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Enthalpies of solution have been measured on a series of muscovite—paragonitemicas in 20.1% HF at 50C under isoperibolic conditions. Themolar enthalpy of formation of paragonite at 298 K, for whichno calorimetrically measured value is currently available, hasbeen determined to be –5937.5 (3) kJ. An inversion ofall calorimetric, volumetric and phase equilibrium data hasbeen performed, giving a range of mixing models compatible withmost experimental data. The following expressions of the mixingproperties of 2M1 micas for enthalpy (Hex) and volume (Vex)at pressures up to 10 kbar, forcing excess entropy (Sex) tobe zero and using a subregular mixing model are favoured: Hex(kJ) = [10.6+4.45(1–2Xms)]Xms(1–Xms) Vex(J/bar) = 0.452Xms(1–Xms). However, mixing models of higher order with asymmetric negativeSex are also possible. KEY WORDS: muscovite; paragonite; solvus; calorimetry; solid solution *Corresponding author.  相似文献   
Volcanism throughout the Luzon arc is associated with eastwardsubduction of the South China Sea floor along the Manila Trench.The southern section of the arc, the focus of this study, extendsfrom the Lingayen-Dingalan fault to the small islands just southof Luzon. Two segments appear to exist along this section ofthe arc the northern Bataan and southern Mindoro segments whichare separated by the Macolod Corridor. The volcanic rocks have typical arc phenocryst mineralogies:olivine, clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and titanomagnetite inthe most mafic rocks and clinopyroxene, plagioclase, orthopyroxene,titanomagnetite, ? amphibole in the more felsic samples. Complexzoning, sieve textures, and decoupling of incompatible traceelements suggest that processes such as assimilation have takenplace. The rocks from the study area range from basalts to rhyolitesand show typical calc-alkaline features. The rocks of the MacolodCorridor and Mindoro segment are particularly enriched in largeion lithophile elements (LILE), light rare earth elements (LREE),and radiogenic Sr compared with the Bataan segment. The datafall within the mantle array on Sr-Nd isotopic diagrams andgrade toward higher Sr and lower Nd isotopic values from northto south. A likely source for the volcanics of this study is either amid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB)-type mantle that undergoes higherdegrees of partial melting than regions involved in MORB generationor a previously depleted source. We suggest that the high fieldstrength element (HFSE) anomalies have been derived throughdifferential element partitioning during fluid transport fromthe subducted lithosphere to the mantle wedge. Continental crustal material seems to play a significant roleparticularly in the Macolod Corridor and the Mindoro segment,based on the high LILE, La/Sm ratios, radiogenic Sr isotopes,and 18O values. The Macolod Corridor and the Mindoro segmenthave undergone source contamination by crustal material fromthe North Palawan-Mindoro crustal block either during the collisionof this block with the Manila Trench or by subduction of sedimentsrich in this crustal material. A similar component has alsobeen detected in the Bataan segment but in minor amounts. Thetrace element and isotopic differences between the northernand southern sections of the arc are interpreted in terms ofvariable composition (i. e., variable amounts of a crustal componentintroduced from the Palawan-Mindoro crustal terrain) of themetasomatic fluids released into the source.  相似文献   

Effectuées dans le cadre du Projet Hidrologia e geoquímica na Bacia Amazönica (HiBAm), les nouvelles mesures de débit à Obidos ont amélioré la connaissance des caractéristiques hydrologiques de l'Amazone à cette station qui contrâle les plus forts débits du monde. Une nouvelle méthode de correction détermine les débits journaliers avec une précision de ±3.0%. La reconstitution des périodes manquantes, avec les observations faites à Manaus, permet de disposer d'une chronologie de près d'un siècle. Avec cet échantillon commençant en 1902, le module interannuel de l'Amazone à Obidos est de 163 000 m3 s?1, avec un coefficient d'irrégularité extrêmement faible (K3 = 1.28). L'étiage décennal (78 000 m3 s?1) est de même grandeur que la crue centenaire du Congo à Brazzaville. La crue décennale est estimée à 260 000 m3 s?1. Le Bilan hydrologique indique un déficit d'écoulement de 1193 mm, qui peut être assimilé à l'évapotranspiration réelle. En conclusion, l'Amazone est bien le fleuve le plus puissant et le plus régulier de la planète.  相似文献   
A new species, Tsuga nanfengensis sp. nov. (Pinaceae), is described on the basis of lignified fossil wood from the late Miocene of the Xianfeng Basin, central Yunnan, southwestern China. Detailed observation of the fossil wood specimens show the following characteristics: distinct growth rings, absence of resin canals, uniseriate bordered pits in the radial wall of tracheids, ray tracheids and piceoid and cupressoid cross-field pits. These features indicate similarities to the wood of extant Tsuga canadensis, T. chinensis, and T. dumosa. According to the fossil record, Tsuga was present in Xundian County during the Miocene. Today Tsuga is drought intolerant, preferring wet conditions with no extant species growing naturally in Xundian County. The presence of Tsuga in the Miocene of Xundian County indicates a humid climate consistent with previous palaeoclimatic reconstructions showing a wetter and probably shorter dry season in the Miocene, relative to the present day. Therefore, the change in the local climate such as increasing aridity through the Miocene might explain the local extinction of Tsuga from central Yunnan.  相似文献   
We present results of three sand-box experiments that model the association between tectonic accretion and sedimentation in a forearc basin. Experimental sedimentation occurs step by step in the forearc basin during shortening of the sand wedge. In each experiment, the development of the accretionary wedge leads to the formation of a major backthrust zone. This major deformation zone accounts for the thickening in the rear part of the wedge. In natural settings this tectonic bulge dams sediments that are transported toward the trench from mountainous terrain behind the forearc. We test the variation of friction along the déollement and note the following: (1) shortening of a low-friction wedge involves a mechanical balance between forethrusts and backthrust propagation and this balance is recorded by the sedimentary sequence trapped in the forearc basin. Indeed, if most of the movement occurs along the backthrust, the deepening of the basin will be larger and consequently the thickness of the sedimentary sequence will be greater. (2) Such balance does not exist in the case of a high-friction wedge. (3) Variation of friction along the décollement during shortening of the sand wedge leads to modification in the forearc basin filling. Thus, for similar increments of convergence, the sequence deposited in the forearc basin shows relatively larger thickness when the wedge is shortened above a high-friction décollement. We suggest that contraction and thickening in the rear part of the wedge is an efficient mechanism to, initiate and develop a forearc basin. Thus, this kind of basin occurs in convergent settings, without collapse related to local extension or tectonic erosion. They represent a sedimentary trap on a passive basement, bounded by a tectonic bulge. The Quaternary Hikurangi forearc basin, southeast of the North Island of New Zealand, is bounded by two actively uplifting ridges. Thus, this basin is considered to be a possible example of the basins modelled in our experiments, and we suggest that the limit between the basin and the wedge could be a complex backthrust zone.  相似文献   
Abstract A Hercynian charnockite occurs within high-grade gneisses in the Agly Massif, French Pyrenees. Its thermal history has been evaluated using the Fe-Mg distribution coefticient ( K D) between garnet and biotite. These minerals have different origins but similar compositions in the charnockites and host gneisses. In the charnockite, the Bi–Ga pairs are the retrograde products of Opx alteration. This Opx reaction with feldspar can be written. Opx + PI + Fluid 1(H2O + Al + K + Fe + Ti) = Bi + Ga + Q + Fluid 2(H2O + Na). The garnets are relatively Ca poor (4–2.5% grossular); they are automorphic and zoned in the gneisses and poikiloblastic in the charnockites. Both types show a retrograde rim (of few hundred microns'width) across which Fe and Mn increase as Mg decreases. The biotites show a good correlation between the octahedral cations (Ti4++ Fe2+) and (Mg2++ Al3+VI); Ti and Fe both increase, whereas Mg and AlVI decrease. There is an inverse linear correlation between Fe2+ and Mg2+ and the Fe/Mg ratio increases as Ti increases. The relation between Ti and K Ga-BiDFe-Mg is less clear: it seems that K D slightly decreases as Ti increases. The equilibration temperatures of Ga–Bi pairs are discussed: the charnockite Ga-Bi pairs have equilibrated between 550°C and 600°C; whereas those of the gneisses have equilibrated between 550°C and 650°C. Two main thermal steps appear: one in the gneisses between 600-650°C and a second one in both the gneisses and the charnockites between 550°C and 600°C.  相似文献   
The Beni Bousera ultramafic massif, Morocco, is composed ofperidotite with subordinate garnet pyroxenitc units which belongto two different families: (1) the Type I pyroxenites, whichare characterized by an Fe-enrichment trend; and (2) the TypeII pyroxenites, which are characterized by high but nearly constantMg/Fe ratios and highly variable concentrations of Ca and Al;the latter family includes corundum-bearing garnet pyroxeniteswhich resemble the peraluminous eclogites and grospydites describedas xenoliths in kimberlite diatremes. The Type II pyroxenites appear as layered sheets in the peridotite,and have granuloblastic metamorphic texture. They contain aprimary association of a coarse-grained assemblage (cpx + gt;cpx + gt + sp; cpx + gt + co), and a variety of secondary andtertiary associations includ ng clinopyrox-ene, orthopyroxene,olivine, spinel, corundum, sapphirine, plagioclase, and amphibole.The primary assemblage in the corundum-bearing pyroxenite ischaracterized by clinopyroxene rich in A12O3 (up to 20 wt%),and poor in Na2O (generally less than 2 wt.%). The clinopyroxenephase is therefore richer in the Ca-Ts molecule than in thejadeite molecule. On the other hand, the composition of theprimary and secondary clinopyroxene and garnet phases showsstrong variation across the pyroxenite sheets. These variationsexpress compositional variations of the rock system across thesheets. The cpx-gt associations indicate high temperatures (1200–1350?C) in the central parts of the sheets. The crystallizationpressure may have reached at least 20 kb in the corundum-bearingassemblages. The bulk-rock composition and the compatible element's behaviourin the Type II pyroxenite sheets suggest that the modal andcryptic layering mainly resulted from igneous fractionationprocesses. The REE patterns of corundum-bearing Type II pyroxeniteare characterized by low concentrations of HREE and by significantEu anomalies. These, together with the high bulk-rock Sr/Ndratios, suggest that plagioclase segregation may have playeda significant part in the rock genesis. These geochemical featuresare similar to those described, in the literature, in some low-pressure,plagioclase-bearing adcumulates (e.g., in the crustal sequenceof the Oman ophiolite). They are quite different from thoseobserved in the Type I pyroxenite sheets in the Beni Bouseramassif, whose geochemistry suggests that plagioclase playedno part in the fractionation process, whereas garnet probablyfractionated as an early igneous phase. The Type II pyroxenitesheets have a primary isotopic signature similar to MORB, basedon the composition of leached clinopyroxene. It is concluded that the Mg-rich Type II pyroxenite sheets resultedultimately from the fractionation of a basaltic melt at lowpressure, and from the accumulation of olivine, clinopyroxene,and plagioclase along dykes cross-cutting the surrounding peridotite.The close similarities with the geochemical features in theOman ophiolite lead us to suggest that these processes may havebeen operative in an oceanic crustal environment. The high-pressureand high-temperature crystallization of the ‘primary’cpx+gt + co assemblage was achieved deep in the mantle, aftersubduction and/or dragging down in convection currents of thisparticular piece of the (oceanic?) lithosphere. Further ascentmay have resulted in partial melting of peridotite and/or pyroxenite,and in the emplacement of the Type I pyroxenite sheets.  相似文献   
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