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大地震发生后立即在断层带上进行钻探可以帮助我们获取更多的地震信息,尤其是可获得决定断层动态破裂的摩擦水平和强度,观测断层的愈合过程及可能触发余震的应力变化,并可获取控制破裂过程的重要的物理和化学属性。在2008年11月由国际大陆科学钻探项目(ICDP)和南加州地震中心(SCEC)联合在日本东京举办的为期3天的“震后快速钻探:历史、现状与未来”研讨会上,  相似文献   
A rapid reduction in sediment porosity from 60 to 70 % at seafloor to less than 10 % at several kilometers depth can play an important role in deformation and seismicity in the shallow portion of subduction zones. We conducted deformation experiments on rocks from an ancient accretionary complex, the Shimanto Belt, across the Nobeoka Thrust to understand the deformation behaviors of rocks along plate boundary faults at seismogenic depth. Our experimental results for phyllites in the hanging wall and shale‐tuff mélanges in the footwall of the Nobeoka Thrust indicate that the Shimanto Belt rocks fail brittlely accompanied by a stress drop at effective pressures < 80 MPa, whereas they exhibit strain hardening at higher effective pressures. The transition from brittle to ductile behavior in the shale–tuff mélanges lies on the same trend in effective stress–porosity space as that for clay‐rich and tuffaceous sediments subducting into the modern Nankai subduction zone. Both the absolute yield strength and the effective pressure at the brittle–ductile transition for the phyllosilicate‐rich materials are much lower than for sandstones. These results suggest that as the clay‐rich or tuffaceous sediments subduct and their porosities are reduced, their deformation behavior gradually transitions from ductile to brittle and their yield strength increases. Our results also suggest that samples of the ancient Shimanto accretionary prism can serve as an analog for underthrust rocks at seismogenic depth in the modern Nankai Trough.  相似文献   
The financial supply chain is increasingly recognized as an area offering significant potential for generating bottom-line improvements and creating competitive advantage. Insurers’ appraisal is one of the basic decisions for a company, and the choosing course has always many criterions. Considering the stability of the financial supply chain, the coordination evaluation and fuzzy multi-objective evaluation model of insurers’ risk management are firstly studied in this paper by using large system theory and methods. The corresponding coordination evaluation index model is then established to evaluate, forecast and control the actuality and the future of risk coordination management, and to improve the durative development for a combination pension model. The evaluation standards of numerous insurers are established to constitute a set of vectors. By presenting a dimensional point to each insurer, the optimal or the worst insurer is decided. Finally, the distances of each insurer to the optimal or the worst insurer on the basis of the Euclidean distance are counted, and the insurers’ ordering according to the value of distances is sorted out. The financial supply chain and large system theory and methods are combined to contribute new evaluation models that revise the deficiency of intrinsic model and improve the financial stability.  相似文献   
Rethinking geopolitics in an era of climate change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article examines the disconnect between predictions about climate change and dominant geopolitical framings of the future. To begin, we introduce four popular geopolitical models of the world. We then show how climate change is a critical variable when considering the future of international politics. Focusing on the specific issues of water availability, agricultural productivity, coastal impacts, and shipping routes, we discuss the implications of predicted changes in the wake of climate change for the assumptions on which these scenarios are built. We show that work linking climate change and geopolitics has clear implications for the ways in which the future geopolitical (dis)order is conceptualized, and we argue that the failure to incorporate this work into geopolitical scenario-planning represents a significant limitation to their utility. We offer some direction for a re-conceptualization of the future based on a more dynamic and flexible approach to geopolitics that recognizes the disruptions posed by climatic and other environmental changes.  相似文献   
Abstract The transformation of smectite‐group clay minerals to illite has garnered considerable interest as a potentially important process affecting both the mechanical and hydrologic behavior of subduction zones. Illitization can generate fluid overpressure by release of bound water, and the mineralogical change and associated cementation may increase intrinsic frictional strength while decreasing the sliding stability of faults. Released bound water also contributes to pore water freshening observed in boreholes at numerous margins. Here the authors combine data from Ocean Drilling Program drill sites along two transects at the Nankai subduction zone with numerical models of smectite transformation, to (i) quantify the distribution of smectite transformation and fluid production downdip of the trench; and (ii) evaluate its hydrologic and mechanical implications. High heat flow (ca 180 mW/m2) along the axis of the Kinan Seamount Chain (Muroto transect) initiates clay mineral transformation outboard of the trench, whereas lower heat flow (70–120 mW/m2) 100 km to the SW (Ashizuri transect) results in negligible presubduction diagenesis. As a result, considerably more bound fluid is subducted along the Ashizuri transect; simulated peak fluid sources down‐dip of the trench are considerably higher than for the Muroto transect (ca 1.2–1.3 × 10?14/s vs ca 6 × 10?15/s), and are shifted ca 10 km further from the trench. More generally, sensitivity analysis illustrates that heat flow, taper angle, incoming sediment thickness, and plate convergence rate all systematically affect reaction progress and the distribution of bound water release down‐dip of the trench. These shifts in the loci and volume of fluid release are important for constraining fluid flow pathways, and provide insight into the links between clay transformation and fault mechanics.  相似文献   
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