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During their early history the Tongue of the Ocean and the Providence Channels were broad, relatively shallow basins flanked by growing carbonate banks. As the Blake-Bahama platform subsided, sedimentation kept pace with subsidence on the banks, but not in these flat-bottomed troughs, thus increasing the relief. At the outer end of the troughs the Blake-Bahama escarpment, bounding the platform on the east, dropped steeply to the abyssal plain. Sediment gravity flows coursing down this escarpment began to erode a valley headward into the flat-bottom ancestral Northeast Providence Channel. As the relief between the banks and the troughs increased, the flows increased in vigor, and some of them were able to move down the troughs and into the headwardly eroding central valley. The rate of headward erosion thus increased, with the result that still more flows found their way into the valley. The head of this valley is now off central Andros Island, about 225 km from its point of origin, and headward erosion is continuing.Study of bathymetric charts, observations made during sixteen dives in the Tongue of the Ocean using the submersible DSRV “Alvin”, and analogies with subaerial geomorphic processes and their products contributed to the development of this model. The model is consistent with available stratigraphic information.It is emphasized that the morphology of the Tongue of the Ocean and the Providence Channels cannot be explained as the result of a single unidirectional process, such as upbuilding alone or erosion alone. Both have occurred and both are still occurring. Upbuilding predominated early in the history of the Bahamas; it is responsible for the high walls. Erosion began later and has been accelerating through time. It is responsible for the central valley.  相似文献   
Late Jurassic formations of the Northern Calcareous Alps (NCA) contain ample evidence of synsedimentary tectonics in the form of elongate basins filled with turbidites, debris flows and slumps. Clasts are derived from the Mesozoic of the NCA; they commonly measure tens of metres in diameter and occasionally form kilometre-size bodies. These sedimentologic observations and the presumed evidence of Late Jurassic high-pressure metamorphism recently led to the hypothesis of a south-dipping Jurassic subduction zone with accretionary wedge in the southern parts of the NCA. We present new 40Ar/39Ar dates from the location of the postulated high-pressure metamorphism that bracket the age of this crystallization not earlier than 114–120 Ma. The event is therefore part of the well-documented mid-Cretaceous metamorphism of the Austro-alpine domain. Thus, there is currently no evidence of Late Jurassic high-pressure metamorphism to support the subduction hypothesis. The sediment record of the Late Jurassic deformation in the NCA, including the formation of local thrust sheets, is no conclusive evidence for subduction. All these phenomena are perfectly compatible with synsedimentary strike-slip tectonics. Large strike-slip fault zones with restraining and releasing bends and associated flower structures and pull-apart basins are a perfectly viable alternative to the subduction model for the Late Jurassic history of the NCA. However, in contrast to the Eastern Alps transect, where arguments for a Jurassic subduction are missing, a glaucophane bearing Jurassic high-pressure metamorphism in the Meliatic realm of the West Carpathians is well documented. There, the high-pressure/low-temperature slices occur between the Gemeric unit and the Silica nappe system (including the Aggtelek-Rudabanya units), which corresponds in facies with the Juvavic units in the southern part of the NCA. To solve the contrasting palaeogeographic reconstructions we propose that the upper Jurassic left lateral strike-slip system proposed here for the Eastern Alps continued eastwards and caused the eastward displacement of the Silica units into the Meliatic accretionary wedge.  相似文献   
Piston cores in Tongue of the Ocean, Bahamas, revealed an alternating sequence of periplatform ooze and bankderived turbidites of the past 5 glacial and interglacial periods. By using the point-count method we have analyzed the composition of the turbidite sediment. Variations in the bank-derived fraction are clearly linked to the glacial-interglacial cycles. Nonskeletal components (pellets; ooids; grapestones) are most abundant in interglacial turbidites, while skeletal components (calcareous algae; peneroplids and reef builders) dominate in glacial turbidites. We attribute this pattern to the exposure and flooding of the surrounding carbonate platforms during Late Quaternary sea-level cycles. Because nonskeletal sediment is produced in the interior of the platforms, its growth and subsequent export to the flanks are at a maximum when the banks are flooded, i.e. during interglacial periods. During glacials, skeletal grains dominate because the banks are exposed and carbonate production is limited to a narrow belt of skeletal sands and fringing reefs. The resulting compositional signal appeared to have a good correlation with aragonite variations in the periplatform ooze between the turbidites. Further, compositional variation parallels the change in turbidite frequency described earlier (»highstand bundling«). Frequency and composition of turbidites are both unaffected by diagenesis and therefore provide an excellent monitor of sealevel fluctuations.
Zusammenfassung In Kolbenlotkernen aus der Tongue of the Ocean, Bahamas, bestehen die jüngsten fünf Glaziale und Interglaziale aus einer Wechselfolge von Periplattform-Schlamm und Turbiditen mit Flachwasser-Material. Die Zusammensetzung der neritischen Kornfraktion in den Turbiditen wurde durch Punktzählung ermittelt. Sie schwankt deutlich im Verlauf eines glazialen Zyklus. Abiogene Komponenten (Pellets, Ooide, Traubenklumpen) dominieren in den interglazialen Turbiditen, während Biogene (Kalkalgen, peneroplide Foraminiferen und Riffbildner) in glazialen Turbiditen vorherrschen. Wir erklären diese Schwankungen mit dem Auftauchen und Überfluten der Bahama Bänke während der jungquartären Schwankungen des Meeresspiegels. Die abiogenen Komponenten werden auf der Innenseite der Plattformen gebildet. Ihre Produktion und Export zu den Plattformflanken erreichen daher ein Maximum während der interglazialen Hochstände des Meeres. In den Glazialen dominieren biogene Komponenten, weil die Plattformen trocken liegen und die Karbonat-Produktion auf einen schmalen Streifen von Saumriffen und Biogensanden beschränkt ist.Die Zusammensetzung der Turbidite variiert im gleichen Rhythmus wie der Aragonitgehalt der zwischengeschalteten Periplattform-Schlamme. Überdies korreliert die Zusammensetzung gut mit der Häufigkeitsverteilung der Turbidite. Während der Interglaziale sind Turbidite häufiger als während der Glaziale (»Hochstand-Bündel«). Häufigkeitsverteilung und Zusammensetzung der Turbidite zusammen ergeben ein gutes, durch Diagenese nicht verwischbares Abbild der Schwankungen des Meeresspiegels.

Résumé Dans le »Tongue of the Ocean« (Bahamas), des sondages à piston effectués dans les sédiments des cinq dernières périodes glaciaires et interglaciaires montrent une alternance de turbidites et de boues déposées en périphérie de plate-forme. La composition de la fraction néritique des turbidites, dé terminée par la méthode du compteur de points, montre une relation claire avec les cycles glaciaires. Les composants abiogènes (pellets, ooïdes, grapestones) dominent dans les turbidites interglaciaires, tandis que les composants biogènes (algues calcaires, foraminifères de type pénéroplide et organismes constructeurs) sont prépondérants dans les turbidites glaciaires. Nous attribuons cette répartition aux émersions et submersions successives du banc des Bahamas, consécutives aux variations du niveau de la mer au Quaternaire récent. Comme les composants abiogènes ont été formés sur la partie interne de la plate-forme, leur développement et leur transport vers les flancs étaient maximaux lorsque le banc était submergé, au cours des périodes interglaci aires. Par contre, les composants biogènes dominaient pendant les épisodes glaciaires, où la plate-forme était exondée et où la production de carbonate était restreinte à une zone étroite de récifs frangeants et de sables biogènes. Ces variations dans la composition des turbidites présentent une bonne corrélation avec la teneur en anhydrite des boues de périphérie de plate-forme intercalées entre les turbidites. Il existe également une bonne corrélation avec la fréquence des turbidites, plus élevée pendant les interglaciaires. La fréquence et la composition des turbidites ne sont pas affectées par la diagenèse et constituent donc un excellent témoin des fluctuations du niveau de la mer.

, «» , , . . . / , , / , , .. , . - . . . , . , . , . , / «Hochstand-Bndel» /. , .
In the Sella platform of the Dolomite Alps, the horizontal beds of the Raibl Formation directly overlie the Upper Schlern Dolomite (Cassian Dolomite of some authors). The Schlern Dolomite comprises steep clinoforms, together with a few tens of metres of horizontal topset beds in the platform interior. Two-dimensional seismic modelling techniques were used to determine the seismic-response of this interesting situation. To perform this, two different lithological models were constructed based on outcrops of the Sella south face. The first model is that of a rapidly prograding platform with slow aggradation in the platform interior. The second model shows clinoforms toplapping against the topset beds of the platform interior. P-wave velocities and bulk densities were assigned to the lithostratigraphical units in accordance with values from a similar study, involving the same formations. The vertical-incidence method was used to construct perfectly migrated time sections and depth sections of reflectivity. These were convolved with zero-phase Ricker wavelets of different peak frequencies to produce the final synthetic seismic sections. Using conventional, low frequencies (e.g. 25 Hz), the seismic response of the two models is almost identical. The topset beds and the Schlern-Raibl contact appear as one event. In a real seismic survey, both sections would be interpreted as toplap of Schlern clinoforms against the Raibl Formation. At higher frequencies (75 Hz), however, differences are revealed. The angle of progradation in the progradation & aggradation model becomes visible, as opposed to the horizontal surface in the progradation & toplap model. Topset beds are resolved separate from the Raibl Formation, but still appear to form a single dipping pseudo-toplap surface. Another modelling technique, simulating unmigrated sections, shows few differences between the two models even at high frequencies. In addition, the clinoforms are disturbed by the refraction of rays. This study demonstrates that, even under ideal acquisition and processing conditions, the seismic tool can introduce a pseudo-toplap. This implies that toplap in a seismic section is not necessarily toplap in outcrop.  相似文献   
Benthic carbonate factories of the Phanerozoic   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Marine carbonate precipitation occurs in three basic modes: abiotic (or quasi-abiotic), biotically induced, and biotically controlled. On a geologic scale, these precipitation modes combine to form three carbonate production systems, or "factories" in the benthic environment: (1) tropical shallow-water factory, dominated by biotically controlled (mainly photo-autotrophic) and abiotic precipitates; (2) cool-water factory, dominated by biotically controlled (mainly heterotrophic) precipitates; and (3) mud-mound factory, dominated by biotically induced (mainly microbial) and abiotic precipitates. Sediment accumulations of the factories differ in composition, geometry, and facies patterns, and some of these differences appear prominently in seismic data, thus facilitating subsurface prediction. The characteristic accumulation of the tropical factory is the flat-topped, often reef-rimmed platform. In cool-water systems, reefs in high-energy settings are scarce and hydrodynamic influence dominates, producing seaward-sloping shelves and deep-water sediment drifts often armored by skeletal framework. The typical accumulation of the mud-mound factory is groups of mounds in deeper water. Where the mud-mound factory expands into shallow water, it forms rimmed platforms similar to the tropical factory. The tropical factory is most productive; the mud-mound factory reaches 80–90%, and the cool-water factory 20–30% of the tropical growth rate. The three factories represent end members connected by transitions in space. Transitions in time are linked to biotic evolution.  相似文献   
The ozone forming potential of VOCs and NOx for plumes observed from several cities and a power plant in eastern Germany was investigated. A closed box model with a gas phase photochemical reaction mechanism was employed to simulate several scenarios based upon aircraft observations. In several of the scenarios, the initial concentrations of NOx, VOCs, and SO2, were reduced to study the factors limiting the O3 production. Ozone production was limited by the initial VOC concentrations for all of the simulated plumes. Higher O3 concentrations were produced with reduced initial NOx. In one sample with high SO2 mixing ratios (>100 ppb), SO2 was also identified as a significant contributor to the production of O3.  相似文献   
Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is a geophysical technique widely used to study the shallow subsurface and identify various sediment features that reflect electromagnetic waves. However, little is known about the exact cause of GPR reflections because few studies have coupled wave theory to petrophysical data. In this study, a 100- and 200-MHz GPR survey was conducted on aeolian deposits in a quarry. Time-domain reflectometry (TDR) was used to obtain detailed information on the product of relative permittivity (ɛr) and relative magnetic permeability (μr), which mainly controls the GPR contrast parameter in the subsurface. Combining TDR data and lacquer peels from the quarry wall allowed the identification of various relationships between sediment characteristics and ɛrμr. Synthetic radar traces, constructed using the TDR logs and sedimentological data from the lacquer peels, were compared with the actual GPR sections. Numerous peaks in ɛrμr, which are superimposed on a baseline value of 4 for dry sand, are caused by potential GPR reflectors. These increases in ɛrμr coincide with the presence of either organic material, having a higher water content and relative permittivity than the surrounding sediment, or iron oxide bands, enhancing relative magnetic permeability and causing water to stagnate on top of them. Sedimentary structures, as reflected in textural change, only result in possible GPR reflections when the volumetric water content exceeds 0·055. The synthetic radar traces provide an improved insight into the behaviour of radar waves and show that GPR results may be ambiguous because of multiples and interference.  相似文献   
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