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The atmospheric heat source over the Bolivian plateau for a mean January   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The atmospheric heat sources of large plateaus strongly influence the general circulation particularly in the summer season. The Bolivian plateau and the adjacent areas affect the upper tropospheric flow in a typical summer month by developing an anticyclone and deflecting the prevailing westerlies. The plateau initially warms the atmosphere through sensible heating and then through latent heating as thunderstorms develop.The atmospheric heat source over the Bolivian and adjacent plateau was computed employing conventional surface and satellite radiation data for the mean January 1979. Because of a lack of direct ground temperature data, the surface radiation was estimated following an empirical formula devised for some earlier Tibetan studies.The results revealed that the latent heating developing in the eastern and northeastern part of the plateau is the biggest contributor to the atmospheric heat source (500 W m-2). A comparison of these results against similar recent results from Tibet showed that the atmospheric heat source in South America is stronger than that over Tibet, primarily because of increased rainfall over Bolivia.  相似文献   
The variation in phytoplankton community as a response to improving water quality has been studied in the severely polluted Golden Horn Estuary (GHE). Phytoplankton data collected monthly for 4 years and a detailed set of environmental parameters clearly showed the remarkable change in the GHE. The GHE ecosystem did not respond to numerous rehabilitation efforts to improve water quality, unless strict measures were taken to enhance water circulation. The opening of a bridge operating on large buoys and release of high amounts of fresh water from a dam acted as the turning point for the whole system. The weakening of light limitation and anoxia at upper regions is followed by consecutive blooms of different species/groups and resulted in super-saturated dissolved oxygen concentrations and a significant decrease in nutrient concentrations. When compared to the pre-remediation period, average total eukaryotic phytoplankton abundance increased 11-fold in the lower estuary, while the increase in the upper estuary was over 3 × 104 in the post-remediation period. In addition, species richness continuously increased through the study period and community structure showed very strong variability. Since the estuarine ecosystem is controlled by precipitation in the last decade, the increase in anthropogenic/terrestrial inputs following heavy rainfall had adversely affected water quality and phytoplankton.  相似文献   
Digital elevation models have been used in many applications since they came into use in the late 1950s. It is an essential tool for applications that are concerned with the Earth's surface such as hydrology, geology, cartography, geomorphology, engineering applications, landscape architecture and so on. However, there are some differences in assessing the accuracy of digital elevation models for specific applications. Different applications require different levels of accuracy from digital elevation models. In this study, the magnitudes and spatial patterning of elevation errors were therefore examined, using different interpolation methods. Measurements were performed with theodolite and levelling. Previous research has demonstrated the effects of interpolation methods and the nature of errors in digital elevation models obtained with indirect survey methods for small‐scale areas. The purpose of this study was therefore to investigate the size and spatial patterning of errors in digital elevation models obtained with direct survey methods for large‐scale areas, comparing Inverse Distance Weighting, Radial Basis Functions and Kriging interpolation methods to generate digital elevation models. The study is important because it shows how the accuracy of the digital elevation model is related to data density and the interpolation algorithm used. Cross validation, split‐sample and jack‐knifing validation methods were used to evaluate the errors. Global and local spatial auto‐correlation indices were then used to examine the error clustering. Finally, slope and curvature parameters of the area were modelled depending on the error residuals using ordinary least regression analyses. In this case, the best results were obtained using the thin plate spline algorithm. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In this study, the geometric accuracy comparison of aerial photos and WorldView-2 satellite stereo image data is evaluated with the different number and the distribution of the ground control points (GCPs) on the basis of large scale map production. Also, the current situation of rivalry between airborne and satelliteborne imagery was mentioned. The geometric accuracy of Microsoft UltraCam X 45 cm ground sampling distance (GSD) aerial imagery and WorldView-2 data both with and without GCPs are also separately analyzed. The aerial photos without any GCP by only using global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and inertial measurement unit (IMU) data with tie points give an accuracy of ±1.17 m in planimetry and ±0.71 m in vertical that means nearly two times better accuracy than the rational polynomial coefficient (RPC) of stereo WorldView-2. Using one GCP affects the accuracies of aerial photos and WorldView-2 in different ways. While this situation distorts the aerial photo block, it corrects the shift effect of RPC in WorldView-2 and increases the accuracy. By using four or more GCPs, ½?pixel (~0.23 m) accuracy in aerial photos and 1 pixel (~0.50 m) accuracy in WorldView-2 can be achieved in horizontal. In vertical, aerial photos have 1 pixel (~0.55 m) and WorldView-2 has 1.5 pixels (~0.85 m) accuracy. These results show that Worldview-2 imagery can be used in the production of class I 1:5000 scale maps according to the ASPRS Accuracy Standards for Digital Geospatial Data in terms of geometric accuracy. It is concluded that the rivalry between aerial and satellite imagery will continue for some time in the future.  相似文献   
Two major earthquakes occurred on October 23rd, 2011 (M=7.1) and November 9th, 2011 (M=5.6) in Tabanli and Edremit districts of Van province in Turkey, respectively. New settlement areas for Van city were determined after these destructive earthquakes. One of the most important areas for new settlements to be built was Edremit region, consisting travertine where nearly 80% of new housing units (12.384) were built by TOKI (Housing Development Administration of Turkey). Travertines have different lithotypes depending on their depositional process such as crystalline crust, shrub, reed which can affect mechanical and engineering properties of travertine and each level has different handicaps. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between lithotype and physico-mechanical properties of travertines. According to the results, lithotype has an effect on physical, mechanical and rock mass properties of travertine. It is ascertained by several research methods that various handicaps may occur on such areas when the active tectonic structure of the area is evaluated along with the karstic cavities within the travertine and different lithotype qualities.  相似文献   
The universal soil loss equation (USLE) is an erosion model to estimate average soil loss that would generally result from splash, sheet, and rill erosion from agricultural plots. Recently, use of USLE has been extended as a useful tool predicting soil losses and planning control practices by the effective integration of the GIS-based procedures to estimate the factor values on a grid cell basis. This study was performed for five different lands uses of Indağı Mountain Pass, Cankırı to predict the soil erosion risk by the USLE/GIS methodology for planning conservation measures in the site. Of the USLE factors, rainfall-runoff erosivity factor (USLE-R) and topographic factor (USLE-LS) were greatly involved in GIS. These were surfaced by correcting USLE-R site-specifically using DEM and climatic data and by evaluating USLE-LS by the flow accumulation tool using DEM and watershed delineation tool to consider the topographical and hydrological effects on the soil loss. The study assessed the soil erodibility factor (USLE-K) by randomly sampled field properties by geostatistical analysis. Crop management factor for different land-use/land cover type and land use (USLE-C) was assigned to the numerical values from crop and flora type, canopy and density of five different land uses, which are plantation, recreational land, cropland, forest and grassland, by means of reclassifying digital land use map available for the site. Support practice factor (USLE-P) was taken as a unit assuming no erosion control practices. USLE/GIS technology together with the geostatistics combined these major erosion factors to predict average soil loss per unit area per unit time. Resulting soil loss map revealed that spatial average soil loss in terms of the land uses were 1.99, 1.29, 1.21, 1.20, 0.89 t ha−1 year−1 for the cropland, grassland, recreation, plantation and forest, respectively. Since the rate of soil formation was expected to be so slow in Central Anatolia of Turkey and any soil loss of more than 1 ton ha−1 year−1 over 50–100 years was considered as irreversible for this region, soil erosion in the Indağı Mountain Pass, to the great extent, attained the irreversible state, and these findings should be very useful to take mitigation measures in the site.  相似文献   
A parameter of interest in the theory of comminution is the energy absorbed per unit new surface produced, erg cm?2. Naturally this unit has a certain relation to the strain energy per unit volume of the solid at fracture. Unit new surface energy is calculated from three mathematical models: the first two under static loading and the third under dynamic loading assuming fracture by tensile stresses.The average physical characteristics of limestone, quartz, calcite and glass which are found in the literature are used in the formulas of these three mathematical models. The calculated values of the new surface energies from these models are compared with experimental and theoretical values.The values from these models are reasonably close to those from the experiments, consequently there is the possibility of application of these models in practice.  相似文献   
Turkey lies on the Alpine-Himalayan belt which is one of the most important geothermal belts in the World. Therefore, there are numerous mineral waters in Anatolia where geological and tectonic activities are intense. Archeological studies conducted in Anatolia, which is the cradle of various civilizations, reveal the fact that mineral water has been used as a spa in many areas.The scope of this study is to evaluate mineral waters in Western Anatolia and their use in thermal resorts for balneological purposes. In this respect, 50 thermal waters used in spa centers were analyzed for various physical, chemical and bacteriological parameters.Among the 50 waters tested, 40 are thermomineral waters while 10 are acratothermal waters. Some of these waters have distinct chemical compositions. Their temperatures are between 21 and 90 °C. Various types of mineral water source occur within this region: 5 of these are sulfurous, 1 has carbon dioxide, 29 have fluorine, 1 has iodine and 3 are saliferous. The thermomineral sources with saline characteristics have balneotherapy potential for treating skin illnesses including psoriasis and rheumatological illnesses.Some waters with appreciable bicarbonate and sulfate concentrations can also be used for balneotherapy; for example for use as a cure for chronic inflammatory diseases of gastrointestinal and urinary systems. They could also be used as a cure for prophylactic and metaphylactic treatment of urolithiasis.However, among 38 sampling sites, 12 sites are bacteriologically contaminated. This indicates that regulations governing the protection of such zones are not properly enforced and that water sources within these regions are not sufficiently protected or inspected.  相似文献   
In central eastern Anatolia which is located between Eurasia and Africa, the study of basin developments between late Eocene and early Miocene is of great importance for understanding the process of the closure of the Neo-Tethys Ocean and the formation of strike-slip faults and regional uplift. To study these, three basins were selected: the Sivas-Erzincan, Gürün-Akkisla-Divrigi (GAD), and Malatya basins. The study proposes that the opening of the GAD basin played a key role in the formation of the Ecemis fault, which started developing at the end of early Miocene, and in mountain uplift. All these basins are situated on continental blocks and oceanic crust, arranged from north to south as the Sakarya continent, the Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan ocean (Northern Neo-Tethys), the Kirsehir continent, the inner Tauride ocean, the Munzur-Binboga block, the Maden (=Berit) ocean, the Bitlis-Pütürge block, the Çüngüs ocean and the Arabian continent.The findings indicate that late Eocene-early Miocene successions in these basins were not deposited in foreland basins formed in front of the thrust faults associated with the closure of the ocean, as stated in previous studies. Rather, they were deposited in forearc and backarc basins related to the subduction which was effective until the end of early Miocene. The Sivas-Erzincan and Malatya basins, located on the inner Tauride and Maden (=Berit) oceans, were forearc basins, while the GAD basin situated on the Munzur-Binboga block was a backarc basin. These basins have parallel developments up to the end of early Miocene. While marine sediments were deposited in the Malatya and Sivas-Erzincan basins between late Eocene and early Miocene, terrestrial units began to settle in the GAD basin from the late Eocene and the deposition there is continuous until the end of the early Miocene.Collision of the Arabian and the Anatolian plates at the end of early Miocene (16-18 Ma) produced the left-strike slip Ecemis fault zone, which caused the lateral slip of sedimentary units in the Sivas-Erzincan and GAD basins over hundreds of kilometers. This event produced the first westward tectonic escape of the Anatolian plate prior to the north Anatolian fault (NAF) and the east Anatolian fault (EAF). The Gürün region located in the GAD basin was exhumed in late Miocene and this basin was broken. The Gürün region, which remains on the rising part of the Munzur-Binboga block, is not a different basin as stated earlier, but it is a part of the GAD basin, representing the central part of the GAD basin lake, as indicated by the fine grained deposits (limestones and clay) that occur in the Gürün area.  相似文献   
In this paper, first, the criteria that make logistics service providers more “green” are determined as: cooperation with customer’s company and its customer, green government regulations, environmental management system, green process design, reduction in energy consumption and green network design. The criteria weights are determined by fuzzy AHP, based on expert opinions. Then, a new method is proposed, which is the combination of fuzzy TOPSIS and GRA, and used to evaluate green 3PLs based on different separation measures, as an extension, using trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. Five Turkish 3PLs serve in Istanbul are selected in order to apply a case study to show the applicability of the proposed method. Finally, the proposed method is verified with respect to different resolving coefficient values and separation measures and also compared with fuzzy TOPSIS and fuzzy VIKOR method results. Different multi-criteria decision-making methods can be applied and compared to check validity of our results for future studies. The proposed method can also be implemented to 3PLs in other countries.  相似文献   
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