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Digital elevation model (DEM) images provide synoptic views of the Earth’s surface allowing the analysis of landforms of still active tectonic and volcanic structures at regional scale. A DEM at 250 m pixel size constitutes regional scale data particularly efficient to investigate the late Miocene–Quaternary deformation of the Eastern Turkish–Armenian Plateau in the Arabian–Eurasian area of convergence. Geomorphic analysis of the DEM image associated with review of fault-plane solutions of earthquakes show that faults are mostly strike-slip with small vertical component. Here we show that the orientations of the tectonic and volcanic structures fit with a tectonic regime characterized by N–S shortening and E–W lengthening, consistent with westward escape of Anatolia perpendicular to the direction of the Arabia–Eurasia shortening. The uniform uplift of the plateau, the predominance of strike-slip faulting, the lack of major thrusts and the occurrence of normal faults do not support a model of going-on crustal thickening due to intracontinental convergence. On the contrary, our observations can be better interpreted in terms of lithospheric thinning and mantle upwelling related to gravity escape of Anatolia.  相似文献   
Summary The behaviour up to failure of shallow underground openings is discussed on the basis of some laboratory, small-scale model tests and of finite element simulation. The experimental results are first illustrated. They were obtained from two-dimensional (plane strain) and three-dimensional tunnel models tested under standard gravity conditions. Then, the phenomenon of strain localisation that characterizes the medium surrounding the model tunnels is discussed, recalling two alternative approaches for its numerical interpretation. On this basis, a finite element procedure for strain softening analyses is outlined and applied to the simulation of the tests in both two- and three-dimensional conditions. The comparison between experimental and numerical results leads to some conclusions on the influence of strain localisation on the overall behaviour of shallow tunnels and on the stability of their headings.  相似文献   
This contribution aims to report the reflections we had with the scientific community during two international workshops on reference materials for stable isotopes in Davos (2002) and Nice (2003). After evaluating the isotopic homogeneity of some existing reference materials, based on either certificates, literature data or specific inter-laboratory rounds, we confirm these as primary reference materials or propose new ones relative to which stable isotope compositions should be reported. We propose DSM-3 for Mg, NIST SRM 915a for Ca, L-SVEC for Li and NBS28 for Si. Cadmium does not yet have a well identified delta zero material, although three commercial mono-elemental Cd solutions have yielded the same isotopic composition relative to one another. In order to scale the linearity of any mass spectrometer, some secondary reference materials are also proposed: Cambridge-1 solution for Mg, the "Münster-Cd" and JEPPIM Cd solutions for Cd and the "Big Batch" silicate for Si. The team from Nancy propose to prepare a mixed spike solution for Li isotopes. Well-characterised natural samples such as ocean or continental waters, diatoms, sponges, rocks and minerals are needed to validate the entire analytical procedure, particularly to take into account the effect of sample mineralisation and of chemical manipulations for elemental separation prior to analysis.  相似文献   
We present a general stratigraphic synthesis for the Upper Rhine Graben (URG) and the Swiss Molasse Basin (SMB) from Eocene to Pliocene times. The stratigraphic data were compiled both from literature and from research carried out by the authors during the past 6 years ; an index of the stratigraphically most important localitites is provided. We distinguish 14 geographical areas from the Helvetic domain in the South to the Hanau Basin in the North. For each geographical area, we give a synthesis of the biostratigraphy, lithofacies, and chronostratigraphic ranges. The relationships between this stratigraphic record and the global sea-level changes are generally disturbed by the geodynamic (e.g., subsidence) evolution of the basins. However, global sea-level changes probably affected the dynamic of transgression–regression in the URG (e.g., Middle Pechelbronn Beds and Serie Grise corresponding with sea-level rise between Ru1/Ru2 and Ru2/Ru3 sequences, respectively) as well as in the Molasse basin (regression of the UMM corresponding with the sea-level drop at the Ch1 sequence). The URGENT-project (Upper Rhine Graben evolution and neotectonics) provided an unique opportunity to carry out and present this synthesis. Discussions with scientists addressing sedimentology, tectonics, geophysics and geochemistry permitted the comparison of the sedimentary history and stratigraphy of the basin with processes controlling its geodynamic evolution. Data presented here back up the palaeogeographic reconstructions presented in a companion paper by the same authors (see Berger et al. in Int J Earth Sci 2005).  相似文献   
In order to optimize ship navigation in the macrotidal Gironde Estuary, a recent project funded by the port of Bordeaux aims at better understand and forecast hydrodynamic and fine sediment transport within the estuary. In the framework of this project, a two-dimensional hydro-sedimentary model is built. The model includes hydrodynamic forcings, mixed-sediment transport, and consolidation processes. The harmonic analysis of the astronomical tides reveals a strong distortion of the tidal wave inducing the growth of overtide constituents and the non-significant effect of tide-surge interactions in annual-scale prediction. Depending on hydrological conditions, river discharge can considerably alter the model accuracy due to the migration of the turbidity maximum zone modifying the bottom roughness. Comparison with measurements shows the ability of the model to reproduce suspended-sediment concentrations in the central Estuary. Sensitivity of the model to sediment features has also been discussed in regard of suspended-sediment concentrations and fluid mud deposits. The model will be further coupled with ship squat predictions and a morphodynamic model.  相似文献   
SEKI  Y?TAR? 《Journal of Petrology》1961,2(3):407-423
The regional metamorphism of the Kant? Mountains in Japan producedrocks of the following facies, with rising temperature: chloritefacies, pumpellyite-chlorite facies, glauco-phane-schist facies,and greenschist facies. This relationship is compared with theprogressive metamorphic zones in other regions where pumpellyitehas been found. Almost similar relations appear to hold in manymetamorphic terrains. Pumpellyites in glaucophanitic metamorphicterrains have, generally, low Fe'/R'R ratios. Physical andchemical conditions responsible for the formation of pumpellyiteare also discussed.  相似文献   
The major Ghanaian lode gold deposits are preferentially aligned along the western and eastern contacts of the Kumasi Basin with the Ashanti and Sefwi Belts, respectively. The investigated area of the Abawso small-scale concession, covering the workings of the old Ettadom mine, is situated 3 km west of the lithological contact of the Birimian metavolcanic rocks of the Akropong Belt in the east with the Birimian metasedimentary rocks of the Kumasi Basin in the west. The rocks of the Abawso concession represent a steeply NW-dipping limb of a SE-verging anticline with an axis plunging to the SW. Quartz veining occurs predominantly in the form of en échelon dilatational veins along NNE–SSW-striking shear zones of a few metres width and shows evidence of brittle and ductile deformation. Also stockwork-style quartz veining occurs in the vicinity of the main shaft of the old Ettadom mine. Hydrothermal alteration includes sericitisation, sulphidation and locally carbonatisation. The auriferous quartz veins mainly follow the trend of brittle to ductile deformed quartz veins; however, some occur in stockwork. Fluid inclusion studies reveal a large number of H2O inclusions along intragranular trails in auriferous quartz vein samples, as well as an overall dominance of H2O and H2O-CO2 inclusions over CO2 inclusions. Textural observations and physico-chemical fluid inclusion properties indicate post-entrapment modifications for all quartz vein samples due to grain boundary migration recrystallisation. This process is interpreted to be responsible for the generation of the CO2 inclusions from a H2O-CO2 parent fluid. In comparison with mineralisation at the Ashanti and Prestea deposits, which are characterised by CO2±N2 inclusions, the observed inclusion assemblage may be due to a shallower crustal level of mineralisation, or different degrees and styles of recrystallisation, or a less pronounced development of laminated quartz veins due to comparably restricted pressure fluctuations. Furthermore, the microthermometric observations allow the reconstruction of a possible retrograde P-T path, depicting near-isothermal decompression in the P-T range of the brittle/ductile transition.Editorial handling: E. Frimmel  相似文献   
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