information from research trenches. Based on the landslide volumes, such events could also potentially occur in the future in extreme conditions. Additionally, torrential floods could mobilize more than 15,000 m3 of material located along the stream network that can be regarded as potentially unstable. The existing check dam system does not have the capacity to capture this material. Thus, a new check dam and three flexible net barriers could help to reduce the risk due to torrential outbursts or debris flows.

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