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Current Nature of the Kuroshio in the Vicinity of the Kii Peninsula   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Kuroshio flows very close to Cape Shionomisaki when it takes a straight path. The detailed observations of the Kuroshio were made both on board the R/V Seisui-maru of Mie University and on board the R/V Wakayama of the Wakayama Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station on June 11–14, 1996. It was confirmed that the current zone of the Kuroshio touches the coast and bottom slope just off Cape Shionomiaki, and that the coastal water to the east of the cape was completely separated from that to the west. The relatively high sea level difference between Kushimoto and Uragami could be caused by this separation of the coastal waters when the Kuroshio takes a straight path. This flow is rather curious, as the geostrophic flow, which has a barotropic nature and touches the bottom, would be constrained to follow bottom contours due to the vorticity conservation law. The reason why the Kuroshio leaves the bottom slope to the east of Cape Shionomisaki is attributed to the high curvature of the bottom contours there: if the current were to follow the contours, the centrifugal term in the equation of motion would become large and comparablee to the Coriolis (or pressure gradient) term, and the geostrophic balance would be destroyed. This creates a current-shadow zone just to the east of the cape. As the reason why the current zone of the Kuroshio intrudes into the coastal region to the west of the cape, it is suggested that the Kii Bifurcation Current off the southwest coast of the Kii Peninsula, which is usually found when the Kuroshio takes the straight path, has the effect of drawing the Kuroshio water into the coastal region. The sea level difference between Kushimoto and Uragami is often used to monitor the flow pattern of the Kuroshio near the Kii Peninsula. It should be noted that Uragami is located in the current shadow zone, while Kushimoto lies in the region where the offshore Kuroshio water intrudes into the coastal region. The resulting large sea level difference indicates that the Kuroshio is flowing along the straight path.  相似文献   
The distribution of Fe3+ and Ga3+ between the two tetrahedral sites in three synthetic melilites has been studied by using 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. In the melilite, (Ca2Ga2SiO7)50 (Ca2Fe3+GaSiO7)50 (mol %), the distribution of Fe3+ and Ga3+ in T1 and T2 sites is apparently random, which can be explained in terms of the electrostatic valence rule. However in the melilites, (Ca2MgSi2O7)52 (Ca2Fe3+GaSiO7)42 (Ca2Ga2SiO7)6 and (Ca2MgSi2O7)62 (Ca2Fe3+GaSiO7)36 (Ca2Ga2SiO7)2 (mol %), Fe3+ shows preference for the more ionic T1 site and Ga3+ for the more covalent T2 site. If the electronegativity of Ga3+ is assumed to be larger than that of Fe3+, the mode of distribution of Fe3+ and Ga3+ can be explained in terms of our previous hypothesis that a large electronegativity induces a stronger preference for the more covalent T2 site.  相似文献   
A micropaleontologic assemblage zone is defined by occurrence of some characteristic species among many coeval species. When number of assemblage-defining species and total number of species observed are designated as Aand N,respectively, the ratio, A/N,is strongly dependent on duration of the assemblage. Theoretical consideration on the basis of a micropaleontologic cohort model shows that, when origination rate and extinction rate of species are obtained, the most reasonable ratio (A/N) and duration of the assemblage can be determined. The probabilistic model described in this paper provides a theoretical relation between the ratio and the duration. Inaccuracy in correlating micropaleontologic data to certain assemblage zones established can not be avoided because of many natural sorting and artificial biases. Ambiguity arising when data with a small number of characteristic species are correlated with a certain assemblage is numerically estimated.  相似文献   
The characteristics of the groundwater cycle were researched using stable isotope technology in western Sri Lanka where climatic conditions change greatly within a relatively short distance. The effects of local climate, surface water and topography on the groundwater cycle in the study area with similar geological conditions were investigated. Sri Lanka can be divided spatially into a dry zone, an intermediate zone and a wet zone, and also temporally into the rainy season and the dry season. The zonal characteristics of the groundwater cycle were also elucidated using stable isotopic technology. As an input δ diagram of precipitation in the study area, there are obvious seasonal changes in the isotopic composition and a magnitude effect, both in the wet zone and dry zone. In the wet zone, the slope of the regression line between δ D and δ 18O and deuterium excess is close to 8 and 10, respectively. However, in the dry zone, the slope of the regression line between δ D and δ 18O and deuterium excess is much less than 8 and 10, respectively. In the wet zone, there is an obvious seasonal change in the isotopic composition of groundwater. The groundwater was recharged by precipitation during the whole year. The isotopically lighter groundwater was found at the valley bottom in the rainy season there. Under the very heavy precipitation conditions, the slope of the regression line between δ D and δ 18O and deuterium excess for groundwater was close to 8 and 10, respectively. In other cases, the slopes of the regression lines are less than 8. In the dry zone, the groundwater was recharged by precipitation only in the rainy season. The isotopically lighter groundwater was found on the ridge of the valley in the rainy season. The slope of the regression line between δ D and δ 18O and deuterium excess for groundwater was much less than 8 and 10, respectively. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
To investigate the response characteristics of a bay to tsunamis, field measurements of long-period waves have been carried out at Onagawa and Okachi Bays, both of which face the Pacific Ocean in northern Japan. In Onagawa Bay, the observed transfer function is in good agreement with the prediction based on the one-dimensional numerical model, in the period range larger than about 15 minutes. The response of shorter periods seems to be influenced by the two-dimensionality of the bay. The oscillations within Onagawa Harbor are also discussed with respect to the relative amplitude and phase at two stations inside the harbor and it is estimated that the reflection coefficient at the waterfront is about 0.7. In Okachi Bay, the oscillations in the period range larger than about 10 minutes could be explained by a Y-shaped model of the bay. The dominant oscillations offshore of these two-bays are found to be the mode with the motion predominantly in the direction normal to the shelf orientation, and the estimated power spectral density of incoming waves in deep water varies asf –2,f being the frequency. The waves of lateral modes, such as edge waves on the shelf, are small and of minor importance to generate bay oscillations of longer periods.  相似文献   
In order to estimate the dynamic structure of the VLF ionospheric exit point, we conducted multipoint ground-based observation of the natural VLF emissions at three unmanned sites: West Ongul (69°01′ S, 39°30′ E), Skallen (69°40′ S, 39°24′ E), and H100 (69°18′ S, 41°19′ E) around Japanese Syowa station, Antarctica, during a whole year of 2006. In this observation, we developed three sets of unmanned autonomous observation systems for natural VLF emissions. Each observation system consists of two crossed vertical loop antennas to pick-up North–South (NS) and East–West (EW) magnetic components, a multi-channel analyzer, and a data logger. The intensity and polarization of NS and EW magnetic components are obtained in 4 spaced frequency (0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 6.0 kHz) channels by the multi-channel analyzer.The VLF emissions observed at the three sites exhibit an interesting difference in the wave intensity as well as the polarization that allows important information about the locations of their ionospheric exit point to be determined. Firstly, to find the distinct exit point, we have theoretically calculated the spatial distributions of the wave intensity and the polarization on the Earth for VLF whistler mode waves coming down from the magnetized ionosphere, by using the full-wave analysis. Then, we have compared the calculated results with the observed data, to evaluate the possible locations of the ionospheric exit point for the auroral hiss events.As an example, the direction of the estimated ionospheric exit point for the auroral hiss event at 31 March 2006 was found to be consistent with a bright aurora region. However, in this case, the estimated ionospheric exit point was located a few hundred kilometers equatorward of the associated aurora. This would suggest that the ray paths for the auroral hiss could be different from the directions of the geomagnetic field lines for auroral precipitation.  相似文献   
Observational studies on the semiannual oscillation in the tropical stratosphere and mesosphere are reviewed. Results of many statistics based on rocket and satellite observations reveal that the long-term behavior of the mean zonal wind exhibits two semiannual cycles which have their maximum amplitudes centered at the stratopause level and the mesopause level, each one being associated with the semiannual temperature variations predominating at levels about 10 km lower.Observational evidence obtained from recent studies of the dynamical properties of upper stratospheric waves strongly supports the theoretical consideration that the stratospheric semiannual oscillation is the manifestation of the wave-zonal flow interaction with alternating accelerations of the westerly flow by Kelvin waves and the easterly flow by planetary Rossby waves.Regarding the semiannual variation in the upper mesosphere, however, very little is known about the possible momentum source. Therefore, emphasis is placed on the need for further observations of the structure and behavior of the tropical middle atmosphere.  相似文献   
Studies extending over three decades have concluded that the current orientation of the martian rotation pole is unstable. Specifically, the gravitational figure of the planet, after correction for a hydrostatic form, has been interpreted to indicate that the rotation pole should move easily between the present position and a site on the current equator, 90° from the location of the massive Tharsis volcanic province. We demonstrate, using general physical arguments supported by a fluid Love number analysis, that the so-called non-hydrostatic theory is an inaccurate framework for analyzing the rotational stability of planets, such as Mars, that are characterized by long-term elastic strength within the lithosphere. In this case, the appropriate correction to the gravitational figure is the equilibrium rotating form achieved when the elastic lithospheric shell (of some thickness LT) is accounted for. Moreover, the current rotation vector of Mars is shown to be stable when the correct non-equilibrium theory is adopted using values consistent with recent, independent estimates of LT. Finally, we compare observational constraints on the figure of Mars with non-equilibrium predictions based on a large suite of possible Tharsis-driven true polar wander (TPW) scenarios. We conclude, in contrast to recent comparisons of this type based on a non-hydrostatic theory, that the reorientation of the pole associated with the development of Tharsis was likely less than 15° and that the thickness of the elastic lithosphere at the time of Tharsis formation was at least ∼50 km. Larger Tharsis-driven TPW is possible if the present-day gravitational form of the planet at degree 2 has significant contributions from non-Tharsis loads; in this case, the most plausible source would be internal heterogeneities linked to convection.  相似文献   
Summary ?This work examines the luminescence of zircon studied by laser-induced time-resolved methods. This method allows the differentiation between luminescence centers of similar emission wavelengths, but different decay times. Samples include a suite of natural zircons, nominally pure synthetic ZrSiO4, and ZrSiO4 artificially doped by Mn, Fe, Cr, Ni, Co, Pb, Sb, Ti, Ta, V, Sc, U, U-P, and Th-P. In addition, pure ZrSiO4 samples irradiated by thermal neutrons have been studied. We have clarified the nature of several luminescence bands reported previously from time independent studies, and suggest the following as the causes of luminescence in zircon systems: 1) the yellow band with peak wavelength (λmax) = 575 nm, peak half-width (Δ) = 120–130 nm, and decay time (τ) = 30–35 μs is connected with neutron and alpha irradiation, 2) the green band with λmax = 505 nm and vibrational structure is linked to the presence of the uranyl ion, but it is only observed in artificial samples with co-doping by U and P, 3) the red band with λmax = 750 nm, Δ = 110–120 nm and τ = 3–5 ms is connected with Fe3+. We have also identified new luminescence bands, obscured by stronger emissions. These are: emission a) with λmax = 480 nm, Δ = 70–80 nm and τ = 300–325 μs, emission b) with λmax = 515 nm, Δ = 90–100 nm and τ = 500–520 μs, emission c) with λmax = 605 nm, Δ = 110–125 nm and τ = 8–10 μs. These emissions have not been detected in synthetic doped zircons and their interpretation remains the subject of further investigation. Received November 16, 2001; revised version accepted March 15, 2002  相似文献   
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