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The Neogene Beypazari basin is one of the important coal districts of Central Anatolia with approximately 600 million short tons lignite reserves. The coal-bearing Neogene sediments occurring in the Beypazari basin are divided into seven formations, in ascending order; Çoraklar, Hirka, Akpinar, Çayirhan, Bozbelen and Kirmir Formations with Sariyar Limestone and Teke volcanics.The Çoraklar Formation consists of cross-bedded sandstones, channel-fill conglomerates, mudstones, carbonaceous shales and volcanoclastic pebblestones, which are fluvial in origin. The lower lignite seam occurs in the lower part of the Çoraklar Formation.The upper lignite seam occurs in the uppermost part of the Çoraklar Formation and is overlain by the Hirka Formation with a sharp contact. The Hirka Formation consists mainly of alternating shale, mudstone, bituminous shale, claystone, tuffite and silicified limestone, and they all are apparently of lacustrine origin.The lignite deposite occur in the Çayirhan and Koyunaǧili parts of the Beypazari Neogene basin. The Çayirhan coal field consists of lower and upper lignite seams, but the Koyunaǧili field contains only an upper lignite seam.The lower lignite seam, which does not crop out at the surface, indicates a fluvial origin of the lignite deposits, based on the lateral discontinuity and the lower sulphur content of the lower lignite seam, and the sedimentologic and stratigraphic features of the associated sediments. But the uniform stratigraphic and sedimentologic features, high sulphur content and wide-spread distribution of the upper lignite seam indicate that the upper lignites were deposited probably in a mud-flat facies of playa-lake environment. The lower and upper lignites are completely different in relation to the depositional environment, the geometry and degree of rank in lateral directions.The lateral spreading and geometry of the lower lignite deposits were controlled by channel, floodplain and well-drained marshes of a fluvial system. On the basis of recent drillings and field investigations, the lower lignite deposit has been demonstrated to be a linear spreading parallel to the axis of the channel fills and throughcross beds in clastic sediments of fluvial facies. Therefore, the lower lignite deposits trend along a northeastern direction and is not expected to be as widely spread as the upper lignites.  相似文献   
Stable Atmospheric Boundary-Layer Experiment in Spain (SABLES 98): A Report   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper describes the Stable AtmosphericBoundary Layer Experiment in Spain (SABLES 98),which took place over the northern Spanish plateaucomprising relatively flat grassland,in September 1998. The main objectives of the campaign were to study the properties of themid-latitude stable boundary layer (SBL).Instrumentation deployed on two meteorologicalmasts (of heights 10 m and 100 m)included five sonic anemometers, 15 thermocouples,five cup anemometers and three propeller anemometers,humidity sensors and radiometers.A Sensitron mini-sodar and a tetheredballoon were also operated continuously. Atriangular array of cup anemometers wasinstalled to allow the detection ofwave events. Two nocturnal periods analysedon 14–15 and 20–21 September are used toillustrate the wide-ranging characteristics of the SBL.  相似文献   
During the CASES-99 field experiment, three quartz-based microbarographs were installed on the 58-m main tower at the Central Site. These devices measuredabsolute pressure with temperature compensated output at a resolution better than 0.2 Pa and a sampling frequency of 2 s-1 during the whole campaign. This sampling rate is not adequate to compute turbulent pressure fluxes with the classic averaging method, but the wavelet transform allows flux estimations at a wide range of scales. The resolution of the devices is suitable to study pressure perturbations such as internal gravity waves. The night period of the Intensive Operational Period number 6 (IOP6), where wave-like structures were present, is chosen to illustrate the method. A complete wavelet analysis of pressure recordsand data from sonic anemometers located at the same heights in the tower is performed. Wavelet methods make it possible to identify the relevant scales in the flowand to study the vertical structure of pressure perturbations, including coherent structures and small-scale motions.A study of a simplified turbulence kinetic energy budget equation is made and the contribution of the pressure terms is discussed.  相似文献   
对遍及青海高原38个气象台站器测时期降水和气温分别进行聚类分析,得出3种不同变化类型的降水区域和3种气温区域,然后用MK突变分析方法和最优二级分割方法对各区域降水和气温气候序列进行均值和方差突变检测得出:青海高原大部分地区在60年代末出现了降水突变现象,80年代中后期普遍产生气温突变。  相似文献   
We show the relationship between the intermittency of turbulence and the type of stratification for different atmospheric situations during the SABLES98 field campaign. With this objective, we first demonstrate the scaling behaviour of the velocity structure functions corresponding to these situations; next, we analyze the curvature of the scaling exponents of the velocity structure functions versus the order of these functions (ζ p vs. p), where ζ p are the exponents of the power relation for the velocity structure function with respect to the scale. It can be proved that this curve must be concave, under the assumption that the incompressible approximation does not break down at high Reynolds numbers. The physical significance of this kind of curvature is that the energy dissipation rate increases as the scale of the turbulent eddies diminishes (intermittency in the usual sense). However, the constraints imposed by stability, preventing full development of the turbulence, allow the function ζ p versus p to show any type of curvature. In this case, waves of high frequency trapped by the stability, or bursts of turbulence caused by the breaking up of internal waves, may produce a redistribution of energy throughout the scaling range. Due to this redistribution, the variation with the scale of the energy dissipation rate may be smaller (decreasing the intermittency) and, even in more stable situations, this rate may diminish (instead of increasing) as the scale diminishes (convex form of the curve ζ p vs. p).  相似文献   
During the SABLES2006 (Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer Experiment in Spain 2006) field campaign, a gravity-wave episode was observed on the night of July 11 by the microbarometers deployed at the surface and on the 100-m tower. The high-amplitude, low-frequency periodic pressure fluctuations were very well correlated with the wind speed and direction. Data from neighbouring automatic stations showed that the gravity wave was not local, but long-lived and mesoscale. The propagation of the wave over the experimental site had significant effects on the structure of the weakly-stratified nocturnal boundary layer that developed that night: the stability increased, turbulent vertical motions were suppressed, the nocturnal low-level jet was disrupted, and periodic temperature fluctuations of amplitude up to 3–4 K were observed. In this work we analyse the different available data sources (tower data, RASS-SODAR, microbarometric, satellite imagery, automatic stations) to describe the phenomena in depth and to find a suitable explanation for the generation and propagation of the wave. The linear wave theory explains remarkably well most of the observations, and the wave parameters could be estimated by applying a wavelet-based technique to surface microbarometric measurements. We also analyse the vertical structure of the wave and find wave ducting conditions above the surface. Finally, by means of the multi-resolution flux decomposition, we analyse in detail the changes in vertical turbulent fluxes and the spectra of turbulent motions produced by the interaction between the gravity wave and the local flow.  相似文献   
Data from the Antarctic winter at Halley Base have been used in order to evaluate qualitatively and quantitatively how the stratification in the low atmosphere (evaluated with the gradient Richardson number, Ri) influences the eddy transfers of heat and momentum. Vertical profiles of wind and temperature up to 32 m, and turbulent fluxes ( , and ) measured from three ultrasonic thermo-anemometers installed at 5, 17 and 32 m are employed to calculate Ri, the friction velocity (u *) and the eddy diffusivities for heat (K h ) and momentum (K m ). The results show a big dependence of stability onK m ,K h andu *, with a sharp decrease of these turbulent parameters with increasing stability. The ratio of eddy diffusivities (K h /K m ) is also analyzed and presents a decreasing tendency as Ri increases, reaching values even less than 1, i.e., there were situations where the turbulent transfer of momentum was greater than that of heat. Possible mechanisms of turbulent mixing are discussed.  相似文献   
In this article we analyze the variations of the Zenith Tropospheric Delay (ZTD) and its components, Zenith Hydrostatic Delay (ZHD) and Zenith Wet Delay (ZWD) recorded by the GPS reference stations in the area of the Canary Islands during the passing of the tropical storm Delta on November 28 and 29, 2005. During this event, we observed that all GPS stations experienced significant increases of the ZWD value of over 100 mm and a decrease in the ZHD values of about 30 mm. The increase of the normal ZWD values was detected several hours prior to the manifestation of the weather phenomena on the ground. We also noticed a connection between the maximum ZWD values observed and the temporal distribution of the rain. The observed variations of the tropospheric slant directional gradients correlate significantly with the variations in direction and intensity of the observed winds. The relation noted between the ZWD values and the tropospheric slant delay gradients with meteorological observables highlights the convenience of using existing or new GPS networks when studying weather phenomena such as severe cyclones.  相似文献   
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