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Five fresh, two weathered, and two metamorphosed basalt pillows with a presently or originally glassy outermost layer, together with a weathered and a metamorphosed basalt fragment without an originally glassy layer, all from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, were investigated in detail. Fresh pillows usually show only very slight compositional heterogeneity, except for the glassy outermost layer where the total iron and MgO contents are higher and the K2O content and the Fe2O3FeO ratio are lower than the interior. In particular, the K2O content of the glassy outermost layer is only about a half of that of the core in some pillows. In weathered pillows the surface layer shows higher total iron, TiO2, P2O5 and H2O contents and a higher Fe2O3FeO ratio and a much lower CaO content than the interior. Most of the compositional heterogeneity observed in metamorphosed pillows may be ascribed to chemical migration during weathering, though metamorphism also may cause considerable heterogeneity.  相似文献   
The 1972 February and December Hachijo-Oki earthquakes (M s=7.3 and 7.4), in the northernmost part of the Izu-Bonin subduction zone, are the only major events (M s>7.0) in the Bonin arc for the past 80 years. Relocation of the hypocenters, using one smaller event having a wellconstrained focal depth as a master event, shows that the depth of the February event is 10 km shallower than that of the December event. We have determined the rupture process for both events by minimizing the error in waveform between observed and synthetic seismograms. Although the number of available stations are limited, the depth range of the major energy release for the December event extends deeper than for the February one. The rupture propagated up-dip for both events. It is likely that the rupture zone of the two events overlapped, and that the December event ruptured the deeper part. This suggestion is consistent with the observation that the aftershock zones of both events overlap with that of the December event shifted landward. The waveforms of the December event have a smaller high frequency component than those of the February event, suggesting that the stress at the thrust zone became more uniform or reduced after the February event.No thrust type smaller event occurred near the rupture zone. Instead, theP-axes of smaller events are parallel to the dip of the slab and theirT-axes dip to the southwest. Focal depths of these events estimated byP-wave forward modeling are generally between 40–50 km and located beneath the thrust zone. We thus interpret them as the events within the Pacific slab near the zone ruptured by the two major events. The stress concentration around the rupture zone of the major events is suggested to have triggered these slab events. After the occurrence of the large events, the slab events are concentrated near the deeper portion of the rupture zone. These events may have been caused by the loading of the down-dip compressional stress near the down-dip end of the rupture zone due to the rupture. The occurrence of the doublet of large earthquakes and a number of down-dip compressional events beneath their rupture zones in a shallow portion of the subducting slab indicates an unusual zone of seismic coupling in the Bonin arc, most of which is seismically quiescent.  相似文献   
On cursory examination of hand specimens and thin sections, the abyssal tholeiite in a dredge haul may appear to be uniform in composition. Chemical analyses of a considerable number of fragments, however, have always revealed the existence of regular compositional variation in them. The MgO content decreases with increasing SiO2. In abyssal tholeiites with relatively low Al2O3 contents, the SiO2, total iron, Na2O and P2O5 contents tend to increase and the MgO content tends to decrease with increasing iron/magnesia ratio, probably owing to crystallization differentiation.In a certain dredge haul, high-alumina abyssal tholeiites (with Al2O3 contents near or over 17%) occur in association with low-alumina abyssal tholeiites. The magma of high-alumina abyssal tholeiites would be generated from that of low-alumina abyssal tholeiites by differentiation at a depth around 30 km.In pillow lavas of abyssal tholeiite free from weathering and metamorphism, the chilled rim of the pillow usually has virtually the same chemical composition as the more crystalline core except for a decrease of K2O content toward the rim. On the other hand, the weathered rim of pillow lavas shows marked compositional change. The Fe2O3/FeO ratio of unweathered abyssal tholeiite is in the range of 0.1 to 0.3. This ratio and the H2O and H2O+ contents increase with advancing weathering.Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory Contribution No. 1339  相似文献   
On 11 March 2011, a moment magnitude M w = 9.0 earthquake occurred off the Japan Tohoku coast causing catastrophic damage and loss of human lives. In the immediate aftermath of the earthquake, we conducted the reconnaissance survey in the city of Rikuzentakata, Japan. In comparison with three previous historical tsunamis impacting the same region, the 2011 event presented the largest values with respect to the tsunami height, the inundation area and the inundation distance. A representative tsunami height of 15 m was recorded in Rikuzentakata, with increased heights of 20 m around rocky headlands. In terms of the inundation area, the 2011 Tohoku tsunami exceeded by almost 2.6 times the area flooded by the 1960 Chilean tsunami, which ranks second among the four events compared. The maximum tsunami inundation distance was 8.1 km along the Kesen River, exceeding the 1933 Showa and 1960 Chilean tsunami inundations by factors of 6.2 and 2.7, respectively. The overland tsunami inundation distance was less than 2 km. The tsunami inundation height linearly decreased along the Kesen River at a rate of approximately 1 m/km. Nevertheless, the measured inland tsunami heights exhibit significant variations on local and regional scales. A designated “tsunami control forest” planted with a cross-shore width of about 200 m along a 2 km stretch of Rikuzentakata coastline was completely overrun and failed to protect the local community during this extreme event. Similarly, many designated tsunami shelters were too low and were overwashed by tsunami waves, thereby failing to provide shelter for evacuees—a risk that had been underestimated.  相似文献   
Trajectories of test particles are studied numerically in two types of reconnection magnetic field configurations, a single X-line magnetic field configuration and a tearing magnetic field configuration. Both adiabatic and nonadiabatic motions are examined, with special emphasis on net energy gain and time spent in the neutral line regions. They spend typically one characteristic gyroperiod in the X-line region and are ejected predominantly along field lines in the vicinity of the separatrix. Both adiabatic and nonadiabatic test particles in the tearing-type field configuration are channelled into and accelerated along the O-line region. It may be inferred from these test particle results that particle energizations are significant along the O-line region, but not along the X-line region. These results are in qualitative agreement with those obtained by a self-consistent particle simulation.  相似文献   
We investigated effects of severe hypoxia (dissolved oxygen <1 ml l−1) on recruitment of mantis shrimp Oratosquilla oratoria in Tokyo Bay. Ten-year field surveys were conducted to examine quantitative relationships in annual mean densities of larvae and juveniles, and spatial distribution of juveniles and severe hypoxia. There was no significant correlation between annual mean densities of larvae and juveniles, suggesting that mortality during larval or juvenile stages varies among years, which might have regulated abundance of young-of-the-year juveniles. Juvenile density was low in the severely hypoxic area, implying that hypoxia could affect survivals and spatial distribution of juveniles. Meanwhile, there are yearly fluctuations in juvenile density in normoxic areas of both northern and southern part of the bay. This evidence suggests that abundance of post-settled juveniles might have been determined by not only effects of hypoxia, but also other factors influencing mortality during the early life stages.  相似文献   
Seismic observations have shown structural variation near the base of the mantle transition zone(MTZ)where subducted cold slabs,as visualized with high seismic speed anomalies(HSSAs),flatten to form stagnant slabs or sink further into the lower mantle.The different slab behaviors were also accompanied by variation of the "660 km" discontinuity depths and low viscosity layers(LVLs) beneath the MTZ that are suggested by geoid inversion studies.We address that deep water transport by subducted slabs and dehydration from hydrous slabs could affect the physical properties of mantle minerals and govern slab dynamics.A systematic series of three-dimensional numerical simulation has been conducted to examine the effects of viscosity reduction or contrast between slab materials on slab behaviors near the base of the MTZ.We found that the viscosity reduction of subducted crustal material leads to a separation of crustal material from the slab main body and its transient stagnation in the MTZ.The once trapped crustal materials in the MTZ eventually sink into the lower mantle within 20-30 My from the start of the plate subduction.The results suggest crustal material recycle in the whole mantle that is consistent with evidence from mantle geochemistry as opposed to a two-layer mantle convection model.Because of the smaller capacity of water content in lower mantle minerals than in MTZ minerals,dehydration should occur at the phase transformation depth,~660 km.The variation of the discontinuity depths and highly localized low seismic speed anomaly(LSSA) zones observed from seismic P waveforms in a relatively high frequency band(~1 Hz) support the hypothesis of dehydration from hydrous slabs at the phase boundary.The LSSAs which correspond to dehydration induced fluids are likely to be very local,given very small hydrogen(H~+) diffusivity associated with subducted slabs.The image of such local LSSA zones embedded in HSSAs may not be necessarily captured in tomography studies.The high electrical conductivity in the MTZ beneath the northwestern Pacific subduction zone does not necessarily require a broad range of high water content homogeneously.  相似文献   
The northern coast of Vietnam has accumulated a significant amount of sediment discharged from the multiple distributaries of rivers such as the Red River and Ma River.While recent decreases of the sediment supply appears to have a significant impact on coastal erosion,the complex network of these distributaries makes it difficult to determine the overall spatiotemporal characteristics of sediment discharges and related topographic changes.The goal of the current study is to develop a satellite-based monitoring system for observation of turbidity discharged from the multiple rivers and to investigate the applicability of the developed monitoring system through a case study on the northern coast of Vietnam.Based on the in-situ observed data,a formulawas determined for estimation of the surface water turbidity as a function of the red band reflectance of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer(MODIS)images.The formula was then combined with a newly determined threshold for cloud-masking to obtain maps of the nearshore turbidity patterns.These maps capture the spatiotemporal water surface turbidity along the entire coast of the Red River Delta and the coast around theMa River mouth over the past sixteen years with frequency of twice a day.Finally,long-term trends of the turbidity patterns from multiple rivers were compared with the in-situ observation data and it was found that the Red River and the Ma River showed clearly contrasting characteristics,which reasonably explain the recent coastal shoreline changes and characteristics of sediment sampled along the coast.  相似文献   
In situ analysis of a garnet porphyroblast from a granulite facies gneiss from Sør Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica, reveals discontinuous step‐wise zoning in phosphorus and large δ18O variations from the phosphorus‐rich core to the phosphorus‐poor rim. The gradually decreasing profile of oxygen isotope from the core (δ18O = ~15‰) to the rim (δ18O = ~11‰) suggests that the 18O/16O zoning was originally step‐wise, and modified by diffusion after the garnet rim formation at ~800°C and 0.8 GPa. Fitting of the 18O/16O data to the diffusion equation constrains a duration of the high‐T event (~800°C) to c. 0.5–40 Ma after the garnet rim formation. The low δ18O value of the garnet rim, together with the previously reported low δ18O values in metacarbonates, indicates regional infiltration, probably along a detachment fault, of low δ18O fluid/melt possibly derived from meta‐mafic to ultramafic rocks.  相似文献   
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