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CHRIS/PROBA高光谱数据的预处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对CHRIS/PROBA高光谱遥感数据的特点,对CHRIS影像进行去条带处理、辐射校正、大气校正等预处理,获得较好质量的影像,为影像的进一步分析和实际应用提供保障。  相似文献   
塔河油田碳酸盐岩为古岩溶喀斯特化与受后期构造叠置改造的孔、洞、缝等组成的非均质储层,储层具有规模不同、空间形态不规则、充填性质各异的复杂组合特征以此为对象通过分解地震波场不同特征信号,开发了一系列针对不同储层目标的叠前叠后地震预测技术,不同特征地震预测结果经综合叠置验证分析,实现了残丘体上叠置的孔、洞、缝及古地貌的精细刻画及表征,展示了缝洞空间纵横交错的叠置关系,提高了复杂储层空间展布规律的认识及精确定位。  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to investigate the feasibility of using Landsat TM data to retrieve leaf area index (LAI). To get a LAI retrieval model based ground reflectance and vegetation index, detailed field data were collected in the study area of eastern China, dominated by bamboo, tea plant and greengage. Plant canopy reflectance of Landsat TM wavelength bands has been inversed using software of 6S. LAI is an important ecological parameter. In this paper, atmospheric corrected Landsat TM imagery was utilized to calculate different vegetation indices (VI), such as simple ratio vegetation index (SR), shortwave infrared modified simple ratio (MSR), and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). Data of 53 samples of LAI were measured by LAI-2000 (LI-COR) in the study area. LAI was modeled based on different reflectances of bands and different vegetation indices from Landsat TM and LAI samples data. There are certainly correlations between LAI and the reflectance of Tm3, TM4, TM5 and TM7. The best model through analyzing the results is LAI = 1.2097*MSR + 0.4741 using the method of regression analysis. The result shows that the correlation coefficient R2 is 0.5157, and average accuracy is 85.75%. However, whether the model of this paper is suitable for application in subtropics needs to be verified in the future.  相似文献   
粤东河源盆地是东南沿海规模较大的晚中生代—新生代陆相盆地之一,发育有较为完整的晚白垩世—新近纪地层。研究该盆地的深部构造、控盆断裂、沉积序列和盆地的形成发展,对于认识东南沿海晚中生代—新近纪的大地构造演化有重要意义。通过对野外地质调查、地球物理反射剖面和约两千米的地质科学钻探等数据资料的综合研究,查明了河源盆地为中生代—新生代沉积断陷盆地,地层结构清晰,沉积基底为早古生代地层,并建立了该盆地晚白垩世—新近纪的三阶段沉积序列;该盆地发育渐新世的火山岩,揭示了控盆边界断裂及内部构造发育特征,暗示了原型盆地的破坏发生于晚新生代:即盆地南北两侧紫金—博罗逆冲断层和河源断裂带在晚古近纪—新近纪强烈地改造了原型盆地;基于以上认识,初步恢复了河源盆地的形成演化历史,构建了河源盆地沉积序列-构造演化模式。  相似文献   
Diurnal variations of hydrochemistry were monitored at a spring and two pools in a travertine-depositing stream at Baishuitai, Yunnan, SW China. Water temperature, pH and specific conductivity were measured in intervals of 5 and 30 min for periods of 1 to 2 days. From these data the concentrations of Ca2+, HCO3, calcite saturation index, and CO2 partial pressure were derived. The measurements in the spring of the stream did not show any diurnal variations in the chemical composition of the water. Diurnal variations, however, were observed in the water of the two travertine pools downstream. In one of them, a rise in temperature (thus more CO2 degassing) during day time and consumption of CO2 due to photosynthesis of submerged aquatic plants accelerated deposition of calcite, whereas in the other pool, where aquatic plants flourished and grew out of the water (so photosynthesis was taking place in the atmosphere), the authors suggest that temperature-dependent root respiration underwater took place, which dominated until noon. Consequently, due to the release of CO2 by the root respiration into water, which dominated CO2 production by degassing induced by temperature increase, the increased dissolution of calcite was observed. This is the first time anywhere at least in China that the effect of root respiration on diurnal hydrochemical variations has been observed. The finding has implications for sampling strategy within travertine-depositing streams and other similar environments with stagnant water bodies such as estuaries, lakes, reservoirs, pools and wetlands, where aquatic plants may flourish and grow out of water.  相似文献   
The responses of sea surface temperature (SST) in the western equatorial Pacific warm pool to the west erly wind bursts (WWBs) play an important role in the relationship between WWB and ENSO. By using da ta collected from eight buoys of TOGA (Tropical Ocean-Global Atmosphere)-COARE (Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment), the heat balances of the upper ocean in the western equatorial Pacific around 0°. 156°E during two WWB events were calculated according to Stevenson and Niiler's (1983) method. In both events, SST increased before and after the WWBs, while decreased within the WWBs. The SST amplitudes approximated to l℃. Although sometimes the horizontal heat advections may become the biggest term in the heat balance, the variation of SST was dominated by the surface heat flux. On the other aspect, some different features of the two events are also revealed. The two cases have different variation of mixed layer depth. The depth of mixed layer is almost double in the first case (35 m to 70 m), which is caused by Ekman convergence, while only 10m increments due to entrainment in the second one. There are also differences in the currents structure. The different variations of thermal and currents struc ture in the mixing layers accounted for the different variation of the heat balance during the two events, es pecially the advection and residue terms. The seasonal variation of SST in this area is also investigated sim ply. The first WWB event happened just during the seasonal transition. So we considered that it is a normal season transition rather than a so-called anomaly. That also suggested that the seasonal distinction of the WWB is worthy of more attention in the researches of its relationship to ENSO.  相似文献   
滑坡碎屑流对拦挡结构的直接冲击常产生较高的峰值冲击力和冲击能量,导致结构发生破坏而失效;而导引结构通过改变碎屑流的运动路径,可减缓其冲击效应,提高结构抗冲击能力。文章运用三维离散元模拟软件,结合室内休止角试验的结果,校准数值模拟参数,以三种不同导引结构(凹型圆弧、直线型、凸型圆弧)为变量进行数值模拟分析。研究结果表明:凹型圆弧结构B1可以有效地将碎屑流颗粒的冲击力进行转化,结构所受的法向力最小,切向力最大,对颗粒的导引作用最大。经过三种不同导引结构后,颗粒与滑槽之间的碰撞和摩擦是导致颗粒动能减小的主要原因;而三种不同导引结构对颗粒动能的耗散效果无显著差异。导引结构的作用对于颗粒堆积体积分布有显著的影响,主要影响区是靠近坡脚处,对导引结构之后的堆积区域的颗粒体积分布影响不显著。通过对冲击效应和堆积特性的研究,得到凹型圆弧结构形式最优,可以为碎屑流的防护工程抗冲击设计提供参考。  相似文献   
Effects of hedgerows on sediment erosion in Three Gorges Dam Area, China   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
The Three Gorges Dam Area refers to the river section from Chongqing to Yichang on the Yangtze River, which has a drainage area of 75,098 km^2, and involves 19 cities and counties. Contour hedgerows have been used in this area to control soil erosion and to improve hillslope stability in the catchment of this river section. Five experimental hedgerow plots were established in 1994 in order to study the effects of hedgerows on erosion control. During the period of 1994-1997, runoff and soil loss data were collected on these test plots, including the chemical and physical properties of soil and related topographical data. The results indicate that: (1) after 4 years of cultivation and crop planting, soil fertility increased dramatically in the hedgerow plots. Soil organic matter, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus contents in the hedgerow plots were 5-9 times higher than that in the control plot. In each of the hedgerow plots, soil structure became more stable, the quantity of granules larger than 0.02 mm increased and those finer than 0.02 mm decreased; (2) All hedgerow plots showed a major effect on reducing soil loss and surface runoff; (3) Overland flow velocity along the upper portion of the hedgerow plots was greatly reduced due to hedgerow resistance, which explains the significant decrease in soil losses in hedgerow plots, despite the fact that the hedgerow plots and the control plots had the same total runoff.  相似文献   
盖文启 《地理科学》2000,20(3):274-278
提出我国沿海地区城市群在实现可持续发展过程中所面临的问题,并以山东半岛城市群为例,从地区的经济结构、生态环境、资源利用、基础设施等方面,分析制约其可持续发展的因子,最后提出了几点看法,建议。  相似文献   
北太平洋作为全球大洋环流的重要组成部分,在高低纬间热量和物质的传输与再分配方面起到重要的调控作用,进而影响到地球气候系统。基于过去50多年来的大洋钻探工作,前人在北太平洋地球科学的研究上取得了一系列的成果。本文回顾了北太平洋古海洋和古气候方面的研究进展,包括:(1)东亚夏季风和西部边界流演化,以及其对高低纬热量、水汽的传输;(2) 北太平洋中层水和深层水的性质变化、分布范围和驱动机制,以及冰期旋回中水体垂直交换作用的气候响应;(3) 风尘输入对亚洲内陆古环境的反映,及其对北太平洋生产力的铁肥效应。尽管前人针对上述科学问题都开展了相应的研究工作,但目前在对北太平洋上述几方面的认识上仍然存在着分歧。基于对前人研究的总结概括,本文最后提出了未来北太平洋研究的关键科学问题,强调了多圈层、多系统角度对深入认识过去地球气候系统变化的重要性,并对未来大洋航次开展的理想靶区进行了展望。  相似文献   
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