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During the onset of caldera cluster volcanism at a new location in the Snake River Plain (SRP), there is an increase in basalt fluxing into the crust and diverse silicic volcanic products are generated. The SRP contains abundant and compositionally diverse hot, dry, and often low-δ18O silicic volcanic rocks produced through time during the formation of individual caldera clusters, but more H2O-rich eruptive products are rare. We report analyses of quartz-hosted melt inclusions from pumice clasts from the upper and lower Arbon Valley Tuff (AVT) to gain insight into the initiation of caldera cluster volcanism. The AVT, a voluminous, caldera-forming rhyolite, represents the commencement of volcanism (10.44 Ma) at the Picabo volcanic field of the Yellowstone hotspot track. This is a normal δ18O rhyolite consisting of early and late erupted members (lower and upper AVT, respectively) with extremely radiogenic Sr isotopes and unradiogenic Nd isotopes, requiring that ~50 % of the mass of these elements is derived from melts of Archean upper crust. Our data reveal distinctive features of the early erupted lower AVT melt including: variable F concentrations up to 1.4 wt%, homogenous and low Cl concentrations (~0.08 wt%), H2O contents ranging from 2.3 to 6.4 wt%, CO2 contents ranging from 79 to 410 ppm, and enrichment of incompatible elements compared to the late erupted AVT, subsequent Picabo rhyolites, SRP rhyolites, and melt inclusions from other metaluminous rhyolites (e.g., Bishop Tuff, Mesa Falls Tuff). We couple melt inclusion data with Ti measurements and cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging of the host quartz phenocrysts to elucidate the petrogenetic evolution of the AVT rhyolitic magma. We observe complex and multistage CL zoning patterns, the most critical being multiple truncations indicative of several dissolution–reprecipitation episodes with bright CL cores (higher Ti) and occasional bright CL rims (higher Ti). We interpret the high H2O, F, F/Cl, and incompatible trace element concentrations in the context of a model involving melting of Archean crust and mixing of the crustal melt with basaltic differentiates, followed by multiple stages of fractional crystallization, remelting, and melt extraction. This multistage process, which we refer to as distillation, is further supported by the complex CL zoning patterns in quartz. We interpret new Δ18O(Qz-Mt) isotope measurements, demonstrating a 0.4 ‰ or ~180 °C temperature difference, and strong Sr isotopic and chemical differences between the upper and lower AVT to represent two separate eruptions. Similarities between the AVT and the first caldera-forming eruptions of other caldera clusters in the SRP (Yellowstone, Heise and Bruneau Jarbidge) suggest that the more evolved, lower-temperature, more H2O-rich rhyolites of the SRP are important in the initiation of a caldera cluster during the onset of plume impingement.  相似文献   
Molecular organic biomarkers together with trace element composition were investigated in sediments east of Barrow Canyon in the western Arctic Ocean to determine sources and recycling of organic carbon in a continuum from the shelf to the basin. Algal biomarkers (polyunsaturated and short-chain saturated fatty acids, 24-methylcholesta-5,24(28)-dien-3β-ol, dinosterol) highlight the substantial contribution of organic matter from water column and sea-ice primary productivity in shelf environments, while redox markers such as acid volatile sulfide (AVS), Mn, and Re indicate intense metabolism of this material leading to sediment anoxia. Shelf sediments also receive considerable inputs from terrestrial organic carbon, with biomarker composition suggesting the presence of multiple pools of terrestrial organic matter segregated by age/lability or hydrodynamic sorting. Sedimentary metabolism was not as intense in slope sediments as on the shelf; however, sufficient labile organic matter is present to create suboxic and anoxic conditions, at least intermittently, as organic matter is focused towards the slope. Basin sediments also showed evidence for episodic delivery of labile organic carbon inputs despite the strong physical controls of water depth and sea-ice cover. Principal components analysis of the lipid biomarker data was used to estimate fractions of preserved recalcitrant (of terrestrial origin) and labile (of marine origin) organic matter in the sediments, with ranges of 12–79%, 14–45%, and 37–66% found for the shelf, slope, and basin cores, respectively. On average, the relative preserved terrestrial organic matter in basin sediments was 56%, suggesting exchange of organic carbon between nearshore and basin environments in the western Arctic.  相似文献   
The WOCE-era 3-D Pacific Ocean circulation and heat budget   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To address questions concerning the intensity and spatial structure of the three-dimensional circulation within the Pacific Ocean and the associated advective and diffusive property flux divergences, data from approximately 3000 high-quality hydrographic stations collected on 40 zonal and meridional cruises have been merged into a physically consistent model. The majority of the stations were occupied as part of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE), which took place in the 1990s. These data are supplemented by a few pre-WOCE surveys of similar quality, and time-averaged direct-velocity and historical hydrographic measurements about the equator.An inverse box model formalism is employed to estimate the absolute along-isopycnal velocity field, the magnitude and spatial distribution of the associated diapycnal flow and the corresponding diapycnal advective and diffusive property flux divergences. The resulting large-scale WOCE Pacific circulation can be described as two shallow overturning cells at mid- to low latitudes, one in each hemisphere, and a single deep cell which brings abyssal waters from the Southern Ocean into the Pacific where they upwell across isopycnals and are returned south as deep waters. Upwelling is seen to occur throughout most of the basin with generally larger dianeutral transport and greater mixing occurring at depth. The derived pattern of ocean heat transport divergence is compared to published results based on air–sea flux estimates. The synthesis suggests a strongly east/west oriented pattern of air–sea heat flux with heat loss to the atmosphere throughout most of the western basins, and a gain of heat throughout the tropics extending poleward through the eastern basins. The calculated meridional heat transport agrees well with previous hydrographic estimates. Consistent with many of the climatologies at a variety of latitudes as well, our meridional heat transport estimates tend toward lower values in both hemispheres.  相似文献   
This paper presents rich new families of relative orbits for spacecraft formation flight generated through the application of continuous thrust with only minimal intervention into the dynamics of the problem. Such simplicity facilitates implementation for small, low-cost spacecraft with only position state feedback, and yet permits interesting and novel relative orbits in both two- and three-body systems with potential future applications in space-based interferometry, hyperspectral sensing, and on-orbit inspection. Position feedback is used to modify the natural frequencies of the linearised relative dynamics through direct manipulation of the system eigenvalues, producing new families of stable relative orbits. Specifically, in the Hill–Clohessy–Wiltshire frame, simple adaptations of the linearised dynamics are used to produce a circular relative orbit, frequency-modulated out-of-plane motion, and a novel doubly periodic cylindrical relative trajectory for the purposes of on-orbit inspection. Within the circular restricted three-body problem, a similar minimal approach with position feedback is used to generate new families of stable, frequency-modulated relative orbits in the vicinity of a Lagrange point, culminating in the derivation of the gain requirements for synchronisation of the in-plane and out-of-plane frequencies to yield a singly periodic tilted elliptical relative orbit with potential use as a Lunar far-side communications relay. The \(\Delta v\) requirements for the cylindrical relative orbit and singly periodic Lagrange point orbit are analysed, and it is shown that these requirements are modest and feasible for existing low-thrust propulsion technology.  相似文献   
Coastal habitat use and residency of a coastal bay by juvenile Atlantic sharpnose sharks, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae, were examined by acoustic monitoring, gillnet sampling, and conventional tag–recapture. Acoustic monitoring data were used to define the residency and movement patterns of sharks within Crooked Island Sound, Florida. Over 3 years, sharks were monitored for periods of 1–37 days, with individuals regularly moving in and out of the study site. Individual sharks were continuously present within the study site for periods of 1–35 days. Patterns of movement could not be correlated with time of day. Home range sizes were typically small (average?=?1.29 km2) and did not vary on a yearly basis. Gillnet sampling revealed that juvenile Atlantic sharpnose sharks were present in all habitat types found within Crooked Island Sound, and peaks in abundance varied depending on month within a year. Although telemetry data showed that most individuals remained within the study site for short periods of time before emigrating, conventional tag–recapture data indicates some individuals return to Crooked Island Sound after extended absences (maximum length?=?1,352 days). Although conventional shark nursery theory suggests small sharks remain in shallow coastal waters to avoid predation, juvenile Atlantic sharpnose sharks frequently exited from protected areas and appear to move through deeper waters to adjacent coastal bays and estuaries. Given the high productivity exhibited by this species, the benefit gained through a nursery that reduces predation may be limited for this species.  相似文献   
The Glikson structure is an aeromagnetic and structural anomaly located in the Little Sandy Desert of Western Australia (23°59'S, 121°34′E). Shatter cones and planar microstructures in quartz grains are present in a highly deformed central region, suggesting an impact origin. Circumferential shortening folds and chaotically disposed bedding define a 19 km-diameter area of deformation. Glikson is located in the northwestern Officer Basin in otherwise nearly flat-lying sandstone, siltstone and conglomerate of the Neoproterozoic Mundadjini Formation, intruded by dolerite sills. The structure would not have been detected if not for its strong ring-shaped aeromagnetic anomaly, which has a 10 km inner diameter and a 14 km outer diameter. We interpret the circular magnetic signature as the product of truncation and folding of mafic sills into a ring syncline. The sills most likely correlate with dolerites that intrude the Boondawari Formation ~25 km to the north, for which we report a SHRIMP U?–?Pb baddeleyite and zircon age of 508?±?5 Ma, providing a precise older limit for the impact event that formed the Glikson structure.  相似文献   
Liquidus phase relationships have been determined for a high-MgO basalt (STV301: MgO=12.5 wt%, Ni=250 ppm, Cr=728 ppm) from Black Point, St Vincent (Lesser Antilles arc). Piston-cylinder experiments were conducted between 7.5 and 20 kbar under both hydrous and oxidizing conditions. AuPd capsules were used as containers. Compositions of supraliquidus glasses and mass-balance calculations show that Fe loss is < 10% in the majority of experiments. Two series of water concentrations in melt were investigated: (i) 1.5 wt% and (ii) 4.5 wt% H2O, as determined by SIMS analyses on quenched glasses and with the by difference technique. The Fe3+/Fe2+ partitioning between Cr-Al spinel and melt and olivine-spinel equilibria show that oxidizing fO2 were imposed (NNO + 1.5 for the 1.5 wt% H2O series, NNO + 2.3 for the 4.5 wt% H2O series). For both series of water concentrations, the liquid is multiply-saturated with a spinel lherzolite phase assemblage on its liquidus, at 1235°C, 11.5 kbar (1.5 wt% H2O) and 1185°C, 16 kbar (4.5 wt% H2O). Liquidus phases are homogeneous and comparable to typical mantle compositions. Mineral-melt partition coefficients are generally identical to values under anhydrous conditions. The modal proportion cpx/opx on the liquidus decreases from the 1.5 wt% to the 4.5 wt% H2O series. The experimental data are consistent with STV301 being a product of partial melting of lherzolitic mantle. Conditions of multiple saturation progressively evolve toward lower temperatures and higher pressures with increasing melt H2O concentration. Phase equilibria constraints, i.e., the necessity of preserving the mantle signature seen in high-MgO and picritic arc basalts, and glass inclusion data suggest that STV301 was extracted relatively dry (∼ 2 wt% H2O) from its mantle source. However, not all primary arc basalts are extracted under similarly dry conditions because more hydrous melts will crystallize during ascent and will not be present unmodified at the surface. From degrees of melting calculated from experiments on KLB-1, extraction of a 12.5 wt% MgO melt with ∼ 2 wt% H2O would require a H2O concentration of 0.3 wt% in the sub-arc mantle. For mantle sources fluxed with a slab-derived hydrous component, extracted melts may contain up to ∼ 5.5 wt% H2O.  相似文献   
Discharge of Fe(II)-rich groundwaters into surface-waters results in the accumulation of Fe(III)-minerals in salinized sand-bed waterways of the Hunter Valley, Australia. The objective of this study was to characterise the mineralogy, micromorphology and pore-water geochemistry of these Fe(III) accumulations. Pore-waters had a circumneutral pH (6.2–7.2), were sub-oxic to oxic (Eh 59–453 mV), and had dissolved Fe(II) concentrations up to 81.6 mg L−1. X-ray diffraction (XRD) on natural and acid-ammonium-oxalate (AAO) extracted samples indicated a dominance of 2-line ferrihydrite in most samples, with lesser amounts of goethite, lepidocrocite, quartz, and alumino-silicate clays. The majority of Fe in the samples was bound in the AAO extractable fraction (FeOx) relative to the Na-dithionite extractable fraction (FeDi), with generally high FeOx:FeDi ratios (0.52–0.92). The presence of nano-crystalline 2-line ferrihydrite (Fe5HO3·4H2O) with lesser amounts of goethite (α-FeOOH) was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) coupled with selected area electron diffraction (SAED). In addition, it was found that lepidocrocite (γ-FeOOH), which occurred as nanoparticles as little as ∼5 lattice spacings thick perpendicular to the (0 2 0) lattice plane, was also present in the studied Fe(III) deposits. Overall, the results highlight the complex variability in the crystallinity and particle-size of Fe(III)-minerals which form via oxidation of Fe(II)-rich groundwaters in sand-bed streams. This variability may be attributed to: (1) divergent precipitation conditions influencing the Fe(II) oxidation rate and the associated supply and hydrolysis of the Fe(III) ion, (2) the effect of interfering compounds, and (3) the influence of bacteria, especially Leptothrix ochracea.  相似文献   
Earlier piston-cylinder experiments in our laboratory produced a collection of mantle melting run products at 1.0 GPa that have now been analyzed by ion probe for selected REE, Ti, Cr, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, and Nb. Natural starting materials were used and experiments were run in graphite-lined Pt capsules with the melt separated from the residual minerals into a layer of vitreous carbon spheres (VCS) to circumvent quench modification. The glass phase in 18 run products, representing melt percentages of ∼2-20 wt%, yielded excellent data that were inverted to yield the first estimates ever of clinopyroxene/melt distribution coefficients, Ds, derived from direct peridotite partial melting experiments. Uncertainties were estimated with a Monte Carlo method.For the REE and Y, these Ds were then compared to Ds calculated with the widely-used model of Wood and Blundy (1997) and the two sets overlap at the ±2σ level in 123 of 128 cases (∼96%). This indicates to us that: 1) the experiments analyzed here are well equilibrated with respect to major and trace element distributions, thus supporting the efficacy of the VCS technique and its variation involving diamond (e.g., Baker and Stolper, “Determining the composition of high-pressure mantle melts using diamond aggregates” [1994], Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta58, 2811-2827); 2) the model of Wood and Blundy (1997), calibrated largely on the basis of large melt fraction, inverse- or sandwich-type experiments, describes REE and Y partitioning during peridotite melting well, even very near the solidus; and it suggests that the cpx/melt Ds derived here for other elements, not modeled by the Wood and Blundy formulation, are probably also correct for peridotite melting to within their ±2σ uncertainties. Dsp/liq and Dcpx/liq values for Cr calculated directly from electron microprobe data decrease by about a factor of five with increasing temperature and melt percentage.The degree to which our experiments appear to have equilibrated seems at odds with recent measurements of the diffusivities of REE in diopside which suggest that relatively small percentages of our starting mineral grains should have equilibrated diffusively. Instead, we suggest that equilibration occurs much more rapidly through the processes of recrystallization and grain coarsening, accomplished through dissolution and reprecipitation. This suggestion is supported by the observation that our final grain sizes are typically 5-10 times larger than the ∼10 μm starting sizes, indicating that substantial mass transfer occurred in our experiments, probably mediated by the melt phase in which diffusion is faster.  相似文献   
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