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Abstract Several small bodies of metabasite (maximum dimensions of 1000 m x 500 m) are included in the metamorphic rocks of the Nevado-Filabride Complex in the Betic Cordilleras (Almeria Region). The body of 400 m x 100 m, located 200 m due west of the Lubrin village, contains troctolitic gabbro with well-preserved igneous textures and mineral compositions, wholly amphibolitized gabbro, garnet-bearing metagabbro eclogite. Along with the textural and mineral changes, sensible and regular geochemical variations can be observed, where the content of MgO decreases from 24% to 11%, while that of CaO and Na2O increases from 7% to 11% and from 2% to 3%, respectively. In addition, the content of some minor elements such as Sr, Y, Nb, Zr and Sc increases while that of Ni and Cr decreases from troctolitic gabbro to the eclogite. The amphibolitized gabbro shows values scattered around those of the troctolitic gabbro. These geochemical variations are ascribed to inherited differences in the pre-metamorphic protolith, i.e. a fractionated gabbro which varies from olivine-rich to clinopyroxene-rich gabbro. Nevertheless, some metasomatism affected the Lubrin body without changing the main chemical trends, as documented by the significantly different 87Sr/86Sr ratios of each rock-type. This points to a metasomatism which involved the introduction of crustal radiogenic strontium. The petrographical and mineral chemical features are interpreted to be the result of syn-metamorphic fluid circulation possibly combined with deformation by shearing. The igneous texture and mineral chemistry have been retained wherever both fluid circulation and shearing were ineffective. On the contrary, where both events were effective, the formation of eclogite occurred. Later, the entire body underwent a retrogressive amphi-bolitic stage under greenschist facies conditions, which was probably responsible for the formation of the amphibolitized gabbro portion and for the retrogression of the eclogite.  相似文献   
Abstract Reconstructions of the relative positions of the Indian, African, and Antarctic plates and their uncertainties are given for the times of selected magnetic anomalies that could be identified on adjacent pairs of these plates. Among the most certain reconstructions are those for the Antarctic and African plates, which can be determined directly from recently published magnetic anomalies from both sides of the Southwest Indian Ridge. As Patriat and his colleagues reported, there was an important change in direction and a decrease in rate of separation between Africa and Antarctica between the times of anomalies 33 and 20. India moved rapidly away from both Africa and Antarctica in the Late Cretaceous and early Tertiary periods, but slowed markedly near the time of anomaly 20 (≅ 45 Myr). The positions of the Indian plate with respect to the others are poorly constrained between the times of anomaly 5 (≅ 10 Myr) and anomaly 23 (≅ 54 Myr), but using the reconstructions of the African and Antarctic plates, the uncertainties can be reduced. Despite the relatively large uncertainties, the positions of anomalies 5, 6, and 13 on the Antarctic and Indian plates apparently cannot be described by the same parameters that describe the history of separation of Australia and Antarctica. Therefore, Stein and Okal's contention that Australia and India lie on separate plates appears to be valid not only for the present, but for the last 35 Myr.  相似文献   
This paper examines the struggle against malaria undertaken by the fascist regime in the Pontine Marshes, south of Rome, and relates it to discourses of domination of nature on the one hand, and modernization and civilization through technological networks such as health and medical networks on the other. The marshes'first nature' is described first of all, focusing on malaria and the difficulty of making an impact on marsh biology before the fascist enterprise and before the large-scale employment of modern technology for the subjugation, channelling and development of the marshes. Secondly, the paper focuses on the organization of medical anti-malaria networks in the marshes during the years immediately preceding and during the fascist period (1922–43). Thirdly, the 'second nature' produced in the marshes following the land reclamation and anti-malaria projects is examined, and an assessment is provided of the fascist anti-malaria project in the marshes.  相似文献   
A new method for designing moment resisting steel frames failing in a global mode is presented in this paper. Starting from the analysis of the typical collapse mechanisms of frames subjected to horizontal forces, the method is based on the application of the kinematic theorem of plastic collapse. The beam section properties are assumed to be known quantities, because they are designed to resist vertical loads. As a consequence, the unknowns of the design problem are the column sections. They are determined by means of design conditions expressing that the kinematically admissible multiplier of the horizontal forces corresponding to the global mechanism has to be the smallest among all kinematically admissible multipliers. In addition, the proposed design method includes both the influence of distributed loads acting on the beams and the influence of second-order effects. In particular, the influence of second-order effects, which can play an important role in the seismic design of steel frames, is accounted for by the mechanism equilibrium curves of the analysed collapse mechanisms. Moreover, in order to show the practical application of the proposed design procedure, a worked example is presented. Finally, the inelastic behaviour of the designed frame is compared to that obtained when the simple member hierarchy criterion or a similar rule is applied. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A number of Palaeogene to Early Neogene gypsum units are located along the southern margins of the Ebro Basin (North‐east Spain). These marginal units, of Eocene to Lower Miocene age, formed and accumulated deposits of Ca sulphates (gypsum and anhydrite) in small, shallow saline lakes of low ionic concentration. The lakes were fed mainly by ground water from deep regional aquifers whose recharge areas were located in the mountain chains bounding the basin, and these aquifers recycled and delivered Ca sulphate and Na chloride from Mesozoic evaporites (Triassic and Lower Jurassic). In outcrop, the marginal sulphate units are largely secondary gypsum after anhydrite and exhibit meganodules (from 0·5 to >5 m across) and large irregular masses. In the sub‐surface these meganodules and masses are mostly made of anhydrite, which replaced the original primary gypsum. The isotopic composition (11·1 to 17·4‰ for δ18OVSMOW; 10·7 to 15·3‰ for δ34SVCDT) of secondary gypsum in this meganodular facies indicates that the precursor anhydrite derived from in situ replacement of an initial primary gypsum. As a result of ascending circulation of deep regional fluid flows through the gypsum units near the basin margins, the gypsum was partly altered to anhydrite within burial conditions from shallow to moderate depths (from some metres to a few hundred metres?). At such depths, the temperatures and solute contents of these regional flows exceeded those of the ground water today. These palaeoflows became anhydritizing solutions and partly altered the subsiding gypsum units before they became totally transformed by deep burial anhydritization. The characteristics of the meganodular anhydritization (for example, size and geometry of the meganodules and irregular masses, spatial arrangement, relations with the associated lithologies and the depositional cycles, presence of an enterolithic vein complex and palaeogeographic distribution) are compared with those of the anhydritization generated both in a sabkha setting or under deep burial conditions, and a number of fundamental differences are highlighted.  相似文献   
Leakage (spillover) refers to the unintended negative (positive) consequences of forest carbon (C) management in one area on C storage elsewhere. For example, the local C storage benefit of less intensive harvesting in one area may be offset, partly or completely, by intensified harvesting elsewhere in order to meet global timber demand. We present the results of a theoretical study aimed at identifying the key factors determining leakage and spillover, as a prerequisite for more realistic numerical studies. We use a simple model of C storage in managed forest ecosystems and their wood products to derive approximate analytical expressions for the leakage induced by decreasing the harvesting frequency of existing forest, and the spillover induced by establishing new plantations, assuming a fixed total wood production from local and remote (non-local) forests combined. We find that leakage and spillover depend crucially on the growth rates, wood product lifetimes and woody litter decomposition rates of local and remote forests. In particular, our results reveal critical thresholds for leakage and spillover, beyond which effects of forest management on remote C storage exceed local effects. Order of magnitude estimates of leakage indicate its potential importance at global scales.  相似文献   
Glauberite is the most common mineral in the ancient sodium sulphate deposits in the Mediterranean region, although its origin, primary or diagenetic, continues to be a matter of debate. A number of glauberite deposits of Oligocene–Miocene age in Spain display facies characteristics of sedimentologic significance, in particular those in which a glauberite–halite association is predominant. In this context, a log study of four boreholes in the Zaragoza Gypsum Formation (Lower Miocene, Ebro Basin, NE Spain) was carried out. Two glauberite–halite lithofacies associations, A and B, are distinguished: association (A) is composed of bedded cloudy halite and minor amounts of massive and clastic glauberite; association (B) is made up of laminated to thin‐bedded, clear macrocrystalline, massive, clastic and contorted lithofacies of glauberite, and small amounts of bedded cloudy halite. Transparent glauberite cemented by clear halite as well as normal‐graded and reverse‐graded glauberite textures are common. This type of transparent glauberite is interpreted as a primary, subaqueous precipitate. Gypsum, thenardite or mirabilite are absent in the two associations. The depositional environment is interpreted as a shallow perennial saline lake system, in which chloride brines (association A) and sulphate–(chloride) brines (association B) are developed. The geochemical study of halite crystals (bromine contents and fluid inclusion compositions) demonstrates that conditions for co‐precipitation of halite and glauberite, or for precipitation of Na‐sulphates (mirabilite, thenardite) were never fulfilled in the saline lake system.  相似文献   
The Badenian (Middle Miocene) Ca-sulphate deposits of the fore-Carpathian basin – including the shelf and adjacent salt depocentre – have undergone varying degrees of diagenetic change: they are preserved mainly as primary gypsum in the peripheral part of the platform, whereas toward the centre of the basin, where great subsidence occurred during the Miocene, they have been totally transformed into anhydrite. The facies variation and sequence of Badenian anhydrites reflect different genetic patterns of two members of the Ca-sulphate formation. In the lower member (restricted to the platform), anhydrite formed mainly by synsedimentary anhydritization (via nodule formation), whereas in the upper member (distributed throughout the platform and depocentre) the various gypsum/anhydrite lithofacies display a continuum of distinctive anhydrite type-fabrics. These fabrics are based on petrographic features and show from the centre to the margin: (1) syndepositional, interstitial growth of displacive anhydrite; (2) early diagenetic, displacive to replacive (by replacement of former gypsum) anhydrite formation near the depositional surface; (3) early diagenetic, displacive to replacive anhydrite formation during shallow burial; and (4) late-diagenetic (and only partial) replacement of gypsum at deeper burial. The cross-shelf lateral relations of anhydrite lithofacies and fabrics suggest that the diagenesis developed as a diachronous process. These fabrics of the upper member reflect both palaeogeographic (linked to different parts of the basin) and burial controls. Anhydrite growth started very early in the basin centre, presumably related to high-salinity pore fluids; anhydritization prograded updip toward the shelf (landward in a generalized cross-section through the basin). The intensity of gypsum replacement by anhydrite was progressively attenuated landward by a decrease in the salinity of the pore fluids. In each part of the basin, the anhydrite fabric was also controlled by the texture and degree of lithification of the fine-grained primary gypsum lithofacies. Recrystallization of these anhydrite fabrics during late diagenesis, linked to deeper burial conditions, is insignificant, allowing reconstruction of the original anhydritization pattern.  相似文献   
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