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Three different methods are presented to subtract thermal drifts and low-frequency noise from the signal of infrared array. The first is dead pixels with open Indium bumps, the second is reference output as implemented on the Hawaii2 multiplexer, and the third is dark pixels to emulate reference cells having a capacity connected to the gate of the unit cell field-effect transistor (FET). The third method is the most effective and yields a reduction in readout noise from15.4–9.4 erms. A novel method will be described to extend this readout technique to the Aladdin 1 K × 1 K InSb array. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
A multicomponent diagenetic model was developed and applied to reconstruct the conditions under which the most recent sapropel, S1, was deposited in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Simulations demonstrate that bottom waters must have been anoxic and sulphidic during the formation of S1 and that organic matter deposition was approximately three times higher than at present. Nevertheless, most present day sediment and pore water profiles — with the exception of pyrite, iron oxyhydroxides, iron-bound phosphorus and phosphate — can be reproduced under a wide range of redox conditions during formation of S1 by varying the depositional flux of organic carbon. As a result, paleoredox indicators (e.g., Corg:S ratio, Corg:Porg ratio, trace metals) are needed when assessing the contribution of oxygen-depletion and enhanced primary production to the formation of organic-rich layers in the geological record. Furthermore, simulations show that the organic carbon concentration in sediments is a direct proxy for export production under anoxic bottom waters.The model is also used to examine the post-depositional alteration of the organic-rich layer focussing on nitrogen, phosphorus, and organic carbon dynamics. After sapropel formation, remineralisation is dominated by aerobic respiration at a rate that is inversely proportional to the time since bottom waters became oxic once again. A sensitivity analysis was undertaken to identify the most pertinent parameters in regulating the oxidation of sapropels, demonstrating that variations in sedimentation rate, depositional flux of organic carbon during sapropel formation, bottom water oxygen concentration, and porosity have the largest impact. Simulations reveal that sedimentary nutrient cycling was markedly different during the formation of S1, as well as after reoxygenation of bottom waters. Accumulation of organic nitrogen in sediments doubled during sapropel deposition, representing a significant nitrogen sink. Following reventilation of deep waters, N2 production by denitrification was almost 12 times greater than present day values. Phosphorus cycling also exhibits a strong redox sensitivity. The benthic efflux of phosphate was up to 3.5 times higher during the formation of S1 than at present due to elevated depositional fluxes of organic matter coupled with enhanced remineralisation of organic phosphorus. Reoxygenation of bottom waters leads to a large phosphate pulse to the water column that declines rapidly with time due to rapid oxidation of organic material. The oxidation of pyrite at the redox front forms iron oxyhydroxides that bind phosphorus and, thus, attenuate the benthic phosphate efflux. These results underscore the contrasting effects of oxygen-depletion on sedimentary nitrogen and phosphorus cycling. The simulations also confirm that the current conceptual paradigm of sapropel formation and oxidation is valid and quantitatively coherent.  相似文献   
Mercury concentrations are clearly elevated in the surface and sub-surface layers of peat cores collected from a minerotrophic (“groundwater-fed”) fen in southern Greenland (GL) and an ombrotrophic (“rainwater-fed”) bog in Denmark (DK). Using 14C to precisely date samples since ca. AD 1950 using the “atmospheric bomb pulse,” the chronology of Hg accumulation in GL is remarkably similar to the bog in DK where Hg was supplied only by atmospheric deposition: this suggests not only that Hg has been supplied to the surface layers of the minerotrophic core (GL) primarily by atmospheric inputs, but also that the peat cores have preserved a consistent record of the changing rates of atmospheric Hg accumulation. The lowest Hg fluxes in the GL core (0.3 to 0.5 μg/m2/yr) were found in peats dating from AD 550 to AD 975, compared to the maximum of 164 μg/m2/yr in AD 1953. Atmospheric Hg accumulation rates have since declined, with the value for 1995 (14 μg/m2/yr) comparable to the value for 1995 obtained by published studies of atmospheric transport modelling (12 μg/m2/yr).The greatest rates of atmospheric Hg accumulation in the DK core are also found in the sample dating from AD 1953 and are comparable in magnitude (184 μg/m2/yr) to the GL core; again, the fluxes have since gone into strong decline. The accumulation rates recorded by the peat core for AD 1994 (14 μg/m2/yr) are also comparable to the value for 1995 obtained by atmospheric transport modelling (18 μg/m2/yr). Comparing the Pb/Ti and As/Ti ratios of the DK samples with the corresponding crustal ratios (or “natural background values” for preanthropogenic peat) shows that the samples dating from 1953 also contain the maximum concentration of “excess” Pb and As. The synchroneity of the enrichments of all three elements (Hg, Pb, and As) suggests a common source, with coal-burning the most likely candidate. Independent support for this interpretation was obtained from the Pb isotope data (206Pb/207Pb = 1.1481 ± 0.0002 in the leached fraction and 1.1505 ± 0.0002 in the residual fraction) which is too radiogenic to be explained in terms of gasoline lead alone, but compares well with values for U.K. coals. In contrast, the lowest values for 206Pb/207Pb in the DK profile (1.1370 ± 0.0003 in the leached fraction and 1.1408 ± 0.0003 in the residual fraction) are found in the sample dating from AD 1979: this shows that the maximum contribution of leaded gasoline occurred approximately 25 yr after the zenith in total anthropogenic Pb deposition.  相似文献   
In order to prevent the generation of spurious free sub- and superharmonics of random waves in a laboratory channel, the control signal for the wave board has to be derived according to a higher-order wave theory. An expression for this control signal has been derived with the perturbation method of multiple scales. It is much less complex and requires less computation time than the expressions obtained from the full second-order theory. The new method for second-order subharmonics was verified experimentally for waves with bichromatic and continuous first-order spectra. The data were analysed with the complex-harmonic principal-component analysis to reduce the influence of noise.  相似文献   
This article demonstrates how the generalisation of topographic surfaces has been formalised by means of graph theory and how this formalised approach has been integrated into an ISO standard that is employed within nanotechnology. By applying concepts from higher-dimensional calculus and topology, it is shown that Morse functions are those mappings that are ideally suited for the formal characterisation of topographic surfaces. Based on this result, a data structure termed weighted surface network is defined that may be applied for both the characterisation and the generalisation of the topological structure of a topographic surface. Hereafter, the focus is laid on specific issues of the standard ISO 25178-2; within this standard change trees, a data structure similar to weighted surface networks, are applied to portray the topological information of topographic surfaces. Furthermore, an approach termed Wolf pruning is used to simplify the change tree, with this pruning method being equivalent to the graph-theoretic contractions by which weighted surface networks can be simplified. Finally, some practical applications of the standard ISO 25178-2 within nanotechnology are discussed.  相似文献   
Multiscale simulation of fluvio‐deltaic stratigraphy was used to quantify the elements of the geometry and architectural arrangement of sub‐seismic‐scale fluvial‐to‐shelf sedimentary segments. We conducted numerical experiments of fluvio‐deltaic system evolution by simulating the accommodation‐to‐sediment‐supply (A/S) cycles of varying wavelength and amplitude with the objective to produce synthetic 3‐D stratigraphic records. Post‐processing routines were developed in order to investigate delta lobe architecture in relation to channel‐network evolution throughout A/S cycles, estimate net sediment accumulation rates in 3‐D space, and extract chronostratigraphically constrained lithosomes (or chronosomes) to quantify large‐scale connectivity, that is, the spatial distribution of high net‐to‐gross lithologies. Chronosomes formed under the conditions of channel‐belt aggradation are separated by laterally continuous abandonment surfaces associated with major avulsions and delta‐lobe switches. Chronosomes corresponding to periods in which sea level drops below the inherited shelf break, that is, the youngest portions of the late falling stage systems tract (FSST), form in the virtual absence of major avulsions, owing to the incision in their upstream parts, and thus display purely degradational architecture. Detailed investigation of chronosomes within the late FSST showed that their spatial continuity may be disrupted by higher‐frequency A/S cycles to produce “stranded” sand‐rich bodies encased in shales. Chronosomes formed during early and late falling stage (FSST) demonstrate the highest large‐scale connectivity in their proximal and distal areas, respectively. Lower‐amplitude base level changes, representative of greenhouse periods during which the shelf break is not exposed, increase the magnitude of delta‐lobe switching and favour the development of system‐wide abandonment surfaces, whose expression in real‐world stratigraphy is likely to reflect the intertwined effects of high‐frequency allogenic forcing and differential subsidence.  相似文献   
Small-volume pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) are generated frequently during explosive eruptions with little warning. Assessing their hazard requires a physical understanding of their transport and sedimentation processes which is best achieved by the testing of experimental and numerical models of geophysical mass flows against natural flows and/or deposits. To this end we report on one of the most detailed sedimentological studies ever carried out on a series of pristine small-volume PDC deposits from the 1975 eruption of Ngauruhoe volcano, whose emplacement were also witnessed during eruption. Using high-resolution GPS surveys, a series of lateral excavations across the deposits, and bulk sedimentological analysis we constrained the geomorphology, internal structure and texture of the deposits with respect to laterally varying modes of deposition.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Im Hauptdolomit (Ca2) und im Plattendolomit (Ca3) des mittleren Zechsteins bei Eschwege und Sontra in Hessen wurde 1974 erstmals Fluorit entdeckt. Durch Bohrungen, chemische und geochemische Untersuchungen konnte nachgewiesen werden, daß im Hauptdolomit der Fluorit schichtgebunden, gelegentlich in dunklen Lagen und Linsen bis 0,5 m mächtig, makroskopisch sichtbar auftritt. Häufiger kommt er in 18–20 m mächtigen Zonen vor, die aber wegen des geringen Fluoritgehaltes von unter 10 % CaF2 sich von dem grauweißen Dolomit ohne Fluorit nicht unterscheiden.In den dunklen bis schwarz gefärbten Lagen schwanken die Fluoritgehalte zwischen 10 und 50 % CaF2. Einzelproben enthalten bis 80 % CaF2. Die Dunkelfärbung ist teils durch den Gehalt von violettem Fluorit, mehr noch durch Bitumen bedingt.Fluorit wurde ferner im stratigraphisch höher gelegenen Plattendolomit (Ca3) der Leine-Serie Z3 gefunden. In Aufschlüssen und Steinbrüchen in der Nähe von Sontra enthält der Plattendolomit lokal 1–4 % CaF2.Die makro- und mikroskopisch sichtbare Wechsellagerung von Fluorit und Dolomit mit einem deutlichen Lagengefüge und das Fehlen von hydrothermalem Fluorit und anderen Mineralien auf Gängen und Klüften sind Beweise für eine synsedimentäre Bildung des Fluorites im Hauptdolomit (Ca2) und Plattendolomit (Ca3) in Hessen. Für den Hauptdolomit wird angenommen, daß er spätdiagenetisch entstanden ist. Dies dürfte auch für den Fluorit zutreffen. Als Bildungsbereich werden flache Lagunen mit salinärer Fazies angenommen. Das Fluor stammt aus dem normalen Gehalt des Meerwassers. Es muß aber angenommen werden, daß der Fluorgehalt des Meerwassers durch Zufuhr von Fluor aus dem Festlande, z. B. aus den fluorreichen Graniten des Harzes merklich erhöht wurde. Nur so sind die großen Fluoritmengen im Zechsteindolomit in Hessen zu erklären. Sie werden auf 5–7·106 + CaF2 geschätzt.
In 1974, fluorite was detected for the first time in the Hauptdolomit (Ca2) and in the Plattendolomit (Ca3) of the Middle Zechsteinformation near Eschwege and Sontra, Hessia. It was confirmed by means of drilling, chemical and geochemical investigations that the fluorite in the Hauptdolomit is stratabound. It occurs both locally in the form of macroscopic dark layers and lenses of up to 0,5 m thickness and moreoften, as zones up to 18–20 m thick which cannot macroscopically be distinguished from the greyish white dolomite without fluorite because of the low CaF2 content (less than 10 %).The fluorite contents vary between 10 an 50 % CaF2 in the dark black layers. Special samples may contain up to 80 % CaF2. The dark colour derives partly from the lilac fluorite but to a greater degree from bitumous material.Fluorite has also been detected in the stratigraphically higher Plattendolomit (Ca3) of the Leine-Series Z 3. Outcrops and quarries near Sontra have local contents of 1–4 % CaF2.The macroscopic and microscopic interstratification of fluorite and dolomite with clear layer textures and the absence of hydrothermal fluorite and other minerals in veins of fissures are evidence for a synsedimentary formation of the fluorite in the Hauptdolomit (Ca2) and the Plattendolomit (Ca3). The Hauptdolomit is thought to have developed during late diagenesis. This should be valid for the fluorite, too. Shallow lagoons of a salinar facies are thought to have been the depositional environment. The fluorite precipitated from the sea waters, which were apparently enriched in fluorine by erosion at the fluorine rich granites of the Harz mountains. This is the only obvious explanation of the large amounts of fluorine in the Zechstein dolomite, estimated at 5–7×106 tonnes CaF2.

Résumé En 1974, de la fluorine fut découverte dans la dolomie dite »Hauptdolomit« (Ca2) et dans la dolomie dite »Plattendolomit» (Ca3) du Zechstein moyen, près d'Eschwege et de Sontra, en Hesse. Les sondages effectués ainsi que les analyses chimiques et géochimiques ont montré que la fluorine se rencontre de façon stratiforme dans la »Hauptdolomit«, quelquefois en couches et lentilles foncées d'une épaisseur maximale de 0,5 m, ou elle est visible macroscopiquement. La fluorine est souvent présente en faibles teneurs (moins de 10% de CaF2) dans des couches de 18 à 20 m d'épaisseur; de ce fait, ces dernières ne se distinguent pas de la dolomie gris-blanche exempte de fluorine.La teneur en fluorine varie de 10 % à 50% de CaF2 dans les couches foncées à noires. Certains échantillons renferment jusqu'à 80% de CaF2. La coloration foncée est due en partie à la fluorine violette, mais plus encore à la présence de bitume.De la fluorine fut également localisée dans la »Plattendolomit« (Ca3) de la »LeineSerie Z 3«, qui est située à un niveau stratigraphique supérieur. Cette »Plattendolomit« telle qu'on la rencontre dans les affleurements et carrières des environs de Sontra, contient de 1–4% de CaF2.L'alternance de fluorine et de dolomie qui, avec sa structure en couches nettement développées, est visible tant macroscopiquement que microscopiquement, ainsi que l'absence de fluorine hydrothermale et d'autres minéraux dans les filons et cassures, sont considérées comme preuves de la formation syn-sédimentaire de la fluorine dans la »Hauptdolomit« (Ca2) et dans la »Plattendolomit« (Ca3) de la Hesse. On suppose que la formation de la »Hauptdolomit« est diagénétique tardive. Cette hypothèse devrait également s'appliquer à la fluorine. Il est probable que ce processus a eu lieu dans les lagunes peu profondes à faciès salin. Le fluor provient de l'eau de mer à teneur normale. On peut cependant supposer que la teneur en fluor de l'eau de mer s'est accrue suite à l'apport de fluor provenant du continent, p.ex. à partir de granites riches en fluor du Harz. C'est seulement ainsi que peuvent s'expliquer les grandes quantités de fluorine de la dolomie du Zechstein, en Hesse. Elles sont évaluées entre 5 et 7 · 106 de CaF2.

(Ca2) (Ca3) . , , , 0,5 . 18–20 , - — CaF2 10% — , . 10 50% CaF2. 80% CaF2. , . (Ca3). 1–4% CaF2. , , ; , . , Ca2 . . , . . , ., , . . 5–7 × 106 CaF2.

Unserem Lehrer, Herrn Professor Dr. Georg Fischer, München, zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
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