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Late Archaean Supracrustals of the Goa-Dharwar sector (GDS) are composed of a thick sequence of greywacke sequence with narrow intercalations of quartzite, BIF and carbonates. Mafic volcanics occupy the base of the sequence. The greywackes are predominantly tuffacious containing chlorite-sericite and hornblende. Arkosic variations containing biotite dominate the western part of the sector. Fine-grained variations occur as isolated narrow lenses within other types of greywackes. The conglomeratic greywackes are localized along the western and the eastern margins of the sector. All of the greywackes are all typically immature containing coarser clasts of mostly plagioclase (18–23%) and quartz (32–34%). Lithic fragments of felsic volcanic rocks are common. The matrix is dominated by mafic material. Biotite and amphibole are related to metamorphic recrystallization. Chlorite, sericite, epidote, carbonate and chert are products of the interplay of diagenesis and low-grade metamorphism. Fe-Ti oxide, sphene, apatite and zircon are usual accessories. But for slight enrichment in K2O, the major element chemistry of the GDS greywackes is similar to the chemistry of Late Archaean greywackes. They also compare in respect of V, Co, Hf contents, K2O/Na2O, SiO2/Al2O3, Na2O/Al2O3, Ba/Rb, Th/U, La/Th, Sm/Nd ratios, steep REE patterns with distinct LREE enrichment and HREE depletion. The GDS greywackes however are distinctly enriched in Rb, Ba, Sr, Th, U, Cu, Zr, Ce/Ce* and depleted in Cr, Ni, and Zn. The conglomeritic and biotite bearing verities contain considerable proportions of clasts derived from the basement tonalitic/granitic terrain. The common tuffacious greywackes containing hornblende and biotite-sericite however include only volcanic clasts and bear evidence of derivation from submarine weathering of predominantly felsic volcanics erupted on a large scale to form a magmatic arc in the later stages of geosynclinal deposition. Geochemical data suggest that the GDS greywackes were laid down in progressively changing basin geometry from a passive to active continental margin and island arc setting.  相似文献   
The upper greenschist - lower amphibolite facies, argillaceous to chemical-exhalative metasedimentary sequence of the Mesoarchaean Ghattihosahalli Schist Belt (GHSB), southern India, has been examined with a special focus on the paragenesis and solid solution characteristics of barian feldspars and associated dioctahedral Ba-Cr-bearing micas. Barian feldspars occur as untwinned porphyroblasts in a recrystallized finely banded matrix of barite, quartz and minor white mica. Idioblastic celsian (Cls98-76Or2-20Ab1-8) and hyalophane (Cls55-39Or35-51Ab10) predate the greenschist-facies foliation, whereas xenoblastic hyalophane (Cls44-35Or45-59Ab8–17) and mantles on celsian (Cls45-35Or42-60Ab13-5) as well as xenoblastic barian K-feldspar (Cls6Or90Ab2) postdate the last fabric-defining event. The preservation of extremely complex zoning patterns down to the micron-scale shows that diffusional homogenization did not operate at fluid-present low to medium-grade conditions (350–550 °C, 3–5 kb). Microstructures indicate that at these conditions barian feldspars deform exclusively by brittle fracturing and do not undergo recrystallization. Barian feldspar compositions confirm the positive correlation of Na-content with temperature and the existence of a narrow asymmetric compositional gap (Cls90-85?Cls55, ~350 °C) which probably closes at lower amphibolite facies conditions (Xc ~Cls75; Tc ~550 °C). White micas are solid solutions of the end-members muscovite, ganterite (Ba0.5?K0.5)Al2(Al1.5Si2.5)O10(OH)2, paragonite, celadonite with a significant substitution of [VI]Al by Cr. Zoning is a common feature with cores being enriched in Ba. The data document extensive Ba substitution for K from muscovite to ganterite, exclusively controlled by the coupled substitution [XII]K + [IV]Si ? [XII]Ba + [IV]Al and strongly dependent on bulk composition. The extent of solid solution from (Ms+Gnt) towards paragonite and celadonite end-members is controlled by the miscibility gap in the (Ms+Gnt)–Pg–Cel pseudoternary, with the Pg-substitution depending on temperature and the Cel-substitution on pressure. [IV]Si values between 3.1 and 3.3 in Ba-poor micas indicate minimum pressures of chemical equilibration in the order of 3–5 kbar, while the most sodian compositions of low-celadonite micas provide an upper temperature estimate of ~550 °C, consistent with P-T estimates for assemblages of metapelites (500–550 °C, 4–5 kb).  相似文献   
Representing the spherical harmonic spectrum of a field on the sphere in terms of its amplitude and phase is termed as its polar form. In this study, we look at how the amplitude and phase are affected by linear low-pass filtering. The impact of filtering on amplitude is well understood, but that on phase has not been studied previously. Here, we demonstrate that a certain class of filters only affect the amplitude of the spherical harmonic spectrum and not the phase, but the others affect both the amplitude and phase. Further, we also demonstrate that the filtered phase helps in ascertaining the efficacy of decorrelation filters used in the grace community.  相似文献   
Given the continuous decline in global runoff data availability over the past decades, alternative approaches for runoff determination are gaining importance. When aiming for global scale runoff at a sufficient temporal resolution and with homogeneous accuracy, the choice to use spaceborne sensors is only a logical step. In this respect, we take water storage changes from Gravity Recovery And Climate Explorer (grace) results and water level measurements from satellite altimetry, and present a comprehensive assessment of five different approaches for river runoff estimation: hydrological balance equation, hydro-meteorological balance equation, satellite altimetry with quantile function-based stage–discharge relationships, a rudimentary instantaneous runoff–precipitation relationship, and a runoff–storage relationship that takes time lag into account. As a common property, these approaches do not rely on hydrological modeling; they are either purely data driven or make additional use of atmospheric reanalyses. Further, these methods, except runoff–precipitation ratio, use geodetic observables as one of their inputs and, therefore, they are termed hydro-geodetic approaches. The runoff prediction skill of these approaches is validated against in situ runoff and compared to hydrological model predictions. Our results show that catchment-specific methods (altimetry and runoff–storage relationship) clearly outperform the global methods (hydrological and hydro-meteorological approaches) in the six study regions we considered. The global methods have the potential to provide runoff over all landmasses, which implies gauged and ungauged basins alike, but are still limited due to inconsistencies in the global hydrological and hydro-meteorological datasets that they use.  相似文献   
Gravity measurements within the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) provide a direct measure of monthly changes in mass over the Earth’s land masses. As such changes in mass mainly correspond to water storage changes, these measurements allow to close the continental water balance on large spatial scales and on a monthly time scale within the respective error bounds. When quantifying uncertainties, positive and negative peaks are detected in GRACE aggregated monthly time series (from different data providers) that do not correspond to hydrological or hydro-meteorological signals. These peaks must be interpreted as outliers, which carry the danger of signal degradation. In this paper an algorithm is developed to identify outliers and replace them with hydrologically plausible values. The algorithm is based on a statistical approach in which hydrological and hydro-meteorological signals are used to control the algorithm. The procedure of outlier detection is verified by evaluating catchment based aggregated GRACE monthly signals with ground truth from hydrology and hydro-meteorological signals. The results show improvement in the correlation of GRACE versus hydrometeorological and hydrological signals in most catchments. Also, the noise level is significantly reduced over 255 largest catchments.  相似文献   
Summary An unusually thick sulfur-poor mineralized zone enriched in platinum-group elements (PGE) is described in the Hanumalapur Complex, Shimoga District, Karnataka State, India. This promising occurrence was discovered in the early 1990s and the best samples at the time of writing have yielded Pt+Pd concentrations in excess of six ppm. The western part of the area concerned belongs to the late Archaean Dharwar Super Group (3000–2500 Ma), while the eastern part is occupied predominantly by a granite-gneiss terrain ∼3000 Ma in age. Ten mafic-ultramafic complexes which host interesting vanadium-bearing titanomagnetite occurrences are encountered in the western part, one of which is the Hanumalapur Complex. The PGE mineralized zone in this complex may be divided into four mineralogically distinctive types, which are, in descending order of PGE content: 1) a silicate-hosted Pd type, 2) a silicate-hosted Pt type, 3) a base-metal sulfide-hosted Pd type, and 4) an oxide-hosted PGE type. The genesis of the mineralization is somewhat unclear at this point of investigation, especially because of complete re-crystallization, but the evidence gathered so far suggests something different than a traditional orthomagmatic model requiring magma mixing processes and resulting in sulfide immiscibility. This is backed-up by the general lack of base metal sulfides in favor of chromite, although pure chlorite-amphibole and chlorite-albite-epidote-amphibole rocks may contain significant PGE concentrations regardless of the amount of chromite. The PGM textures show little evidence of hydrothermal alteration and remobilization, but the PGE mineralogy itself displays some characteristics of fluid action, as it seems that there are some OH-bearing Pt and Pd minerals present. The first author was Deceased Author’s address: R. J. Kaukonen, Department of Geosciences, University of Oulu, Oulu, P.O. Box 3000, FIN-90014 Finland  相似文献   
Journal of Earth System Science - The fuchsites described here occur in the lower portions of a precambrian quartzite bed, which typically encloses small bands and lenses of barytes. Of the two...  相似文献   

News and Notes

Workshop on Precambrian Tectonics and Related Mineralization in South India — P. Krishnamurthy (Email: gsocind@gmail.com)  相似文献   
Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites were launched on March 17 2002 to derive with unprecedented accuracy, estimates of the global high resolution model of the earth’s gravity field. Local gravity changes with change in mass or mass redistribution. The mass changes can be due to hydrological events, seismic events or postglacial rebound, majorly. GRACE is sensitive to changes at large spatial scale since the resolution of GRACE is 400 km. Hydrological activities over basins provide sufficient mass changes to be detected by GRACE. In this research paper the discussion would be about two major flooding events in India, one being the 2005 monsoon flooding in Mumbai and nearby states and other being flood experienced by Bihar in 2008. The GRACE data is in the form of matrix consisting spherical harmonic coefficients. These coefficients are processed to obtain mass changes in terms of equivalent water height at a spatial scale of 400 km. The strategy of analysis is also discussed which need to be followed depending upon limitations of GRACE observation and requirement of application, here in this case application is flood induced mass change detection. Time-series and residual plots are generated and they show the flooding events for the concerned area as outliers. Better visualisation is obtained by residual plot, if there is a trend or systematic behaviour in time-series. This work points towards the qualitative capability of GRACE to detect flooding events at large spatial scale. Quantitative analysis requires in-situ data over the period of GRACE which is not possible for the cases discussed here.  相似文献   
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