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New geologic mapping of the area near Castellamonte (Torino Province) describes a wide Plio-Quaternary continental succession, up to about 100-m thick. This sequence is distinguished according to allostratigraphic criteria. Altitude, degree of pedogenesis and sediment supply from different basins are also used. Within a single alloformation, several lithofacies are described.Fine-grained fan-delta sediments (Vespia Alloformation) are described in the lower part of the continental succession. The fossil plant remains indicate an Early–Middle Pliocene age. These sediments show an evident deformation and fill ancient lacustrine basins, likely associated with the Canavese Line trend. Their wide distribution and considerable thickness suggest subsidence.Coarse-grained glacial, outwash and fluvial sediments (Colleretto Castelnuovo, S. Defendente, Case Musso, Pagliero, Serra and Piverone Alloformations) are described in the upper part of the continental succession. They consist of undeformed sediments deposited during Middle to Late Pleistocene. These sediments indicate the presence of small local glaciers along the current valley trends. The terracing ratios among the different units and their small thicknesses indicate subsequent differential uplift.  相似文献   
The elastic properties of coexisting natural 3T and 2M 1 phengite samples (Cima Pal, Sesia Zone; Val Savenca; Western Alps, Italy) with similar chemical compositions have been studied by room temperature–high pressure powder diffraction, using synchrotron radiation on the ID9A beam-line at ESRF (Grenoble, France). The PV curves have been modelled by the Birch–Murnaghan model; a third-order expansion fitted to the experimental data yields for 3T and 2M 1 K 0=60.4(±0.7) GPa, K′=5.79(±0.11) at V 0=703.8851 Å3, and K 0=57.3(±1.0) GPa, K′=6.97(±0.24) at V 0=938.8815 Å3, respectively. The relative stability of 3T vs. 2M 1 has been explored as a function of pressure and temperature in terms of configuration and deformation contributions to the Gibbs energy, using the elastic properties determined here and other thermodynamic parameters from earlier investigations. The results presented agree with the hypothesis of stability of the 3T polytype in the high pressure regime.  相似文献   
The paper discusses a model which predicts the trajectory of floating rigid bodies and may be applied to compute the motion of woody “debris” mobilized during floods. The model couples a Discrete Element (DE) Lagrangian approach for the calculation of motion of rigid bodies with the Eulerian solution of the shallow water equations (SWE), in order to simulate the transport of a cylinder in a two-dimensional stream. It differs from existing models since it is based on a dynamic approach, adapting the Basset–Boussinesq–Oseen equation. In a first step, forces are computed from flow and log velocities; then, the equations of dynamics are solved to model the planar roto-translation of the body. Model results and physical reliability are clearly affected by the values of the drag and side coefficients, especially since logs, modelled as cylinders, are able to change their orientation towards the flow. Experimental studies to evaluate drag and side coefficients can be found in the literature for a submerged cylinder, with various orientations. To extend such results to the case of a floating log, the authors performed a series of laboratory tests on partially submerged cylinders, implementing the outcomes in the proposed DE-SWE model. The coupled model is validated against existing laboratory data concerning spheres and wooden cylinder transport.  相似文献   
Geochemical records of bivalve shells have been increasingly studied in the last decade to obtain information on climate conditions. In this paper we present stable isotope compositions of living and prehistoric shells of freshwater mussels (Unionidae) and their relationships with climate conditions in a shallow lake environment of Lake Balaton, West-Central Hungary. Physical conditions and stable oxygen isotope compositions of lake water samples were monitored where living bivalves were collected. Comparisons between seasonal variations in ambient temperature, water composition and within-shell isotopic variations indicate that the shells of Unio pictorum do reflect local changes at high resolution and thus can be used to study past conditions. Additionally, shells covering the last two decades were gathered at several locations along the lake in order to determine spatial and temporal variations in the shells’ isotopic compositions as a function of weather conditions. As an application, prehistoric shells collected in archaeological excavations were analysed in order to study past environmental variations. Climate variations during the Late Copper Age (5460–4870 cal. yr BP) have been assumed on the basis of geomorphological and archaeozoological observations at the site Balatonkeresztúr-Réti-dűlő (south of Lake Balaton), that suggested increasing humidity as a cause of changes in settlement location and domestic livestock husbandry. Stable carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of prehistoric bivalve shells were analyzed from excavations representing five archaeological subphases (Boleráz subphase, 5460–5310 cal. yr BP; two transitional subphases around 5310 cal. yr BP; Early Classic subphase, 5310–5060 cal. yr BP; Late Classic subphase, 5040–4870 cal. yr BP). The analyses revealed significant negative C and O isotope shifts in the transitional subphases relative to the earlier and later subphases. The isotopic variations indicate that the local climate became relatively wet and possibly cold around 5310 cal. yr BP, then it returned to drier (and likely warmer) conditions during the Classic subphases. This interpretation is in agreement with previous studies on climate changes related to the “5.3 ky event” in the European continental area and the North Atlantic Region, indicating an Atlantic influence in the Carpathian Basin.  相似文献   
Summary The crystal structures of 20 natural diopsides have been refined. For some samples, microprobe analyses show a Si deficiency in the tetrahedron with no A1 present; this suggests that some Ti4+ may enter the tetrahedral site. Geometrical variations in these samples with respect to the others are discussed in the light of this Si Ti4+ substitution. The volumes of their M1 sites are larger because of the absence of R3+ cations, the octahedron being very regular; in the same way, the volumes of M2 sites of these samples are greater not because of different site occupancies but because of significant charge modifications around the O3 and O1 oxygens, caused by the tetrahedral site. The low distortion of M1 site and the lengthening of (M2-O1) and M2-O3 bond lengths are a clue to the presence of small amounts of Ti at the tetrahedral site.
Kristallchemische untersuchung natürlicher diopside: Geometrische hinweise für tetraedrische Si-Ti substitution
Zusammenfassung Die Kristallstrukturen von zwanzig natürlichen Diopsiden sind verfeinert worden. In einigen Proben zeigen Mikrosondenanalysen zu geringe Si-Werte im Tetraeder ohne daß A1 anwesend wäre. Dies weist darauf hin, daß Ti4+ Tetraederplätze einnehmen könnte. Geometrische Variationen in diesen Proben werden im Lichte der genannten Substitution diskutiert. Die Volumen von M1-Plätzen sind größer wegen der Abwesenheit von R3+ Kationen, wobei das Oktaeder sehr gleichmäßig ist. Die Volumina von M2-Plätzen sind noch größer nicht wegen verschiedener Besetzungen dieser Plätze sondern wegen signifikanter Ladungsmodifikationen im Bereich von O3 und O1 Sauerstoffen, die durch die tetraedrische Position bewirkt wird. Die geringe Distortion der M1-Plätze und die Verlängerung der (M2-O1) und (M2-O3) Abstände weisen auf die Anwesenheit von geringen Titangehalten auf Tetraederplätzen hin.
The UK Met Office has introduced a new scheme for its urban tile in MOSES 2.2 (Met Office Surface Exchange Scheme version 2.2), which is currently implemented within the operational Met Office weather forecasting model. Here, the performance of the urban tile is evaluated in two urban areas: the historic core of downtown Mexico City and a light industrial site in Vancouver, Canada. The sites differ in terms of building structures and mean building heights. In both cases vegetation cover is less than 5%. The evaluation is based on surface energy balance flux measurements conducted at approximately the blending height, which is the location where the surface scheme passes flux data into the atmospheric model. At both sites, MOSES 2.2 correctly simulates the net radiation, but there are discrepancies in the partitioning of turbulent and storage heat fluxes between predicted and observed values. Of the turbulent fluxes, latent heat fluxes were underpredicted by about one order of magnitude. Multiple model runs revealed MOSES 2.2 to be sensitive to changes in the canopy heat storage and in the ratio between the aerodynamic roughness length and that for heat transfer (temperature). Model performance was optimum with heat capacity values smaller than those generally considered for these sites. The results suggest that the current scheme is probably too simple, and that improvements may be obtained by increasing the complexity of the model.  相似文献   
The Jurassic pillow basalt blocks in the Szarvask? Unit in the SW-Bükk Mountains are incorporated into an accretionary mélange of Cretaceous age which had been displaced from the Dinarides to NE-Hungary during the Alpine-Carpathian collision. The pillow basalt series is a part of an incomplete remnant of an ophiolite-like sequence from which ultramafic units and sheeted dikes are almost completely absent. At the studied Egerbakta quarry, closely packed pillow, pillow fragmented hyaloclastite breccia and peperitic facies of submarine basaltic volcanism were recognized. Peperitic facies was formed by local admixture of unconsolidated siliciclastic sediment into the basaltic lava. Basaltic pillows contains short and thin prehnite-chlorite-carbonate-quartz veins formed during the interaction of seawater with the cooling lava, as well as cross-cutting datolite-prehnite-quartzchlorite-albite bearing veins. Calcite in the short cooling cracks crystallised from upheated seawater at around 160°C temperature and 0.5?C0.6 kbar pressure (water depth of about 5?C6 km). Datolite precipitations in veins can be classified into at least three different textural-morphological types but all of them contain methane bearing primary fluid inclusion assemblages, with variable methane/water ratios, suggesting an inhomogeneous entrapment from a heterogeneous aqueous-carbonic fluid. End member primary fluid inclusions contain aqueous liquid with methane rich vapour phase and apparently methane only inclusions characterized by liquid phase on room temperature. A combination of results from fluid inclusion microthermometry, Raman spectroscopy (used not only for phase identification but also for determination of salinities) and temperatures calculated from chlorite compositions, show that the precipitation of datolite had taken place from low salinity (0.2?C2 NaCl equiv. mass%) aqueous-methane fluids under increasing temperature and pressure (from 160 to 210°C, and from 0.6 to 1.1 kbar) conditions. The elevated pressures and temperatures in comparison to the submarine hydrothermal processes suggest that the datolite bearing mineral parageneses had been formed during the progression of Alpine very low grade metamorphic processes.  相似文献   
This study aims at recognizing the mechanisms of mass transport between the karst surface and the saturated zone in a morphostructural relief of the Mesozoic karst carbonate platform of Murgia (Puglia, Southern Italy). The large dimension of the karst aquifer, the regional scale of the flow system, the boundary condition constituted by the sea, and the lack of freshwater springs constrain to the use of wells as monitoring points and limit the study area to the recharge area comprising 986 endorheic basins. The concentrations of non‐reactive tracers (nitrates) in the waters of autogenic recharge (from endorheic basins) have been modeled through the evaluation of effective infiltration, land use, and nitrogen surplus, with reference to a time window, which includes a low precipitation period followed by significant rainfall events. The comparison between the modeled nitrate concentrations and the nitrate concentrations measured in ground waters, coupled with the analysis of groundwater chemograms and records of hydraulic heads (all referred to the same time window), allows inferring the mechanism of mass transport between the karst surface and the groundwater table. The mass transport conceptual model requires the presence of the epikarst. The infiltration of significant rainfall in the endorheic basins after a low precipitation period displaces waters stored in the epikarst toward the saturated zone. Ground waters in the post‐event period show higher concentrations of nitrates, lower concentrations of total organic carbon, and higher Mg/Ca ratios than both those of the pre‐event period and the autumn‐winter recharge period. The post‐event recharge from epikarst storage determines a transient hazard of groundwater pollution with a time lag from the occurrence of the heavy rainfall.  相似文献   
We report a ten-year study of the abundance and activity of megabenthos on the Porcupine Abyssal Plain, northeast Atlantic, together with observations on the occurrence of phytodetritus at the deep-sea floor (4850 m). Using the Southampton Oceanography Centre time-lapse camera system, ‘Bathysnap’, we have recorded a radical change in the abundance and activity of megabenthos between the two periods of study (1991–1994 and 1997–2000). In 1991–1994, the larger megabenthos occurred at an abundance of c. 71.6/ha and were dominated by large holothurians. In addition, there were very substantial populations of smaller megabenthic ophiuroids (c. 4979/ha). Together, the total megabenthos are estimated to track over some 17 cm2/m2/d (exploiting 100% of the surface of the seabed in c. 2.5 years). In 1997–2000, the larger megabenthos increased to an abundance of c. 204/ha and were joined by exceptional numbers of a small holothurian species (Amperima rosea, 6457/ha) and ophiuroids (principally Ophiocten hastatum, 53,539/ha). The total megabenthos population was tracking at an estimnated rate of c. 247 cm2/m2/d (exploiting 100% of seabed in just 6 weeks). Coincident with these increases in the abundance and activity of the megabenthos, there were apparently no mass depositions of aggregated phytodetritus to the seabed in the summers of 1997–1999. Mass occurrences of phytodetritus had been noted during the summer months of the three years previously studied (1991, 1993 and 1994), with covering between 50 and 96% of the sediment surface. There is a statistically significant (p<0.02) negative correlation between maximum extent of this seabed cover of phytodetritus and seabed tracking by megabenthos. Additional studies [Lampitt et al., Progr. Ocean. 50 (2001)], indicate that there were no substantial changes in surface ocean primary productivity, in export flux, or in the composition of the flux that might otherwise account for the apparent absence of observable concentrations of phytodetritus during the summers of 1997–1999. We postulate that the marked increase in megabenthic tracking activity resulted in the removal (via consumption, disaggregation, burial etc.) of the bulk of the incoming phytodetrital flux during these years. A simple conceptual model, based on the apparent phytodetrital fluxes observed in 1991 and 1993, suggests that the megabenthos tracking rates estimated for 1997–1999 are sufficient to account for near-total removal of this flux. However, we are not able to estimate other processes removing phytodetritus (i.e. other elements of the benthos) that may also have increased between 1991–1994 and 1997–1999. Other independent studies [e.g. Ginger et al., Progr. Ocean. 50 (2001)] of flux constituents support the possibility that just a few species of megabenthos (e.g. A. rosea, and O. hastatum) could well have consumed a major proportion of the incoming flux and so substantially modified the composition of the organic matter available to other components of the benthos.  相似文献   
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