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The development of coal forests during the Carboniferous is one of the best-known episodes in the history of life. Although often reconstructed as steamy tropical rainforests, these ancient ecosystems were a far cry from anything we might encounter in the Amazon today. Bizarre giant club-mosses, horsetails and tree ferns were the dominant plants, not flowering trees as in modern rainforests. At their height, coal forests stretched all the way from Kansas to Kazakhstan, spanning the entire breadth of tropical Pangaea. Most of what we know of their biodiversity and ecology has been quite literally mined out of the ground through two centuries of hard labour. Without coal mining, our knowledge would be greatly impoverished. Over the past few years, we've been exploring underground coal mines in the United States, where entire forested landscapes have been preserved intact over huge areas. Never before have geologists had the opportunity to walk out through mile upon mile of fossilized forest. In this feature article, we describe some of our recent explorations and attempt to shed new light on these old fossils.  相似文献   
Back in the mid-nineteenth century British explorer James Clark Ross took his ships, HMS Terror and HMS Erebus , farther south than anyone else had been. He now lends his name to James Ross Island, a part-volcanic edifice that rises out of the sea off the north-east tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. The island records a geological history dating back to the Cretaceous, though its great peaks are volcanic. The most recent rocks of the island record a monumental struggle between fire and ice, the volcanoes, and the ice sheets that cover them. The glacigenic sediments that are interspersed with the volcanic rocks contain rich fossil assemblages which suggest that at times, the climate was warmer, with the ice retreating. Their study may help us to delimit the patterns of climate change in the Antarctic Peninsula region as Earth's global climate warms.  相似文献   
The Culgoora radioheliograph has been modified for observing at 327.4 MHz, which is in addition to the three frequencies (43.25, 80, and 160 MHz) previously available. At the new frequency the array beamwidth is 56, which represents the highest resolution yet available for metre-wavelength solar mapping.At 327.4 MHz the sources of radio emission are mainly in the lowest layers of the corona. Some preliminary four-frequency observations have been made of type I storms. It is found that the source size generally decreases with increasing observing frequency. This result confirms earlier suggestions that the sources of both type I and type III emission are contained in structures whose boundaries diverge outwards in the corona.  相似文献   
Concentrations of Se in the pore-water and in the solid phase, and the concentrations of other diagenetic constituents (Fe, Mn, phosphate, ammonium and I) in pore-water, were determined in a sediment core from a 350-m deep station in the lower St. Lawrence Estuary. The concentration of dissolved Se in pore-water was 2.1 nmol kg−1 at the surface of the core, increasing to a maximum of 7.6 nmol kg−1 at a depth of 12 cm, and thereafter decreasing gradually with depth. This profile is similar to the profiles of Fe and phosphate, whose concentration maxima occur around 10 cm. The concentration of total sedimentary Se remained almost constant with depth (≈ 0.75 mg kg−1); however, a significant enrichment of oxalate-leachable Se was observed in the top 2 cm. The sedimentary cycling of Se appears to be closely related to that of Fe: adsorption of Se onto Fe oxyhydroxide at or near the sediment-water interface, release of the adsorbed Se by the reduction of Fe oxyhydroxide, and removal by formation of ferroselite (FeSe2) at depth. The pore-water flux of Se was estimated by two different methods, firstly from the pore-water gradient, and secondly by applying a box model to the oxalate-leachable solid-phase Se data. The methods agree well both giving values for the flux of 0.11 nmol cm−2 year−1. This agreement suggests that the loss of labile Se in the sediment is balanced by the upward flux of dissolved Se.  相似文献   
Radiation damage and luminescence, caused by magnetospheric charged particles, have been suggested by several authors as mechanisms for explaining some of the peculiar spectral/albedo features of Io. We have pursued this possibility by measuring the uv-visual spectral reflectance and luminescent efficiency of several proposed Io surface constituents during 2 to 10-keV proton irradiation at room temperature and at low temperature (120 < T < 140°K). The spectral reflectance of NaCl and KCl during proton irradiation exhibits the well-known F-center absorption bands at 4580 and 5560 Å. Na2SO4 shows a generalized darkening which increases toward longer wavelengths. NaNO3 shows a spectral reflectance change indicative of the partial alteration of NaNo3 to NaNo2. NaNO2 shows no change. The luminescent efficiencies of NaCl and KCl are ~10?4 at 300°K and increase by one-half order of magnitude at ~130°K. The efficiencies of K2CO3, Na2CO3, Na2SO4, and NaNO3 are 10?4, 10?4, 10?5 and 10?6, respectively, at 300°K and they all decrease by one-half order of magnitude at ~130°K. These results indicate that magnetospheric proton irradiation of Io could cause spectral features in its observed ultraviolet and visible reflection spectrum if salts such as those studied here are present on its surface. However, because the magnitude of these spectral effects is dependent on competing factors such as surface temperature, incident particle energy flux, solar bleaching effects, and trace element abundance, we are unable at this time to make a quantitative estimate of the strength of these spectral effects on Io. The luminescent efficiencies of pure samples that we have studied in the laboratory suggest that charged-particle induced luminescence from Io's surface might be observable by a spacecraft such as Voyager when viewing Io's dark side.  相似文献   
The kinetics of Mn(II) oxidation by the bacterium Leptothrix discophora SS1 was investigated in this research. Cells were grown in a minimal mineral salts medium in which chemical speciation was well defined. Mn(II) oxidation was observed in a bioreactor under controlled conditions with pH, O2, and temperature regulation. Mn(II) oxidation experiments were performed at cell concentrations between 24 mg/L and 35 mg/L, over a pH range from 6 to 8.5, between temperatures of 10°C and 40°C, over a dissolved oxygen range of 0 to 8.05 mg/L, and with L. discophora SS1 cells that were grown in the presence of Cu concentrations ranging from zero to 0.1 μM. Mn(II) oxidation rates were determined when the cultures grew to stationary phase and were found to be directly proportional to O2 and cell concentrations over the ranges investigated. The optimum pH for Mn(II) oxidation was approximately 7.5, and the optimum temperature was 30°C. A Cu level as low as 0.02 μM was found to inhibit the growth rate and yield of L. discophora SS1 observed in shake flasks, while Cu levels between 0.02 and 0.1 μM stimulated the Mn(II) oxidation rate observed in bioreactors. An overall rate law for Mn(II) oxidation by L. discophora as a function of pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration (D.O.), and Cu concentration is proposed. At circumneutral pH, the rate of biologically mediated Mn(II) oxidation is likely to exceed homogeneous abiotic Mn(II) oxidation at relatively low (≈μg/L) concentrations of Mn oxidizing bacteria.  相似文献   
The highest resolution images of Comet 19P/Borrelly show many dark features which, upon casual inspection, appear to be low albedo markings, but which may also be shadows or other photometric variations caused by a depression in the local topography. In order to distinguish between these two possible interpretations we conducted a photometric analysis of three of the most prominent of these features using six of the highest quality images from the September 22, 2001 Deep Space 1 (DS1) flyby. We find that: 1. The radiance in the darkest parts of each feature increases as phase angle decreases, similarly to the radiance behavior of the higher albedo surrounding terrain. The dark features could be either fully illuminated low albedo spots or, alternatively, they could be depressions. No part of any of the three regions was in full shadow. 2. One of the regions has a radiance profile consistent with a rimmed depression, the second, with a simple depression with no rim, and the third with a low albedo spot. 3. The regolith particles are backscattering and carbon black is one of the few candidate regolith materials that might explain this low albedo. We conclude that Borrelly's surface is geologically complex to the limit of resolution of the images with a combination complex topography, pits, troughs, peaks and ridges, and some very dark albedo markings, perhaps a factor of two to three darker than the average 3-4% albedo of the surrounding terrains. Our technique utilizing measured radiance profiles through the dark regions is able to discriminate between rimmed depressions, rimless depressions and simple albedo changes not associated with topography.  相似文献   
用布置在亚东—格尔木的164个流动地震台站记录的926个远震事件的24241条射线,进行远震P波层析成像处理,高分辨率的西藏高原上地幔的速度结构图,显示了印度巨厚地幔岩石圈在向高原之下推进的过程中,在高喜马拉雅之下拆分成上、下两层,这是发生的第一次拆沉. 下层从高喜马拉雅以下约以22°的角度向高原北部插入到350km 深;而其上层则向北伸展直到雁石坪,并构成了高原薄的地幔岩石圈. 在雁石坪北(33.7°N),当其与亚洲大陆岩石圈地幔相遇后发生断离并下沉. 再次证实了五道梁(35.27°N)深部低速体的存在,本区内地壳内低速物质可能与上述运动有联系,反映了深层热物质的上涌.  相似文献   
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