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Wadi Wurayah area is one of the major wadis originating and running on the Oman Mountains and drains into the Oman Gulf. These wadis in general and Wadi Wurayah in particular are characterized with a rich diversity of rare and mountainous and freshwater habitats and species. These wadis contain unequal, representative, and sensitive areas of the dry lands ecosystem with natural, outstanding landscapes and cultural heritage, while the socioeconomic situation indicates that it has enough socioeconomic infrastructures to develop new alternatives ecologically and economically sustainable. As most of the United Arab Emirates and the region, the study area is undergoing dramatic changes linked to economic diversification and promotion of tourism. Established under the UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Program, Wurayah Biosphere Reserve represents protected areas intended to demonstrate well-balanced relationship between conservation of biodiversity and an appropriate local development. The main objectives of this study are to develop an environmental information system to understand the dynamics of human activities associated to land use in the study area, highlight the threats to the environment, educate people about the basic environmental issues and positive traditional practices, and promote tourism. Based on the gained results, the concept of biosphere reserve as a model is to implement ideas of sustainable land use in practice.  相似文献   
A total of 72 water samples were collected from the sub-surface aquifer system in the Midyan basin and analyzed for 24 major, minor and trace elements. Histograms and normal quantile plots were used to delineate the sub-populations of the chemical constituents in the studied groundwater samples. Some of the elements such as Al, K, Ca, Mg, Na and Cl have concentrations that could be linked to the weathering of the surface rock strata. On the other hand, the elements like As, Pb and Sb have concentration, that can be linked to agricultural practices in the area. The use of simple statistical analysis, frequency histograms, and Q-Q plots were useful for the detection and evaluation of elemental constituents in the groundwater of the study area.  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - On March 25, 2019, widespread flood events occurred across Iran’s provinces and set a new record for socioeconomic losses and casualties. In hindsight, it opened an...  相似文献   
Geological and structural mappings of Tayyib Al-Ism area were carried out using the rocks finite strain data, the Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) data and the field based observations. To analyze the finite strain in the studied rocks, the Rf /? and Fry methods are applied to feldspar porphyroclasts and mafic grains from nine metavolcano-sedimentary samples (Hegaf Formation), four diorite-gabbros suite samples (Sawawin Complex), two meta-granite samples (Ifal suite) and five Zuhd alkali granite samples. The obtained data indicate traces of high to moderate level of deformation in the meta-granite and metavolcano-sedimentary rocks. The axial ratios along the XZ section range from 1.70 to 4.80 for the Rf/? method and from 1.50 to 4.50 for the Fry method. A sub-vertical trend of short axes in association with sub-horizontal foliation is also observed. These informations allow us to conclude that a finite strain in the deformed granitic rocks is of the same order of magnitude as in the metavolcano-sedimentary rocks. The contacts between the metavolcano-sedimentary and granitic rocks in Tayyib al Ism area were formed during the granitic intrusions along some of the faults under brittle to semi-ductile deformation conditions. These faults have significantly influenced the geometry and style of rifting in the Red Sea during the Neogene. The finite strain was accumulated in the area during the process of deformation, which superimpose the already existed nappe structure. It indicates that the nappe contacts formed during the accumulation of finite strain. In addition to finite strain analysis, band ratio images (3/1, 5/3, 7/5) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique have been used, which proved effective in mapping geological and structural features of various rock bodies exposed in the study area.  相似文献   
Chemical characteristics of groundwater in the Midyan Basin (northwestern Saudi Arabia) were investigated and evaluated. A total of 72 water samples were collected from existing shallow wells and analyzed for different elements. Two multivariate statistical methods, hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal components analysis (PCA), were applied to a subgroup of the data set in terms of their usefulness for groundwater classification, and to identify the processes controlling groundwater geochemistry. The subgroup consisted of 46 water samples out of 72 samples and 24 variables included major elements (Ca2+, Na+, Mg2+, K+, Cl?, HCO3 ?, NO3 ?, SO4 2?), minor and trace element (SiO2, Al, As, B, Ba, Cd, Cr, F, Fe, Mo, P, Pb, Sb, Sn, Ti, and V). For water samples, four geochemically distinct clusters (i.e., C1, C2, C3 and C4) have been observed by hierarchical cluster analysis. Cr, F and Pb are the dominant ions in cluster C2. Al, As, Cd, Mo, Sb and Ti are the dominant ions in cluster C3, while B, Ca, Cl, HCO3, K, Mg, Na, SO4 and V are identified as dominant ions in the cluster C4. In the PCA, a total of five components are extracted form the data set, which explained 73.37 % of the total data variability. Among them the first component reveals strong associations between As, B, Cd, Cr, F, Mo, Pb, Sb and Ti. The second component reveals the associations between Ca, Cl, HCO3, Mg, Na, SO4 and V.  相似文献   
Atmospheric aerosol optical depth (AOD) plays an important role in radiation modeling and partly determines the accuracy of estimated downward surface shortwave radiation (DSSR). In this study, Iqbal’s model C was used to estimate DSSR under cloud-free conditions over the Koohin and Chitgar sites in Tehran, Iran; the estimated DSSR was based on (1) our proposed hybrid modeling scheme where the AOD is retrieved using the Simplified Aerosol Retrieval Algorithm (SARA), ground-based measurements at the AERONET site in Zanjan and (2) the AOD from the Terra MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor. Several other Terra MODIS land and atmospheric products were also used as input data, including geolocation properties, water vapor, total ozone, surface reflectance, and top-of-atmosphere (TOA) radiance. SARA-based DSSR and MODIS-based DSSR were evaluated with ground-based DSSR measurements at the Koohin and Chitgar sites in 2011 and 2013, respectively; the averaged statistics for SARA-based DSSR [R 2 ≈ 0.95, RMSE ≈ 22 W/m2 (2.5% mean value), and bias ≈ 3 W/m2] were stronger than those for MODIS-based DSSR [R 2 ≈ 0.79, RMSE ≈ 51 W/m2 (5.8% mean value), and bias ≈ 34 W/m2]. These results show that the proposed hybrid scheme can be used at regional to global scales under the assumption of future access to spatially distributed AERONET sites. Additionally, the robustness of this modeling scheme was exemplified by estimating the aerosol radiative forcing (ARF) during a dust storm in Southwest Asia. The results were comparable to those of previous studies and showed the strength of our modeling scheme.  相似文献   
Groundwater contamination is one of the most significant problems in arid countries. Al-Quwiy’yia region is an example of an area where the groundwater is contaminated as a result of infiltration of waste water in low-lying areas adjacent to inhabited zones. Such contamination poses significant environmental threats for the surrounding environment and groundwater. Surface observations and spatial distribution of contamination observed in the shallow aquifer indicate that the main contamination sources were from sewage as well as from waste water dumping. However, the main source of water supply for the whole area is groundwater abstracted from the relatively shallow aquifer. Therefore, the transient electromagnetic method (TEM) and 2D electrical resistivity tomography (2D ERT) have been applied close to the waste water dump site to characterize the response of pollution plumes. Both of these geoelectrical techniques are sensitive to electrical conductivity as well as to other physical properties, which are greatly influenced by the polluted groundwater. Therefore, it is possible to profile the contamination plumes, both vertically and horizontally, in the vicinity of the measured stations. The ERT profiles gave detailed information about the lateral distribution of the contaminated groundwater, whereas the TEM demonstrated the vertical extensions.  相似文献   
Water samples for chemical analyses were collected in January 2012. A total of 72 samples of groundwater were collected from 72 boreholes in the Midyan Basin, northwestern Saudi Arabia. Samples were collected in polyethylene bottles and preserved and the used analytical techniques were in accordance with the standard methods from American public health association. Geochemical analyses of the groundwater samples from Midyan Basin reveal the concentration of fluoride (F) between 0.98 and 2.1 mg/l. Other parameters, e.g, pH, EC, TDS, HCO3, SO4, NO3, Cl, K, Na, Mg, and Ca have been found in a variable proportion. Among them, the concentration of EC, HCO3, K, Na and Mg is higher than the permissible limits. According to thermodynamical considerations, most of the analysed samples are graded under-saturated with respect to calcite and fluoride, while saturation has been observed in some samples. The under-saturation could probably be attributed to low concentration of calcite and fluoride in the studied wells. Fluoride concentration shows weak positive correlation with EC, TDS, Na, Cl, and SO4. Factors controlling the concentration of fluoride (F) in the studied samples are the area climate, water chemistry and the presence of accessory minerals in the rocks through which groundwater is circulating, besides the anthropogenic activities in the area.  相似文献   
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