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  1996年   1篇
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An investigation of the content and distribution of REE in apatite and magnetite in the iron ores of Kiruna type and some other iron ores is presented. REE in apatite and magnetite in different ore types show characteristic patterns which are related to different modes of formation of the ores.The magnetite-apatite iron ores of the world can be divided into two types: (a) Kiruna iron ores proper which occur in volcanic rocks, and (b) iron ores connected with deuteric processes and/or related to intrusive rocks. Apatite of the Kiruna ores proper in Fennoscandia (e.g. Kiirunavaara, Malmberget and Grängesberg) shows a common pattern with 2000–7000 ppm REE, a weak to moderate LREE/HREE fractionation and negative Eu anomalies. In the Kiruna area, apatite of the main, P-poor ores and of the later, hydrothermal-exhalative P-rich ores, have the same REE distribution which indicates a common source. There is a similar REE distribution in magnetite-apatite trachytic-rhyodacitic host rock which confirms a close magmatic relationship. Apatite in phosphorites (such as the Paleoproterozoic Påläng deposit in northern Sweden) has a different composition (< 1000 ppm REE with Ce depletion) which excludes a sedimentary origin of the Kiruna apatite.Apatite in other volcanogenic magnetite-apatite ores outside Fennoscandia differ by a stronger LREE/HREE fractionation and by a medium to large Eu depletion, partly indicating a relationship to alkaline intrusions. The Avnik apatite, Turkey, shows a weak differentiation in combination with a pronounced negative Eu anomaly, indicating provenance from silicic magmatic sources.The REE pattern of apatite in the deuteric-hydrothermal apatite-bearing iron ores is in general similar to that of apatite in the Kiruna iron ores proper. The similarity indicates a common process of formation for both ore types.The apatite-iron ores of the Kiruna type proper were formed by a late-magmatic differentiation. The ores of the Kiruna area are, in similarity with some other magnetite-apatite ores, emplaced along regional fracture-fault lines and close to an older basement. In general the REE pattern of apatite in the different deposits shows an affinity to alkaline or sub-alkaline magmas, indicating a rifting environment. The alkaline, trachytic volcanics hosting the Kiruna ores in northern Sweden are clearly related to an extensional setting where rifting was important. A probable source for this large-scale ore-forming process was partial melting of deep-seated rocks. The ores evolved in an intracontinental setting with magma generation caused by underplating of older crust.The process giving rise to magnetite-apatite ores of the Kiruna type has occurred during the time span from Paleoproterozoic to Tertiary. The Proterozoic ores occur mainly in cratonized areas, whereas the younger ones occur in fold belts. The amount of ore formed in post-Proterozoic time is as large as that formed in Proterozoic time.  相似文献   
The initial lead isotopic composition of metamorphosed and tectonically reworked sulfide deposits is not always preserved, as sulfides easily change their lead isotopic composition through incorporation of lead derived from external fluids or redistribution and recrystallization of the deposit. Sulfide trace-lead and in cases even galena-lead from such deposits may show exceedingly radiogenic lead isotopic compositions. Thus, the initial lead isotopic composition has to be estimated from other minerals. Scapolite, which is a common phase in alteration haloes associated with epigenetic sulfide deposits in northern Sweden, has very low uranium-contents. Therefore, its trace-lead contents could preserve the initial isotopic composition of the ore-forming fluids. As scapolite is more resistant to recrystallization, it is more likely to reflect the original lead isotope signature of the deposit. This is illustrated using scapolite and sulfides from the Pahtohavare Cu-Au deposit in northern Sweden, which is hosted by Palaeoproterozoic mafic tuffites and graphitic schists and was affected by a mild thermal metamorphism during the Caledonian orogeny.  相似文献   
The present investigation deals with sulphur isotope distribution in Lower Proterozoic iron and sulphide mineralizations in northern Sweden. The contrasting sulphur isotope patterns are indicative of different genesis. Some 267 sulphur isotope analyses of pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena and bornite from 23 occurrences have been performed. Some deposits exhibit uniform compositions, although the mean 34S values are clearly different, while other mineralizations have widely fluctuating values.The 34S values in syngenetic, exhalative sedimentary skarn iron ores, quartz-banded iron ores and sulphide mineralizations of the 2.0–2.5 Ga old (Lapponian) Greenstone group show a large spread, supporting the existence of bacteriogenic sulphate reduction processes. The spread of the sulphur isotope values ( 34S = -8 to +25), and the non-equilibrium conditions, point to a biogenic rather than to an inorganic reduction of seawater sulphate.The isotopic composition of the sulphides in the epigenetic Lannavaara iron ores which were formed by a hydrothermal scapolite-tourmalme-related process, indicates a sulphur source similar to that of the Greenstone group. The 34S values of Cu-(Au) sulphide mineralizations in the Malmberget region (e.g. Aitik), which were formed by a similar process and hosted by the volcanics-volcanoclastics of the 1.9 Ga old Porphyry group, are slightly below zero , indicating a magmatic origin. The existence of different sulphur compositions for these mineralization types formed by a similar hydrothermal process, probably reflects the influence of the host rock, the solutions leaching pre-existing sulphides.In southern Norrbotten, epigenetic, Cu-Zn-Pb veintype mineralizations in metavolcanics and metasediments have 34S values close to zero indicating a magmatic origin. The sulphur isotope data of the volcanogenic, massive sulphide ores of the Skellefte district, in particular the ores of the Adak dome, are close to zero .The lead and sulphur isotopic features of the sulphides in northern Sweden show that the ore-forming processes were of a different nature on both sides of the Archean-Proterozoic border, implying differences in the crustal development. Lead isotopes show that lead was mobilized from specific sources on each side of the border. The sulphur of the sulphides in the Greenstone group in NE Sweden and Finland was introduced by sedimentary processes, whereas the sulphur of the sulphide occurrences towards the SW, mainly in the Porphyry group, is dominated by a magmatic sulphur component.  相似文献   
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