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The study of rock stresses and their changes is of great importance for safety in mines. To detect dangerous stress accumulations in coal mines an empirical method, Jahn's drilling test, is generally used. An experimental survey to solve the same problem by geophysical measurements was undertaken in a Hungarian coal mine. The basic idea was to determine the easily measurable seismic velocities instead of the more difficult to measure stresses in the rocks, since there is a monotonic relation between them. During the survey seismic transmission-type measurements were carried out in the fore-field of longwall faces between the top and tail roads. The seismic velocity data obtained were processed using an iterative algebraic reconstruction technique to determine the ‘velocity field’, i.e., the seismic velocity distribution, of the area covered by the ray paths. By periodically repeating the measurements in the same area, it was possible to follow the changes in the stress conditions caused by mining operations.  相似文献   
Peridotites associated with pyroxenites (with rare olivine andspinel) are exposed on the islands of San Jorge and Santa Isabelin the Solomon Islands. Orthopyroxenite occurs in large outcrops(100 m2) whereas websterite and clinopyroxenite occur as layersand veins/dykes in peridotites. The bulk compositions of thepyroxenites are characterized by high Mg2+/(Mg2+ + Fe2+) (0·78–0·91)and low Al2O3 (<2·7 wt %). Low rare earth elementabundances are coupled with large ion lithophile element enrichmentsand positive Sr and Pb anomalies (primitive mantle-normalized)relative to adjacent rare earths. Temperatures of equilibrationfor the pyroxenites are between 950 and 1050°C. These relativelylow temperatures, combined with the occurrence of primary fluidinclusions, suggest that the pyroxenites formed by interactionof peridotite protoliths with an aqueous fluid. Bulk-rock andmineral compositions of the orthopyroxenites are similar tothose of mantle-derived pyroxenites, whereas the websteriteshave closer chemical affinity with crustal arc cumulates. Nevertheless,field relationships plus petrological, textural and geochemicalevidence are consistent with formation of all pyroxenite typesin supra-subduction zone mantle, resulting from metasomatismof peridotite by subducted Pacific Plate-derived fluid. Sucha setting for pyroxenite has not previously been reported indetail. We propose that these processes produce mantle pyroxenitewith compositions similar to crustal pyroxenite. KEY WORDS: mantle metasomatism; pyroxenite; supra-subduction zone  相似文献   
The formation, age and trace element composition of zircon andmonazite were investigated across the prograde, low-pressuremetamorphic sequence at Mount Stafford (central Australia).Three pairs of inter-layered metapelites and metapsammites weresampled in migmatites from amphibolite-facies (T 600°C)to granulite-facies conditions (T 800°C). Sensitive high-resolutionion microprobe U–Pb dating on metamorphic zircon rimsand on monazite indicates that granulite-facies metamorphismoccurred between 1795 and 1805 Ma. The intrusion of an associatedgranite was coeval with metamorphism at 1802 ± 3 Ma andis unlikely to be the heat source for the prograde metamorphism.Metamorphic growth of zircon started at T 750°C, well abovethe pelite solidus. Zircon is more abundant in the metapelites,which experienced higher degrees of partial melting comparedwith the associated metapsammites. In contrast, monazite growthinitiated under sub-solidus prograde conditions. At granulite-faciesconditions two distinct metamorphic domains were observed inmonazite. Textural observations, petrology and the trace elementcomposition of monazite and garnet provide evidence that thefirst metamorphic monazite domain grew prior to garnet duringprograde conditions and the second in equilibrium with garnetand zircon close to the metamorphic peak. Ages from sub-solidus,prograde and peak metamorphic monazite and zircon are not distinguishablewithin error, indicating that heating took place in less than20 Myr. KEY WORDS: accessory phases; anatexis; trace element partitioning; U–Pb dating  相似文献   
Spectacular reaction textures in poikiloblastic scapolitite boudins, within marbles in the continental crust exposed in the Lützow–Holm Complex, East Antarctica, provide insights into the changing fluid composition and movement of fluid along grain boundaries and fractures. Petrographic and geochemical features indicate scapolite formation under contrasting fluid compositions. Core composition of scapolite poikiloblasts (ScpI) are marialitic (Cl = 0.7 apfu) whereas rims in contact with biotite or clinopyroxene are meionite rich. Fine‐grained recrystallized equigranular scapolite (ScpII) shows prominent chemical zoning, with a marialitic core and a meionitic rim (Cl = 0.36 apfu). Scapolite poikiloblasts are traversed by ScpIII reaction zones along fractures with compositional gradients. Pure CO2 fluid inclusions are observed in healed fractures in scapolite poikiloblasts. These negative crystal‐shaped fluid inclusions are moderately dense, and are believed to be coeval with ScpIII formation at temperatures >600 °C and a minimum pressure of c. 3.8 kbar. Grain‐scale LA‐ICPMS studies on trace and rare earth elements on different textural types of scaplolites and a traverse through scapolite reaction zone with compositional gradient suggest a multistage fluid evolution history. ScpI developed in the presence of an internally buffered, brine‐rich fluid derived probably from an evaporite source during prograde to peak metamorphism. Recrystallization and grain size reduction occurred in the presence of an externally sourced carbonate (CaCO3)‐bearing fluid, resulting in the leaching of Cl, K, Rb and Ba from ScpI along fractures and grain boundaries. Movement of fluids was enhanced by micro‐fracturing during the transformation of ScpI to ScpIII. Fractures in fluorapatite are altered to chlorapatite proving evidence for the pathways of escaping Cl‐bearing fluids released from ScpI. The present study thus provides evidence for the usefulness of scapolite in fingerprinting changing volatile composition and trace element contents of fluids that percolate within the continental crust.  相似文献   
Temperature gradients in the nest and within the egg. nest humidity as well as eggshell conductance and rate of egg water loss of the Eider Somateria mollissima and other waterfowl were studied at Ny-Alesund. Spitsbergen (78°55'N latitude). These studies suggest a specific interrelationship between eggshell conductance and maintenance of an appropriate temperature and humidity environment of the nest, resulting in an egg water loss rate which is optimal for hatching success. In spite of low ambient temperatures of less than 3°C and very low absolute humidities of less than 4 torr (similar to those found in hot deserts). the nest's microclimate and rate of water loss were similar to those reported for nests and eggs in temperate climates.  相似文献   
Ultra-high pressure(UHP)eclogites that derive from subducted oceanic crust are rarely found at the Earth’s surface because they need to be enclosed in a buoyant host rock such as serpentinites that facilitate exhumation(Hermann et al.,2000;Guillot et al.,2001).Under normal subduction geotherms,serpentinites break down just before UHP conditions are reached and therefore most of the exhumed eclogites representing subducted oceanic crust formed under fore-arc conditions.We investigated eclogite blocks enclosed into serpentinites that occur in the southwestern Tianshan oceanic subduction,China.A previous study proved that the serpentinites derive from altered oceanic crust and experienced UHP metamorphism at low temperatures of 510-530°C(Shen et al.,2015).Three relatively fresh eclogite samples were studied in detail.Sample 129-7 shows the retrograde mineral assemblage of amphibole+biotite+albite+chlorite+minor titanite and peak metamorphic relics of omphacite+garnet±chlorite.Sample C107-23 is mainly composed of amphibole+albite+chlorite+zoisite+muscovite+minor titanite as a retrograde assemblage and garnet+phengite as the peak metamorphic relics with omphacite only found as inclusions in garnet.Similar to sample C107-23,sample C11066 preserves large-grained euhedral to subhedral garnet relics with omphacite inclusions,and epidote,diopside,amphibole,muscovite,chlorite,albite and biotite are in the matrix belong to the retrograde assemblage.These three retrograde eclogite samples were modelled using thermodynamic calculations in the Mn NCKFMSHO(Mn O-Na_2O-Ca O-K_2O-FeO-Mg O-Al_2O_3-SiO_2-H_2O-Fe_2O_3)system.Based on the peak assemblage of omphacite+garnet and the crossing of the grossular and pyrope isopleths in garnet,peak P-T conditions of~460-470oC,28-29 kbar(129-7),450-500oC,28-35 kbar(C107-23),~475-505oC,26-29 kbar(C11066)were calculated.The retrograde assemblages indicate near isothermal decompression resulting in a clockwise P-T evolution of these eclogites.The peak metamorphic pressures at 500°C are well within UHP conditions(coesite stability field)and are within error the same as peak conditions of the host serpentinites(Shen et al.,2015).This provides evidence that eclogites and serpentinites shared the same evolution.We infer that the subducted low-density serpentinites were assembled with the high-density eclogites during subdution and helped the latter to exhume back to the surface.The studied eclogites thus represent rare examples of relics of oceanic crust that was subducted to sub-arc depth.  相似文献   
The Braccia gabbro complex (Eastern Central Alps, Northern Italy)intruded the boundary between the Adriatic lowermost continentalcrust and the subcontinental upper mantle in Permian times.The gabbro complex consists mainly of gabbro–norites withminor dykes of quartz diorite and Fe–Ti–P-rich diorite.The gabbro–norites contain abundant cumulus clino- andorthopyroxene and only small amounts of olivine, indicatingcrystallization at high pressure (  相似文献   
The Braccia gabbro of Val Malenco, Italian Alps, intruded 275My ago during Early Permian lithospheric extension. The intrusiontook place along the crust–mantle transition zone andcaused granulite metamorphism of lower-crustal and upper-mantlerocks. The magmatic crystallization of the gabbro was outlastedby ductile deformation, which is also observed in the otherrocks of the crust–mantle transition. Two stages of retrogrademetamorphism followed. Mineral parageneses in garnet–kyanitegneiss, metagabbro, and metaperidotite record a first stageof near-isobaric cooling under anhydrous conditions. The stabilizedcrust–mantle transition then persisted over a period ofabout 50 My into the Late Triassic. Exhumation of the crust–mantlecomplex began with the onset of continental rifting during EarlyJurassic. This stage of retrograde metamorphism is recordedby near-isothermal decompression and partial hydration of thegranulitic mineral assemblages. The whole crust-to-mantle complexwas then exposed in the Tethyan ocean near its Adriatic margin.The magmatic assemblage of the Braccia gabbro formed at 1–1·2GPa and 1150–1250°C. Microstructures show that thegabbroic rocks evolved from olivine gabbros through spinel togarnet granulite whereas the peridotites recrystallized withinthe spinel peridotite field and the pelitic granulites remainedin the stability field of kyanite. Such an evolution is characteristicof isobaric cooling after magmatic underplating. Granuliticmineral assemblages record cooling from 850°C to 650°Cwith decompression to 0·8 ± 0·1 GPa, anddP/dT <  相似文献   
Preconsolidation stress recorded in subglacial sediments provides important information about subglacial effective stresses. It is commonly used to reconstruct past effective stresses from sediments left after ice retreat. In this article, we use properties of sub‐ice‐stream till samples to estimate effective stresses beneath a modern West Antarctic ice stream. Two previous estimates of sub‐ice‐stream effective stress were derived for the Upstream B (UpB) area of Ice Stream B from shear wave velocities (50 ± 40 kPa, Blankenship et al 1987) and borehole water level measurements (63 ± 24 kPa, Engelhardt & Kamb 1997). However, geotechnical tests performed on samples of the UpB till have shown that if subjected to effective stress of 50–63 kPa this till would have significantly lower porosity (?0.32–0.35) and higher strength (?‐22–28 kPa) than it apparently has in situ (?0.4 and ?2kPa). We derive new estimates of sub‐ice‐stream effective stress using: (1) Casagrande's construction applied to the results of six confined uniaxial tests, and (2) a combination of void‐ratio data for 51 till samples and 3 experimentally constrained equations describing compressibility of the UpB till under normal consolidation, overconsolidation and in the critical state. Casagrande's method yields an upper bound on effective stress of 25 kPa for four till samples and values of 13, and 4.4kPa for two other samples. The void‐ratio approach gives 11.7 ± 2.6 (normal consolidation), 18.3 ± 4.4 (overconsolidation) and 2.0 ± 0.8 kPa (critical state). These new, lower estimates of effective stress are consistent with the low till strength that has been independently measured and inferred from recent theoretical ice‐stream models. Our interpretation of data on till void ratio in terms of sub‐ice‐stream effective stress means that we can qualitatively evaluate the nature of the vertical distribution of this stress in the UpB till layer. We infer that in the sampled top 3 m of till the effective‐stress distribution is non‐hydrostatic, probably close to lithostatic. The results may be useful in future modeling of ice‐stream behavior and may aid efforts to delineate paleo‐ice streams based on their geologic record.  相似文献   
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