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Cored sediments from the Pigmy Basin, northern Gulf of Mexico, were analyzed in order to better constrain late deglacial and early Holocene paleoenvironmental and sedimentary changes in response to North American climate evolution. Mineralogical and geochemical proxies indicate the succession of two sedimentary regimes: dominantly detrital during the deglaciation (15–12.9 cal ka BP) whereas biogenic contribution relatively increased later on during the Younger Dryas and early Holocene (12.9 and 10 cal ka BP). Geochemical data reveal that the deglacial record mainly reflects variations of terrigenous supply via the Mississippi River rather than modifications of redox conditions in the basin. Specific variations of almost all the parameters measured in this paper are synchronous with the main deglacial meltwater episode (Meltwater Spike) described or modeled in previous marine or continental studies. During this episode, most parameters display “stair-step-like” – pattern variations highlighting three successive steps within the main meltwater flow. Variations in grain-size and clay mineral assemblage recorded in the Pigmy Basin indicate that the erosional regime was very strong on land during the first part of the Meltwater Spike, and then milder, inducing more subtle modifications in the sedimentary regime in this part of the Gulf. Specific geochemical and mineralogical signatures (notably, clay minerals and trace metal geochemistry) pinpoint a dominant origin from NW North America for detrital particles reflecting meltwater outflow from the south-western Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) margin during the most intense freshwater discharge. The observed decrease of the sedimentation rate from about 200 to 25 cm/ka at ca 12.9 ka evidenced a drastic decrease of erosional processes during late phase of discharge, consistently with the hypotheses of major reduction of meltwater flow. The major modification at 12.9 cal ka BP is interpreted to result from both modifications of the main Mississippi fluvial regime due to eastward and northward rerouting of meltwater flow at the onset of the Younger Dryas, and the increase of sea-surface temperature linked to insolation. Finally, slight grain-size modifications suggest that some freshwater discharges may have episodically reached the Gulf of Mexico after the Younger Dryas reflecting possible small adjustments of the postglacial hydrological regime.  相似文献   
Deltas are at the transition between fluvial and marine sedimentary environments where sediment density flows are often triggered during high river discharge events, forming submarine channels and sediment waves. On wave-influenced deltas, longshore currents are particularly efficient at transporting sediment alongshore, reducing the likelihood of sediment density flows from occurring at river mouths. This study describes four deltaic sedimentary systems at different stages of their evolution on a formerly glaciated continental inner shelf of eastern Canada in order to better understand the distribution of sediment density flows on wave-influenced deltas. Three types of settings are recognized as being prone to sediment density flows: (i) in the early stages of wave-influence and on large deltas, converging longshore currents can lead to offshelf sediment transport; (ii) on wave-influenced to wave-dominated deltas, a sandy spit can re-route the river mouth and sediment density flows form where the spit intersects the delta lip; (iii) in advanced stages of wave-dominated deltas and during their demise, rocky headlands are exposed and can intersect the slope, where off-shelf sediment transport occurs. These types of sediment density flows were all characterized by debris flows or surge-type turbidity currents which have limited offshore run-out. More rarely, hyperpycnal flows form at the river mouths, especially where the river incises glaciomarine clays prone to landsliding in the river, which increases fine-grained fluvial suspended sediment concentration. Overall, these results highlight the predominance of fluvial-dominated deltas during a phase of relative sea-level fall combined with high sediment supply. However, as soon as sediment supply diminishes, wave action remobilizes sediment alongshore modifying the distribution and types of sediment density flows occurring on wave-influenced deltas.  相似文献   
The early Miocene Pedregoso Formation is one of the numerous formations rich in organic matter within the stratigraphic record of the Urumaco Trough, in the central area of the Falcón Basin. Due to its lithological characteristics and stratigraphic position, this formation is of great interest regarding the basin's petroliferous systems. The evaluation of various inorganic and organic geochemical parameters indicates that the organic matter is primarily of marine origin, deposited in a marine carbonate environment typical of reefal systems, under oxic-to-dysoxic conditions. The low variability in the TOC concentrations and in the distributions of the biomarkers extracted from the samples suggests that the paleoenvironmental conditions and the organic-matter supply remained approximately constant throughout the sedimentation of this unit. The Pedregoso type-II organic matter (marine origin) and initial organic richness value (∼1.8%) suggest that this unit has probably generated hydrocarbons within the Urumaco Trough. However, present-day thermal maturity parameters reveal that the Pedregoso organic matter is overmature (dry gas window), indicating that this unit is only capable to generate gas. In addition, the geothermal gradient, maturity parameters, and the maximum paleotemperature estimated in this study suggest that the Pedregoso Formation reached a maximum burial depth the ∼6.5 km, consistent with the value obtained from data of stratigraphic thickness in the Urumaco Trough. This implies that the thermal anomaly that affected the basin during the Late Eocene–Early Miocene did not reach the central part of the basin, and therefore, the organic matter maturation in this unit is due to the sedimentary burial.  相似文献   
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