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A family of wall models is proposed that exhibits moresatisfactory performance than previousmodels for the large-eddy simulation (LES) of the turbulentboundary layer over a rough surface.The time and horizontally averaged statistics such asmean vertical profiles of windvelocity, Reynolds stress, turbulent intensities, turbulentkinetic energy and alsospectra are compared with wind-tunnel experimental data.The purpose of the present study is to obtain simulatedturbulent flows that are comparable with wind-tunnelmeasurements for use as the wind environment for thenumerical prediction by LES of source dispersion in theneutral atmospheric boundary layer.  相似文献   
Agriculture was the primary target of moves to deregulate the New Zealand economy in 1984. Within twelve-months all production subsidies had been removed, including those for fertiliser and other inputs, as well as funding for drought relief, floods and other natural weather disasters. Whereas at the start of 1984, subsidies were estimated to represent as much as 33% of farm income, by 2003 this had fallen to less than 2% with most of this spent on agricultural research. The anticipated shift of thousands of people off the land did not appear to occur, and by conventional measures at least New Zealand agriculture in 2003 is a major success story. At the core of the changes imposed on agriculture was a commitment to remove all state or government distortions from the system and to fully expose the agricultural sector to market forces. This included wide-ranging and fundamental changes in the broad institutional context within which agriculture must operate. All this was achieved at great social cost and with a significant impact on the environment. In many respects New Zealand agriculture is now very different from that in 1984. Some sectors, such as dairying, have grown and become increasingly industrialised. On the other hand, sheep farming, particularly for wool has struggled to maintain its market share, while other enterprises have emerged as significant sources of income, including horticulture, viticulture and fruit. It is argued here that the trends evident in New Zealand agriculture since 1984 pre-existed the reform period and that the apparent success of the reforms evident at a national scale have not addressed or removed the fundamental problems which face New Zealand agriculture, just as they do modern agricultural systems elsewhere. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The homologous series of terpenoid sulfides previously reported to be present in Athabasca bitumen have been detected in a variety of petroleums from the Western Hemisphere. All 22 samples examined, ranging in age from Devonoan to Cretaceous, contained the terpenoid sulfides. A method is described for the isolation of sulfides from petroleums based on the selective oxidation of sulfides to more polar sulfoxides which are easily removed from the mixture and their subsequent reduction to sulfides. The sulfide content in the petroleum maltenes examined ranged from 0.3 to 16.1% w/w. In addition to the bicyclic and tetracyclic terpenoid sulfides a new series of tricyclic terpenoid sulfides has been identified, and the details of the isoprenoid side chain have been elucidated for all three homologous series. The distributions by carbon number of the bicyclic and tetracyclic homologous series of terpenoid sulfides show pronounced variations which are attributed to thermal maturity and degree of water washing of the petroleum, thus the ability to identify terpenoid sulfides should provide a useful tool for oil-oil and oil-source rock correlation studies. The bicyclic and tricyclic terpenoid sulfides have the same carbon framework as the carotenoids which suggest that these sulfides were accessory pigments in photosynthesis.  相似文献   
Roads and road drainage accompany the development of the physical landscape for cultural purposes. The addition of a road network to a small stream basin creates a situation of geomorphic disequilibrium by adding to the length of surface drainage channels. Effects of road drainage on the geomorphic equilibrium of small stream basins are analyzed using Horton's Law of Stream Lengths. The effects of different types of road networks are analyzed using an hypothetical stream basin and eight hypothetical road networks, suggesting a method of predicting the location and extent of disequilibrium in a stream basin system as a result of road drainage.  相似文献   
Scalar dispersion from ground-level sources in arrays of buildings is investigated using wind-tunnel measurements and large-eddy simulation (LES). An array of uniform-height buildings of equal dimensions and an array with an additional single tall building (wind tunnel) or a periodically repeated tall building (LES) are considered. The buildings in the array are aligned and form long streets. The sensitivity of the dispersion pattern to small changes in wind direction is demonstrated. Vertical scalar fluxes are decomposed into the advective and turbulent parts and the influences of wind direction and of the presence of the tall building on the scalar flux components are evaluated. In the uniform-height array turbulent scalar fluxes are dominant, whereas the tall building produces an increase of the magnitude of advective scalar fluxes that yields the largest component. The presence of the tall building causes either an increase or a decrease to the total vertical scalar flux depending on the position of the source with respect to the tall building. The results of the simulations can be used to develop parametrizations for street-canyon dispersion models and enhance their capabilities in areas with tall buildings.  相似文献   
Geomorphic, stratigraphic, geotechnical, and biogeographic evidence indicate that failure of a Pleistocene ice dam between 15.5 and 26 ka generated a megaflood from Glacial Lake Atna down the Matanuska Valley. While it has long been recognized that Lake Atna occupied ≥ 9000 km2 of south-central Alaska's Copper River Basin, little attention has focused on the lake's discharge locations and behaviors. Digital elevation model and geomorphic analyses suggest that progressive lowering of the lake level by decanting over spillways exposed during glacial retreat led to sequential discharges down the Matanuska, Susitna, Tok, and Copper river valleys. Lake Atna's size, ∼ 50 ka duration, and sequential connection to four major drainages likely made it a regionally important late Pleistocene freshwater refugium. We estimate a catastrophic Matanuska megaflood would have released 500–1400 km3 at a maximum rate of ≥ 3 × 106 m3 s− 1. Volumes for the other outlets ranged from 200 to 2600 km3 and estimated maximum discharges ranged from 0.8 to 11.3 × 106 m3 s− 1, making Lake Atna a serial generator of some of the largest known freshwater megafloods.  相似文献   
Field observations suggest that burrowing activity is the primary mode of sediment transport currently active in a small grassland drainage basin in Marin County, California. Spatial concentrations of the 1150 gopher mounds surveyed vary from 0-16 mounds m?2 on interfluves to 0.32 mounds m?2 on sideslopes and in the topographic hollow, with localized concentrations of up to 2.88 mounds m?2 on the margins of the colluvial deposit. Simple models of sediment transport by burrowing activity yield estimates of between 0.91 and 2.33 cm3 cm?1 yr?1 for the basin as a whole, with absolute minimum and maximum rates of 0.48 and 631 cm3 cm?1 yr?1. These values are similar to those previously estimated for this area (Lehre, 1982) and are nearly an order-of-magnitude less than average long-term sediment transport rates at the same site (Reneau, 1988).  相似文献   
The hillslopes of the Serra do Mar, a system of escarpments and mountains that extend more than 1500 km along the southern and southeastern Brazilian coast, are regularly affected by heavy rainfall that generates widespread mass movements, causing large numbers of casualties and economic losses. This paper evaluates the efficiency of susceptibility mapping for shallow translational landslides in one basin in the Serra do Mar, using the physically based landslide susceptibility models SHALSTAB and TRIGRS. Two groups of scenarios were simulated using different geotechnical and hydrological soil parameters, and for each group of scenarios (A and B), three subgroups were created using soil thickness values of 1, 2, and 3 m. Simulation results were compared to the locations of 356 landslide scars from the 1985 event. The susceptibility maps for scenarios A1, A2, and A3 were similar between the models regarding the spatial distribution of susceptibility classes. Changes in soil cohesion and specific weight parameters caused changes in the area of predicted instability in the B scenarios. Both models were effective in predicting areas susceptible to shallow landslides through comparison of areas predicted to be unstable and locations of mapped landslides. Such models can be used to reduce costs or to define potentially unstable areas in regions like the Serra do Mar where field data are costly and difficult to obtain.  相似文献   
Radiocarbon dates indicate a Farmdalian through Woodfordian age for fossil white spruce (Picea glauca) in the Tunica Hills, a greater time span than previously documented. These dates, furthermore, require revision of the ages of fluvial terrace deposits in the region. Spruce-bearing Terrace 1 sediments, previously regarded as late Woodfordian to Holocene age, are of Farmdalian to late Holocene age. Terrace 2 sediments, previously assigned a Sangamonian or Farmdalian age, are of probable Altonian age. Plant fossils in Terrace 1 sediments represent two climatically and temporally distinct assemblages: a cool-temperate, Farmdalian-Woodfordian assemblage dominated by white spruce but including deciduous hardwoods suggestive of an oak-hickory association; and a warm-temperate Holocene assemblage composed of southern hardwoods and nonarboreal species representative of the modern flora of the Tunica Hills. Locally, fossils of white spruce have been reworked into younger Terrace 1 sediments containing the warm-temperate plant assemblage. The transition from the cool-temperate flora to the modern warm-temperate flora in the Tunica Hills probably occurred around 12,000 yr B.P.  相似文献   
The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (PL 94–580) and related federal and state legislation have mandated routine monitoring of ground water quality at regulated facilities. The objective of the required monitoring activities is detection of adverse changes in ground water quality caused by the facilities.
Both failure to detect pollution and an incorrect determination of pollution can be very expensive. It is crucial, therefore, that monitoring programs be designed and operated to provide statistically sound information. It is equally important that users of ground water quality data understand the nature and limitations of information from monitoring.
To address the preceding issues, the authors present a general approach to analyzing ground water quality data in light of the stated monitoring objective. The suggested approach accounts for "natural" variation in background water quality through pairing of observations. The limitations of quarterly sampling for detecting small changes in quality over a short time frame are discussed.  相似文献   
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