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Subaqueous sand dunes are common bedforms on continental shelves dominated by tidal and geostrophic currents. However, much less is known about sand dunes in deep‐marine settings that are affected by strong bottom currents. In this study, dune fields were identified on drowned isolated carbonate platforms in the Mozambique Channel (south‐west Indian Ocean). The acquired data include multibeam bathymetry, multi‐channel high‐resolution seismic reflection data, sea floor imagery, a sediment sample and current measurements from a moored current meter and hull‐mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler. The dunes are located at water depths ranging from 200 to 600 m on the slope terraces of a modern atoll (Bassas da India Atoll) and within small depressions formed during tectonic deformation of drowned carbonate platforms (Sakalaves Seamount and Jaguar Bank). Dunes are composed of bioclastic medium size sand, and are large to very large, with wavelengths of 40 to 350 m and heights of 0·9 to 9·0 m. Dune migration seems to be unidirectional in each dune field, suggesting a continuous import and export of bioclastic sand, with little sand being recycled. Oceanic currents are very intense in the Mozambique Channel and may be able to erode submerged carbonates, generating carbonate sand at great depths. A mooring located at 463 m water depth on the Hall Bank (30 km west of the Jaguar Bank) showed vigorous bottom currents, with mean speeds of 14 cm sec?1 and maximum speeds of 57 cm sec?1, compatible with sand dune formation. The intensity of currents is highly variable and is related to tidal processes (high‐frequency variability) and to anticyclonic eddies near the seamounts (low‐frequency variability). This study contributes to a better understanding of the formation of dunes in deep‐marine settings and provides valuable information about carbonate preservation after drowning, and the impact of bottom currents on sediment distribution and sea floor morphology.  相似文献   
The reproductive cycle of the demosponge Sarcotragus spinosulus from two different shallow environments (La Pierta and La Strea) of the Ionian coasts of Apulia (SE Italy) was studied from February 2006 to February 2007 in 20 tagged specimens. The sponge is viviparous. All the monitored specimens showed sexual reproduction, even if the process usually involved small portions of the sponge tissue. Most of the specimens showed hermaphroditism, with contemporaneous production of oocytes and spermatic cysts in the same reproductive season. Young oocytes occurred from June to September in specimens from La Pierta and from June to October in those from La Strea. Large mature eggs, measuring up to 200 μm, showed a peak in August to September, concomitant with the appearance of spermatic cysts, whose density values were about 100 times higher than those estimated for female elements. At La Pierta, embryos were present for 11 months, whereas at La Strea they were very scarce during the first 4 months of observation, with the results that there was a significant difference in the production of embryos between the two groups of sponges. Embryo development occurred in patches inside the choanosomal region. Cleavage started in September and led in June to a solid stereoblastula, which, only at La Pierta, produced parenchymella larva (371.3 + 31.3 μm on average) from June to July. In the specimens from La Strea, larvae were never observed. The slight differences in the reproductive cycle between the two groups of sponges may be explained in the light of the major variability of the environmental parameters which could have affected the specimens from La Strea negatively.  相似文献   
The present study focuses on new palaeobotanical data (pollen, phytoliths and fruits) from three of the oldest Early Palaeolithic sites in Eurasia (Dmanisi in Georgia, Ca’ Belvedere di Monte Poggiolo in Italy and Pont-de-Lavaud in France). The main aim is to examine the ecological factors associated with the first human dispersals out of Africa into Eurasia. The palaeoecological data are discussed with regards to chronology and geographical location of the settlements. The vegetation pattern of each site consists of temperate Eurasian and Mediterranean taxa, subtropical trees being more or less recorded depending on climatic and geographic features. The new palaeobotanical data show that different vegetation structures occurred between the first human dispersal in Caucasus and the later dispersals in western Eurasia. However, in all cases hominins seemed to be adapted to temperate ecosystems. In Caucasus, human occupation took place at 1.7 Ma in a forest-steppe environment, while at ca 1 Ma human populations occupied various settings such as open landscapes or dense forests. These data suggest that during the Early Pleistocene, human populations evolved and dispersed in western Eurasia, gradually increasing their degree of adaptation to diversified environments.  相似文献   
Planktonic foraminifera and pollen data from core GNS84-C106 (Gulf of Salerno, Tyrrhenian Sea) were analysed through the Modern Analogue Technique, Constrained Cluster Analysis and relative variation biplots. A long period of mild climate, centred around 25 ka BP, is evident in both marine and continental reconstructions. The cooling phase from 17 to 14.7 ka BP, correlated to the H1 Heinrich event, is indicated by a sea surface temperature (SST) decrease, which roughly coincides with the cold-arid phase identified by annual and January temperatures. A rapid increase in atmospheric temperatures and precipitation, culminating at 13.8 ka BP, marks the BA cronozone. The corresponding increase in summer and winter SSTs, of 11 and 6.5 °C, respectively, occurred over 600 years. The beginning of the YD, centred around 12.5 ka BP, is marked by a decrease in summer and winter SSTs of, respectively, 4.5 and 3.5 °C in one century. The atmospheric evidence of the YD is primarily reflected in low January temperatures, reaching −6 °C, the lowest values ever experienced in the analysed time interval. The Late Glacial–Holocene transition is clearly recorded in both the continental and marine realms. From 11.5 to 9 ka BP, atmospheric temperatures record a period of substantial stability followed by a drop at 8.9 ka BP, which chronologically fall within the first RCC event (9–8 ka BP) of Mayewski et al. [2004. Holocene climate variability. Quaternary Research 62, 243–255], in correspondence with a phase of relatively high seasonality, indicated by foraminifera.  相似文献   
The present study focuses on the reproductive success of transplants of the bath sponge Spongia officinalis Linnaeus, 1759, with the aim of investigating the possibility of restocking this species, one of the most endangered organisms of the Mediterranean sessile zoobenthos. Transplants of S. officinalis, collected from a wild population along the Apulian coasts (Ionian Sea, Italy), have been moved into an area where the species was present in the past. The transplants consisted both of specimens in toto and of fragments of different sizes, obtained after having cut the mother sponge into pieces. All transplanted sponges showed complete cicatrisation of the cut surfaces within a month of the initial manipulation and had a survival rate of 100% throughout the 12 months of the study. From the present investigation, it has emerged that the reproductive effort and the larval release by the transplants do not differ significantly from those shown by the source population. This successful technical approach supports its application as a strategy for restocking the population of this endangered species.  相似文献   
Contourite drifts are sediment bodies formed by the action of bottom currents. They are common features found on continental slopes and are often affected by slope failure. However, processes controlling slope instability in contourite depositional systems are still not well constrained, and it is not clear whether contourites have particular properties that make them more susceptible to slope failure. In this study, we compare sedimentological and geotechnical properties of contouritic and hemipelagic sediments within the Corsica Trough (northern Tyrrhenian Sea) using geophysical data sets and sediment cores in order to get a better understanding of the controlling factors of slope stability. Geomorphological and slope stability analyses reveal that differences in sediment properties have little influence on the location of submarine landslides, in comparison with the morphology of the drifts. Hence, the steep downslope flanks of plastered drift deposits are the most susceptible zones for local failure initiation. Moreover, as erosion is common at the foot of plastered drifts, undercutting is thought to contribute to the development of large-scale failure up to the point that submarine landslides are triggered.  相似文献   
Evidences of sedimentation affected by oceanic circulation, such as nepheloid layers and contourites are often observed along continental slopes. However, the oceanographic processes controlling sedimentation along continental margins remain poorly understood. Multibeam bathymetry and high-resolution seismic reflection data revealed a contourite depositional system in the Mozambican upper continental slope composed of a contourite terrace (a surface with a gentle seaward slope dominated by erosion) and a plastered drift (a convex-shape sedimentary deposit). A continuous alongslope channel and a field of sand dunes (mainly migrating upslope), formed during Holocene, were identified in the contourite terrace at the present seafloor. Seismic reflection data of the water column show internal waves and boluses propagating in the pycnocline near the upper slope. The channel and the dunes are probably the result of the interaction of the observed internal waves with the seafloor under two different conditions. The alongslope channel is located in a zone where intense barotropic tidal currents may arrest internal solitary waves, generating a hydraulic jump and focused erosion. However, upslope migrating dunes may be formed by bottom currents induced by internal solitary waves of elevation propagating landwards in the pycnocline. These small-scale sedimentary features generated by internal waves are superimposed on large-scale contouritic deposits, such as plastered drifts and contourite terraces, which are related to geostrophic currents. These findings provide new insights into the oceanographic processes that control sedimentation along continental margins that will help interpretation of palaeoceanographic conditions from the sedimentary record. © 2020 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   
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