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Calcareous and smectitic clay samples from the Coniacian–Lower Campanian system, Tunisia, were used as adsorbents for the removal of copper and zinc from aqueous solutions in single and binary systems. Calcareous clay sample was treated with acetic acid to obtain carbonate-free sample that was also used for metals removal. The adsorption of metal ions onto natural clay was tested in a batch method by mixing 1 g/L of each sample with a metal ion solution of zinc (300 μmol/L) and/or copper 600 μmol/L under the operating pH of 6, and agitation speed of 200 rpm within the equilibrium time of 60 min at 25 °C for single and binary systems. Our results showed that natural clay samples were mainly composed of silica, alumina, iron, and magnesium oxides. Adsorption data showed that the studied clay samples removed substantial amounts of heavy metals in single and mixed systems. Initial solution pH and carbonates contents enhanced the removal capacities of the studied clay samples, confirming their strong influencing effects. Thermodynamic parameters indicated an endothermic adsorption for metals removal by calcareous clay, but exothermic process for the smectitic sample. These results suggest that the Late Cretaceous clays, Tunisia, can be effectively used as natural adsorbents for the removal of toxic heavy metals in aqueous systems.  相似文献   
The Oued Belif 48 and Koudiat El Halfa 5 borehole samples have been analysed in order to reveal the mineralogical composition of the Triassic successions and their burial history within the geological evolution of the Tethysian southern margin. Oued Belif 48 borehole belongs to Nefza district which is a part of the “Nappe zone” (Tellian unit, north-western Tunisia). Koudiat El Halfa 5 borehole crosses the Koudiat El Halfa diapir (north–west of the north–south axis, Central Atlas). In this paper, the burial degree of evaporitic Triassic samples was determined by the “illite crystallinity” index and by the evolution of the other phyllosilicates, essentially chlorite, talc and illite/chlorite and illite/smectite mixed layers. The studied samples of the two boreholes are characterized by the presence of abundant clay minerals. The <2-μm grain-size fraction of the samples is mostly composed of illite, chlorite and smectite and may contain a slight percentage of swelling layers (illite/smectite and illite/chlorite). The illite crystallinity value measured on ethylene glycol solvated oriented mounts of the Oued Belif 48 samples oscillates globally between 1 and 2.5 characterizing the epizonal zone with a range of 300–400 °C temperatures. The measures of Koudiat El Halfa 5 samples crystallinity index show a value ranging from 2 to 4, which indicates the anchizone and early epizone burial stage (temperatures around 200 °C). These data can be explained by Miocene magmatic activities characterizing the Triassic material of Nefza district and also by burial phenomena effects.  相似文献   
This study aims to follow the effect of the diagenetic transformations on the clayey fraction and the organic matter of the Tunisian southern sub-surface. 61 samples from oil well named NWA-1 were recuperated for series of analyses. This study follows a comparative approach between the mineralogical, geochemical and petrographic studies. To discuss results from a statistical viewpoint, the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied in order to find out any correlation between different components. The associated minerals quartz, feldspar, calcite, pyrite, anhydrite, gypsum, dolomite and olivine are also detected. These associated minerals remove by-products by the illitization reaction. The Index of Crystallinity (IC) of illite shows that, except some anomalies, the studied samples are between the epizone and the anchizone. Downward, samples show the effect of diagenetic processes and weak signs of low-grade metamorphism. As regards to the organic matter, values of Tmax range between 333°C and 463°C. On the other hand, potential hydrocarbon compounds (S2) show low values compared to those of (S1); but they maintain a similar variability from 0.63 to 21.12. SEM observations and X-ray microanalyses supported the formation of authigenic micro-quartz. The PCA of clay minerals, chemical components, and the depth shows three different populations. Feldspar, chlorite and quartz make up a population positively correlated with the depth. The second population seems to be indifferent to depth variation; it is made up of two sub-populations: the population of illite, gypsum and anhydrite, which is obtained by a counter clock rotation of depth population; and the population of pyrite, kaolinite, olivine phyllosilicate, which is obtained by an anticlockwise rotation of depth population. Third, the population of smectite, calcite and dolomite is inversely proportional to the depth variation. On the other hand, the PCA of TOC, Tmax, HI, S1, S2 and the depth make up a homogenous statistical population following the depth evolution.  相似文献   
Limestone beds of the Late Cretaceous Abiod formation (Campanian-Maastrichtian system) are fundamentally important for the economic growth of the raw material sector in Tunisia. However, little attention has been paid to the detailed physical and chemical properties of the Abiod limestone. Nine limestone samples collected from the Abiod formation outcropping in the areas of Bizerte, Gafsa and Gabes, Tunisia, as well as their separated clay fractions, were characterized using different techniques, such as XRF, XRD, FTIR and TG/DTA. XRF showed the chemical composition of the limestone in which calcium carbonate was the main constituent, and silica, iron and magnesium were the impurities. XRD also confirmed the presence of small amounts of clay minerals and quartz along with sharp peaks of calcite. FTIR spectra indicated that the limestone was mainly composed of CaCO3 in the form of calcite, as identified by its main characteristic absorption bands. These data were in agreement with XRD and XRF analysis data. The TG/DTA curves of the limestone samples, showing a close similarity to that of pure calcium carbonate, exhibited an endothermic peak between 600 and 760°C, with the maximum near 750°C. Moreover, FTIR spectra of clay fraction samples indicated high silica content in some samples. Especially the samples SD1 and SD2 collected in the northern area showed higher amounts of silica compared with those of AS1, AS2, CHB, ZNC, SND, MKM and GBS collected from southern districts. However, among the latter seven samples, one could recognize two groups based on the clay mineral investigations: (1) limestone with minor amounts of smectite and mixed layer minerals of smectite/illite (AS1 and 2, CHB, ZNC, SND and GBS) and (2) limestone with smectite, kaolinite and apatite (SND and MKM). Differences in these mineralogical and chemical characteristics should be considered when limestone from the Abiod formation is utilized as a medium for heavy metal removal from wastewater.  相似文献   
We have studied the clay assemblages found in the different palaeogeographic domains located at the several Tunisian margin basins, ranging in age from Palaeozoic to Neogene. This study has allowed us to characterize and highlight the relationship between the clay distribution in time and space and the geodynamic and eustatic events. Marine regressions, with the intensification of erosion, seem to be responsible for illite increases, whereas transgressions, in concordance with a warm and dry climate, coincide with the smectite dominance. The minimum marine level coincides with the abundance of palygorskite. Mineralogic changes in the clay assemblages as well as in the proportion of the different clay minerals will tentatively be related to erosive tectonic events and/or to subsiding and rifting events, marked by the inheritance or the neoformation of the several clays.  相似文献   
This paper presents the first attempt to investigate the potential of Tunisian palygorskite-rich clay (Pal-clay) on the effectiveness of a textile dye “Direct orange 34” (DO34) removal. Important parameters which affect adsorption, such as initial solution pH, contact time, adsorbent mass, initial dye concentration, and temperature, were investigated. The raw Pal-clay was characterized using X-ray diffractometer (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), cation exchange capacity (CEC), specific surface area (SSA) analysis, and point of zero charge (PZC) determination. The results showed that the Pal-clay has a high selectivity for DO34 and had maximum removal efficiency reaching up to about 91 %. The highest adsorption capacity was obtained at 25 °C and pH of 2. The dye uptake process fitted well to the pseudo-second-order kinetic expression and was best described by the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. Intra-particle diffusion studies showed that the adsorption mechanism was not exclusively controlled by the diffusion step and was more likely to be governed by external mass transfer. Thermodynamic parameters such as change in free energy (ΔG°), enthalpy (ΔH°), and entropy (ΔS°) were also calculated. The parameters revealed that the adsorption of dye by the raw clay is spontaneous and exothermic. The results indicate that the Pal-clay has a moderate adsorption capacity towards anionic dye.  相似文献   
The Tamra iron mine (Nefza mining district, N. Tunisia) has been exploited for about one century. There are, however, very few publications modelling the mineralisation within this 50 m-thick Messinian–Zanclean sedimentary series. We present the result of a detailed sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical study on the siliciclastic sediments heavily mineralised in iron. In their present state of preservation, these are rather unusual sediments, wherein most of sedimentological information is obliterated by iron impregnation. The whole series consists of a succession of fining-upward sequences (a few meters in thickness) that are capped by clay-bearing variegated and mottled horizons, each sequence being interpreted as a shallowing-upward sequence topped by an emersive horizon corresponding to a paleosoil. We propose that alteration and/or pedogenesis by the downward percolation of meteoric fluids accounts for most of the initial iron concentration, while a hydrothermal overprint, linked to the neighbouring Miocene magmatic rocks and associated mineral deposits (Sidi Driss Fe–Pb–Zn mine), accounts for the existing extreme iron enrichment. The proposed model is likely to apply to several other iron mines linked to the Miocene magmatic activity in the whole Maghreb area, and especially along the Apenninic thrust front (locally known as Tell-Rif front).  相似文献   
The Meknassy-Mezzouna basin is affected by a fault system, assembling two main directions, northsouth and eastwest. The Triassic outcrops are widely noticeable at Jebel Jebbes El Meheri and the Mezzouna link. During the late Maastrichtian–Ypresian, the sedimentation in the basin is influenced by halokinetic events, which are clearly manifested either by the thickness of El Haria formation along the Triassic outcrops (rim syncline) or by an alteration surface at the top of the Abiod formation. Such events also confirm the emersion of the basin from the late Maastrichtian to the early Lutetian. However, the present work tries to highlight the effects of halokinetic uplift on the clay mineralogical variations at that area. In harmony with this halokinetic activity, the clay minerals of this time interval (during the late Maastrichtian–Ypresian) show a trend of variation which corresponds to the evolution from illite and kaolinite, indicating a strongly hydrolytic marine environment, to smectite, sepiolite, and palygorskite, reflecting a very rapid evolution from this marine environment to a lagoon environment, then to a more confined continental environment. In fact, the appearance of sepiolite and palygorskite on the top of El Haria formation and the Paleocene–Eocene transition can be explained by a transformation or neoformation mechanism in an alkaline environment, rich in silica and magnesium, under arid to semi-arid climatic conditions. Moreover, the palygorskite can be formed in continental deposits as well as in close marine environment, which displays a limited communication with the open sea. Under these conditions, the evaporation leads to high ionic concentration of alkaline pH, which is favorable to the formation and stability of this mineral.  相似文献   
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