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基于大数据的上海中心城区建成环境与城市活力关系分析   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
运用大众点评数据、出租车到达数据与文化设施POI数据测度城市活力的经济、社会和文化维度,在街区和街道层面分析城市活力的空间结构特征,建立计量模型分析城市建成环境对城市活力的影响关系。结果表明:①上海中心城区城市活力表现出明显的空间差异,主要表现为由中心向四周递减、浦西优于浦东的总体特征;②街区和街道尺度影响城市活力的建成环境因素存在差异;③街区尺度建成环境对城市社会、经济和文化活力的影响存在差异:提升人口密度对经济活力具有正面影响,过高的人口密度可能不利于社会和文化活力发展;增加POI密度、路网密度和POI混合度有利于城市活力的提升;建筑层数和建筑密度的增加会降低街区的社会活力和文化活力,但会提升街区的经济活力;交通可达性有利于经济活力的提升。  相似文献   
上海市的发展战略;空间布局模式和环境管理是文章讨论的三个主要问题。作者认为:(1)战略设想要立足于上海的发展,“开发浦东、振兴上海、服务全国、面向世界;”(2)新的空间布局模式应为“逐步形成新的CBD,强化和完善金融和服务功能”;(3)城市发展和环境建设要协调。文章着重讨论了上海城市发展中出现的环境问题及其治理的对策和措施。  相似文献   
温塘断裂位于鄂尔多斯块体东南缘,是三门峡盆地的东边界控制断裂,准确厘定其活动性对于理解区域构造演化和判断三门峡地区地震危险性具有重要意义。运用野外地质地貌调查、联合钻孔剖面探测及光释光定年技术,对三门峡地区温塘断裂的活动性进行分析与研究。结果表明,温塘断裂南段出露地表,线性特征明显,断层最新活动时代为晚更新世;温塘断裂中段为第四纪隐伏断裂,断层活动时代为中更新世;温塘断裂北段断层出露,断层活动时代为中更新世。  相似文献   
山东栖霞桃村地区出露中生代中酸性火山-侵入杂岩,对采自桃村地区青山组下段的中酸性火山-侵入岩以进行了岩石学和地球化学研究。桃村地区的中酸性火成岩的地球化学特征为:高钾低钠,高铝低镁;Cr,Co,Ni含量较低,Sr/Y及(La/Yb)N比值很高;微量元素蛛网图显示富集不相容元素K,Rb,Ba和Th,以及不相容元素Ce,Hf和Ti,亏损高场强元素Ta,Nb以及P;轻重稀土元素分馏程度高,具有类似埃达克岩的性质。综合分析其地球化学特征显示,青山组下段中酸性杂岩为增厚的下地壳熔融,这种地壳的增厚作用可能由古太平洋板块俯冲作用引起,而在俯冲作用过程中青山组中酸性杂岩的源岩被俯冲沉积物混染。  相似文献   
In arid zones, many active aeolian dunes terminate at ephemeral and perennial desert rivers. The desert rivers show very high rates of sediment transport that cause deleterious downstream effects on the river system and ecology. High sediment loading has been attributed to severe water erosion of sparsely covered watersheds during infrequent but heavy rainfall. Although aeolian erosion is known to lead to high rates of wind‐blown sand transport, direct confirmation of whether the aeolian processes accelerate or inhibit fluvial sediment loss is lacking. Here, we show that an aeolian‐fluvial cycling process is responsible for the high rate of suspended sediment transport in a Sudalaer ephemeral desert channel in the Ordos Plateau of China. Frequent aeolian processes, but low frequency (once every 3 years on average) flooding, occur in this region. Wind‐blown saltating grains appeared to be unable to cross the desert channel because of interruption of channel‐induced recirculating air flow, and therefore tended to settle in the channel during the windy seasons, leading to channel narrowing. During flooding, this narrowed channel was found to yield a threefold increase in suspended sediment loading and a 3.4‐fold increase in the weight percentage of the 0.08–0.2 mm sediment fraction on 18 July 2012. Loss of stored aeolian sand due to channel erosion accounted for about half of the total sediment yield in this watershed. These findings show that aeolian processes play an essential role in accelerating the sediment yield from a watershed characterized by aeolian‐fluvial interplay and also suggest that the drier the region and the greater the aeolian process, the more the aeolian process contributes to fluvial sediment yield. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Seismic reflection profiles from the Ifni/Tan-Tan Atlantic margin of southern Morocco, interpreted in the light of well data and field geology from the Western Anti-Atlas, allowed us to establish the seismostratigraphic framework of the syn-rift series and to reveal (i) a compressional structural style in the pre-Triassic basement similar to that established in the adjacent outcropping onshore basement but with an opposed western vergence, (ii) the importance of inherited anterior structures in the formation of Triassic-Liassic rift structures and (iii) an east–west propagation of these rift structures. To cite this article: N. AbouAli et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
利用2016年1月1日至31日的FNL资料,对一次极端寒潮天气过程进行了等熵位涡分析。结果表明:高位涡主体由极涡分裂而来,前面低位涡区的阻挡与后侧低位涡大气的北上加强了位涡的经向交换,高位涡空气不断由极地向南输送,使得高位涡主体不断加强维持。高位涡在由北向南移动的同时,也由对流层顶向下输送。此次寒潮过程主要有3股冷空气由上而下发展,位置均在高空急流轴的北侧,最南端的一股下沉气流最旺盛,这是其与高空急流相互作用的结果。强盛的冷空气下沉使得寒潮影响范围触及我国华南地区。随着高位涡的向南向下传输,一方面引起对流层中高层低涡系统迅速发展,当它移到中国东部地区时,东亚大槽迅速加深,使槽后强冷空气迅速向南爆发;另一方面,在高位涡输送的过程中,其后侧有强烈的下沉运动,使得地面冷高压快速发展,导致强寒潮天气的爆发。  相似文献   
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