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Data for as many as 31 elements were determined by instrumental thermal neutron activation analysis for nine European Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) rock and ore standards. The National Bureau of Standards plastic clay 98 and the University of Gent fired clay FCG were also analyzed. Synthetic, multielement standards were used and USGS rock standards provided reference samples. Correction factors for uranium fission products on cerium and molybdenum, and also for less commonly encountered spectral interferences, such as those due to the 213 ppm tantalum in granitoid 2B, were evaluated.  相似文献   
The 2 km wide contact aureole produced from serpentinite bythe intrusion of the Mount Stuart Batholith into the IngallsComplex at Paddy-Go-Easy Pass contains the following ultramaficassemblages, in order of increasing grade: serpentine-forsterite-diopside,serpentine-forsterite-tremolite, forsterite-talc, forsterite-anthophyllite,forsterite-enstatite-anthophyllite, forsterite-enstatite-chlorite,forsterite-enstatite-spinel. Associated metarodingites displayfive metamorphic zones, the diagnostic assemblages of whichare, in increasing grade: grossular-idocrase-chlorite, grossular-diopside-chlorite,epidote-diopside-chlorite, epidote-diopside-spinel, plagioclase-grossular-diopside.Mafic hornfels in the aureole contains no orthopyroxene, indicatingthat the conditions of pyroxene hornfels facies were not reached. The breakdown of chlorite is best displayed in aluminous blackwallreaction zones around mafic inclusions in the peridotite. Attemperatures above those of the anthophyllite-out isograd, butwithin the field of forsterite+tremolite, these chlorite-richrocks react to form the assemblage: forsterite-enstatite-spinel.Calculations show that cordierite did not form as a result ofchlorite breakdown in the natural system because impurities,such as iron and chromium, displaced the equilibrium: forsterite+cordierite=enstatite+spinelto much lower pressures than the three kilobars found in thepure system. The primary chromite of the peridotite has been altered to chrome-magnetitein the serpentinite. This alteration seems to be isochemicalover the whole rock, as true chromite, formed by metamorphism,occurs at grades above that of the forsterite-enstatite-anthophylliteassemblage. Calcic amphibole in high-grade metaperidotite is tremolite,even in the presence of aluminous chromite, whereas that inmetamorphosed blackwall rock grades from tremolite into hornblende.The pattern of substitution appears to be: Mg2Si3(Na,K)(AlVI)2(AlIV)3.  相似文献   
Low-variance assemblages occurring within amygdules of Karmutsenlavas from the Elk Creek and Upper Campbell Lake areas, VancouverIsland, British Columbia, provide important constraints on thepressure and temperature of metamorphism as well as on the compositionof the attendant fluid. The P-T stability of the assemblagesepidote-muscovite-K-feldspar-prehnite and epidote-prehnite-quartz-wairakitecoupled with mean isochores derived from homogenization temperaturesof H2O inclusions within amygdaloidal quartz indicate that theUpper Campbell Lake area was subjected to metamorphism at 1?5kb (?0?5 kb), 260 ?C (? 15?C) and the Elk Creek area at somewhatlower P or higher T. Isobaric T-a(CO2) diagrams show that the occurrence of epidote-oligoclase,prehnite-orthoclase-albite, and prehnite-andesine assemblagescollected from the Elk Creek area is consistent with the P-Tconstraints and that these assemblages formed in water-richfluids containing very low concentrations of CO2. The presenceof Ca-zeolite-epidote assemblages in the Upper Campbell Lakearea is also compatible with P-T estimates. The consistencyof epidote and prehnite rim compositions in low-variance assemblagesand the lack of incompatible phases in these assemblages demonstratethat equilibrium was obtained on limited domains within amygdules. Because epidote and prehnite compositions in low-variance assemblagesare very sensitive to changes in concentration of CO2, low-varianceassemblages involving these phases can serve as monitors offluid composition. It is postulated that low-variance assemblagesin Karmutsen flows originated by reaction of previously formed,high-variance assemblages with infiltrating CO2-bearing aqueousfluids during a subsequent hydrothermal event. These fluidspreferentially exploited more permeable amygdaloidal portionsof the Karmutsen flows. The low-variance assemblages not onlyrecord the extremely H2O-rich composition of the permeatingfluid, but also outline the paths the fluid took. * Offprint requests to B. R. Frost  相似文献   
The Laramie Mountains of south-eastern Wyoming contain two metamorphic domains that are separated by the 1.76 Ga. Laramie Peak shear zone (LPSZ). South of the LPSZ lies the Palmer Canyon block, where apatite U–Pb ages are c. 1745 Ma and the rocks have undergone Proterozoic kyanite-grade Barrovian metamorphism. In contrast, in the Laramie Peak block, north of the shear zone, the U–Pb apatite ages are 2.4–2.1 Ga, the granitic rocks are unmetamorphosed and supracrustal rocks record only low-T amphibolite facies metamorphism that is Archean in age. Peak mineral assemblages in the Palmer Canyon block include (a) quartz–biotite–plagioclase–garnet–staurolite–kyanite in the pelitic schists; (b) quartz–biotite–plagioclase–low-Ca amphiboles–kyanite in Mg–Al-rich schists, and locally (c) hornblende–plagioclase–garnet in amphibolites. All rock types show abundant textural evidence of decompression and retrograde re-equilibration. Notable among the texturally late minerals are cordierite and sapphirine, which occur in coronas around kyanite in Mg–Al-rich schists. Thermobarometry from texturally early and late assemblages for samples from different areas within the Palmer Canyon block define decompression from >7 kbar to <3 kbar. The high-pressure regional metamorphism is interpreted to be a response to thrusting associated with the Medicine Bow orogeny at c. 1.78–1.76 Ga. At this time, the north-central Laramie Range was tectonically thickened by as much as 12 km. This crustal thickening extended for more than 60 km north of the Cheyenne belt in southern Wyoming. Late in the orogenic cycle, rocks of the Palmer Canyon block were uplifted and unroofed as the result of transpression along the Laramie Peak shear zone to produce the widespread decompression textures. The Proterozoic tectonic history of the central Laramie Range is similar to exhumation that accompanied late-orogenic oblique convergence in many Phanerozoic orogenic belts.  相似文献   
A composite intrusive igneous complex in the central mountainrange of Queen Maud Land (Thor Range), Antarctica, displayscharacteristic features of anorogenic granites. A suite of massiveintrusives and various sets of dykes and satellite intrusionsare ferroan, alkalic to alkali–calcic, and weakly peraluminous.An early set of plutons consists of charnockitic alkali-granites;a later group of plutons comprises fayalite Qtz-syenites. Coarsemesoperthite is the dominant mineral in all rocks, quartz isabundant and plagioclase is a minor mineral. Olivine (fayalite)is the characteristic mafic mineral, but subcalcic augite andoccasionally pigeonite or orthopyroxene are present. In mostsamples, amphibole is the dominant mafic mineral and its compositionis close to end-member hastingsite. It contains high concentrationsof F and Cl. Some samples contain igneous fluorite. Thermobarometrysuggests a temperature of 900 ± 25°C and a pressureof 0·4 ± 0·1 GPa for the crystallizationconditions of the pyroxene–olivine assemblages. The solidustemperature of 800–850°C for both suites of plutonicrocks is typical of water-deficient granitic melts. The estimatedlow water activity of 0·3–0·5 at solidusconditions is consistent with the high halogen content of thebulk-rocks and their constituent minerals. In the absence ofan aqueous fluid, the halogens remained in the minerals at thesolidus. Oxygen fugacity stayed below QFM in all igneous rocksabove solidus. This is typical of melts derived from partialmelting of mafic source rocks. The igneous rocks were locallyaffected by at least three distinct episodes of hydration. Asthe melt approached solidus conditions, fayalite and pyroxenewere locally transformed into hastingsite as a result of increasingfugacity of volatile components. Fayalite-free and fayalite-bearingigneous rocks are arranged in banded structures. Subsolidushydration locally modified the igneous rocks and transformedpyroxene- and fayalite-bearing granites into biotite-granitesand hornblende-granites in which all evidence of former high-Thistory was erased. This local hydration of igneous rocks occurredin response to uptake of H2O that had been given off by gneissicxenoliths as a result of progressing, continuous, dehydrationreactions. The reactions in the gneiss xenoliths were drivenby contact metamorphism. This exchange of H2O between igneousand metamorphic rocks occurred in a fluid-absent regime at temperaturesof about 750°C. Late reaction veins formed by hydraulicfracturing of the plutonic rocks and indicate the presence ofa low-density fluid phase at amphibolite facies conditions. KEY WORDS: anorogenic granite; fayalite; hastingsite; fluid recycling; Antarctica  相似文献   
The isotopic compositions of Sr, Nd, Pb and O together withabundance data for Rb, Sr, Sm, Nd, U and Pb are reported forsamples from the component parts of the c. 400 Ma old EtiveComplex, temporally and spatially related Lorne and Glencoelavas, and the Dalradian country rocks into which the Complexhas been emplaced. These and published data available for otherCaledonian granites are used to evaluate the petrogenesis ofthe Etive Complex in particular, and the role of crustal recyclingin the generation and evolution of the Caledonian granites ingeneral. Nd-isotope compositions of Etive samples at 400 Ma range from – 9.9 to – 4.7 compared with–8.4 < – 3.2 for the associated volcanics investigated here, and an estimatedvalue for depleted mantle 400 Ma ago at approximately ? 7. Dalradiancountry rocks have – 23.4 < – 7.5 and two partially digested metasedimentaryxenoliths within the granite have values of –9. 3 and -4.0. Initial 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios forthe Etive Complex range from 0–7043 to 0–7079, whereasDalradian metasediment in the immediate vicinity of the granitehas an initial ratio of 0–726. Oxygen isotopes in theComplex have 7. 6 per mil <18O < 10.0 per mil, all inexcess of typical values of mantle oxygen and reflect a crustalcomponent. An upper limit of 25 per cent Dalradian assimilationis set by the Nd-Sr isotopic variations with the granites andxenoliths. The Etive complex parent magma prior to Dalradian xenolith assimilationis estimated to have values between – 10 and – 5. In order to satisfy the Srand Pb isotope composition, additional components from a deepersource within the lithosphere (lower crust or continental lithosphericmantle) with relatively unradiogenic Sr, Nd and Pb are required. The crustal residence ages of the Etive Complex average about1.5 Ga, similar to those of many other late and post-tectonicCaledonian granites. The generation of the Etive Complex andCaledonian granites in general has been dominated by recyclingof the continental lithosphere, rather than the addition ofnew material from asthenospheric sources.  相似文献   
南阿尔金茫崖地区早古生代花岗岩锆石SHRIMP U-Pb定年结果表明,阿克提山花岗岩为264±1Ma,柴水沟花岗岩分别为404±5Ma、406±4Ma,其中的辉绿岩为454±4Ma,常春沟花岗岩分别为411±5Ma、406±3Ma,茫崖镇北石英闪长岩为466±5Ma,阿卡龙山花岗岩为469±6Ma。锆石Lu-Hf同位素分析表明,εHf(t)值大多数为正值,少数继承性锆石为负值,反映了它们的源岩以新生地壳为主,同时,也混有少量的古大陆壳的成分。结合区域地质特征和各岩体的岩石地球化学特征,将南阿尔金茫崖地区早古生代花岗质岩浆活动划分为3期,第一期(465~469Ma)岩石组合为石英闪长岩+花岗闪长岩+花岗岩,具有岛弧火成岩的地球化学属性,其形成可能与洋壳的俯冲作用有关;第二期(404~411Ma)岩石组合为花岗闪长岩+二长花岗岩+正长花岗岩,具有A型花岗岩的地球化学特征,可能与板块碰撞后造山带块体均衡调整有关,第三期(264Ma)岩石组合为石英闪长岩+二长花岗岩+正长花岗岩,也具有I型花岗岩的特征,可能与阿尔金断裂的活动有关。  相似文献   
The 2·63 Ga Louis Lake batholith, a calc-alkalic plutonexposed in Wind River Range of western Wyoming, consists ofminor diorite, quartz diorite, granodiorite, and granite. Atshallow structural levels the batholith is pyroxene free, butat deeper levels, all units of the batholith contain pyroxenes.On its northern margin the batholith was emplaced at P = 5–6kbar, T = 775–800°C, fO2 at FMQ (fayalite–magnetite–quartz)+ 1·5 to FMQ + 1·8, and aH2O  相似文献   
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