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A framework alternative to that of classical slope stability analysis is developed, wherein the soil mass is treated as a continuum and in-situ soil stresses and strengths are computed accurately using inelastic finite element methods with general constitutive models. Within this framework, two alternative methods of stability analysis are presented. In the first, the strength characteristics of the soil mass are held constant, and the gravitational loading on the slope system is increased until failure is initiated by well-defined mechanisms. In the second approach, the gravity loading on the slope system is held constant, while the strength parameters of the soil mass are gradually decreased until well-defined failure mechanisms develop. Details on applying both of the proposed methods, and comparisons of their characteristics on a number of solved example problems are presented. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Development of Rhizocarpon growth curve from the Aoraki/Mount Cook area of New Zealand provides a means to assess Little Ice Age glacier behaviour and suggests approaches that have wider application. Employing a sampling strategy based on large populations affords the opportunity to assess which of various metrics (e.g. single largest, average of five largest, mean of an entire population) best characterise Rhizocarpon growth patterns. The 98% quantile from each population fitted with a quadric curve forms a reliable representation of the growth pattern. Since this metric does not depend on the original sample size, comparisons are valid where sample strategy must be adapted to local situations or where the original sample size differs. For the Aoraki/Mount Cook area a surface 100 years old will have a 98% quantile lichen diameter of 34.3 mm, whereas a 200‐year‐old surface will have a lichen diameter of 73.7 mm. In the Southern Alps, constraints from the age range of calibration points, the flattening of the quadric calibration curve and ecological factors limit the useful age range to approximately 250 years. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Sundarbans mangrove ecosystem, shared by India and Bangladesh, is recognized as a global priority for biodiversity conservation. Sea level rise, due to climate change, threatens the long term persistence of the Sundarbans forests and its biodiversity. Among the forests’ biota is the only tiger (Panthera tigris) population in the world adapted for life in mangrove forests. Prior predictions on the impacts of sea level rise on the Sundarbans have been hampered by coarse elevation data in this low-lying region, where every centimeter counts. Using high resolution elevation data, we estimate that with a 28 cm rise above 2000 sea levels, remaining tiger habitat in Bangladesh’s Sundarbans would decline by 96% and the number of breeding individuals would be reduced to less than 20. Assuming current sea level rise predictions and local conditions do not change, a 28 cm sea level rise is likely to occur in the next 50–90 years. If actions to both limit green house gas emissions and increase resilience of the Sundarbans are not initiated soon, the tigers of the Sundarbans may join the Arctic’s polar bears (Ursus maritimus) as early victims of climate change-induced habitat loss.  相似文献   
Comparisons of palaeo‐equilibrium line altitudes between the Western and Eastern Cordilleras in the Central Andes are commonly based on the assumption that the tall outermost moraines visible in remotely sensed images of the Western Cordillera date to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). However, field investigation and geomorphic mapping at Nevado Sajama, Bolivia, indicates the tall moraines are relic features with shorter moraines overlying and in some cases extending beyond them. 36Cl exposure ages from the shorter moraines suggest that they date to Lateglacial times ca. 16.9–10.2 ka. Although Lateglacial deposits have been found throughout the Central Andes, the extent of these deposits relative to LGM deposits varies both between the Western and Eastern Cordilleras and north‐to‐south along the Western Cordillera. In the Western Cordillera in the zone of easterly winds, the Lateglacial appears to be the most extensive glacial advance of the last glacial cycle. Geomorphic evidence also suggests that some Lateglacial moraines were deposited by cold‐based ice, a previously unreported finding in the tropical Andes. Retreat from other glacial features occurred at about 7.0–4.4 ka and 4.7–3.3 ka. These are the first directly dated Holocene glacial deposits in the Western Cordillera of Bolivia, and their presence suggests that the mid Holocene may not have been as warm and dry as previously thought. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Mountain topography is the result of highly scale-dependent interactions involving climatic, tectonic, and surface processes. No complete understanding of the geodynamics of mountain building and topographic evolution yet exists, although numerous conceptual and physical models indicate that surficial erosion plays a significant role. Mapping and assessing landforms and erosion in mountain environments is essential in order to understand landscape denudation and complex feedback mechanisms. This requires the development and evaluation of new approaches in remote sensing and geomorphometry. The research herein evaluates the problem of topographic normalization of satellite imagery and demonstrates the use of terrain analysis using a digital elevation model (DEM) to evaluate the relief structure of the landscape in the western Himalaya. We specifically evaluated the Cosine-correction and Minnaert-correction methods to reduce spectral variation in imagery caused by the topography. Semivariogram analyses of the topography were used to examine the relationships between relief and surface processes. Remote-sensing results indicate that the Minnaert-correction method can be used to reduce the “topographic effect” in satellite imagery for mapping, although extreme radiance values are the result of not accounting for the diffuse-skylight and adjacent-terrain irradiance. Geomorphometry results indicate that river incision and glaciation can generate extreme relief, although the greatest mesoscale relief is produced by glaciation at high altitudes. At intermediate altitudes, warm-based glaciation was found to decrease relief. Our results indicate that glaciation can have a differential influence on the relief structure of the landscape. Collectively, our results indicate that scale-dependent analysis of the topography is required to address radiation transfer issues and the polygenetic nature of landscape denudation and relief production.  相似文献   
Organic solvent (i.e., dense nonaqueous phase liquid, DNAPL) migration in the subsurface is known to be extremely sensitive to geologic heterogeneity. There is often a focus on heterogeneity that results from changing depositional conditions over short spatial scales. Similar or even more extreme spatial heterogeneity can result postdeposition due to erosional processes. This study applies a synergistic approach based on a combination of high‐resolution lithologic logs of continuous cores, borehole geophysical logs, surface electrical resistivity, and seismic refraction tomography models to assess spatial heterogeneity in a shallow bedrock sequence subject to multiple unconformities and contaminated with a mixture of organic chemicals. The persistence of DNAPL in the source zone and an associated dissolved‐phase plume led to variable impacts on formation resistivity across the study site. Seismic refraction in combination with electrical resistivity tomography improved interpretation of highly irregular erosional boundaries by delineating sharp lateral transitions in lithologic composition near the source zone and across the dissolved‐phase plume. Electrical resistivity was effective at differentiating between clean and mud‐rich sandstones and their unconformable contact with an underlying dolostone. Geophysical measurements revealed eroded dolostone mounds encased by a network of younger mud‐rich sandstones channelized by clean semi‐lithified sand, all of which was buried beneath variable glacial drift. Our synergistic multidimensional approach resulted in the development of a detailed three‐dimensional shallow bedrock geospatial model, which has led to an improved understanding of DNAPL migration and contaminant plume heterogeneity.  相似文献   
Air temperature can be an effective predictor of stream temperature. However, little work has been done in studying urban impacts on air‐stream relationships in groundwater‐fed headwater streams in mountainous watersheds. We applied wavelet coherence analysis to two 13‐month continuous (1 hr interval) stream and air temperature datasets collected at Boone Creek, an urban stream, and Winkler Creek, a forest stream, in northwestern North Carolina. The main advantage of a wavelet coherence analysis approach is the ability to analyse non‐stationary dynamics for the temporal covariance between air and stream temperature over time and at multiple temporal scales (e.g. hours, days, weeks and months). The coherence is both time and scale‐dependent. Our research indicated that air temperature generally co‐varied with stream temperature at time scales greater than 0.5 day. The correlation was poor during the winter at the scales of 1 to 64 days and summer at the scales of 1.5 to 4 days, respectively. The empirical models that relate air temperature to stream temperature failed at these scales and during these periods. Finally, urbanization altered the air‐stream temperature correlation at intermediate time scales ranging from 2 to 12 days. The correlation at the urban creek increased at the 12‐day scale, whereas it decreased at scales of 2 to 7 days as compared with the forested stream, which is probably due to heated surface runoff during summer thunderstorms or leaking stormwater or wastewater collection systems. Our results provide insights into air‐stream temperature relationships over both time and scale domains. Identifying controls over time and scales are needed to predict water temperature to understand the future impacts that interacting climate and land use changes will have on aquatic ecosystem in river networks. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Horse Prairie basin of southwestern Montana is a complex, east-dipping half-graben that contains three angular unconformity-bounded sequences of Tertiary sedimentary rocks overlying middle Eocene volcanic rocks. New mapping of the basin and its hanging wall indicate that five temporally and geometrically distinct phases of normal faulting and at least three generations of fault-related extensional folding affected the area during the late Mesozoic (?) to Cenozoic. All of these phases of extension are evident over regional or cordilleran-scale domains. The extension direction has rotated 90° four times in the Horse Prairie area resulting in a complex three-dimensional strain field with 60% east–west and >25% north–south bulk extension. Extensional folds with axes at high angles to the associated normal fault record most of the three-dimensional strain during individual phases of extension (phases 3a, 3b, and 4). Cross-cutting relationships between normal faults and Tertiary volcanic and sedimentary rocks constrain the ages of each distinct phase of deformation and show that extension continued episodically for more than 50 My. Gravitational collapse of the Sevier fold and thrust belt was the ultimate cause of most of the extension.  相似文献   
The Kwakshua Watersheds Observatory (KWO) is an integrative watersheds observatory on the coastal margin of a rain-dominated bog-forest landscape in British Columbia (BC), Canada. Established in 2013, the goal of the KWO is to understand and model the flux of terrestrial materials from land to sea – the origins, pathways, processes and ecosystem consequences – in the context of long-term environmental change. The KWO consists of seven gauged watersheds and a network of observation sites spanning from land to sea and along drainage gradients within catchments. Time-series datasets include year-round measurements of weather, soil hydrology, streamflow, aquatic biogeochemistry, microbial ecology and nearshore oceanographic conditions. Sensor measurements are recorded every 5 min and water samples are collected approximately monthly. Additional observations are made during high-flow conditions. We used remote sensing to map watershed terrain, drainage networks, soils and terrestrial ecosystems. The watersheds range in size from 3.2 to 12.8 km2, with varying catchment characteristics that influence hydrological and biogeochemical responses. Despite local variation, the overall study area is a global hotspot for yields of dissolved organic carbon, dissolved organic nitrogen and dissolved iron at the coastal margin. This observatory helps fill an important gap in the global network of observatories, in terms of spatial location (central coast of BC), climate (temperate oceanic), hydrology (very high runoff, pluvial regime), geology (igneous intrusive, glacially scoured), vegetation (bog rainforest) and soils (large stores of organic carbon).  相似文献   
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