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Sustainable strategies such as green roofs have been implemented as stormwater management tools to mitigate disturbance of the hydrologic cycle resulting from urbanization. Green roofs, also referred to as vegetated roofs, can improve the urban landscape by reducing heat island effects, providing ecosystem services, and facilitating the retention and treatment of stormwater. Green roofs have received particular attention because they do not require acquisition and development of land and represent an application of biomimicry in design and construction. In this paper, we evaluate the effects of precipitation, evapotranspiration (ET), antecedent dry period (ADP), and seasonal variation on the run‐off quantity and distribution of an extensive, sedum covered, green roof on a commercial building in Syracuse, NY, USA. The green roof greatly facilitated retention of precipitation events without significant changes over the 4‐year study. The green roof retained on average 95.9 ± 3.6% (6.5 ± 5.6 mm) per rainfall event, with a range from 75% to 99.6% (33.2 to 3.3 mm). However, as precipitation quantity increased, the retention of water decreased. This high water retention capacity was the result of the combined effects of ET, stormwater storage (plants, growth media, and stormwater retention layer), and limited surface run‐off from the roof deck due to variation in the sloping of the green roof and the tapered insulation to the deck drains. The water retention capacity of the green roof did not change significantly between growing and nongrowing seasons. Slightly greater precipitation during the growing season coincided with increased ET. Average potential ET during the growing season was approximately 3 times greater than during the nongrowing season. The hydrologic performance of the green roof was not significantly impacted by an ADP greater than 2 days.  相似文献   
We used naturally occurring radium isotopes as tracers of water exchange in Apalachicola Bay, a shallow coastal-plain estuary in northwestern Florida. The bay receives fresh water and radium from the Apalachicola River, and mixes with Gulf of Mexico waters through four inlets. We deployed moored buoys with attached Mn-fibers at several stations throughout the estuary during two summer and two winter periods. After deployment for at least one tidal cycle we measured the ratio of the two short-lived radium isotopes 223Ra (half-life = 11 d) and 224Ra (3.6 d) to estimate “radium ages” of the water in the bay.During our four seasonal deployments the river discharge ranged from 338 to 1016 m3 s 1. According to our calculations the water turnover time in the bay during these samplings ranged from 6 to 12 days. Age contours in the bay showed that winds and tides as well as river discharge influence the water movement and the residence time of freshwater in the bay. We also calculated the mean age of river water in the bay which was between 5 to 9 days during the studied periods. We suggest that this approach can be used to quantify transport processes of dissolved substances in the bay. For example, soluble nutrient or pollutant transport rates from a point source could be examined. We conclude that the radium age technique is well suited for flushing rate calculations in river dominated shallow estuaries.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results from analyses of water samples from 15 Bulgarian reservoirs and lakes for detection of microcystins presence by high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to a ultraviolet (UV) and photo diode array (PDA) detector. In 3 of the studied drinking water reservoirs cyanobacterial blooms were not detected. Cyanobacterial blooms were observed in 6 of 12 investigated water bodies used for fishing and water sports. Microcystis was the dominant cyanobacterial genus. The concentration of total microcystins in the biomasses ranged from 8 to 1070 μg g–1 (d.w.). Microcystin‐LR and microcystin‐RR were the predominant microcystins, followed by microcystin‐YR. Presence of dissolved microcystins was obtained in one water sample with concentration of total microcystins 1.64 μg L–1. Presence of microcystin‐LF and ‐LW or unknown peaks possessing characteristic microcystin‐like UV‐spectra were not detected. Those first results for occurrence of microcystins in some Bulgarian reservoirs and lakes are a contribution to the knowledge on their distribution.  相似文献   
We measured the community-scale metabolism of seagrass meadows in Bulgaria (Byala [BY]) and Korea (Hoopo Bay [HP]) to understand their ecosystem function in coastal waters. A noninvasive in situ eddy covariance technique was applied to estimate net O2 flux in the seagrass meadows. From the high-quality and high-resolution time series O2 data acquired over > 24 h, the O2 flux driven by turbulence was extracted at 15-min intervals. The spectrum analysis of vertical flow velocity and O2 concentration clearly showed well-developed turbulence characteristics in the inertial subrange region. The hourly averaged net O2 fluxes per day ranged from -474 to 326 mmol O2 m-2 d-1 (-19 ± 41 mmol O2 m-2 d-1) at BY and from -74 to 482 mmol O2 m-2 d-1 (31 ± 17 mmol O2 m-2 d-1) at HP. The net O2 production rapidly responded to photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) and showed a good relationship between production and irradiance (P-I curve). The hysteresis pattern of P-I relationships during daytime also suggested increasing heterotrophic respiration in the afternoon. With the flow velocity between 3.30 and 6.70 cm s-1, the community metabolism during daytime and nighttime was significantly increased by 20 times and 5 times, respectively. The local hydrodynamic characteristics may be vital to determining the efficiency of community photosynthesis. The net ecosystem metabolism at BY was estimated to be -17 mmol O2 m-2 d-1, which was assessed as heterotrophy. However, that at HP was 36 mmol O2 m-2 d-1, which suggested an autotrophic state.  相似文献   
We explore the hypothesis that the abrupt drainage of Laurentide lakes and associated rapid switch of the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation 8200 yr ago had a catastrophic influence on Neolithic civilisation in large parts of southeastern Europe, Anatolia, Cyprus, and the Near East. The event at 8200 cal yr BP is observed in a large number of high-resolution climate proxies in the Northern Hemisphere, and in many cases corresponds to markedly cold and arid conditions. We identify the relevant archaeological levels of major Neolithic settlements in Central Anatolia, Cyprus, Greece and Bulgaria, and examine published stratigraphic, architectural, cultural and geoarchaeological studies for these sites. The specific archaeological events and processes we observe at a number of these sites during the study interval 8400–8000 cal yr BP lead us to refine some previously established Neolithisation models. The introduction of farming to South-East Europe occurs in all study regions (Thrace, Macedonia, Thessaly, Bulgaria) near 8200 cal yr BP. We observe major disruptions of Neolithic cultures in the Levant, North Syria, South-East Anatolia, Central Anatolia and Cyprus, at the same time. We conclude that the 8200 cal yr BP aridity event triggered the spread of early farmers, by different routes, out of West Asia and the Near East into Greece and Bulgaria.  相似文献   
New perspectives on radium behavior within a subterranean estuary   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Over the past decade, radium isotopes have been frequently applied as tracers of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD). The unique radium signature of SGD is acquired within the subterranean estuary, a mixing zone between fresh groundwater and seawater in coastal aquifers, yet little is known about what controls Ra cycling in this system. The focus of this study was to examine controls on sediment and groundwater radium activities within permeable aquifer sands (Waquoit Bay, MA, USA) through a combination of field and laboratory studies. In the field, a series of sediment cores and corresponding groundwater profiles were collected for analysis of the four radium isotopes, as well as dissolved and sediment associated manganese, iron, and barium. We found that in addition to greater desorption at increasing salinity, radium was also closely tied to manganese and iron redox cycling within these sediments. A series of laboratory adsorption/desorption experiments helped elucidate the importance of 1) contact time between sediment and water, 2) salinity of water in contact with sediment, 3) redox conditions of water in contact with sediment, and 4) the chemical characteristics of sediment on radium adsorption/desorption. We found that these reactions are rapid (on the order of hours), desorption increases with increasing salinity and decreasing pH, and the presence of Fe and Mn (hydr)oxides on the sediment inhibit the release of radium. These sediments have a large capacity to sorb radium from fresh water. Combined with these experimental results, we present evidence from time series groundwater sampling that within this subterranean estuary there are cyclic periods of Ra accumulation and release controlled by changing salinity and redox conditions.  相似文献   
Three Grid applications from the SEE-GRID-SCI Environmental VO are developed by the Bulgarian project team: Climate Change Impact on Air Quality (CCIAQ); Multi-scale atmospheric composition modeling (MSACM); Modeling System for Emergency Response to the Release of Harmful Substances in the Atmosphere (MSERRHSA). The three applications concern problems of significant socio-economic significance. They are all dedicated to air pollution studies, but address different goals and so face different problems and requirements. The applications are briefly presented in the paper. Examples of the different applications validations are given. Some application results are shown and commented.  相似文献   
The current study broadens the biodiversity information available for the Black Sea and neighbouring regions and improves our knowledge about the polychaete biogeographic patterns to be discerned in them. There appears to be a well-defined zoogeocline from the Marmara Sea and Bosphorus Strait to the inner parts of the region (Azov Sea), depicted both as a multivariate pattern and in terms of species (or taxa) numbers. The emergent multivariate pattern complies, to a certain extent, with Jakubova’s (1935) views: three main sectors can be defined in the basin: (a) Prebosphoric, (b) the Black Sea and, (c) the Azov Sea, whereas the Bosphorus Strait and Marmara Sea show less faunal affinities with the afore-mentioned sectors. Patterns derived both from the cosmopolitan and Atlanto-Mediterranean species closely follow the one coming from the polychaete species and genera inventories. As a general trend, species numbers decrease along with the decrease in salinity towards the inner parts of the region. The trend is homologous to that seen in the benthic invertebrate inventories of all the major European semi-enclosed regional seas. Salinity and food availability appear to be the dominant abiotic factors correlated, though weakly, with the various patterns deriving from the taxonomic/zoogeographic categories. With the exception of the Anatolia, polychaete inventories from all sectors appear to be random samples of the total inventory of the region, in terms of taxonomic distinctness values. Therefore, these sectoral inventories can be used for future biodiversity/environmental impact assessment studies. A massive invasion of Mediterranean species after the opening of the Black Sea, in the lower Quaternary period, appears to be the likely biogeographic mechanism through which the old Sarmatic fauna was almost completely replaced by species of marine origin.  相似文献   
nuam aau ¶rt; amu a um ¶rt; ¶rt;a uauu. ¶rt; ¶rt;a, ¶rt;mu auumu m mnam u nu mum ¶rt;a, umam m ¶rt;u z aa n¶rt; uuu, a aau. u¶rt; auum ¶rt;au z naa m mauu ¶rt; amu, naam, m ¶rt;au ¶rt;z naa zauuam u amu ¶rt;.
Summary A formation of ice particles on artificial deposition INis described. INacting in dependence on the temperature and supersaturation over the ice are considered in the 1 D SSconvection cloud model with detailed microphysics including freezing. The limiting influence of the water vapour pressure upon the concentration of active INis shown resulting from the dependence of water vapour pressure on the ice particle concentration.
For space geodetic techniques, operating in microwave band, ionosphere is a dispersive medium; thus signals traveling through this medium are in the first approximation affected proportional to inverse of the square of their frequencies. This effect allows gaining information about the parameters of the ionosphere in terms of Total Electron Content (TEC) or the electron density (N e ). TEC or electron density can then be expressed by means of spherical harmonic base functions to provide a Global Ionosphere Map (GIM). The classical input data for development of GIMs are obtained from dual-frequency observations carried out at Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) stations. However, GNSS stations are in-homogeneously distributed around the world, with large gaps particularly over the oceans; this fact reduces the precision of the GIM over these areas. On the other hand, dual-frequency satellite altimetry missions such as Jason-1 provide information about the ionosphere precisely above the oceans; and furthermore Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) satellites, such as Formosat-3/COSMIC (F/C) provide well-distributed information of ionosphere globally. This study investigates on global modeling of TEC through combining GNSS and satellite altimetry data with global TEC data derived from the occultation measurements of the F/C mission. The combined GIMs of vertical TEC (VTEC) show a maximum difference of 1.3–1.7 TEC units (TECU) with respect to the GNSS-only GIMs in the whole day. The root mean square error (RMS) maps of combined solution show a reduction of about 0.1 TECU in the whole day. This decrease of RMS can reach up to 0.5 TECU in areas where no or few GNSS observations are available, but high number of F/C measurement is carried out. This proves that the combined GIMs provide a more homogeneous global coverage and higher reliability than results of each single method. All comparisons and validations made within this study provide vital information regarding combination and integration of various observation techniques in the Global Geodetic Observing System of the International Association of Geodesy.  相似文献   
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