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The eastern syntaxis of the Himalaya, Namche Barwa, is dominated by a north-plunging antiform which began to decompress/grow at approximately 4 Ma. New fission-track analyses on both apatite and zircon, combined with previous geochronological ages, indicate that the Namche Barwa Dome also extended laterally while growing vertically. Zircon fission-track ages range from 17.6 to 0.2 Ma and have a strong relationship to the main faults of the region, including the Tertiary Tsangpo Suture, with the younger ages inside the fault bounds towards the syntaxis core on the Indian Plate and the older ages away from the fault. Apatite ages reveal that the dome has grown laterally and now impinges over the older faulted margin onto the Asian Plate. The dome is traversed by the Tsangpo which has followed the trace of the Suture for over 1300 km from its source to the entrance of the dome near Dania. As the Tsangpo crosses the dome it departs from the Suture but rejoins it some 60 km northeastwards. We construe that the Suture has been displaced by the growing antiform and as a consequence, the antecedent river has been “dragged” in a left-lateral sense along the exhuming north-plunging dome. Restoring the Suture to its position prior to 4 Ma reveals a path of the Tsangpo eastwards across the present southwestern position of the Namche Barwa indentation. This geometric reconstrunction implies that the Tsangpo and the Brahmaputra were always one and the same river. In addition, the Tsangpo was tectonically forced into juxtaposition with a tributary of the Jiali-Parlung which it probably then captured. The capture was due to tectonic forcing, in the last 4 Ma, rather than headward retreat of the paleo-Brahmaputra as has been previously suggested.  相似文献   
Water and particles from three sites located in Halifax Harbour, near and further away from combined municipal sewage effluents (CMSE) were analysed for parental and alkylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (par and alkPAH). Bioavailability of PAH was compared for inter-tidal mussels collected at the same sites in April and November. The PAH fingerprint determined over 9 sampling times covering a period of 19 months differed more between phases (water and particles) and seasons, than between sites. In the spring, more alkPAH associated with diesel and gasoline were detected in the soluble phase, along with more bioaccumulation of alkPAH in inter-tidal mussels. A broader number of parPAH were detected in mussels collected in the fall. The mean sum of dissolved alkPAH concentrations was higher in water at the site closer to raw CMSE than at the other two sites and particles of that site. However, lowest bioconcentration factors (BCF) were determined in mussels of this more contaminated site. Similar biota-particle accumulation factors (BPAF) were determined for parPAH in mussels from the three sites, all lower than the BCF of alkPAH. The study indicates that sewage treatment plants will reduce the amount of parPAH especially larger than fluoranthene and pyrene from being deposited in the harbour; that alk naphthalenes and fluorenes present in water will continue to be discharged; that the disturbance of sediments can make particle-bound PAH available to mussels.  相似文献   
We present a linear Boltzmann equation to model wave scattering in the Marginal Ice Zone (the region of ocean which consists of broken ice floes). The equation is derived by two methods, the first based on Meylan et al. [Meylan, M.H., Squire, V.A., Fox, C., 1997. Towards realism in modeling ocean wave behavior in marginal ice zones. J. Geophys. Res. 102 (C10), 22981–22991] and second based on Masson and LeBlond [Masson, D., LeBlond, P., 1989. Spectral evolution of wind-generated surface gravity waves in a dispersed ice field. J. Fluid Mech. 202, 111–136]. This linear Boltzmann equation, we believe, is more suitable than the equation presented in Masson and LeBlond [Masson, D., LeBlond, P., 1989. Spectral evolution of wind-generated surface gravity waves in a dispersed ice field. J. Fluid Mech. 202, 111–136] because of its simpler form, because it is a differential rather than difference equation and because it does not depend on any assumptions about the ice floe geometry. However, the linear Boltzmann equation presented here is equivalent to the equation in Masson and LeBlond [Masson, D., LeBlond, P., 1989. Spectral evolution of wind-generated surface gravity waves in a dispersed ice field. J. Fluid Mech. 202, 111–136] since it is derived from their equation. Furthermore, the linear Boltzmann equation is also derived independently using the argument in Meylan et al. [Meylan, M.H., Squire, V.A., Fox, C., 1997. Towards realism in modeling ocean wave behavior in marginal ice zones. J. Geophys. Res. 102 (C10), 22981–22991]. We also present details of how the scattering kernel in the linear Boltzmann equation is found from the scattering by an individual ice floe and show how the linear Boltzmann equation can be solved straightforwardly in certain cases.  相似文献   
This study focused on chemical weathering and bacterial ecology in the hyporheic zone of Green Creek, a McMurdo Dry Valley (Antarctica) stream. An in situ microcosm approach was used to observe dissolution features on the basal-plane surface of muscovite mica. Four mica chips were buried in December 1999 and dug up 39 d later. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) of the basal-plane surfaces revealed small, anhedral ∼10-Å-deep etch pits covering ∼4% of the surfaces, from which an approximate basal-plane dissolution rate of 8.3 × 10−18 mol muscovite cm−2 s−1 was calculated (on the basis of the geometric surface area) for the study period. This is an integrated initial dissolution rate on a fresh surface exposed for a relatively brief period over the austral summer and should not be compared directly to other long-term field rates. The observation of weathering features on mica agrees with previous stream- and watershed-scale studies in the Dry Valleys, which have demonstrated that weathering occurs where liquid water is present, despite the cold temperatures.AFM imaging of mica surfaces revealed biofilms including numerous small (<1 μm long), rounded, oblong bacteria. The AFM observations agreed well with X-ray photoelectron microscopy results showing increased organic C and N. Bacteriologic analysis of the hyporheic zone sediments also revealed <1-μm-long bacteria. α-Proteobacteria were observed, consistent with the oligotrophic conditions of the hyporheic zone. Nitrate-reducing bacteria were found, in agreement with a previous tracer test at Green Creek that suggested nitrate reduction occurs in the hyporheic zone. The results of this study thus provide direct evidence of dynamic geochemical and microbial processes in the hyporheic zone of a Dry Valley stream despite the extreme conditions; such processes were inferred previously from stream-scale hydrogeochemical studies.  相似文献   
Exhumation during crustal folding in the Namche-Barwa syntaxis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Geological observation in the eastern end of the Himalaya shows that the Asia/India Suture is folded. Metamorphic rocks derived from India occur structurally below the suture, in the core of a regional antiform. Isotopic and fission track dating establish cooling-exhumation of rocks from c.30 km depth within the last 4 Myr. We argue that exhumation is caused by ~ 10 mm yr-1 erosion coeval with crustal scale folding.  相似文献   
Adsorption of copper, cadmium and nickel at low concentrations on goethite was studied in the presence of the simple organic ligands oxalate, salicylate, and pyromellitate. The experimental metal adsorption behavior was compared to calculations with a surface complexation model to evaluate the most important interactions. Oxalate mostly decreased Cu and Ni adsorption at high pH-values by competition between solution and surface complexation but had no effect on Cd adsorption. Cu adsorption in the presence of oxalate below pH 6 could best be described by defining a ternary complex of type A (surface-metal-ligand). Salicylate had only minor effects on metal adsorption. The adsorption of Cu in the presence of salicylate above pH 5 could be explained by a ternary complex of type A. Pyromellitate increased the adsorption of Cu and Cd in the acidic pH-range, likely by formation of ternary surface complexes of type B (surface-ligand-metal).  相似文献   
Apatite fission-track and (U-Th)/He analyses require the liberation of intact idiomorphic apatite grains from rock samples. While routinely being carried out by mechanical methods, electrodynamic disaggregation (ED) offers an alternative approach. The high-voltage discharges produced during the ED process create localised temperature peaks (10000 K) along a narrow plasma channel. In apatite, such high temperatures could potentially reduce the length of fission tracks, which start to anneal at temperatures > 60 °C, and could also enhance He diffusion, which becomes significant at 30–40 °C over geological time scales. A comparison of fission-track analyses and (U-Th)/He ages of apatites prepared both by mechanical (jaw crusher, disk mill) and ED processing provides a way of determining whether heating during the latter method has any significant effect. Apatites from three samples of different geological settings (an orthogneiss from Madagascar, the Fish Canyon Tuff, and a muscovite-gneiss from Greece) yielded statistically identical track length distributions compared to samples prepared mechanically. Additionally, (U-Th)/He ages of apatites from a leucogranite from Morocco prepared by both methods were indistinguishable. These first results indicated that during electrodynamic disaggregation apatite crystals were not heated enough to partially anneal the fission tracks or induce significant diffusive loss of He.  相似文献   
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