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The UBV observations of a marginal contact system BX And obtained during 1987, 1989 and 1990 seasons at the Ankara University Observatory are presented. Based on all available light curves of the system we studied light curve variations, particularly at the extrema points. Time scale of the variations was found as short as a few cycles of the orbital revolution. Six new estimates of the minima times are given. Some indications are found that the system might be detached or semi-detached.  相似文献   
We present photoelectricUBV observations of the suspected Caii emission line star HR 1176. A period analysis of the observations by using the method of Shell-Metzner failed to yield any true period which is probably due to (i) the large gaps in the observations, (ii) low-amplitude variation, and (iii) the nonconstancy of the period, or there may be no regular light variation. A visual inspection of the present observations shows no systematic or abrupt variability except some scatter. However, a long period eclipsing nature of HR 1176 cannot be ruled out by this observations.  相似文献   
List of forthcoming papers  相似文献   
DifferentialUBV observations of the small amplitude (0.12 mag inV) single-lined active binary V350 Lac are presented. It was observed that the light minima occur in conjunction time. A shift of the light curve (0.05 in orbital phase) towards lower phases could be due to a small error in the light elements. The primary minimum is about 0.04 mag deeper than the secondary. It was shown that different depths of two light minima are not produced by the reflection effect but due primarily to gravity darkening on the tidally elongated and synchronously rotating visible component. An O'Connel effect observed as the brighter primary maximum could be an indication of starspot activity or gas streaming between the components.  相似文献   
A detailed abundance analysis of the Hg–Mn star And is carried out with the method of fine analysis based on high-dispersion spectrograms obtained at the Haute Provence Observatory. In the derivation of effective temperature, we have considered the spectral energy distribution from far UV to the near IR, the line blanketing in the UV region and the reddening of And. The observed energy distribution, manganese ionization equilibrium and hydrogen-line profiles indicate that the atmosphere can be represented by a model withT eff=13850350 K, logg=3.850.15 (in CGS) and with =3.00.5 km s–1. Our analysis shows that the abundances of C and Si are normal; Mg, S, and Fe slightly overabundant; and P, Mn, Ga, Sr, Y, Zr, Eu, and Hg are considerably overabundant by 2.02, 2.68, 5.48, 1.13, 3.70, 3.35, 4.40, and 6.02 dex, respectively, relative to the solar values. A comparison of our abundances with those by others shows large discrepancies.A discussion of the atmospheric structure of And suggests that the star has a circumstellar envelope, and that there is some contribution to the observed spectrum from that envelope.On leave of absence from the Dept. of Astronomy, Faculty of Sciences, University of Ankara, Ankara, Turkey.  相似文献   
Marine Geophysical Research - Predictive deconvolution is an effective way to suppress multiple reflections, especially short path multiples, in seismic data. However, the effectiveness of the...  相似文献   
Wiener deconvolution is generally used to improve resolution of the seismic sections, although it has several important assumptions. I propose a new method named Gold deconvolution to obtain Earth’s sparse-spike reflectivity series. The method uses a recursive approach and requires the source waveform to be known, which is termed as Deterministic Gold deconvolution. In the case of the unknown wavelet, it is estimated from seismic data and the process is then termed as Statistical Gold deconvolution. In addition to the minimum phase, Gold deconvolution method also works for zero and mixed phase wavelets even on the noisy seismic data. The proposed method makes no assumption on the phase of the input wavelet, however, it needs the following assumptions to produce satisfactory results: (1) source waveform is known, if not, it should be estimated from seismic data, (2) source wavelet is stationary at least within a specified time gate, (3) input seismic data is zero offset and does not contain multiples, and (4) Earth consists of sparse spike reflectivity series. When applied in small time and space windows, the Gold deconvolution algorithm overcomes nonstationarity of the input wavelet. The algorithm uses several thousands of iterations, and generally a higher number of iterations produces better results. Since the wavelet is extracted from the seismogram itself for the Statistical Gold deconvolution case, the Gold deconvolution algorithm should be applied via constant-length windows both in time and space directions to overcome the nonstationarity of the wavelet in the input seismograms. The method can be extended into a two-dimensional case to obtain time-and-space dependent reflectivity, although I use one-dimensional Gold deconvolution in a trace-by-trace basis. The method is effective in areas where small-scale bright spots exist and it can also be used to locate thin reservoirs. Since the method produces better results for the Deterministic Gold deconvolution case, it can be used for the deterministic deconvolution of the data sets with known source waveforms such as land Vibroseis records and marine CHIRP systems.  相似文献   
Based on high-resolution Chirp seismic, multibeam bathymetry and side scan sonar data collected in the ?zmir Gulf, Aegean Sea in 2008 and 2010, gas-related structures have been identified, which can be classified into three categories: (1) shallow gas accumulations and gas chimneys, (2) mud diapirs, and (3) active and inactive pockmarks. On the Chirp profiles, shallow gas accumulations were observed along the northern coastline of the outer ?zmir Gulf at 3-20 m below the seabed. They appear as acoustic turbidity zones and are interpreted as biogenic gas accumulations produced in organic-rich highstand fan sediments from the Gediz River. The diapiric structures are interpreted as shale or mud diapirs formed under lateral compression due to regional counter-clockwise rotation of Anatolian microplate. Furthermore, the sedimentary structure at the flanks suggests a continuous upward movement of the diapirs. Several pockmarks exist close to fault traces to the east of Hekim Island; most of them were associated with acoustic plumes indicating active degassing during the survey period in 2008. Another Chirp survey was carried out just over these plumes in 2010 to demonstrate if the gas seeps were still active. The surveys indicate that the gas seep is an ongoing process in the gulf. Based on the Chirp data, we proposed that the pockmark formation in the area can be explained by protracted seep model, whereby sediment erosion and re-distribution along pockmark walls result from ongoing (or long lasting) seepage of fluids over long periods of time. The existence of inactive pockmarks in the vicinity, however, implies that gas seepage may eventually cease or that it is periodic. Most of the active pockmarks are located over the fault planes, likely indicating that the gas seepage is controlled by active faulting.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The Black Sea contains immense gas accumulations. Exploration of gas accumulations is geologically and economically important because migration of methane in sediments may cause massive slope failures and the methane seeps may indicate deeper hydrocarbon reservoirs. Human activity both in and on the seafloor (oil industry) and natural activity (earthquakes, cyclones) trigger mechanisms for seafloor failure and gas release that may have a local and possibly global environmental impact. Recently, sonar and high‐resolution seismic surveys were carried out to obtain information about the effects of gas and gas‐filled sediments throughout the Turkish margin of the Eastern Black Sea, and shallow gas was detected on the subbottom profiler records. It continues about 25–65 m below the sea floor and is marked by bright and cloudy spots, sometimes pockmarks and acoustic voids. The lower section of the Turkish shelf is an extensive pockmarked plateau. The pockmarks are seen as circular structures with high backscattering on the sonar records.  相似文献   
Geo-ontology Tools: The Missing Link   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerous authors have presented ontology building tools that have all been developed as part of academic projects and that are usually adaptations of more generic tools for geo-spatial applications. While we trust that these tools do their job for the special purpose they have been built, the GIScience user community is still a long way away from off-the-shelf ontology builders that can be used by GIS project managers. In this article, we present a comparative study of ontology building tools described in some twenty peer-reviewed GIScience journal articles. We analyze them from the perspective of two application domains, crime analysis and transportation/land use. For the latter, we developed a database schema, which is substantially different from the three main templates commonly used. The crime analysis application uses a rule base for an agent-based model that had no precursor. In both cases, the currently available set of tools cannot replace manual coding of ontologies for use with ESRI-based application software. Based on these experiences, we outline a requirements list of what the tools described in the first part of the article are missing to make them practical from an applications perspective. The result is an R&D agenda for this important aspect of GIScience.  相似文献   
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