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Comparing spaceborne satellite images of Landsat‐8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Landsat‐7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus (ETM+) was undertaken to investigate the relative accuracy of mapping hydrothermal alteration minerals. The study investigated the northern part of Rabor, which contains copper mineralization occurrences, and is located in the Kerman Cenozoic magmatic assemblage (KCMA), Iran. Image processing methods of band ratio, principal component analysis (PCA), and spectral angle mapper (SAM) were used to map the distribution of hydrothermally altered rocks associated with the porphyry copper mineralization. The band ratio combination of both sensors for mapping altered areas showed similar outcomes. PCA exposed variations in the spatial distribution of hydroxyl‐bearing minerals. The representation of hydrothermal areas using OLI data was more satisfactory than when using ETM+ data. SAM analysis found similar results for mapping hydroxyl‐bearing zones. Verification of the results came through ground investigation and laboratory studies. Rock samples (n = 56) were collected to validate results using thin sections, X‐ray diffraction (XRD) and spectral analyses. Field observations and laboratory analysis revealed that phyllic and propylitic alterations dominate the alteration zones in the study area. Argillic and iron oxides/hydroxides alterations were observed to a lesser degree. The results indicate that alteration maps prepared by OLI data using PCA for visual interpretation are more suitable than those of ETM+ due to a higher radiometric resolution and lower interference between vegetation and altered areas. As the spectral bandwidth of ETM+ band 7 covers absorption feature of propylitic alteration, better mapping of propylitic alterations is achieved using ETM+ data.  相似文献   

Almost all causative factors of diseases depend on location. The Digital Earth approach is suitable for studying diseases globally. Geospatial information systems integrated with statistical models can be used to model the relationship between a disease and its causative factors. Through modelling, the most important causative factors can be extracted and the epidemiology of the disease can be observed. In this paper, skin cancer (the most common type of cancer) has been modelled based on its causative factors, including climate factors, people's occupations, nutrition habits, socio-economic factors, and usage of chemical fertiliser. To fit the model, a data framework was first designed, and then data were gathered and processed. Finally, the disease was modelled using Generalised Linear Models (GLM), a statistical model based on the location of the factors. The results of this study identify the most important causative factors together with their relative priority. Furthermore, a model was used to predict the change in skin cancer occurrences caused by a change in one of its causative factors. This work illustrates the ability of the model to predict disease occurrence. Thus, by using this Digital Earth approach, skincancer can be studied in all the key countries around the world.  相似文献   
In the present work, a continuous catalytic wet peroxide oxidation fixed bed reactor was employed to treat a simulated wastewater sample with malachite green dye, as a contaminant. Natural perlite particle-supported nano-Fe3O4 catalyst was used as a fixed bed inside a reactor, and it was immobilized by a persistent magnetic field. The range of (perlite) particle sizes was from 100 to 1000 nm. The effects of various operating parameters, including temperature of the reactor, pH, initial hydrogen peroxide concentration and initial dye concentration, were investigated on the percentage removal of malachite green dye. Load of catalyst of 2 g and volumetric flow rate of 1 L/h were selected for all the tests. Maximum malachite green degradation was 99.5 ± 0.3%. This removal percentage was attained at temperature of 80 °C, pH = 6, initial dye concentration of 6 mg/L and initial hydrogen peroxide concentration of 100 mg/L. The process was isotherm, and the catalyst showed high catalytic activity in the steady-state condition. The loss of catalyst was less than 0.3%.  相似文献   
Understanding transpiration and plant physiological responses to environmental conditions is crucial for the design and management of vegetated engineered covers. Engineered covers rely on sustained transpiration to reduce the risk of deep drainage into potentially hazardous wastes, thereby minimizing contamination of water resources. This study quantified temporal trends of plant water potential (ψp), stomatal conductance (gs), and transpiration in a 4‐year‐old evergreen woody vegetation growing on an artificial sandy substrate at a mine waste disposal facility. Transpiration averaged 0.7 mm day?1 in winter, when rainfall was frequent, but declined to 0.2 mm day?1 in the dry summer, when the plants were quite stressed. In winter, the mean ψp was ?0.6 MPa at predawn and ?1.5 MPa at midday, which were much higher than the corresponding summer values of ?2.0 MPa and ?4.8 MPa, respectively. The gs was also higher in winter (72.1–95.0 mmol m?2 s?1) than in summer (<30 mmol m?2 s?1), and negatively correlated with ψp (p < 0.05, r2 = 0.71–0.75), indicating strong stomatal control of transpiration in response to moisture stress. Total annual transpiration (147.2 mm) accounted for only 22% of the annual rainfall (673 mm), compared with 77% to 99% for woody vegetation in Western Australia. The low annual transpiration was attributed to the collective effects of a sparse and young vegetation, low moisture retention of the sandy substrate, and a superficial root system constrained by high subsoil pH. Amending the substrate with fine‐textured materials should improve water storage of the substrate and enhance canopy growth and deep rooting, while further reducing the risk of deep drainage during the early stages of vegetation establishment and in the long term. Overall, this study highlights the need to understand substrate properties, vegetation characteristics, and rainfall patterns when designing artificial ecosystems to achieve specific hydrological functions. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In active tectonic areas like Iran, where the coverage of seismograph stations is inadequate but earthquakes occur frequently, uppermost mantle body wave velocities are conventionally determined by using a single station and an array of earthquake sources. This method fails when earthquakes are mislocated or source areas have varied structures. An extension of the traditional surface wave two-station method is developed for body waves and shown to be independent of mislocation errors. It thus gives accurate estimates of body wave velocities along two station paths with greatly reduced errors.Uppermost mantle P wave (Pn) velocities are determined along several paths in Iran using this method and show zones of low-velocity corresponding to zones of high attenuation and Quaternary volcanic activity in the country. A remarkably high Pn velocity of 8.30 km/s is found for the Zagros area of western Iran more typical of shield like structures than that of tectonic areas.  相似文献   
Three-dimensional (3D) seismic data from the southern Danish North Sea were used to analyse the morphology and spatial distribution of depressions in the Danian Chalk deposit. Previously, these depressions were either interpreted as karst structures or pockmarks. The observed depressions occur in an interval from 25 ms below to 12 ms above the Top Chalk surface. Three types of depressions were differentiated based on their plan-view geometry and their degree of symmetry: Type 1, comprising sub-circular and symmetrical depressions, is the dominant group (ca. 70 %). Type 2, elongated and symmetrical depressions, represents only a small fraction (ca. 5 %). The elongated and asymmetrical depressions of Type 3 compose ca. 25 %. In cross section, each depression type can be either characterised by a V- or a U-shape. The maximum size of the depressions ranges from 50 to 580 m, with an average internal depth of 10 m. We interpret the depressions as pockmarks formed by the expulsion of biogenic or thermogenic fluids at the Danian seafloor. Likely, the initial form of the pockmarks has been circular (Type 1) and was subsequently modified for Types 2 and 3 to an elongated form by currents. The long axis of the pockmarks is interpreted to represent the effective current direction. The inferred direction is sub-parallel to the palaeobathymetric contours. The 3D seismic interpretation of pockmarks presented in this paper contributes to the understanding of fluid migration and palaeocirculation patterns during the sedimentation of the terminal Chalk Group in the southern Danish North Sea.  相似文献   
The unique occurrence of abundant (~1 vol%) near‐pure‐Fe metal in the Camel Donga eucrite is more complicated than previously believed. In addition to that component of groundmass metal, scattered within the meteorite are discrete nodules of much higher kamacite abundance. We have studied the petrology and composition of two of these nodules in the form of samples we call CD2 and CD3. The nodules are ovoids 11 (CD2) to 15 (CD3) mm across, with metal, or inferred preweathering metal, abundances of 12–17 vol% (CD2 is unfortunately quite weathered). The CD3 nodule also includes at its center a 5 mm ovoid clumping (6 vol%) of F‐apatite. Both nodules are fine‐grained, so the high Fe metal and apatite contents are clearly not flukes of inadequate sampling. The metals within the nodules are distinctly Ni‐rich (0.3–0.6 wt%) compared to the pure‐Fe (Ni generally 0.01 wt%) groundmass metals. Bulk analyses of three pieces of the CD2 nodule show that trace siderophile elements Ir, Os, and Co are commensurately enriched; Au is enriched to a lesser degree. The siderophile evidence shows the nodules did not form by in situ reduction of pyroxene FeO. Moreover, the nodules do not show features such as silica‐phase enrichment or pyroxene with reduced FeO (as constrained by FeO/MgO and especially FeO/MnO) predicted by the in situ reduction model. The oxide minerals, even in groundmass samples well away from the nodules, also show little evidence of reduction. Although the nodule boundaries are generally sharp, groundmass‐metal Ni content is anti‐correlated with distance from the CD3 nodule. We infer that the nodules represent materials that originated within impactors into the Camel Donga portion of the eucrite crust, but probably were profoundly altered during later metamorphism/metasomatism. Origin of the pure‐Fe groundmass metal remains enigmatic. In situ reduction probably played an important role, and association in the same meteorite of the Fe‐nodules is probably significant. But the fluid during alteration was probably not (as previously modeled) purely S and O, of simple heat‐driven internal derivation. We conjecture a two‐stage metasomatism, as fluids passed through Camel Donga after impact heating of volatile‐rich chondritic masses (survivors of gentle accretionary impacts) within the nearby crust. First, reduction to form troilite may have been triggered by fluids rich in S2 and CO (derived from the protonodules?), and then in a distinct later stage, fluids were (comparatively) H2O‐rich, and thus reacted with troilite to form pure‐Fe metal along with H2S and SO2. The early eucrite crust was in places a dynamic fluid‐bearing environment that hosted complex chemical processes, including some that engendered significant diversity among metal+sulfide alterations.  相似文献   
Organic geochemical analysis and palynological studies of the organic matters of subsurface Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous Formations for two wells in Ajeel oil field, north Iraq showed evidences for hydrocarbon generation potential especially for the most prolific source rocks Chia Gara and Sargelu Formations. These analyses include age assessment of Upper Jurassic (Tithonian) to Lower Cretaceous (Berriasian) age and Middle Jurassic (Bathonian–Tithonian) age for Chia Gara and Sargelu Formations, respectively, based on assemblages of mainly dinoflagellate cyst constituents. Rock-Eval pyrolysis have indicated high total organic carbon (TOC) content of up to 18.5 wt%, kerogen type II with hydrogen index of up to 415 mg HC/g TOC, petroleum potential of 0.70–55.56 kg hydrocarbon from each ton of rocks and mature organic matter of maximum temperature reached (Tmax) range between 430 and 440 °C for Chia Gara Formation, while Sargelu Formation are of TOC up to 16 wt% TOC, Kerogen type II with hydrogen index of 386 mg HC/g TOC, petroleum potential of 1.0–50.90 kg hydrocarbon from each ton of rocks, and mature organic matter of Tmax range between 430 and 450 °C. Qualitative studies are done in this study by textural microscopy used in assessing amorphous organic matter for palynofacies type belonging to kerogen type A which contain brazinophyte algae, Tasmanites, and foraminifera test linings, as well as the dinoflagellate cysts and spores, deposited in dysoxic–anoxic environment for Chia Gara Formation and similar organic constituents deposited in distal suboxic–anoxic environment for Sargelu Formation. The palynomorphs are of dark orange and light brown, on the spore species Cyathidites australis, that indicate mature organic matters with thermal alteration index of 2.7–3.0 for the Chia Gara Formation and 2.9–3.1 for the Sargelu Formation by Staplin's scale. These characters have rated the succession as a source rock for very high efficiency for generation and expulsion of oil with ordinate gas that charged mainly oil fields of Baghdad, Dyala (B?aquba), and Salahuddin (Tikrit) Governorates. Oil charge the Cretaceous-Tertiary total petroleum system (TPS) are mainly from Chia Gara Formation, because most oil from Sargelu Formation was prevented passing to this TPS by the regional seal Gotnia Formation. This case study of mainly Chia Gara oil source is confirmed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis for oil from reservoirs lying stratigraphically above the Chia Gara Formation in Ajeel and Hamrine oil fields, while oil toward the north with no Gotnia seal could be of mainly Sargelu Formation source.  相似文献   
Proper pipeline route selection is an integral component of a typical oil exploration and transportation project. Improperly selected routes could have severe consequences including pipe failures, oil spillage, and environmental disasters. Consequently, technologies like geographic information systems (GIS) are increasingly being used to facilitate the oil pipeline route selection procedure—especially for onshore routing projects. Surprisingly, not much has been documented on the application of GIS to offshore pipeline routing. With recent discoveries on the merits of offshore oil exploration, it is necessary to extend the analytical capabilities of GIS to the unique offshore domain. However, concerns have been raised regarding the limitations of GIS in accurately prioritizing diverse selection criteria in typical multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problems like route selection. Consequently, this paper addresses the offshore/subsea pipeline routing constraint using a hybrid decision support system (DSS), which integrates a GIS and fuzzy logic-based approximate reasoning (AR) models for optimal performance. The resultant spatial decision support system (SDSS) was successfully applied to a case study in Malaysia. The AR algorithm calculated the significance level of the multiple criteria using various fuzzy linguistic variables and membership functions. The aggregated priority ranking from different pipeline routing experts showed that the overall influence of the environmental criteria (61.4%) significantly exceeded that of other equally important criteria in the study area. These rankings were inputted into the SDSS to simulate various probable routes. Final results accurately highlighted an optimal route, which places a premium on the protection of environmental features in the subsea study area—in alignment with the preferences of majority of the experts.  相似文献   
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