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Xenoliths record two distinct events in the mantle below theQuarternary West Eifel Volcanic Field, Germany. The first, duringthe Hercynian Orogeny, led to widespread formation of secondary,Ti-poor amphibole, clinopyroxene and phlogopite. The signatureof the second event, related to Quaternary volcanism, variesacross the field. At Dreiser Weiher and Meerfelder Maar, thisevent is characterized by amphibole–phlogopite–clinopyroxeneveins, hosted in lherzolite and harzburgite xenoliths broughtto the surface by sodic olivine nephelinite–basanite suitelavas. These veins formed from crystallization of sodic magmathat flowed along fractures in the mantle. At Rockeskyller Kopf,Gees and Baarley, the Quaternary event is characterized by wehrlitexenoliths, many of which have phlogopite–clinopyroxeneveins, that were transported by potassic foid suite lavas. Wehrliteformed by reaction of lherzolite–harzburgite, with a largevolume of potassic magma that flowed along grain boundariesrather than in fractures. During reaction, orthopyroxene wasconsumed and secondary clinopyroxene, olivine and phlogopiteprecipitated. Veins formed in wehrlites only during periodicover-pressure events. The composition of the magmas parentalto the veins is similar to the lavas that carried the xenolithsto surface, indicating that the source of foid and olivine nephelinite–basanitesuite magma is domainal, as was the flow regime and magma flux. KEY WORDS: Eifel; mantle xenoliths; metasomatism; trace elements  相似文献   
The model of Daisyworld showed that nonteleological mechanistic responses of life to the physical environment can stabilize an exogenously perturbed environment. In the model, 2 species of daisies, black and white, stabilize the global temperature of a planet exposed to different levels of insolation. In both species, the response of the growth rate to local temperature is identical, but differences in albedo between the 2 species generate differences in local temperatures. The shifting balance between the daisies keeps the global temperature in a range suitable for life. Watson and Lovelock made the stronger claim that "the model always shows greater stability with daisies than it does without them." We examined this claim by introducing an extra source of competition into the equations that describe the interactions between the daisy species. Depending on the parameters of competition, temperatures can vary more widely with increasing insolation in the presence of daisies than without them. It now seems possible, timely and perhaps necessary, to include an accurate representation of interspecific competition when taking account of vegetational influences on climate.  相似文献   
The Jason-1 sea state bias (SSB) is analyzed in depth from the first year of GDR products. Compared to previous missions, this work benefits from two aspects of the empirical determination of the SSB from the altimetric data themselves. First, from a methodological point of view, a nonparametric technique (NP) has been developed and largely tested on TOPEX/Poseidon 1, GFO and Envisat data. The NP estimator has proven to be a useful tool in the SSB estimation, and it is now mature enough to be used for a refined analysis. On the other hand, the SSB can be extracted from three different data sets (crossovers, collinear data, and residuals) with different characteristics. It is then possible to cross calibrate various estimations of the SSB models and to determine the most accurate one. A systematic comparison is made between these different estimates for the Jason-1 altimeter. The collinear and crossover data sets yield very similar estimates despite their difference of spatial and temporal distributions. These SSB models assure consistency with the TOPEX mission when comparing Jason-1 and TOPEX residuals during the tandem phase. Thanks to the present work, the impact of the short wavelengths filtering on the SSB estimation is evidenced. More generally, our understanding of potential errors affecting the sea surface height and their impact onto the SSB estimation is also improved.  相似文献   
Deposits within the floor of the Norwegian Basin were sampled to characterize the deposition from the Storegga Slide, the largest known Holocene‐aged continental margin slope failure complex. A 29 to 67 cm thick veneer of variable‐coloured, finely layered Holocene sediment caps a homogeneous, extremely well‐sorted, poorly consolidated, very fine‐grained, grey‐coloured sediment section that is >20 m thick on the basin floor. This homogeneous unit is interpreted to represent the uppermost deposits generated by a gravity flow associated with the last major Storegga Slide event. Sediments analogous to the inferred source material of the slide deposits were collected from upslope on the Norwegian Margin. Sediments sampled within the basin are distinguishable from the purported source sediments, suggesting that size sorting has significantly altered this material along its flow path. Moreover, the very fine grain size (3·1 ± 0·3 μm) suggests that the >20 m thick homogeneous unit which was sampled settled from suspension after the turbulent flow was over. Although the turbulent phase of the gravity flow that moved material out into the basin may have been brief (days), significantly more time (years) is required for turbid sediments to settle and dewater and for the new sea floor to be colonized with a normal benthonic fauna. Pore water sulphate concentrations within the uppermost 20 m of the event deposit are higher than those normally found in sea water. Apparently the impact of microbial sulphate reduction over the last ca 8·1 cal ka bp since the re‐deposition of these sediments has not been adequate to regenerate a typical sulphate gradient of decreasing concentration with sub‐bottom depth. This observation suggests low rates of microbial reactions, which may be attributed to the refractory carbon composition in these re‐deposited sediments.  相似文献   
Moraines along the southwestern slopes of the Qilian Shan were dated using cosmogenic radionuclide (CRN) surface exposure techniques to help define the timing of glaciation in northernmost Tibet. The CRN data show glaciers extending 5–10 km beyond their present positions during the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and probably maintained at their maximum extent until the Lateglacial. These data help support the view that glaciers throughout Tibet and the Himalaya were maintained at or near their maximum LGM extent until the Lateglacial. An optically stimulated luminescence date of 11.8 ± 1.0 ka on silt that caps a latero-frontal moraine shows that glaciers had retreated significantly by the end of the Pleistocene and that loess was beginning to form in this region in response to the changing climate during and after the Younger Dryas Stade.  相似文献   
Miocene to Recent volcanism in northwestern Arabia producedthe largest intraplate volcanic field on the Arabian plate (HarratAsh Shaam, Jordan). The chemically and isotopically diversevolcanic field comprises mafic alkali basalts and basanites.The magmas underwent limited fractional crystallization of ol± cpx ± plag and rare samples have assimilatedup to 20% of Late Proterozoic crust en route to the surface.However, there are subtle Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic variations(87Sr/86Sr = 0·70305–0·70377, 143Nd/144Nd= 0·51297–0·51285, 206Pb/204Pb = 18·8–19·2),which exhibit marked correlations with major elements, incompatibletrace element ratios and abundances in relatively primitivebasalts (MgO >8·5 wt %), and cannot be explained byfractional crystallization and crustal contamination alone.Instead, the data require polybaric melting of heterogeneoussources. Semi-quantitative melt modelling suggests that thisheterogeneity is the result of small degree melts (2–5%)from spinel- and garnet-facies mantle, inferred to be shallowArabian lithosphere, that mixed with smaller degree melts (<1%)from a predominantly deep garnet-bearing asthenospheric(?) sourcewith ocean island basalt characteristics. The latter may bea ubiquitous part of the asthenosphere but is preferentiallytapped at small degrees of partial melting. Volcanism in Jordanappears to be the result of melting lithospheric mantle in responseto lithospheric extension. With time, thinning of the lithosphereallowed progressively deeper mantle (asthenosphere?) to be activatedand melts from this to mix with the shallower lithospheric mantlemelts. Although Jordanian intraplate volcanism is isotopicallysimilar to examples of Late Cenozoic volcanism throughout theArabian peninsula (Israel, Saudi Arabia), subtle chemical andisotopic differences between Yemen and Jordan intraplate volcanismsuggest that the Afar plume has not been channelled northwestwardsbeneath the Arabian plate and played no role in producing thenorthern Saudi Arabian and Jordan intraplate volcanic fields. KEY WORDS: asthenosphere; intraplate volcanism; Jordan; lithospheric mantle; Sr–Nd–Pb isotopes  相似文献   
Corona, C., Edouard, J.‐L., Guibal, F., Guiot, J., Bernard, S., Thomas, A. & Denelle, N. 2010: Long‐term summer (AD751–2008) temperature fluctuation in the French Alps based on tree‐ring data. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00185.x. ISSN 0300‐9843. On the basis of a dense tree‐ring width network (34 unpublished multi‐centennial larch chronologies), this paper attempts to reconstruct, for the first time, the summer temperatures in the French Alps (44°–45.30°N, 6.30°–7.45°E) during the last millennium. The adaptative Regional Growth Curve standardization method is applied to preserve interannual to multi‐centennial variations in this high‐elevation proxy data set. The proxies are calibrated using the June to August mean temperatures from the last revised version of the HISTALP database spanning the period AD1760–2003 and adjusted to take into account the warm bias before 1850. About 45% of the temperature variance is reconstructed. Despite the use of the newly updated meteorological data set, the reconstruction still shows colder temperatures than early instrumental measurements between 1760 and 1840. The proxy record evidences a prolonged Medieval Warm Period persisting until 1500, with warm periods that resemble 20th century conditions but also cold phases before 1000 synchronous with Swiss glacier advances. The Little Ice Age is rather mild until 1660 if compared with other Alpine reconstructions. Thereafter, summers are 0.7 °C cooler than the 1961–1990 mean until 1920. The maximum temperature amplitude over the past 1250 years is estimated to be 3 °C between the warmest (810s, 1990s) and coldest (1810s) decades. Most of the 20th century is comparable with the Medieval Warm Period.  相似文献   
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