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The growth of Glasgow from a small town into a heavily industrialised conurbation depended greatly on its local geological riches. Extensive mining and quarrying of a range of minerals took place from the 18th century onwards. The early underground stoop and room (pillar and stall) workings, and the backfilled quarries, together with variably consolidated natural superficial deposits, have bequeathed to the city a heritage of unwanted engineering problems which cannot easily be quantified. Recent work by the British Geological Survey (BGS) illustrates the scale of both geological and man-made problems.  相似文献   
Varved lake sediments can be used to set multiple environmental proxies within a calendar year time scale. We undertook a systematic survey of lakes in the Province of Värmland, west central Sweden, with the aim of finding continuous varved lake sediment sequences covering the majority of the Holocene. In Fennoscandia, such sediments have previously only been recorded in northern Sweden and in southern and central Finland. By following a selective process and fieldwork we discovered three new varved sites (i.e. Furskogstjärnet, Mötterudstjärnet and Kälksjön). We found that lakes with varved sediments have several common lake morphometry properties and lake catchment characteristics such as maximum water depth, maximum water depth/lake surface area ratio, catchment soil types, altitude and number of inflows. Varve chronologies, supported by AMS-14C dating and tephrochronology were established for two of the sediment profiles. These varve chronologies are the longest geological records with an annual resolution known to exist in Sweden. In Furskogstjärnet, the AMS- 14C dates based on terrestrial plant macrofossils at several levels deviate significantly from the varve based time-depth curve. In Motterudstjarnet, a fully reasonable time-depth model based on the 14C dates gives older ages in the lower part of the sequence compared to the varve chronology. These results highlight that seemingly acceptable AMS radiocarbon dates may be erroneous. They also point to the fact that varved lake sediments are reliable geological archives with respect to chronological control and accuracy. Thus, these archives should be of prime interest for studies of climate and environmental change undertaken with the aim of providing sub-decadal resolution proxy data sets.  相似文献   
The volcanoes of the South Sandwich island arc follow threedistinct series: low-K tholeiitic (followed by Zavodovski, Candlemas,Vindication, Montagu and Bristol), tholeiitic (followed by Visokoi,Saunders and Bellinghausen) and calcalkaline (followed by Leskov,Freehand and part of Cook and Thule). Flux calculations indicatethat the percentage contribution of the subduction componentto the mantle source of all three series varies from undetectable(e.g. Zr) through small (e.g. Nd=20%) and moderate (e.g. La,Ce, Sr=50–80%) to dominant (e.g. Pb, K, Ba, Rb, Cs >90%)with little change along the arc. Isotope systematics (Pb, Nd,Sr) show that this subduction component obtains a greater contributionfrom altered oceanic crust than from pelagic sediment. Elementsfor which the subduction contribution is small show that themantle is already depleted relative to N-MORB mantle (equivalentto loss of an 2•5% melt fraction) before melting beneaththe arc. After addition of the subduction component, dynamicmelting of this depleted mantle then causes the variations inK that distinguish the three series. The estimated degree ofpartial melting (20%) is slightly greater than that beneathocean ridges, though geothermometry suggests that the primarymagma temperature (1225C) is similar to that of primary MORB.About half of the melting may be attributed to volatile addition,and half to decompression. Dynamic melting involving three-dimensional,two-phase flow may be needed to explain fully the inter-islandvariations. KEY WORDS: geochemistry; petrology; fluxes; melting; subduction *Corresponding author  相似文献   
The grain/bed collision in sand transport by wind   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In the last decade much progress has been made toward the development of a comprehensive model of aeolian sediment transport in which the grain/bed collision has been identified as having a significant role. The grain/bed collision has been studied by both physical experiments and numerical simulation. A principal objective of these studies has been to gather sufficient data to characterize the collision in order that it may be represented as an empirical function in numerical models of the sand transport system. Thus the study of the exact physical mechanism of the collision has to some extent been neglected. The transport of larger particles in saltation over a loose surface is known to promote the release of finer particles from that surface into suspension. Thus the precise physics of the grain/bed collision become highly significant with regard to the physics of dust release from a surface. This paper re-examines previous collision data and compares them with a simple collision model. This model proposed that the impinging grain strikes a single surface grain and rebounds: an alternative mechanism might be that the impinging grain ploughs through the surface striking a number of bed grains before rebounding. The collision data are shown to support the model: first, because the duration of the collisions observed on the high speed film supports a short contact time with the surface and, second, because the data fit well with the model.  相似文献   
Repeated dye tracer tests were undertaken from individual moulins at Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland, over a number of diurnal discharge cycles during the summers of 1989–1991. It was hoped to use the concepts of at-a-station hydraulic geometry to infer flow conditions in subglacial channels from the form of the velocity–discharge relationships derived from these tests. The results, however, displayed both clockwise and anticlockwise velocity–discharge hysteresis, in addition to the simple power function relationship assumed in the hydraulic geometry approach. Clockwise hysteresis seems to indicate that a moulin drains into a small tributary channel rather than directly into an arterial channel, and that discharges in the two channels vary out of phase with each other. Anticlockwise hysteresis is accompanied by strong diurnal variations in the value of dispersivity derived from the dye breakthrough curve, and is best explained by hydraulic damming of moulins or sub/englacial passageways. Despite the complex velocity–discharge relationships observed, some indication of subglacial flow conditions may be obtained if tributary channels comprise only a small fraction of the drainage path and power function velocity–discharge relationships are derived from dye injections conducted during periods when the supraglacial discharge entering the moulin and the bulk discharge vary in phase. Analyses based on this premise suggest that both open and closed channel flow occur beneath Haut Glacier d'Arolla, and that flow conditions are highly variable at and between sites.  相似文献   
The dominantly shallow-marine Vendian succession of NE Spitsbergen contains distinctive types of carbonate rock. Limestones deposited before Vendian glaciation resemble those described from other Upper Proterozoic successions, being high in Sr and inferred to have been originally aragonitic, including the distinctive 5–10 Jim equant polygonal calcite of cemented shrinkage cracks. In contrast, manganoan stromatolitic limestones within marginal-marine glacial-outwash deposits, and consisting of micrite, microspar and fascicular-optic calcite are interpreted as originally calcitic. The restriction of primary marine calcite to cold seawater is comparable with Recent and Permian carbonates, although the Precambrian example formed in a sea diluted with meltwater. There is good textural preservation of relatively 18O-rich oolitic dolostones which were cemented in a supratidal environment by artesian fluids. Nevertheless, early diagenetic replacement is inferred, immediately prior to a glacial episode. Post-glacial dolostones are either replacive marine, or evaporative lacustrine, but share rather more negative δ18O values, closer to the mean of Late Precambrian dolostones. The heaviest oxygen isotope values constrain seawater δ18O to no more negative than — 2 to — 4SMOW. The main reason for the pronounced oxygen isotopic depletion of most Late Precambrian carbonates is their initial metastable mineralogy. The possibility of determining palaeolatitudes of the enigmatic widespread Late Proterozoic glaciations by isotopic analysis of freshwater periglacial calcareous precipitates is raised. Significant carbon isotope variations reflect changes in depositional water chemistry: some of these could be global in extent.  相似文献   
The depositional stratigraphy of within‐channel deposits in sandy braided rivers is dominated by a variety of barforms (both singular ‘unit’ bars and complex ‘compound’ bars), as well as the infill of individual channels (herein termed ‘channel fills’). The deposits of bars and channel fills define the key components of facies models for braided rivers and their within‐channel heterogeneity, knowledge of which is important for reservoir characterization. However, few studies have sought to address the question of whether the deposits of bars and channel fills can be readily differentiated from each other. This paper presents the first quantitative study to achieve this aim, using aerial images of an evolving modern sandy braided river and geophysical imaging of its subsurface deposits. Aerial photographs taken between 2000 and 2004 document the abandonment and fill of a 1·3 km long, 80 m wide anabranch channel in the sandy braided South Saskatchewan River, Canada. Upstream river regulation traps the majority of very fine sediment and there is little clay (< 1%) in the bed sediments. Channel abandonment was initiated by a series of unit bars that stalled and progressively blocked the anabranch entrance, together with dune deposition and stacking at the anabranch entrance and exit. Complete channel abandonment and subsequent fill of up to 3 m of sediment took approximately two years. Thirteen kilometres of ground‐penetrating radar surveys, coupled with 18 cores, were obtained over the channel fill and an adjacent 750 m long, 400 m wide, compound bar, enabling a quantitative analysis of the channel and bar deposits. Results show that, in terms of grain‐size trends, facies proportions and scale of deposits, there are only subtle differences between the channel fill and bar deposits which, therefore, renders them indistinguishable. Thus, it may be inappropriate to assign different geometric and sedimentological attributes to channel fill and bar facies in object‐based models of sandy braided river alluvial architecture.  相似文献   
Snowball, I., Muscheler, R., Zillén, L., Sandgren, P., Stanton, T. & Ljung, K. 2010: Radiocarbon wiggle matching of Swedish lake varves reveals asynchronous climate changes around the 8.2 kyr cold event. Boreas, Vol. 39, pp. 720–733. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00167.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. A series of nine radiocarbon measurements obtained at increments of 50 years was used to wiggle match varved sediments in Lake Kälksjön (west central Sweden) to the calendar year time scale provided by the tree‐ring‐derived radiocarbon calibration curve. The anchor point for a series of 400 varves known to span the ‘8.2 kyr cold event’ was derived from a combination of correlation analysis, Monte Carlo statistics and Bayesian age modelling. The GRIP and NorthGRIP ice‐cores were matched to the same absolute time scale by comparing 10Be data and tree‐ring Δ14C. The radiocarbon‐based wiggle match, organic carbon measurements, mineral magnetic parameters and XRF data reconstruct a distinct period of enhanced erosion in Kälksjön's catchment between 8066 ± 25 and 7920 ± 25 cal. yr BP. Prior to human impact, the increased erosion in the boreal environment is assigned to increased winter precipitation in the form of snow, which caused spring meltwater discharge to intensify. Our results suggest that the abrupt onset of increased winter precipitation in west central Sweden started at least 50 years after the onset of the ‘8.2 kyr cold event’ as defined by oxygen isotope data from Greenland. The study highlights the value of synchronized time scales in the reconstruction of abrupt climate changes based on proxy data.  相似文献   
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