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The largest reservoir of crustal iodine is found in marine sediments, where it is closely associated with organic material. This presence, together with the existence of a long-lived, cosmogenic radioisotope 129I (t1/2 = 15.7 Ma), make this isotopic system well suited for the study of sediment recycling in subduction zones. Reported here are the results of 129I/I ratios in volcanic fluids, collected during a comprehensive study of fluids and gases in the Central American Volcanic Arc. 129I/I ratios, together with I, Br, and Cl concentrations, were determined in 79 samples from four geothermal centers and a number of crater lakes, fumaroles, hot springs, and surface waters in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and El Salvador. Geothermal and volcanic fluids were found to have iodine concentrations substantially higher than values in seawater or meteoric waters. 129I/I ratios in most of the geothermal fluids are below the preanthropogenic input ratio of 1500 × 10−15, demonstrating that recent anthropogenic additions are largely absent from the volcanic systems. The majority of the 129I/I ratios are between 500 and 800 × 10−15. These ratios indicate minimum iodine ages between 25 and 15 Ma, in good agreement with the age of subducted sediments in this region. In all four geothermal systems, however, a few samples were found with iodine ages older than 40 Ma—that is, considerably below the expected age range for subducted sediments from the Cocos Plate. These samples probably reflect the presence of iodine derived from sediments in older accreted oceanic terraines. The iodine ages indicate that the magmatic end member for the volcanic fluids originates in the deeper parts of the subducted sediment column, with small additions from older iodine mobilized from the overlying crust. The high concentrations of iodine in geothermal fluids, combined with the observed iodine ages, demonstrate that remobilization in the main volcanic zone (and probably also in the forearc area) is an important part in the overall marine cycle of iodine and similar elements.  相似文献   
We have studied three Permian–Triassic (PT) localities from China as part of a combined magnetostratigraphic, 40Ar/39Ar and U–Pb radioisotopic, and biostratigraphic study aimed at resolving the temporal relations between terrestrial and marine records across the Permo-Triassic boundary, as well as the rate of the biotic recovery in the Early Triassic. The studied sections from Shangsi (Sichuan Province), Langdai (Guihzou Province), and the Junggar basin (Xinjiang Province), span marine, paralic, and terrestrial PT environments, respectively. Each of these sections was logged in detail in order to place geochronologic, paleomagnetic, geochemical, conodont and palynologic samples within a common stratigraphic context. Here we present rock-magnetic, paleomagnetic and magnetostratigraphic results from the three localities.At Shangsi, northern Sichuan Province, we sampled three sections spanning Permo-Triassic marine carbonates. Magnetostratigraphic results from the three sections indicate that the composite section contains at least eight polarity chrons and that the PT boundary occurs within a normal polarity chron a short distance above the mass extinction level and a reversed-to-normal (R-N) polarity reversal. Furthermore, the onset of the Illawarra mixed interval lies below the sampled section indicating that the uppermost Permian Changhsingian and at least part of the Wuchiapingian stages postdate the end of the Kiaman Permo-Carboniferous Reversed Superchron.At Langdai, Guizhou Province, we studied magnetostratigraphy of PT paralic mudstone and carbonate sediments in two sections. The composite section spans an R-N polarity sequence. Section-mean directions pass a fold test at the 95% confidence level, and the section-mean poles are close to the mean PT pole for the South China block. Based on biostratigraphic constraints, the R-N transition recorded at Langdai is consistent with that at Shangsi and demonstrates that the PT boundary occurred within a normal polarity chron a short distance above the mass extinction level.In the southern Junggar basin, Xinjiang Province, in northwest China, we determined the magnetostratigraphy of three sections of a terrestrial sequence. Normal and reversed polarity directions are roughly antipodal, and magnetostratigraphies from the three sections are highly consistent. Combined bio- and magneto-stratigraphy used to correlate this sequence to other PT sequences suggests that the previously-proposed biostratigraphic PT boundary in the Junggar sections was most likely misplaced by earlier workers suggesting that further work is necessary to confidently place the PT boundary there.  相似文献   
The Hudson-Raritan Estuary is one of several United States coastal areas where chemical data have suggested a potential for contaminant-related biological effects, and multiyear intensive bioeffects surveys have been conducted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The severity and spatial patterns in sediment toxicity were determined in an estuary-wide survey during spring 1991 using amphipods, bivalve larvae, and luminescent bacteria as test organisms. Spatial patterns in toxicity corresponded to the distributions of a number of toxic chemicals in the sediments. Areas that exhibited the greatest sediment toxicity included the upper East River, Arthur Kill, Newark Bay, and Sandy Hook Bay. The lower Hudson River adjacent to Manhattan Island, upper New York Harbor, lower New York Harbor off Staten Island, and parts of western Raritan Bay generally showed lower toxicity. Supporting chemical analyses of the sediments, including acid-volatile sulfide and simultaneously-extracted metals, suggested that metals were generally not the cause of the observed toxicity, with the possible exception of mercury. Among all contaminants analyzed, toxicity was most strongly associated with polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, which were substantially more concentrated in toxic samples than in nontoxic samples, and which frequently exceeded sediment quality criteria.  相似文献   
Twentieth century environmental lead chronologies for the western North Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans have been reconstructed from annually-banded scleractinian corals. Measurements of lattice-bound Pb in sequential coral bands reveal temporal changes in surface water Pb concentrations and Pb isotopic distributions. Perturbations are observable in all specimens studied, attesting to global augmentation of environmental Pb by industrialization.In the western North Atlantic, Pb perturbations have occurred in direct response to the American industrial revolution and the subsequent introduction and phasing-out of alkyl Pb additives in gasoline. Surface ocean conditions near Bermuda may be reliably reconstructed from the coral data via a lead distribution coefficient of 2.3 for the species,Diploria strigosa. Based on210Pb measurements, a similar distribution coefficient may be characteristic of corals in general. Surface Pb concentrations in the pre-industrial Sargasso Sea were about 15–20 pM. Concentrations rose to near 90 pM by 1923 as a result of metals manufacture and fossil fuel combustion. Beginning in the late 1940's, increased utilization of leaded gasoline eventually led to a peak concentration of 240 pM in 1971, representing an approximate 15-fold increase over background. Surface ocean concentrations are presently declining rapidly (128 pM in 1984) as a result of curtailed alkyl Pb usage. Lead isotopic shifts parallel the concentration record indicating that characteristic industrial and alkyl Pb source signatures have not changed appreciably in time. Industrial releases recorded in the Florida Keys reflect a weaker source and evidence of recirculated Pb (5–6 years old) from the North Atlantic subtropical gyre. An inferred background concentration of 38 pM suggests influence of shelf and/or resuspended inputs of Pb to these coastal waters.In remote areas of the South Pacific and Indian Oceans, industrial signals are fainter and the corals studied much younger than their Atlantic counterparts. Contemporary Pb concentrations implied by coral measurements (assumingKD = 2.3) are 40–50 pM for surface waters near Tutuila and Galapagos in the South Pacific, and 25–29 pM near Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. A single coral band from Fiji (1920 ± 5yr) implies a pre-industrial surface water concentration of 16–19 pM Pb for the South Pacific. In view of reported surface water measurements and the North Atlantic coral data, the Pacific coral extrapolations may be slightly high. This could be a result of small variations inKD among different coral genera, or incorporation of diagenetic Pb by corals sampled in coastal environments.  相似文献   
Spectral simulation has gained application in building geologic models due to the advantage of better honoring the spatial continuity of petrophysical properties, such as reservoir porosity and shale volume. Distinct from sequential simulation methods, spectral simulation is a global algorithm in the sense that a global density spectrum is calculated once and the inverse Fourier transform is performed on the Fourier coefficient also only once to generate a simulation realization. The generated realizations honor the spatial continuity structure globally over the whole field instead of only within a search neighborhood, as with sequential simulation algorithms. However, the disadvantage of global spectral simulation is that it traditionally cannot account for the local information such as the local continuity trends, which are often observed in reservoirs and hence are important to be accounted for in geologic models. This disadvantage has limited wider application of spectral simulation in building geologic models. In this paper, we present ways of conditioning geologic models to the relevant local information. To account for the local continuity trends, we first scale different frequency components of the original model with local-amplitude spectrum ratios that are specific to the local trend. The sum of these scaled frequency components renders a new model that displays the desired local continuity trend. The implementation details of this new method are discussed and examples are provided to illustrate the algorithm.  相似文献   
Salt marsh resilience to sea-level rise depends on marsh plain elevation, tidal range, subsurface processes, as well as surface accretion, of which suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) is a critical component. However, spatial and temporal patterns of inorganic sedimentation are poorly quantified within and across Salicornia pacifica (pickleweed)-dominated marshes. We compared vertical accretion rates and re-examined previously published suspended-sediment patterns during dry-weather periods at Seal Beach Wetlands, which is characterized by a mix of Spartina foliosa (cordgrass) and pickleweed, and for Mugu Lagoon, where cordgrass is rare. Mugu Lagoon occurs higher in the tidal frame and receives terrigenous sediment from an adjacent creek. Feldspar marker horizons were established in winter 2013–2014 to measure accretion. Accretion rates at Seal Beach Wetlands and Mugu Lagoon were 6 ± 0.5 mm/year (mean ± SE) and 2 ± 0.3 mm/year. Also, the estimated sediment flux (g/year) across the random feldspar plots was 3.5 times higher at Seal Beach Wetlands. At Mugu Lagoon, accretion was higher near creeks, although not statistically significant. Dry-weather SSC showed similar concentrations at transect locations across sites. During wet weather, however, SSC at Mugu Lagoon increased at all locations, with concentrations decaying farther than 8 m from tidal creek edge. Based on these results from Mugu Lagoon, we conclude accretion patterns are set by infrequent large flooding events in systems where there is a watershed sediment source. Higher accretion rates at Seal Beach Wetlands may be linked to lower-marsh elevations, and thus more frequent inundation, compared with Mugu Lagoon.  相似文献   
Instrumental climate records from the central Canadian treeline zone display a pattern of variation similar to general Northern Hemisphere temperature trends. To examine whether this general correspondence extends back beyond the instrumental record, we obtained a sediment core from Lake S41, a small lake in the Northwest Territories of Canada at 63°43.11′ N, 109°19.07′ W. A radiocarbon-based chronology was developed for the core. The sediments were analyzed for organic-matter content by loss-on-ignition (LOI), biogenic-silica content (BSi), and chironomid community composition to reconstruct July air temperature and summer water temperature. The paleolimnological records were compared with records of atmospheric CO2 concentration, solar variability, and hemispheric temperature variations over the past 2000 years. The results of the analyses suggest that widely-documented long-term variations in Northern Hemisphere temperature associated with radiative forcing, namely the cooling following the medieval period during the Little Ice Age (LIA), and twentieth century warming, are represented in the central Canadian treeline zone. There is also evidence of a brief episode of warming during the eighteenth century. As evidenced by LOI and BSi, the twentieth century warming is typified by increased lake productivity relative to the LIA. Depending upon the measure, the increased productivity of the twentieth century nearly equals or exceeds that of any other period in the past 2000 years. In contrast, the rate of chironomid head capsule accumulation decreased and remained low during the twentieth century. Although the chironomid-inferred temperature reconstructions indicate cooling during the LIA, they present no evidence of greatly increased temperatures during the twentieth century. Warming during the twentieth century might have enhanced lake stratification, and the response of the chironomid fauna to warming was attenuated by decreased oxygen and lower temperatures in the hypolimnion of the more stratification-prone lake.
Glen M. MacDonaldEmail:
土地制度对北京制造业空间分布的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
自改革开放以来,中国制造业"地图"发生了很大变化.国内外许多学者认为,政府放松管制和要素配置市场化是中国制造业空间变化的主要原因.但在较微观的层面,土地供应、政府管制在制造业空间变化中起了主导作用.在这个过程中,土地制度的变革扮演着重要角色.本文以北京市为例,通过1985和2004年度制造业企业数据的分析,分析了北京制造业空间变化的特征,并试图揭示土地制度变革在其中扮演的角色.首先,土地由无偿划拨到有偿使用加速了工业郊区化的进程;其次,政府通过确定工业用地的供给方向、数量和时间等,决定着制造业空间转移的方向;第三,土地产权改革以及农用地向建设用地的流转促进了乡村工业化的进程,乡镇企业的快速发展在制造业空间变化中也起到了重要作用.  相似文献   
Some current developments outside of academe and their relationship to geography are presented; comments are based on experience from a three year National Science Foundation Faculty Fellowship. Suggestions for improving our educational efforts are discussed, including new roles for the AAG, changes in teaching methods, establishment of advisory boards, and closer ties with industry and government.  相似文献   
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