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The transition from P213(T 4) to P212121(D 2 4 ) in the langbeinite K2Cd2(SO4)3 has been analyzed using group theoretical methods and previously published structural data above and below the transition. We find that because the transition is strongly first-order, the primary-order parameter has relatively large values at the transition temperature, and higher order terms which involve the order parameter, the strain, and the coupling of the two must be included in the Landau expansion for the free energy. Complex displacements occur at the transition for all atoms of the unit cell, but these displacements can be resolved into contributions which can be shown from symmetry considerations to transform as the 2 3 irrep of P2 1 3(T 4) as well as contributions from symmetry-preserving displacements which transform under the irrep 1. Therefore, the transition is not a simple one and involves sulfate rotations and cadmium and potassium ion displacements.  相似文献   
We determined tidal, diel (day-night), and diurnal (day to day) patterns of occurrence for the summer zooplankton assemblage in an intertidal salt marsh basin at North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina. In one time series, 153 μm pump and 365 μm net collections were made every 1–2 h during four consecutive tidal cycles. Taxonomic composition remained unchanged throughout most of the 48-h period, but densities and proportionalities of individual taxa were highly variable. Recurring patterns of abundance were observed and taxon-specific relationships with the tidal and diel cycles were indicated. Zooplankton were not uniformly distributed within flooding-ebbing water masses and distributions could not be explained by simple passive advection with the tides. Diel differences in densities of copepods and bivalves resulted from behavioral responses to changing light conditions. Large pulses of crab and shrimp larvae originating from nocturnal hatching events within the intertidal basin exited but did not return during the next flood tide. Higher densities of postlarval decapods on flood tides indicated settlement and recruitment to the shallow basin. In a second time series, replicated collections of the 153 μm and 365 μm assemblages were made during the daytime ebb tide every 1–3 d from May through October 1991 to determine relationships between diurnal changes in depth, salinity, and temperature and zooplankton composition and abundance. Diurnal variations in densities and proportionalities were less than those observed during the 48-h study and patterns were not regular. For most taxa, relationships between depth and abundance were the same in both time series. During periods of reduced salinity, densities of copepods,Uca zoeae, and barnacle nauplii decreased and densities ofUca megalopae andPenaeus postlarvae increased. However, zoeae emerged and postlarvae recruited throughout the 5-mo period, indicating that considerable flexibility in responses and tolerances existed within the populations. The diversity of life-history strategies and behavioral adaptations found among the zooplankton assures continuous occupation of flooded intertidal habitats. We suspect that the evolution and maintenance of temporally staggered recurring patterns of occurrence results in reductions in the competition for resources.  相似文献   
Nearly 4,000 Fe, Ni and Co analyses have been carried out on the metal phases of 12 Antarctic chondritic meteorites by means of the electron microprobe. H-group chondrites show relatively simple patterns of variation for these elements but L- and LL-group members show much more scatter in both Ni and Co concentrations. A single member of the CO3 group investigated shows some scatter in the concentrations and also much higher Co concentrations in the high-Ni (awaruite?) phase (1.25–2%) than in the coexisting kamacite (0.2–0.5%). Thus, analysis of the metal phases can provide not only a means of identifying the group to which a meteorite belongs, but also the possibility of distinguishing between individual chondrites from the same group.

The overall concentrations of Co in the metal particles in the different groups are considered to be related inversely to the abundance of metal grains in meteorites of these groups while the scatter is interpreted as reflecting characteristics inherited at the time of accretion. The absence of homogenisation of the concentrations of Fe, Ni and Co in the metal particles, even in so-called equilibrated chondrites, provides further evidence against the widely held notion that these meteorites have been involved in a high-temperature prograde metamorphism.  相似文献   

Summary Amphibole data in the MinIdent database (Smith andLeibovitz, 1986) were initially entered using species names quoted in the original source. The database has been updated by reclassifying these early data using the program AMPHTAB supplied by N. M. S. Rock and by adding supplemental data from the more recent literature, with the species names again checked using AMPHTAB. Associated MinIdent mineral identification software was utilized to determine which minerals in the database most closely resemble a series of unknown specimens chemically, as expressed in the Chemical Matching Index, CM, a relative figure-of-merit. Chemical data fromMogessie and Tessadri (1982) and Hawthorne (1983) were used to check the agreement between MinIdent and AMPHTAB for the classification of 221 unknown amphiboles.With 450 amphibole analyses entered and compiled in MinIdent, the name assigned by AMPHTAB showed the highest value of CM in MinIdent for 127 of the 221 unknown amphiboles (57.5°/x) and the second highest value for another 32 (14.5%). A chemically adjacent amphibole field had the highest value of CM for 59 of the 221 unknowns (26.7%), where chemically adjacent refers to a change in one chemical parameter. The greatest discrepancy between the two programs occurred in the hornblendes, with an agreement of just 20%, although for 58% of the unknowns the species with the highest CM in MinIdent was in a chemical field adjacent to the species name assigned by AMPHTAB. In many cases the disagreement between MinIdent and AMPHTAB could be ascribed to a lack of data in MinIdent.A comparison of the two programs suggests that the assignment of a single name to an unknown amphibole by AMPHTAB with no direct indication of its reliability may be; misleading. Standard analytical errors are frequently sufficient to overlap the arbitrary boundaries between amphibole species fields. In such cases it may be preferable to use a program such as MinIdent which, rather than assigning an arbitrary amphibole name, presents a list of 20 amphiboles with the degree of similarity between them and the unknown amphibole indicated. MinIdent offers the additional benefit of allowing input of other than chemical data and bases the match between unknown and standard data upon all input data. This will become more of an advantage as instruments such as automated refractometers become available for routine use.
Zusammenfassung Ausgangspunkt war das Amphibol-Datenmaterial (Smith und Leibovitz, 1986) mit den dort verwendeten Artnamen. Diese Basisdaten wurden vervollständigt und erneuert durch Reklassifizierung mittels des AMPHTAB Programms, ergänzt durch N. M. S. Rock, und durch Hinzufügung weiterer Daten aus der neuesten Literatur, deren Speciesnamen wiederum mit AMPHTAB überprüft wurden. Außerdem wurde eine MinIdent Mineralidentifizierungs-Software verwendet, um die Minerale zu bestimmen, die in ihrem Chemismus am ehesten einer Serie von unbekannten Amphibol-Species entsprechen, wie sie im Chemical Matching Index (CM) aufscheinen. Zur Klassifikation von 221 unbekannten Amphibolen wurden chemische Daten von Mogessie und Tessadri (1982) verwendet um die Übereinstimmung zwischen MinIdent und AMPHTAB zu überprüfen.Unter den 450 in MinIdent zusammengestellten und eingegebenen Amphibolanalysen zeigen die bei AMPHTAB angegebenen die höchsten CM Werte, nämlich 127 von 221 unbekannten Amphibolen (57,5%) und weitere 32 (14,5%) die zweithöchsten Werte. Innerhalb eines chemisch benachbarten Amphibolfeldes hatten 59 der 221 unbekannten Amphibole (26,7%) die höchsten CM Werte, wobei unter achemisch benachbart die Änderung eines chemischen Parameters zu verstehen ist. Die größten Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Programmen traten bei den Hornblenden auf. Die Übereinstimmung lag bei nur 20%, obwohl bei 58% der unbekannten Amphibole die Species mit dem höchsten CM Wert in MinIdent in ein chemisches Feld zu liegen kamen, welches zu den bei AMPHTAB angegebenen Speciesnamen eine benachbarte Position einnimmt. Die Unterschiede zwischen MinIdent und AMPHTAB könnten in vielen Fällen auf ein Fehlen von Daten in MinIdent zurükzuführen sein.Ein Vergleich beider Programme deutet an, daß die Angabe eines Einzelnamens für ein unbekanntes Amphibol im AMPHTAB Programm ohne Angaben über die Zuverlässigkeit zu Mißverständnissen führen kann. Normale analytische Fehler können bereits dazu führen, daß die Grenzen zweier willkürlicher Amphibolfelder überlappen. In derartigen Fällen emphiehlt sich die Anwendung des MinIdent Programmes, welches eben nicht einen willkürlichen Amphibolnamen angibt, sondern eine Liste von 20 Amphibolen mit dem Grad ihrer Ähnlichkeit, und einem Hinweis auf den unbekannten Amphibol. MinIdent bietet den zusätzlichen Vorteil, daß man außer chemischen auch andere Daten eingeben kann, und stellt dann sämtliche Daten des unbekannten Amphibols den Standard Daten gegenüber. Dieser Klassifizierungsvorgang wird mit der zunehmenden Routineanwendung von automatischen Refraktometern verstärkte Anwendung finden.
Occurrence of mineral resources is directly or indirectly controlled by major tectonic processes. Additionally, similar mineral deposit types tend to be concentrated within geologically and tectonically similar areas. As a result, information on the production history of minerals in a well-explored and developed tectonic region—such as within the United States—can be used to estimate resources of geologically similar, underdeveloped tectonic areas elsewhere. For such application, two regions should be compared for geologic similarity using all available geologic information. Estimates of resources based on geologic analogy can be useful in large-scale mineral exploration programs where relatively little geologic information is available, such as in many developing countries. In this study, seven major tectonic regions within the United States are evaluated in terms of estimated mineral value as measured by historical mineral production and economic reserves. The seven regions assessed are: (1) Cordilleran Mountain Belt, (2) Colorado Plateau, (3) Central Stable Region, (4) Canadian Shield, (5) Ozark-Ouachtia Province, (6) Gulf and Atlantic Coastal Plain, and (7) Appalachian Mountain Belt. Regions are ranked in terms of estimated value of (1) 33 major mineral commodities, (2) nonfuel minerals, (3) hydrocarbons, and (4) individual mineral commodities. In terms of total value of historical mineral production and estimated economic reserve amounts of 33 major mineral commodities, the Gulf and Atlantic Coastal Plain is most valuable, with an estimated value of 1980 US$1,970,000/km2. Information on historical mineral production of U.S. tectonic regions may be useful in estimating resources in tectonically similar, underdeveloped regions elsewhere.  相似文献   
An order parameter treatment of the phase transitions in leucite, KAlSi2O6, at approximately 950 and 920 K: (cubic) I41 acd(tetragonal) I41 a(tetragonal) is presented in terms of Landau theory and induced representation theory. The Al-Si order with decreasing temperature is taken as the primary order parameter to which other distortions (K+ ion displacements, strain components, etc.) couple linearly. The expected Al-Si ordering behavior and the associated K+ ion displacements for both transitions are derived and the resulting twin domain orientations are listed. The sequence of phase transitions results from a coupling of 3 + and 4 + representations. The Landau free energy for the five-dimensional reducible representation has been simplified to two components resulting in a linearquadratic coupling of the components. Possible phase diagrams are derived by free energy minimization. The cubic tetragonal transition is first-order, whereas the tetragonal-tetragonal transition may be second order. A tricritical point exists at which the first-order transition changes to second-order.  相似文献   
秦岭  傅稻镰  张海 《第四纪研究》2010,30(2):245-261
遗址资源域分析(Site Catchment Analysis)已被广泛应用于对史前经济和人类行为模式的研究中,有别于西方普遍采用的“遗址外”(off-site)研究模式,本文提倡一种以“遗址内”(on-site)为核心的研究方法。主要通过遗址所见大植物遗存,结合古环境研究成果,模拟复原当时的植被分布,进而讨论遗址资源域及其反映的生业经济特点。第一个案例是长江下游的田螺山遗址,属于河姆渡文化(6900~6500cal.aB.P.),分析表明: 早期的水稻栽培活动是长期伴生于采集经济模式中的;  当时的采集经济具有广域性、专门性、季节性和强调储存性等特点;  这一时期聚落的选址会优先考虑生态环境的多样性,在步行一天的活动半径便可获得大部分植物资源,但也有一些资源分布于12小时半径之外,必须短期露营(可能与狩猎同时进行)方可获取。第二个案例是中原地区的颍河上游,分析以袁桥遗址为中心的仰韶文化聚落(6000cal.aB.P.): 尽管 2~3 小时的步行范围内就有条件获取各类野生植物资源,仰韶文化时期的生业活动已经集中在更小空间范围内的作物栽培上。遗址资源域缩小、对小范围景观进行改造、聚落间产生土地分配和资源共享等社会关系问题——这些构成了农业聚落资源域的一般特点。比较两个案例,农业聚落的产生可以看作是一种景观环境上发生的变化。遗址资源域分析为我们提供了一个新的视角来理解早期农业社会的产生、发展及不同生业社会与周边景观的互动关系。  相似文献   
Historically, Nepal has relied on its agricultural sector to sustain economic development. However, given rapid population growth, the nation may find it necessary to develop its mineral base in order to promote economic growth and stability. This paper presents a mineral resource assessment of Nepal and its five development regions, primarily to make an estimate based on geology of the range of minerals that may exist in Nepal. Resource estimates for each development region were obtained by way of geologic comparisons with the 50 US states. It is concluded that Nepal may be well-endowed in non-fuel and energy minerals.  相似文献   
This paper evaluates the development of India's mining industry, its present status and future outlook. Despite its growth, the contribution of India's mining industry to GDP has remained relatively stable since 1970. At present the nation is a leading world producer of 11 major mineral and energy commodities, including bauxite, chromite, coal, iron ore and manganese. Recent economic reforms have stimulated industrial expansion in India; however, problems, including a restricted private sector role in resource development and ineffective government mineral strategies, may limit future growth in output. Capital investment levels in India's mining industry are examined in the paper to assess possible long-term expansion levels.  相似文献   
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