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We present a relatively completeV-band light curve of SZ Psc for 1978 and a partial light curve for 1977. From the 1978 light curve we derive a new time of primary minimum, JD2443823.674±0.001, and a Russell-model solution,i=75°.8±0°.1,r h =0.096±0.003,r c =0.351±0.001, andL h =0.253±0.002. The hotter component of this system is a F5-8 main-sequence star, the cooler component a K3-4 star well above the main sequence. The system is detached with the larger component filling only 82% of its Roche lobe. The distortion wave in this RS CVn-type binary seems not to migrate regularly as do those in many other such systems, but rather seems to change phase and amplitude more erratically. Between 1977 and 1978 its phase stayed practically constant while its amplitude decreased by a factor of three. We discuss the implications of this behavior for the spot model of RS CVn-type activity. We find that the traditional comparison star for SZ Psc, HD 219018, is very likely a constant star contrary to a recent suggestion that it is variable. Its brightness and colors,V=7.705, (B-V)=0.628, and (V-I) c =0.688, are those of a G2V star.Visiting Astronomer, Kitt Peak National Observatory, which is operated by AURA, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation, and Visiting Astronomer, Prarie Observatory, University of Illinois.  相似文献   
Ground based measurements which were carried out in the Northern Sahel in southern Tunisia showed the following results:
  1. The albedo difference between ground and protected land is about 10%, half of the amount Charney (1975) used in his model.
  2. Bare soil is always warmer during times of bright sunshine than vegetated soil, which is in agreement with Jackson and Idso (1975). Temperature differences in excess of the 10 °C were observed between plants and the surrounding soil.
  3. For bare soil, the surface temperature increases with declining albedo. However the opposite holds true for plants. Here, when lowering the albedo, a decrease in temperature was found.
  4. In a sand dune field, the surface temperature depends strongly on the exposure. Surface temperature differences of 8 °C were observed for slopes of different exposures for measurements carried out around noon.
Shear wave splitting analyses have been carried out using teleseismic data from broad-band seismograph stations deployed at temporary and permanent locations in Dronning Maud Land (DML), Antarctica. In most cases, the observed anisotropy can be related to major tectonic events that formed the present-day Antarctic continent. We rule out an anisotropic contribution from recent asthenospheric flow. At the Russian base Novolazarevskaya near the coast in central DML, waveform inversion suggests a two-layer model where the fast direction of the upper layer is oriented parallel to Archean fabrics in the lithosphere, whereas the anisotropy of the lower layer is interpreted to have been created during the Jurassic Gondwana break-up. Recordings at the South African base Sanae IV, however, show enigmatic results. For narrow backazimuthal segments, splitting parameters show strong variations together with a multitude of isotropic measurements, indicative of complex scattering that cannot be explained by simple one- or two-layer anisotropic models. In the interior of the continent, the data are consistent with single-layer anisotropy, but show significant spatial variations in splitting parameters. A set of temporary stations across the Heimefront shear zone in western DML yield splitting directions that we interpret as frozen anisotropy from Proterozoic assembly of the craton. An abrupt change in fast axis direction appears to mark a suture between the Grunehogna craton, a fragment of the Kalahari–Kaapvaal craton in southern Africa and the Mesoproterozoic Maudheim Province.  相似文献   
Geographic variations of leachable Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Co, and Ni in San Francisco Bay sediments indicate that Fe, Mn, Co, and Ni are all predominantly supplied to bay sediments from the San Joaquin-Sacramento River system, with little evidence for direct contributions from municipal and industrial sources. In contrast, both Cu and Zn have significant sources within the Bay system, probably municipal and industrial discharges. Precipitation and coagulation of Fe oxides in the low-salinity region of the estuary results in significantly greater concentrations of that element in the most landward portion of the estuary. Co and Ni appear to be actively coprecipitating with Fe but their distributions are also influenced by other factors. Mn is not a major geochemical agent in this system. Its pattern is different from the other elements and it does not account for any of the other elemental variance. The behavior of Cu and Zn is affected not only by the presence of nonriverine sources but also through surface-active processes and organic complexing, coupled with the transportation of fine-grained sediment.  相似文献   
There are few studies on the hydrogeology of sedimentary rock aquitards although they are important controls in regional ground water flow systems. We formulate and test a three-dimensional (3D) conceptual model of ground water flow and hydrochemistry in a fractured sedimentary rock aquitard to show that flow dynamics within the aquitard are more complex than previously believed. Similar conceptual models, based on regional observations and recently emerging principles of mechanical stratigraphy in heterogeneous sedimentary rocks, have previously been applied only to aquifers, but we show that they are potentially applicable to aquitards. The major elements of this conceptual model, which is based on detailed information from two sites in the Maquoketa Formation in southeastern Wisconsin, include orders of magnitude contrast between hydraulic diffusivity (K/S(s)) of fractured zones and relatively intact aquitard rock matrix, laterally extensive bedding-plane fracture zones extending over distances of over 10 km, very low vertical hydraulic conductivity of thick shale-rich intervals of the aquitard, and a vertical hydraulic head profile controlled by a lateral boundary at the aquitard subcrop, where numerous surface water bodies dominate the shallow aquifer system. Results from a 3D numerical flow model based on this conceptual model are consistent with field observations, which did not fit the typical conceptual model of strictly vertical flow through an aquitard. The 3D flow through an aquitard has implications for predicting ground water flow and for planning and protecting water supplies.  相似文献   
Observations of V535 Ara obtained with IUE define the light curve of this long-period W UMa binary in the ultraviolet and let us estimate its gravity darkening. This star was chosen as a contact binary near the high-T eff limit for convection. The ultraviolet colours and spectral type correspond to (B–V)0=0.24, or A8V, and imply the star should have very little residual convection in its envelope. The gravity darkening thus ought to be large, as in a radiative star, unless it is modified by circulation in the common envelope, or unless all stars this warm are convective. The light-curve analysis is complicated by a long-term wave that depresses the orbital phases before and after secondary eclipse. We have obtained four solutions to a combination of optical and ultraviolet light curves, two for high, radiative gravity darkening and two for low, convective gravity darkening. For each value of the gravity-darkening exponent, we let the larger, more massive binary component either (a) have a dark spot in its back side or (b) have an excessively hot side facing its companion. The light curves were fitted equally well in all four cases; however, in all but the one with low-gravity darkening and a hot inner face there was a rather large global temperature difference between the two stars. The primary component of this system appears to be significantly undermassive for its spectral type, more so than the primary in AW UMa, but this probably results simply from systematic errors in a radial-velocity solution by Schöffel. It is suggested that the W UMa binaries are found only at spectral types later than about A8 because their outer envelopes must be convective to transfer luminosity.  相似文献   
B. anb V lightcurves have been obtained for three S-class asteroids—29 Amphitrite, 39 Laetitia, and 43 Ariadne. Pole positions and shapes for each of these asteroids are derived, and comments on small features present in their lightcurves are made. A small color variation for 39 Laetitia is also found.  相似文献   
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