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In situ measurements at the lunar surface at millimeter resolution by the Apollo astronauts have been analyzed. Several statistical parameters have been determined for the landing site. The surface roughness has been found to be very nearly gaussian. The root-mean-square slopes have been obtained over scales between 0.5 mm and 5 cm. They steadily decrease with increasing scale length from 58° to 2° and are in reasonable agreement with radar-measured values. The autocorrelation coefficient of the height distribution has also been obtained. It has a scale-length of 0.7 mm.Adjunct Professor at the University of Massachusetts.Visiting Scholar at the University of Massachusetts.  相似文献   
The Paasivaara PGE reef in the Penikat layered intrusion,northern Finland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Three major PGE-bearing mineralized zones have been found in the layered series of the early Proterozoic Penikat layered intrusion. These are designated as the Sompujärvi (SJ), Ala-Penikka (AP) and Paasivaara (PV) Reefs according to the site of their initial discovery.The uppermost of these, the PV Reef, has the highest Pt/Pd ratio. It is located in the transition zone between the fourth and the fifth megacyclic units. The main host rock is the uppermost anorthosite, disseminated sulphides and associated PGM being concentrated in the interstices of this plagioclase orthocumulate. The Reef has also been encountered in other parts of the transition zone, however, and sometimes even in the lowermost parts of the fifth megacyclic unit. The dominant sulphide paragenesis is chalcopyrite-pyrrhotite-pentlandite, whereas the PGM identified are represented by sperrylite (PtAs2), kotulskite (PdTe), merenskyite (PdTe2), isomertieite (Pd11Sb2As2), stibiopalladinite (Pd5Sb2), cooperite (PtS) and braggite ((Pt, Pd, Ni)S).It is suggested that the PV Reef was formed in the mixing process when the fifth magma pulse intruded into the magma chamber. Mixing of the new magma with the older residual magma in the chamber accounted for the sulphide precipitation. Mixing and convection were probably turbulent at first and the sulphides were thus able to "scavenge" PGE from a large amount of silicate melt. The metal ratios in the mineralization point to a close genetic relationship with the fifth magma pulse.
Das Paasivaara PGE Reef in der Penikat-Intrusion, Nord-Finnland
Zusammenfassung In den geschichteten Serien der frühproterozoischen Intrusion von Penikat kommen drei grössere PGE-führende Zonen vor. Diese werden als die Sompujärvi (SJ), Ala-Penikka (AP) und Paasivaara (PV) Reefs bezeichnet, entsprechend den Lokalitäten der Entdeckung.Das am höchsten gelegene PV Reef hat die höchsten Pt/Pd Verhältnisse. Es liegt in der Übergangszone zwischen der vierten und der fünften megazyklischen Einheit. Das wichtigste Wirtsgestein ist der oberste Anorthosit, wo disseminierte Sulfide und assoziierte PGM in den Zwischenräumen dieses Plagioklas-Orthokumulates vorkommen. Das Reef wurde auch in anderen Teilen der Überganszone beobachtet und manchmal sogar in den untersten Partien der fünften megazyklischen Einheit. Die dominierende Sulfidparagenese ist Kupferkies-Magnetkies-Pentlandit; PGM sind Sperrylith (PtAs2), Kotulskit (PdTe), Merenskyit (PdTe2), Isomertieit (Pd11Sb2As2), Stibiopalladinit (Pd5Sb2), Cooperite (PtS) und Braggit ((Pt, Pd, Ni)S).Es wird angeregt, dass das PV Reef während der Mischungsvorgänge bei der Intrusion des fünften Magma Pulses in die Magmenkammer entstanden ist. Mischung des neuen Magmas mit dem alten Residual-Magma in der Kammer war für die Ausfällung der Sulfide verantwortlich. Mischung und Konvektion dürften anfangs turbulent gewesen sein, und so konnten die Sulfide die PGE aus einem beträchtlichen Anteil der Silikatschmelze entfernen. Die Metallverhältnisse dieser Vererzung lassen eine enge genetische Verbindung mit dem fünften Magmapuls erkennen.

With 8 Figures  相似文献   
The Peräpohja schist belt in northern Finland rests unconformably on Archaean granitoids, and marks the early stages of Proterozoic crustal evolution in the Fennoscandian (Baltic) shield. 2440 Ma old layered mafic intrusions predate the supracrustal , and ca. 2200 Ma old sills of the gabbro-wehrlite association intrude the lowest quartzites and volcanics (Runkaus) of the sequence. The Sm-Nd mineral isochron of the Penikat layered intrusion gives an age of 2410±64 Ma. The initial Nd-values of the Penikat intrusion (Nd(2440) = –1.6) and the Runkausvaara sill (Nd(2200) 0) suggest that these mafic magmas were contaminated by older crustal material. The Sm-Nd and Pb isotopic results on the 2.44–2.2 Ga old Runkaus volcanics indicate mobility of Pb, fractionation of Sm/Nd during late greenschist facies metamorphism, and crustal contamination. The Pb-Pb data provide an age of 1972±80 Ma with a high initial 207Pb/204Pb ratio (1 = 8.49), while scattered Sm-Nd data result in an imprecise age of 2330±180 Ma, with an initial Nd-value of about zero. Secondary titanite gives an U-Pb age of ca. 2250 Ma. The Jouttiaapa basalts, in contrast, ascended from the mantle without interaction with older crust. These LREE depleted tholeiites mark a break in continental sedimentation, and yield a Sm-Nd age of 2090±70 Ma. Their initial Nd = + 4.2 ±0.5 implies that the subcontinental early Proterozoic mantle had been depleted in LREE for a long period of time. The first lava flows are strongly depleted in LREE, suggesting that their source was significantly more depleted than the source of mid-ocean ridge basalts today.  相似文献   
The thermodynamics, dynamics, weather and general circulation (climate) of the atmospheres of Venus, Earth and Mars is reviewed, in the light of present knowledge. These three terrestrial planets each have a gaseous sunlit envelope, but the realizations of motions in them are quite different. This makes comparisons of their meteorology very interesting and challenging.  相似文献   
Summary Early Proterozoic layered intrusions, about 2440 Ma in age, are widespread over a large area of the northeastern Fennoscandian Shield in Finland, Sweden and the Soviet Union. Only one intrusion, the Kukkola intrusion, is encountered in Sweden whereas in Finland, their number exceeds twenty. These are concentrated principally in two areas, the dicontinuous Tornio-Närdnkävaara intrusion belt which crosses northern Finland and the Koitelainen intrusion with its satellites located in central Finnish Lapland. The intrusions in the Soviet Union are concentrated in three areas: (i) on the Kola Peninsula, (ii) in the Paanajärvi area close to the Finnish border and (iii) northeast of Lake Onega.Examples of all the ore types characteristic of layered intrusions have been found in these intrusions. Chromitite layers are encountered in the Kukkola/Tornio, Kemi, Penikat, Koitelainen and Burakovsky intrusions, but only one, the Kemi chromitite, has so far been mined. The Portimo, Koillismaa, Monchegorsk and Fedorova intrusions are characterized by PGE-bearing Cu-Ni-deposits in their marginal series. Mineralized zones enriched in PGE are also encountered in the layered series. Those in the Penikat intrusion and in the Portimo intrusions are the most remarkable and the best known to date. Vanadium-bearing Fe-Ti-oxide layers are encountered in several intrusions, but only one, the Mustavaara deposit, is presently being exploited.Two types of parental magma have tentatively been proposed for these intrusions. The first type is represented by a magma which was relatively rich in magnesium and chromium and was as a whole boninitic in composition, whereas the plagioclase-rich intrusions and megacyclic units are interpreted as having crystallized from a magma which was greatly depleted in these elements, especially Cr, and had melted crustal material incorporated in it.The emplacement of the early Proterozoic layered intrusions in Fennoscandia was part of the world-wide igneous activity indicated by other layered intrusions and mafic dyke swarms of similar age in other ancient cratons, i.e. the Jimberlana intrusion in Australia, the Great Dyke in Zimbabwe, the Scouric picrite suite in Scotland, the Hearst-Matachewan dyke swarm, Copper Cliff Formation and East Bull Lake intrusion in Ontario, Canada, and the Vestfold Hills and Napier Complex dyke swarms in Antarctica. This almost contemporaneous occurrence in different parts of the world would suggest a more intimate relationship between the Fennoscandian Shield, northwest Scotland, Canadian Shield, Yilgarn Block, Zimbabwe Craton and East Antarctic Shield at the beginning of the Proterozoic than at present.
Früh-Proterozoische geschichtete Intrusionen im nordöstlichen Teil des Fennoskandischen Schildes
Zusammenfassung Im Nordost-Teil des Fennoskandischen Schildes in Finnland, Schweden und der Sowjetunion kommen fast vierzig frühproterozoische geschichtete Intrusionen, die ungefähr 2440 Mio J. alt sind, vor. Nur eine davon, die Kukkola Intrusion, liegt in Schweden, während in Finnland mehr als zwanzig Intrusionen vorkommen. Diese sind hauptsächlich in zwei Gebieten konzentriert, nämlich in dem nicht-zusammenhängenden Tornio-Näränkävaara Gürtel, der das nördliche Finnland durchzieht, und die Koitelainen-Intrusion mit ihren Satelliten im zentralen Finnischen Lapland. Die Intrusionen in der Sowjetunion sind in drei Gebieten konzentriert: (i) auf der Kola Halbinsel (ii) im Paanajärvi Gebiet nahe der Finnischen Grenze und (iii) östlich vom Onega-See.Beispiele aller für geschichtete Intrusionen charakteristischen Erztypen kommen vor. Chromititlagen sind in den Intrusionen von Kukkola/Tornio, Kemi, Penikat, Koitelainen und Burakovsky zu finden, aber nur eine davon, der Kemi Chromitit, ist bisher in Abbau genommen worden.Die Portimo-, Koillismaa-, Monchegorsk- und Fedorova-Intrusionen werden durch PGE-führende Kupfer-Nickel-Lagerstätten in ihren randlichen Bereichen charakterisiert. Mineralisierte Zonen die an PGE angereichert sind kommen auch in den geschich teten Serien vor. Die bemerkenswertesten sind die PGE-Vererzungen der Penikat- und der Portimo-Intrusionen. Vanadium-führende Fe-Ti-Oxidlagen kommen in verschiedenen Intrusionen vor, aber nur eine davon, die Mustavaara-Lagerstätte, ist bisher abgebaut worden.Diese Intrusionen werden auf zwei verschiedene Magmentypen zurückgeführt. Ersteres ist ein Magma das relativ reich an Magnesium und Chrom war und eine boninitische Zusammensetzung hatte, während die Plagioklas-reichen Intrusionen, und die megazyklischen Einheiten auf ein Magma das an diesen Elementen (besonders Cr) verarmt war, und das Krustenmaterial aufgeschmolzen hat, zurückgehen.Die Platznahme der frühproterozoischen geschichteten Intrusionen in Fennoskandien stellt einen Teil weltweiter magmatischer Aktivität dar, die durch andere geschichtete Intrusionen und mafische Gänge von fast identischem Alter in anderen alten Kratonen repräsentiert wird. Hier ist die Jimberlana-Intrusion in Australien, der Great Dyke in Zimbabwe, die Pikrit-Suite von Scourie in Schottland, die Gänge von Hearst-Matachewan, die Copper Cliff Formation und die East Bull Lake Intrusion in Ontario, Kanada ebenso wie die Gangsysteme der Vesthold Hills und des Napier Komplexes in Antarctica zu nennen. Diese fast gleichaltrigen Vorkommen in verschiedenen Teilen der Welt weisen auf eine engere Beziehung zwischen dem Fennoskandischen Schild, Nordwest-Schottland, dem Kanadischen Schild, dem Yilgarn Block, dem Zimbabwe-Craton und dem Ostantarktischen Schild zum Beginn des Proterozoikums hin.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   
Reference conditions and changes in limnological conditions during the 20th century have been inferred in a palaeolimnological study of sediments from six lakes of the District of Sortavala, Karelian Republic, Russia. The area is former Finnish territory, which was in intensive use for arable field cultivation until the World War II, when the area was ceded to the Soviet Union. After the war, farming was resumed by cattle sovkhozes, and the fields were mainly used as pasture without regular ploughing. We have studied the history of eutrophication and recovery in some lakes related with the changes of agricultural intensity. The trophic level of the lakes was studied by sedimentary diatom assemblages, including reconstructions of total phosphorus levels in the lakes based on a weighted averaging transfer function. Pollen analyses were used to assess the changes in the land use near the lakes. Valuable background data on all the lakes used in the present study are provided by a doctoral thesis done on their limnology from the 1920s. According to our results, the four lakes situated on the clayey lowlands near the coast of Lake Ladoga were eutrophicating during the first half of the 20th century, and in two of them, a rapid recovery is evident. In two lakes situated in hilly landscape with limited agricultural activities, only minor changes are recorded in the diatom profiles.  相似文献   
The Palaeoproterozoic (1.9 Ga) Rytky and Kotalahti mafic-ultramafic intrusions are located in the contact zone between the Archaean craton and Proterozoic supracrustal rocks. During the second deformation event (D2) the surrounding country rocks were subjected to intensive metamorphism and deformation associated with the Svecofennian orogeny; the Archaean/Proterozoic boundary controlled both D2 thrusting and magma ascent. Emplacement of the Rytky and Kotalahti intrusions took place at the culmination of D2, as shown by the gneiss inclusions with S2 schistosity within the intrusions. Overthrusting continued after emplacement, with detached fragments of the bodies incorporated into the Archaean gneisses. During the third deformation event (D3) the originally subhorizontal intrusions were rotated into a subvertical position, so that they now have their stratigraphic top towards the west. The Rytky intrusion is composed mainly of medium- and coarse-grained lherzolite, websterite and gabbronorite. The nickel deposit with pentlandite as the main nickel mineral is associated with the lherzolite and websterite. The coarse-grained lherzolite, websterite and melagabbro represent the first rocks to form, and they contain the nickel sulphide mineralisation. Country rock contamination, as indicated by high TiO2, P2O5, Rb, Zr and light rare earth element contents (LREE), is most pronounced in the marginal part of the intrusion, which was the first to form. The variation in olivine composition (Fo 78.6-84.77 mole %; Ni 630–2386 ppm) and the metal ratio of the sulphide (Ni/Co 19.3 – 50.3) along with the internal stratigraphy of the intrusion indicate an in-situ process of sulphide ore formation.Editorial handling: P. LightfootAn erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
Subarctic ecohydrological processes are changing rapidly, but detailed and integrated ecohydrological investigations are not as widespread as necessary. We introduce an integrated research catchment site (Pallas) for atmosphere, ecosystems, and ecohydrology studies in subarctic conditions in Finland that can be used for a new set of comparative catchment investigations. The Pallas site provides unique observational data and high-intensity field measurement datasets over long periods. The infrastructure for atmosphere- to landscape-scale research in ecosystem processes in a subarctic landscape has recently been complemented with detailed ecohydrological measurements. We identify three dominant processes in subarctic ecohydrology: (a) strong seasonality drives ecohydrological regimes, (b) limited dynamic storage causes rapid stream response to water inputs (snowmelt and intensive storms), and (c) hydrological state of the system regulates catchment-scale dissolved carbon dynamics and greenhouse (GHG) fluxes. Surface water and groundwater interactions play an important role in regulating catchment-scale carbon balances and ecosystem respiration within subarctic peatlands, particularly their spatial variability in the landscape. Based on our observations from Pallas, we highlight key research gaps in subarctic ecohydrology and propose several ways forward. We also demonstrate that the Pallas catchment meets the need for sustaining and pushing the boundaries of critical long-term integrated ecohydrological research in high-latitude environments.  相似文献   
Summary  An hourly averaged climatology at 0.05 ° horizontal resolution over the Lake Tanganyika region was created by making simulations with a mesoscale model (HIRLAM) using a high resolution physiography to represent the surface. Initial and boundary values were interpolated from ECMWF analyses. Climatologies for a typical dry season month (July 1994) and wet season month (March 1994) were created by 7-day segmenting. Model results were validated by utilizing a special coastal observation network. A number of experiments were made with changes to the physiography (mountains/no mountains, lake/no lake). The results reveal local channelling and blocking effects of the near-surface southeasterly trade winds by the high mountain chains in the region of the East African rift. Furthermore, surface winds display regular diurnal cycles in many places, due to slope winds over hills and lake-land-type breezes near the coast. The diurnal coastal winds (defined by the observation network) are reasonably well simulated. Precipitation patterns display the semi-annual march of the ITCZ across the area, plus considerable topographic effects. There is high evaporation from lakes and wetlands during the windy dry season, while evaporation from the moist land surface dominates the rainy season. Received October 15, 1998/Revised September 2, 1999  相似文献   
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