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The Inthanon Zone of Northern Thailand, origi-nally proposed by Barr and Macdonald (1991), is characterized by the occurrence of Paleo-Tethyan pe-lagic sediments including Carboniferous–Permian seamount-type carbonate associated with oceanic ba-saltic rocks and Middle Devonian–Middle Triassic radiolarian chert (Ueno, 1999; Ueno and Hisada, 2001; Ueno and Charoentitirat, 2011). These pelagic rocks have been mainly studied from the viewpoint of bio-stratigraphy to clarify the duration of their deposition. These studies concluded the Paleo-Tethys to be a vast ocean basin once existed between the Indochina and Sibumasu continental blocks during Devo-nian–Triassic times.  相似文献   
Vertical trends in architecture and facies of delta systems are preserved in a clastic wedge of an expanding marine half-graben in which tectonics, eustatic sea-level change and climatic change are roughly known from independent evidence. The studied half-graben is situated on Crete (Greece) and part of a larger, E-W-trending extensional domain situated north of the Hellenic subduction zone. The extension seems to be related to the southward migration of the trench (roll-back) in early Late Miocene times. The infill pattern is discussed in the light of theoretical fault-growth models for expanding half-grabens. The geometry of the half-graben fill is typically wedge shaped, with a thickness of nearly 1000 m near the fault scarp thinning to c. 50 m about 20 km away from the scarp. The lower part of the wedge (Stratified Prina Series) contains coarsening-upward units representing progradational, shallow-marine deltas. At the base of the wedge these units are thin and retrogradationally stacked. Upwards in the succession, the units become composite (coarsening-upward subunits), thicker and finer grained. The composite structure, the thickening and the fining trend is related to progressive increase in accommodation space inherent in fault growth. Rapid deepening of the basin from the photic zone (evidenced by intercalated coral and stromatolite beds) up to a depth of 900 m started at the top of the Stratified Prina Series. The deepening continued over some tens of metres of marly sediments of the base of the Kalamavka Formation and may be related to structural collapse of the fault block. After the structural collapse, basin depth remained more or less constant and basin infilling occurred by progradation of deep-water delta systems. These systems are characterized by a muddy delta slope with channelized conglomerates, and by mainly aggradation of prodelta turbidites deposited in small lobes at the base of slope.  相似文献   
Illite crystallinity, K–Ar dating of illite, and fission‐track dating of zircon are analyzed in the hanging wall (Sampodake unit) and footwall (Mikado unit) of a seismogenic out‐of‐sequence thrust (Nobeoka thrust) within the Shimanto accretionary complex of central Kyushu, southwest Japan. The obtained metamorphic temperatures, and timing of metamorphism and cooling, reveal the tectono‐metamorphic evolution of the complex, and related development of the Nobeoka thrust. Illite crystallinity data indicate that the Late Cretaceous Sampodake unit was metamorphosed at temperatures of around 300 to 310°C, while the Middle Eocene Mikado unit was metamorphosed at 260 to 300°C. Illite K–Ar ages and zircon fission‐track ages constrain the timing of metamorphism of the Sampodake unit to the early Middle Eocene (46 to 50 Ma, mean = 48 Ma). Metamorphism of the Mikado unit occurred no earlier than 40 Ma, which is the youngest depositional age of the unit. The Nobeoka thrust is inferred to have been active during about 40 to 48 Ma, as the Sampodake unit started its post metamorphic cooling after 48 Ma and was thrust over the Mikado unit at about 40 Ma along the Nobeoka thrust. These results indicate that the Nobeoka thrust was active for more than 10 million years.  相似文献   
The Paleo-Tethys formed a large ocean basin that existed between Laurasia and Gondwana during Late Paleozoic to Early Mesozoic times. It opened in the Early Devonian by the rifting of Gondwanaland and closed at around latest Triassic time by the collision of the Cimmerian continent to Laurasia (Metcalfe, 1999). We reconstructed opening and closing process of the Paleo-Tethys in Northern Thailand.  相似文献   
The melting temperature of Fe–18 wt% Si alloy was determined up to 119 GPa based on a change of laser heating efficiency and the texture of the recovered samples in the laser-heated diamond anvil cell experiments. We have also investigated the subsolidus phase relations of Fe–18 wt% Si alloy by the in-situ X-ray diffraction method and confirmed that the bcc phase is stable at least up to 57 GPa and high temperature. The melting curve of the alloy was fitted by the Simon’s equation, P(GPa)/a = (T m(K)/T 0) c , with parameters, T 0 = 1,473 K, a = 3.5 ± 1.1 GPa, and c = 4.5 ± 0.4. The melting temperature of bcc Fe–18 wt% Si alloy is comparable with that of pure iron in the pressure range of this work. The melting temperature of Fe–18 wt% Si alloy is estimated to be 3,300–3,500 K at 135 GPa, and 4,000–4,200 K at around 330 GPa, which may provide the lower bound of the temperatures at the core–mantle boundary and the inner core–outer core boundary if the light element in the core is silicon.  相似文献   
In this paper we present petrographic and geochemical data of sulfate mineral deposits in northeast Nakhon Sawan, central Thailand, and provide new constraints on their age. The deposits are made up mainly of strongly deformed nodular and massive gypsum in the upper part, and less deformed layered anhydrite in the lower part. They are intruded by andesitic dikes that contain Middle Triassic zircons (ca 240 Ma). These dikes are probably part of the regional magmatic activity of the Sukhothai Arc during the Early to Middle Triassic. Sulfur (δ34S) and strontium (87Sr/86Sr) isotopic compositions of the sulfates range from 15.86 ‰ to 16.26 ‰ and from 0.70810 to 0.70817, respectively. Comparisons with the Phanerozoic seawater isotopic evolution curve indicate that those values are best explained by precipitation of the sulfates from Carboniferous seawater, in particular seawater of late Mississippian age (ca 326 Ma), and this would be consistent with previous studies of calcareous fossils in the limestones that crop out around this site. Our interpretation is that evaporitic gypsum was originally precipitated from hypersaline seawater on a shallow lagoon or shelf on the Khao Khwang Platform during the Serpukhovian, and that this gypsum changed to anhydrite during early burial. The anhydrite was then cut by andesitic dikes during the Middle Triassic, and more recently the upper part of which was rehydrated during exhumation to form secondary gypsum near the surface.  相似文献   
Detrital zircon multi‐chronology combined with provenance and low‐grade metamorphism analyses enables the reinterpretation of the tectonic evolution of the Cretaceous Shimanto accretionary complex in Southwest Japan. Detrital zircon U–Pb ages and provenance analysis defines the depositional age of trench‐fill turbidites associated with igneous activity in provenance. Periods of low igneous activity are recorded by youngest single grain zircon U–Pb ages (YSG) that approximate or are older than the depositional ages obtained from radiolarian fossil‐bearing mudstone. Periods of intensive igneous activity recorded by youngest cluster U–Pb ages (YC1σ) that correspond to the younger limits of radiolarian ages. The YC1σ U–Pb ages obtained from sandstones within mélange units provide more accurate younger depositional ages than radiolarian ages derived from mudstone. Determining true depositional ages requires a combination of fossil data, detrital zircon ages, and provenance information. Fission‐track ages using zircons estimated YC1σ U–Pb ages are useful for assessing depositional and annealing ages for the low‐grade metamorphosed accretionary complex. These new dating presented here indicates the following tectonic history of the accretionary wedge. Evolution of the Shimanto accretionary complex from the Albian to the Turonian was caused by the subduction of the Izanagi plate, a process that supplied sediments via the erosion of Permian and Triassic to Early Jurassic granitic rocks and the eruption of minor amounts of Early Cretaceous intermediate volcanic rocks. The complex subsequently underwent intensive igneous activity from the Coniacian to the early Paleocene as a result of the subduction of a hot and young oceanic slab, such as the Kula–Pacific plate. Finally, the major out‐of‐sequence thrusts of the Fukase Fault and the Aki Tectonic Line formed after the middle Eocene, and this reactivation of the Shimanto accretionary complex as a result of the subduction of the Pacific plate.  相似文献   
This paper describes an approach to simulate a seven-tier stack consisting of scaled model of a 20 ft ISO freight container and its linking connectors, denominated twist locks, subjected to dynamical load induced by its base. The physical (dimensions, mass, and moments of inertia) and structural (longitudinal, transversal and torsional stiffness) characteristics of the scaled models were decided based on two dimensionless numbers: ratios between gravity force and inertia force, and elastic force divided by inertia force, through experimental and numerical analysis. A series of experiments with controlled parameters were performed using a shaking table test to understand the effects of each variable in the container stack dynamics and present enough data to validate the numerical model. The results of this study indicate that the numerical model built is a promising tool for further study. Moreover, the model is able to predict conditions close to real situations faced by container stacks while storage on a ship's deck.  相似文献   
The Raman spectra of carbonaceous material (CM) from 19 metasediment samples collected from six widely separated areas of Southwest Japan and metamorphosed at temperatures from 165 to 655°C show systematic changes with metamorphic temperature that can be classified into four types: low‐grade CM (c. 150–280°C), medium‐grade CM (c. 280–400°C), high‐grade CM (c. 400–650°C), and well‐crystallized graphite (> c. 650°C). The Raman spectra of low‐grade CM exhibit features typical of amorphous carbon, in which several disordered bands (D‐band) appear in the first‐order region. In the Raman spectra of medium‐grade CM, the graphite band (G‐band) can be recognized and several abrupt changes occur in the trends for several band parameters. The observed changes indicate that CM starts to transform from amorphous carbon to crystallized graphite at around 280°C, and this transformation continues until 400°C. The G‐band becomes the most prominent peak at high‐grade CM suggesting that the CM structure is close to that of well‐crystallized graphite. In the highest temperature sample of 655°C, the Raman spectra of CM show a strong G‐band with almost no recognizable D‐band, implying the CM grain is well‐crystallized graphite. In the Raman spectra of low‐ to medium‐grade CM, comparisons of several band parameters with the known metamorphic temperature show inverse correlations between metamorphic temperature and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the D1‐ and D2‐bands. These correlations are calibrated as new Raman CM geothermometers, applicable in the range of c. 150–400°C. Details of the methodology for peak decomposition of Raman spectra from the low to medium temperature range are also discussed with the aim of establishing a robust and user‐friendly geothermometer.  相似文献   
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