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We have undertaken a study of coronal features observed at meter-decameter wavelengths using the Clark Lake radioheliograph. Among the coronal structures we have studied are the radio manifestations of coronal streamers on the solar disk and above the solar limb. We have analyzed the radio data quantitatively, using ray-tracing models for comparison with the maps. Our study provides information about the streamers' three-dimensional shapes, scales, and density profiles, for comparison with related observations using white-light coronagraphs.  相似文献   
Using observations obtained with the Clark Lake radioheliograph we determined the diameter of the Sun in the decameter wavelength range. Both equatorial and polar diameters increase with decreasing frequency, as D=Af . The eccentricity of the brightness distribution appears to remain constant in the frequency range (30–74 MHz) in good agreement with the optical results in a corresponding height range. The smaller size of the polar diameter is attributed to coronal holes covering the poles during the period of our observations, while streamers were observed at the equator most of the time.  相似文献   
Radio and X-ray observations are presented for three flares which show significant activity for several minutes prior to the main impulsive increase in the hard X-ray flux. The activity in this ‘pre-flash’ phase is investigated using 3.5 to 461 keV X-ray data from the Solar Maximum Mission, 100 to 1000 MHz radio data from Zürich, and 169 MHz radio-heliograph data from Nançay. The major results of this study are as follows:
  1. Decimetric pulsations, interpreted as plasma emission at densities of 109–1010 cm?3, and soft X-rays are observed before any Hα or hard X-ray increase.
  2. Some of the metric type III radio bursts appear close in time to hard X-ray peaks but delayed between 0.5 and 1.5 s, with the shorter delays for the bursts with the higher starting frequencies.
  3. The starting frequencies of these type III bursts appear to correlate with the electron temperatures derived from isothermal fits to the hard X-ray spectra. Such a correlation is expected if the particles are released at a constant altitude with an evolving electron distribution. In addition to this effect we find evidence for a downward motion of the acceleration site at the onset of the flash phase.
  4. In some cases the earlier type III bursts occurred at a different location, far from the main position during the flash phase.
  5. The flash phase is characterized by higher hard X-ray temperatures, more rapid increase in X-ray flux, and higher starting frequency of the coincident type III bursts.
We present two-dimensional observations of the quiet Sun at 73.8, 50.0, and 38.5 MHz obtained with the Clark Lake Radioheliograph during the sunspot minimum period of September 1986. The observed peak brightness temperatures during the entire period of sunspot minimum are found to be extremely low, lying in the range (0.6 × 105 K – 2.5 × 105 K). It is shown that these low values cannot be explained by the generally adopted models for N e and T e in a homogeneous corona. The effect of scattering by random density fluctuations is introduced in order to decrease the values of predicted T b . The value of peak T b is computed as a function of relative r.m.s. density fluctuations = <N e >/N e ; and it is found that should be in the range from 0.07 to 0.19, 0.1 to 0.25, and 0.15 to 0.35, respectively, at 38.5, 50.0, and 73.8 MHz, respectively, to explain the observed low brightness temperatures.On leave from Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, India.  相似文献   
The Pranhita-Godavari Basin in central eastern India is one of the Proterozoic "Purana" basins of cratonic India.New geochronology demonstrates that it has a vast depositional history of repeated basin reactivation from the Palaeoproterozoic to the Mesozoic.U-Pb laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry dating of detrital zircons from two samples of the Somanpalli Group—a member of the oldest sedimentary cycle in the valley-constrains its depositional age to ~1620 Ma and demonstrates a tripartite age provenance with peaks at ~3500 Ma,~2480 Ma and ~1620 Ma,with minor age peaks in the Eoarchaean(~3.8 Ga) and at ~2750 Ma.These ages are consistent with palaeocurrent data suggesting a southerly source from the Krishna Province and Enderby Land in East Antarctica.The similarity in the maximum depositional age with previously published authigenic glauconite ages suggest that the origin of the Pranhita-Godvari Graben originated as a rift that formed at a high angle to the coeval evolving late Meosproterozoic Krishna Province as Enderby Land collided with the Dharwar craton of India.In contrast,detrital zircons from the Cycle III Sullavai Group red sandstones yielded a maximum depositional age of 970±20 Ma and had age peaks of ~2550 Ma,~1600 Ma and then a number of Mesoproterozoic detrital zircons terminating in three analyses at ~970 Ma.The provenance of these is again consistent with a southerly source from the Eastern Ghats Orogen and Antarctica.Later cycles of deposition include the overlying Albaka/Usur Formations and finally the late Palaeozoic to Mesozoic Gondwana Supergroup.  相似文献   
We report the direct observation of motion associated with a solar flare at a speed of 26,000 km s-1. The motion is seen from a radio source at 0.33 GHz, which suddenly starts moving during the flare. At its peak, the radio source covers a quiet region of dimension 500&arcsec;. Emission from any given location is sporadic. The disturbance itself does not seem to radiate, but it excites coronal features that continue to radiate after it passes. The inferred velocity is larger than any previously inferred velocity of a disturbance in the solar atmosphere apart from freely streaming beams of accelerated electrons. The observed motion of the source at a fixed frequency, low polarization, and moderate bandwidth are more consistent with the typical properties of moving type IV radio bursts than with classical coronal shock-associated type II bursts, but any disturbance at such a high velocity must be highly supersonic and should drive a shock. We speculate that the disturbance is associated with the realignment of magnetic fields connecting different portions of an active region.  相似文献   
Nowcasting in the India Meteorological Department (IMD) is being provided for T + 0 to T + 2 h, using the Warning Decision Support System (WDSS-II) software. Prior to operational nowcasting over the Indian region, the parameters of the nowcast algorithm tool of the software were optimized, and accuracy was evaluated for various weather systems over Delhi. This optimization is demonstrated in this study with reference to three weather systems over Delhi, with each case representing one of three typical types of cloud systems over the region. These are—(a) convective lines associated with winter and early pre-monsoon weather systems, (b) deep convective cells that form in the pre-monsoon (April–June) and post-monsoon season (October–November) and (c) wide convective echoes that form during the monsoon season. The efficacy of the algorithm was assessed on a frame-by-frame basis as well as holistically for entire convective episodes. The important findings of the frame-by-frame study are (1) the inability of the inbuilt growth-decay algorithm to capture the evolution of storm cells, (2) setting of the threshold of detection of storms and tracking storms and (3) number of scales through which storms should be tracked. The holistic capabilities of the nowcast algorithm were tested for entire convective episodes using Model Evaluation Tools software. The results indicate that the advection algorithm tends to move the convective areas faster than observed at all time scales. Hence the multi-scale segmentation approach (over the two-scale approach) increases the smoothening of the output, at the cost of decreased nowcast skill. The inter-event comparison indicates that the low-intensity convective line zones, which are characteristic of winter and early pre-monsoon weather systems, have the most rapid temporal change in the overall area under convection. This leads to larger area errors during nowcasting of these systems. On the other hand, pre-monsoon systems comprised mostly isolated cells that reach great heights and move very fast, but do not have much horizontal area growth. The error in the nowcasting of these systems is mostly in respect of location error, as well as error in forecast of the intensity of the cells. The overall error in nowcasting is least for the monsoon systems over the Delhi region.  相似文献   
A vast area between Phalodi in Jodhpur and Pokaran in Jaisalmer district of western Rajasthan, is occupied distinctly by rocky, shallow gravelly surfaces and occasional hills. These surfaces exhibit quartz and quartzite pebbles, angular, sub-angular and few rounded sandstone gravels, have slightly convex outline and can be best described as desert pavements. Such land features assume significance because of their extent and variability under a dominantly dry aeolian environment. Morphology and distributional pattern of such formations indicate that sediments are either of in situ origin or may have been transported to a short distance. The present study is based on field level assessment of such surfaces in the above two desert districts. Over much of the area, the profile shows a surficial concentration of gravels followed by thick sand and silt mixed with gravels and then the parent material. There are also occasional rock outcrops of very low relief exhibiting vertical, horizontal and conchoidal pattern of fractures over these surfaces near Pokaran and north of Jaisalmer which indicate disintegration of rocks under extreme diurnal fluctuation of temperature. Such manifestations in the morphology indicate impact of both thermal as well as aeolian processes. In the east of Jaisalmer town near Basanpir and Bhojka, the pavement surfaces are found covered with abundant sub-rounded to rounded pebbles and cobbles. This type of condition would indicate a profound action by fluvial activities followed by wind sorting. Our study found significant spatial variability in the distribution of pavement surfaces, which carried imprints of climatic fluctuations and environment of deposition during Holocene.  相似文献   
A comparative study of soil erosion modelling by MMF,USLE and RUSLE   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The quantitative assessment of spatial soil erosion is valuable information to control the erosion. The study area in a part of Narmada river in central India is selected. The main objective is to assess and compare the results obtained from three soil erosion models using GIS platform. Variation in the rate of erosion of the three models is compared considering varying slope, soil and land use of the area. Three models selected are Morgan–Morgan–Finney (MMF), Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). The best fit or the most reliable model for the study area is selected after validation with the observed sedimentation data. The results give –39.45%, –9.60% and 4.80% difference in the values of sedimentation by MMF, USLE and RUSLE, respectively, from the observed data. Finally, RUSLE model has been found to be most reliable for the study area.  相似文献   
An objective NWP-based cyclone prediction system (CPS) was implemented for the operational cyclone forecasting work over the Indian seas. The method comprises of five forecast components, namely (a) Cyclone Genesis Potential Parameter (GPP), (b) Multi-Model Ensemble (MME) technique for cyclone track prediction, (c) cyclone intensity prediction, (d) rapid intensification, and (e) predicting decaying intensity after the landfall. GPP is derived based on dynamical and thermodynamical parameters from the model output of IMD operational Global Forecast System. The MME technique for the cyclone track prediction is based on multiple linear regression technique. The predictor selected for the MME are forecast latitude and longitude positions of cyclone at 12-hr intervals up to 120 hours forecasts from five NWP models namely, IMD-GFS, IMD-WRF, NCEP-GFS, UKMO, and JMA. A statistical cyclone intensity prediction (SCIP) model for predicting 12 hourly cyclone intensity (up to 72 hours) is developed applying multiple linear regression technique. Various dynamical and thermodynamical parameters as predictors are derived from the model outputs of IMD operational Global Forecast System and these parameters are also used for the prediction of rapid intensification. For forecast of inland wind after the landfall of a cyclone, an empirical technique is developed. This paper briefly describes the forecast system CPS and evaluates the performance skill for two recent cyclones Viyaru (non-intensifying) and Phailin (rapid intensifying), converse in nature in terms of track and intensity formed over Bay of Bengal in 2013. The evaluation of performance shows that the GPP analysis at early stages of development of a low pressure system indicated the potential of the system for further intensification. The 12-hourly track forecast by MME, intensity forecast by SCIP model and rapid intensification forecasts are found to be consistent and very useful to the operational forecasters. The error statistics of the decay model shows that the model was able to predict the decaying intensity after landfall with reasonable accuracy. The performance statistics demonstrates the potential of the system for improving operational cyclone forecast service over the Indian seas.  相似文献   
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