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The study covered by this paper was focused on the historical case of the Calitri landslide, which was repeatedly reactivated by earthquakes, as reported since 1694. The town of Calitri (Southern Italy) is located on a ridge whose southern slope, from its top to the Ofanto river valley floor, has been historically affected by major landsliding. The last record of recurrence of the Calitri landslide leads back to the 1980 Irpinia earthquake, which caused significant damage to the town and had pervasive and visible ground effects. Based on a detailed historical reconstruction of landsliding and seismicity at Calitri, the study analysed the current static and dynamic stability of the landsliding slope by means of a finite-difference numerical analysis, taking into account the various factors of landslide initiation and kinematics. The results of the numerical analysis: (i) were consistent with the roto-translational mechanism observed upon the latest reactivation of the landslide; (ii) demonstrated that excess pore pressure redistribution caused a lag between the seismic trigger and the initiation of landsliding; and (iii) showed the impact of seismic input frequency on propagation and depth of slope instability.  相似文献   
In foreland thrust belts, abrupt lateral changes in tectonic style, structural–stratigraphic features, and topography usually occur across cross-strike faults. The Central Apennines of Italy offer an exceptional scenario of lateral variations in tectonic setting. Here, the Sangro Volturno oblique thrust ramp (SVOTR) represents the outer thrust front of the Pliocene–Quaternary foreland thrust system, confining southward the axial culmination of the orogen that occurs in the Central Apennines. We present an interpretation of the Pliocene–Quaternary evolution of this cross-strike fault through an integrated dataset including structural-geological mapping and subsurface onshore seismic reflection profiles. The interpretation of the structural framework is augmented by the analysis of low-temperature thermochronometers from 32 new sites extending across the subsurface transverse structure. As evidenced by seismic line interpretation, the localization and development of the SVOTR have been influenced by inherited extensional faults within a positive inversion tectonics context. The regional distribution of the maximum paleotemperature values across the SVOTR constrains the original extent of the allochthonous thrust sheet over all its hanging-wall and footwall blocks. The Pliocene–Quaternary thrusting and inversion of SVOTR caused the strong hanging-wall uplift, which brought to the complete erosion of the allochthonous units and the exhumation of the Adria units. The integrated analysis of low-temperature thermochronometers and structural evidence as applied in the study case can define the role of major cross-strike discontinuities in foreland thrust belts, by constraining and verifying their tectonics inversion significance and the amount of related exhumation.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Von insgesamt 46 beprobten Profilen aus dem Schilfsandstein (Trias, Km2) Westeuropas wurden bislang 41 Profile mit 343 Einheiten und 870 Handstücken mit 1897 Einzelkernen auf ihren paläomagnetischen Inhalt untersucht.Thermische Entmagnetisierungsversuche an 277 Proben zeigen, daß die natürliche remanente Magnetisierung (NRM) von mehreren, an verschiedene Magnetisierungsträger gebundenen Komponenten getragen wird.Als charakteristische remanente Magnetisierung (CARM), von der angenommen wird, daß sie das zur Ablagerungszeit herrschende Paläofeld abbildet, kristallisiert sich für die Sedimentationsräume Weserbergland und Franken eine Deklination (DR=Deklination rotiert) von 60° und eine Inklination (IR=Inklination rotiert) von 30° (DR/IR 60/30) und für Schwaben und die Nordschweiz DR/IR 240/–30 heraus.Neben der stabilen Paläofeldrichtung werden auch sedimentäre und tektonische Gefüge als weitere stabile Magnetisierungsrichtungen abgebildet. Diese Richtungen liegen der Achse maximaler Suszeptibilität (K1 max) parallel.Unter Annahme einer normalen Polarität des Erdmagnetfeldes zur Zeit der Schilfsandsteinablagerung im Weserbergland und Franken und einer reversen Polarität zur Zeit der Ablagerung in Schwaben und der Nordschweiz errechnet sich ein Paläonordpol bei 111 E 28 N; er fällt damit in die Nähe des Triaspoles der Europäischen Polwanderungskurve (McElhinny, 1973).Für den Ablagerungszeitraum des Raibler Sandsteins in den Südalpen wird ein Paläonordpol bei 128 W 48 N errechnet.Die magnetostratigraphische Zeitskala der Trias (Burek, 1970) kann um die Einstufung des Schilfsandsteins in das höhere obere Karn mit beginnender normaler Polarität und dann reverser Polarität ergänzt werden.
In the Schilfsandstein (Triassic, Km2) of Western Europe 41 sections with 343 units and 1897 cores were sampled for palaeomagnetic investigations. By thermal demagnetization experiments different magnetic minerals were determined as carriers of the natural rémanent magnetization (NRM).The characteristic remanent magnetization (CARM) reflecting the palaeofield direction is described in the Weserbergland and Franken by DR/IR 60/30 (DR = declination after tectonic correction/IR=inclination after tectonic correction) and in Schwaben and Northern Switzerland by DR/IR 240/–30.In addition stable directions are reported which are related to sedimentary and tectonic fabric. These directions are parallel to the axis of maximum susceptibility (Klmax).Assuming normal polarity for the magnetic field during deposition of the Schilfsandstein in the Weserbergland and Franken and assuming reversed polarity in Schwaben and Northern Switzerland a palaeonorthpole is estimated at 111 E 28 N. This poleposition fits near the Triassic poleposition of the European polar wandering curve (McElhinny, 1973).The poleposition of the Bergamasker Alps (Raibler Sandstein, Southern Alps) is figured out at 128 W 48 N.The triassic magnetostratigraphic time scale ofBurek (1970) can be completed as far as the Schilfsandstein is to arrange into the highest Upper Carnian starting with normal polarity going on with reversed polarity.

Résumé Dans le Grès à roseaux (Trias, Km 2) de l'Europe occidentale, 343 prélèvements provenant de 41 profils et 1897 carrottes extraites de 870 échantillons ont fait l'objet de recherches paléomagnétiques. — Des essais de démagnétisation thermique sur 277 échantillons ont révélé différents minéraux magnétiques comme étant les porteurs de l'aimantation rémanente naturelle (NRM). — L'aimentation rémanente caractéristique (CARM) reflétant la direction du paléochamp magnétique au moment de la sédimentation donne des valeurs de 60/30 pour DR/IR (DR=déclinaison après correction tectonique, — IR=inclinaison après correction tectonique) dans le Weserbergland et en Franconie et 240/– 30 pour DR/IR en Souabe et dans la Suisse septentrionale. — En plus de la direction stable du paléo champ, on a trouvé d'autres directions d'aimentation stables reliées aux structures sédimentaires et tectoniques. Ces directions sont parallèles à l'axe de la susceptibilité magnétique maximale (K1 max). — En supposant une polarité normale du champ magnétique terrestre au moment de la sédimentation du Grès à roseaux dans le Weserbergland et la Franconie, et une polarité inversée pendant sa formation en Souabe et en Suisse septentrionale, il en résulte une position géographique de 111 E et 28° N pour le paléopôle Nord, ce qui coïncide à peu près avec la position du pôle triasique sur la courbe polaire de l'Europe (McElhinny, 1973). Pendant la sédimentation du Grès de Raibler dans les Alpes bergamasques, le paléopôle Nord se trouvait à 128° O 48° N. — L'echelle magnétostratigraphique pour le Trias (Burek, 1970) peut maintenant être complétée en datant le Grès à roseaux dans la partie supérieure du Carnien supérieur, débutant par une aimantation normale et continuant par une aimantation inversée.

343 41 ( ) 1897 870 . 277 , — NRM — . — CARM —, , , , , (DR = Deklination rotiert) 60°, (IR = Inklination rotiert) 30° (DR/IR 60/30), DR/IR 240/-30. , . /1makc. , 111 E 28 N, . ., . 128 W 48 N. (Burek, 1970) . . , .
In March 2011, the Ecophysiology and Genetics Working Groups of the European Science Foundation COST Action ES 0906, entitled Seagrass Productivity: From Genes to Ecosystem Management, organized an exploratory workshop entitled “Linking Ecophysiology and Ecogenomics in Seagrass Systems”. The goal of the workshop was to discuss how to integrate comparative gene expression studies with physiological processes such as photosynthetic performance, carbon and nitrogen utilization and environmental adaptation. The main questions discussed for integrative research related to mechanisms of carbon utilization, light requirements, temperature effects and natural variation in pH and ocean acidification. It was concluded that the seagrass research community is still in the nascent stages of linking ecophysiology with genomic responses, as carbon and nitrogen metabolism of seagrasses have not been sufficiently well studied. Likewise, genomic approaches have only been able to assign meaningful interpretations to a handful of differentially expressed genes. Nevertheless, the way forward has been established.  相似文献   
The integration of seismic data with core data should provide ground-truth to a structural interpretation of seismic data. The main difficulty in such an integration effort is the correct translation of physical property measurements on cores to a form which can be used in seismostratigraphic interpretation. In the absence of down-hole well data and check-shots, required knowledge of the velocity structure at the drilling locations can be obtained directly from measurements of the physical properties of core samples. This involves upscaling of the data from physical properties of cores to the sample interval used in the seismic data. In the present study, three of the seven drill-sites of ODP (Ocean Drilling Program) Leg 177 in 1997/1998, located on the Agulhas Ridge in the south-eastern Atlantic (sites 1088–1090), were connected with eight seismic profiles. Physical properties data measured on the cores from the various holes at each site were combined to create a single continuous log and used to construct synthetic seismograms. The synthetics generally show a good agreement with real seismic data in terms of amplitude and waveform. Some reflections in these generated traces may have a time-shift due to sections with incomplete or spurious P-wave velocity measurements in the ODP datasets. The main reflectors identified in the real seismic data correspond to hiatuses or periods of reduced sedimentation rates, and correlate well with density variations. One particular hiatus, clearly observable in the real seismic data, was not unequivocally identifiable in the various types of core data, and tying core data to seismic data can confirm its existence in the core data, showing the benefit of including seismic data in an interpretation of core log data. On the other hand, core data provide a calibration tool for the geological timescale of seismic data and information about the lithology, needed in the interpretation of seismic data.  相似文献   
Massive planets form within the lifetime of protoplanetary disks, and therefore, they are subject to orbital migration due to planet–disk interactions. When the first planet reaches the inner edge of the disk, its migration stops and consequently the second planet ends up locked in resonance with the first one. We detail how the resonant trapping works comparing semi-analytical formulae and numerical simulations. We restrict to the case of two equal-mass coplanar planets trapped in first-order resonances, but the method can be easily generalized. We first describe the family of resonant stable equilibrium points (zero-amplitude libration orbits) using series expansions up to different orders in eccentricity as well as a non-expanded Hamiltonian. Then we show that during convergent migration the planets evolve along these families of equilibrium points. Eccentricity damping from the disk leads to a final equilibrium configuration that we predict precisely analytically. The fact that observed multi-exoplanetary systems are rarely seen in resonances suggests that in most cases the resonant configurations achieved by migration become unstable after the removal of the protoplanetary disk. Here we probe the stability of the resonances as a function of planetary mass. For this purpose, we fictitiously increase the masses of resonant planets, adiabatically maintaining the low-amplitude libration regime until instability occurs. We discuss two hypotheses for the instability, that of a low-order secondary resonance of the libration frequency with a fast synodic frequency of the system, and that of minimal approach distance between planets. We show that secondary resonances do not seem to impact resonant systems at low amplitude of libration. Resonant systems are more stable than non-resonant ones for a given minimal distance at close encounters, but we show that the latter nevertheless play the decisive role in the destabilization of resonant pairs. We show evidence that as the planetary mass increases and the minimal distance between planets gets smaller in terms of mutual Hill radius, the region of stability around the resonance center shrinks, until the equilibrium point itself becomes unstable.  相似文献   
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