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In this article we present a method for the automated prediction of stellar atmospheric parameters from spectral indices. This method uses a genetic algorithm (GA) for the selection of relevant spectral indices and prototypical stars and predicts their properties, using the k-nearest neighbors method (KNN). We have applied the method to predict the effective temperature, surface gravity, metallicity, luminosity class and spectral class of stars from spectral indices. Our experimental results show that the feature selection performed by the genetic algorithm reduces the running time of KNN up to 92%, and the predictive accuracy error up to 35%. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
We will report on the current configuration of the X-ray facility of the University of Ferrara recently used to perform reflectivity tests of mosaic crystals and to calibrate the experiment JEM–X aboard Integral. The facility is now located in the technological campus of the University of Ferrara in a new building (named LARIX laboratory= ̳LARge ̳Italian ̳X-ray facility) that includes a tunnel 100 m long with, on the sides, two large experimental rooms. The facility is being improved for determining the optical axis of mosaic crystals in Laue configuration, for calibrating Laue lenses and hard X-ray mirror prototypes.  相似文献   
The role of the major biogeochemical processes in Hg cycling at the sediment–water interface was investigated in the Grado Lagoon (Northern Adriatic Sea). This wetland system has been extensively contaminated from the Idrija Hg Mine (Slovenia) through the Isonzo River suspended load carried by tidal fluxes. Three approaches were used to study the sediment–water exchange of total Hg (THg), methylmercury (MeHg), reactive Hg (RHg) and dissolved gaseous Hg (DGHg): (1) estimation of diffusive fluxes from porewater and overlying water concentrations, (2) measurements of benthic fluxes using a deployed light benthic chamber in situ and (3) measurements of benthic fluxes during oxic–anoxic transition with a laboratory incubation experiment. The THg solid phase, ranging between 9.5 and 14.4 μg g−1, showed slight variability with depth and time. Conversely, MeHg contents were highest (up to 21.9 ng g−1) at the surface; they tended to decrease to nearly zero concentration with depth, thus suggesting that MeHg production and accumulation occur predominantly just below the sediment–water interface. Porewater MeHg concentrations (0.9–7.9 ng L−1, 0.15–15% of THg) varied seasonally; higher contents were observed in the warmer period. The MeHg diffusive fluxes (up to 17 ng m−2 day−1) were similar to those in the nearby Gulf of Trieste [Covelli, S., Horvat, M., Faganeli, J., Brambati, A., 1999. Porewater distribution and benthic flux of mercury and methylmercury in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic Sea). Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 48, 415–428], although the lagoon sediments contained four-fold higher THg concentrations. Conversely, the THg diffusive fluxes in the lagoon (up to 110 ng m−2 day−1) were one- to two-fold higher than those previously estimated for the Gulf of Trieste. The diurnal MeHg benthic fluxes were highest in summer at both sites (41,000 and 33,000 ng m−2 day−1 at the fishfarm and in the open lagoon, respectively), thus indicating the influence of temperature on microbial processes. The diurnal variations of dissolved THg and especially MeHg were positively correlated with O2 and inversely with DIC, suggesting an important influence of benthic photosynthetic activities on lagoon benthic Hg cycling, possibly through the production of organic matter promptly available for methylation. The results from the dark chamber incubated in the laboratory showed that the regeneration of dissolved THg was slightly affected by the oxic–anoxic transition. Conversely, the benthic flux of MeHg was up to 15-fold higher in sediments overlain by O2 depleted waters. In the anoxic phase, the MeHg fluxes proceeded in parallel with Fe fluxes and the methylated form reached approximately 100% of dissolved THg. The MeHg is mostly released into overlying water (mean recycling efficiency of 89%) until the occurrence of sulphide inhibition, due to scavenging of the available Hg substrate for methylation. The results suggest that sediments in the Grado Lagoon, especially during anoxic events, should be considered as a primary source of MeHg for the water column.  相似文献   
Abstract. In the framework of the Interreg II Project (July 1998 - June 2001), hydro-logical, chemical and biological data were collected in the Gulf of Trieste.
During spring and summer 2000, some particular thermohaline anomalies were observed in the Gulf of Trieste. Especially in May and June the water body showed: a very strong thermohaline stratification, an increase of advective salt water coming from the south and the presence of sharp pycnoclines. In July the temperature was higher than usual in the whole water column. Moreover, in late May and in June, massive mucilaginous aggregates were observed along the water column and at the surface.
In order to highlight these particular thermohaline features the hydrological data of 16 stations were analysed (Fig. 1). Two stations, in particular, were considered: one offshore (St. AA1, average depth 20 m) and one close to the coast (St. C1, average depth 17 m). For these two stations a best-fit analysis, computed over 11 and 7 years, respectively, was performed on temperature, salinity and density excess data.
Moreover, the hydrological features were compared with the rainfall, air temperature, wind speed data (Istituto Sperimentale Talassografico di Trieste - ISTT) and the Isonzo River's flow rate (Direzione Regionale dell'Ambiente - Regione F. V. G.) collected from January 1998 to December 2000.  相似文献   
Knowledge of marine geological environments in which shallow gas is accumulating is becoming increasingly important in global studies of climate change because a measurable proportion of the total methane source comes from continental margins. Previous studies have revealed that coastal environments represent important geological environments where microbial methane is being generated, is accumulating, and is being released. In the Ría de Pontevedra, at least 4.5 km2 of seafloor in the innermost part of the ría is underlain by sediments containing natural gas. Seismic interpretation contributes new findings for the definition of periods and geological environments in which the gas could have been generated, and is accumulating and released in the Ría de Pontevedra. Groundtruthing the seismic data (facies, environments) makes it possible to identify favourable geological environments for gas generation in the sedimentary infill of the Ría de Pontevedra. Sequence stratigraphy based on high-resolution seismic profiles and post-Last Glacial Maximum sea-level records makes it possible to establish the stratigraphic architecture of the ría and to define the periods in which gas could have been generated. The results of this study show that the sedimentary infill is composed of a fifth-order sequence developed since the Last Glacial Maximum. Within this sequence, gas appears to have accumulated in the Holocene deposits associated with the latest transgressive and highstand system tracts. Seismic analysis shows that gas could have been generated in different geological environments in the Ría de Pontevedra. If coastal environments at times of lower sea level were similar to those of the present, organic-rich mud deposits (deposited mainly in lakes, estuaries and floodplains) could have survived transgression and remained buried as potential gas sources in the inner part of the ría.  相似文献   
A new method for the calibration of a superconducting gravity meter is described, in which a 273 Kg annular mass is placed around the meter and is moved up and down. The geometry of the apparatus is easy to model and the accuracy in the computation of the gravity variation induced by the mass, 6.7µgal, is limited only by the accuracy in the knowledge of value of the gravitational constant. Measurements done in 91 and 92 for the calibration of the instrument GWR-T015 are described. The calibration factor has been determined with a precision of about 0.3%.  相似文献   
The paper reviews the problem of formation and evolution of the so-called regular satellites of the giant planets, and it consists of two parts: the first describes the possible origin of the satellites, the second studies their evolution, attempting to stress the relations of the present status of the satellites with their evolutionary history.The formation of regular satellite systems around giant planets is probably related to the formation of the central planet. Some characteristics of regular satellite systems are quite similar, and suggest a common origin in a disk present around the central body. This disk can originate through different mechanisms which we will describe, paying attention to the so-called accretion disk model, in which the satellite-forming material is captured. The disk phase links the formation of the primary body with the formation of satellites. The subsequent stages of the disk's evolution can lead first to the formation of intermediate size bodies, and through the collisional evolution of these bodies, to the birth of satellite embryos able to gravitationally capture smaller bodies.Given the scenario in which icy satellites may be formed by homogeneous accretion of planetesimals made of a mixtures of ice and silicates, if no melting occurs during accretion, the satellites have a homogeneous ice-rock composition. For the smaller satellites this homogeneous structure should not be substantially modified; only sporadic local events, such as large impacts, can modify the surface structure of the smaller satellites. For the larger satellites, if some degree of melting appears during accretion, a differentiation of the silicate part occurs, the amount of differentiation and hence the core size depending on the fraction of gravitational potential energy retained during the accumulation process. Melting and differentiation soon after the accretion, for the larger satellites, could also depend on the convective evolution in presence of phase transitions and generate an intermediate rock layer, considerably denser than the underlying, still homogeneous core, and unstable to overturning on a geologic time scale. Moreover the liquid water mantle could be a transient feature because the mantle would freeze over several hundred million years. For these large bodies the stable configuration is expected to be one consisting of a silicate core and a mantle of mixed rock and ice.  相似文献   
In the Central Southern Alps (Feltre, Verona — Italy), a 750 m thick interval of Jurassic and Cretaceous pelagic limestones shows post-depositional partial brecciation and dolomitization. The overlying 500 m thick Tertiary sedimentary sequence is unaffected. Through the Paleogene, mostly submarine, mafic volcanism has been documented in the area. Small-scale extensional features were observed in the limestone near the contact with the dolomitized breccias. Their orientations measured in the field correspond to the tectonic framework of the area and give evidence for the contemporaneousness of the volcanic activity and the brecciation. The distribution and petrologic characteristics of the basalts, combined with the orientation of the extensional features observed in the field, allow a paleotectonic reconstruction. This tectonic scenario can be viewed as a back-arc extension, an eastward prolongation of the spreading that divided Southern France from the Sardinia-Corsica-Calabria block, generating the Ligurian-balearic basin in the Late Oligocene.The dolomite is fine-grained to sucrosic, with a microamygdaloidal porosity, partially filled with ankerite and calcite. The matrix shows a homogeneous, orange-red cathodoluminescence, indicating a single phase of iron-poor dolomite. The carbonate fraction consists of more than 90% dolomite. The dolomite is almost stoichiometric (Ca0.6Mg0.4 to Ca0.5Mg0.5). The 13C values of the dolomite are less than 1%. more negative than the unaffected limestone. The 18O values are between –5%. to –13%., with a depletion of 2–11%. relative to the undolomitized limestone. The depleted oxygen isotope ratios in the dolomitized rock can be derived either from fluids impoverished in the heavy isotopes (e.g. meteoric water) or high temperatures. The unvaried carbon isotopic ratios make the second interpretation the most acceptable. As the87Sr/86Sr values increase from a mean of 0.7077 in the unaffected limestones to 0.7085 in the dolomitized limestones, a derivation of the dolomitizing fluids from the volcanic rocks can be excluded. Comparing the obtained data with the Phanerozoic seawater isotope curve, however, the radiogenic Sr may be derived from marine waters of Late Oligocene-Early Miocene age. Microthermometric analyses of the fluid inclusions in the dolomite crystals from the bulk rocks and from the veins suggest a trapping temperature ranging from a minimum of 70°C (dolomite rock) to a maximum of 120°C (dolomite in veins). The solution contained in the inclusions is water with NaCl and MgCl2 with salinities of 46%. (dolomite bulk rock) and 17%. (dolomite in veins). The pressure correction calculated from the fluid inclusion data is about 250 bars, which roughly correspond to the lithostatic pressure over the Mesozoic limestones in the Early Miocene.These results point to a hydrothermal origin of the dolomitization during the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene, as ascertained from the strontium isotope and fluid inclusion data. The circulation of hot marine water through the brecciated limestones in convective cells, triggered by the geothermal gradient related to the volcanic activity, is the proposed hydrodynamic model. Hydrologie considerations demonstrate that the proposed model is feasible.
Zusammenfassung In den zentralen Südalpen (Feltre, Verona — Italien) findet sich eine etwa 750 m dicke Abfolge jurassischer und kretazischer pelagischer Kalke, die nach der Ablagerung zum Teil breckziert und dolomitisiert wurde, während die darüberliegenden 500 m mächtigen tertiären Sedimente keine Dolomitisierung zeigen. Im Paläogen ist im Gebiet ein mafischer, überwiegend mariner Vulkanismus dokumentiert. Kleinmaßstäbliche listrische Brüche in Kalken am Kontakt mit der dolomitisierten Breckzie entsprechen geometrisch einem großräumigen extensiven Regime im Paläogen. Sie beweisen die Gleichzeitigkeit der vulkanischen Aktivität und der Breckzierung. Die Verteilung und petrographischen Eigenschaften der Basalte, mit der Geometrie der Extensionsstrukturen, erlauben eine paläotektonische Rekonstruktion. Diese tektonische Situation entspricht einem Back-arc-basin und stellt die östliche Verlängerung des ligurisch-balearischen Beckens dar, das Südfrankreich vom Sardisch-Korsisch-Kalabrischen-Block im späten Oligozän getrennt hat.Die 13C Werte der Dolomite sind weniger als 1%. negativer als die entsprechender nicht dolomitisierter Kalke. Die 18O-Werte (relativ zum PDB Standard) variieren zwischen –5%. und –13%., das ist 2 bis 11%. negativer als die nicht dolomitisierter Kalke. Dies wird auf erhöhte Bildungstemperaturen zurückgeführt. Ein Anstieg der87Sr/86Sr-Signaturen im Mittel von 0.7077 in den nicht dolomitisierten Kalken auf 0.7085 in den dolomitisierten Kalken schließt eine Herkunft der dolomitisierenden Fluide von den vulkanischen Gesteinen aus. Beim Vergleich der Isotopensignaturen mit der phanerozoischen Meerwasser-Isotopenkurve, könnte aber das radiogene Strontium von spät oligozänem — früh miozänem Meerwasser kommen. Mikrothermometrische Analysen flüssiger Einschlüsse in Dolomitkristallen im Gestein und in Adern deutet auf eine Einschlußtemperatur von 70°C (Dolomitgestein) bzw. 120°C (Dolomit in Adern) hin. Die Lösung in den Einschlüssen ist Wasser mit NaCl und MgCl2, mit einer Salinität von 46%. (Dolomitgestein) bzw. 17%. (Adern). Die aus den Einschlüssen berechnete Druckkorrektur ist etwa 250 bar. Dies entspricht ungefähr der früh miozänen Gesteinssäule über den mesozoischen Kalken.Aufgrund dieser Daten wird eine hydrothermale Bildung der Dolomite im späten Oligozän - frühen Miozän postuliert. Es wird ein hydrodynamisches Modell vorgeschlagen, in dem aufgeheiztes Meerwasser konvektiv durch die breckzierte mesozoische Abfolge zirkuliert. Als Motor wirkt ein vulkanischer geothermischer Gradient. Dieses Modell läßt sich mit hydrologischen Betrachtungen testen und stützen.

Résumé Dans la partie sud des Alpes Centrales (Feltre, Verone: Italie) il existe une succession, épaisse de 750 m, de calcaires pélagiques jurassiques et crétacés, qui ont subi après leur sédimentation une bréchification et une dolomitisation partielles. Les sédiments tertiaires surincombants, épais de 500 m, ne sont pas affectés par ces phénomènes. Un volcanisme paléogène mafique, essentiellement sousmarin, a été reconnu dans la région. Dans les calcaires, au contact de la brèche dolomitisée, existent des cassures listriques de petite échelle dont la géométrie témoigne d'un régime extensif général au Paléogène. Leurs orientations, mesurées sur le terrain, indiquent la contemporanéité de l'activité volcanique et de la bréchification. La distribution et les caractères pétrologiques des basaltes, combinés à la géometrie des structures extensives, permet une reconstitution paléotectonique. Celle-ci montre une extension dans un bassin d'arrière-arc, prolongement oriental de l'expansion qui, à l'Oligocène supérieur, a séparé du sud de la France le bloc corsico-sardo-calabrais en créant le bassin liguro-baléare.La dolomie, finement grenue à saccharoïde, possède une porosité à vides micro-amygdaloïdes, partiellement occupés par de l'ankérite et de la calcite. La matrice présente une cathodoluminescence homogène rouge-orange, indiquant la présence d'une seule phase constituée de dolomite pauvre en Fe. La fraction carbonatée consiste en dolomite pour plus de 90%. Cette dolomite est à peu près stoechiométrique (Ca0,6Mg0,4 à Ca0,5Mg0,5). Les rapports 13C de la dolomie sont inférieurs de moins de 1%. à ceux du calcaire intact. Les rapports 18O sont compris entre –5%. et –13%., soit 2 à 11%. inférieurs à ceux du calcaire non dolomitisé. Cette baisse du rapport isotopique peut provenir soit de fluides appauvris en isotopes lourds (p. ex. l'eau météorique), soit d'une température élevée; la constance des rapports isotopiques du C rend cette deuxième explication la plus plausible. Le rapport87Sr/86Sr passe d'une valeur moyenne de 0,7077 dans les calcaires non affectés à 0,7085 dans les calcaires dolomitisés; cet accroissement exclut une origine volcanique pour les fluides dolomitisants. En comparant ces valeurs à la courbe isotopique du Sr de l'eau de mer au Phanérozoïque, on peut déduire que le Sr radiogénique est dérivé d'eaux marines d'âge oligocène tardif à miocène inférieur. L'analyse microthermométrique des inclusions fluides contenues dans les cristaux de dolomite suggère une température de formation qui va de 70°C (dans la roche) à 120° (dans les veines). Le contenu de ces inclusions est une solution aqueuse de NaCl et MgCl2 avec une salinité de 44%. (dans la roche) et de 17%. (dans les veines). La correction de pression calculée à partir des inclusions fluides est d'environ 250 bars, ce qui correspond grosso modo à la pression lithostatique qui s'exerçait au Miocène inférieur sur les calcaires mésozoïques.Sur la base de ces données, on conclut à une origine hydrothermale de la dolomie au cours de l'Oligocène supérieur - Miocène inférieur. Le modèle hydrodynamique proposé fait appel à la circulation convective, à travers le calcaire bréchié, d'eau marine échauffée grâce au gradient géothermique élevé dû à l'activité volcanique. Ce modèle est en accord avec des considérations hydrologiques.

(, — ) , 750 , , , , 500 , . , . , . , . . - , - . 13 , 1%. 18, PDB –5 –13%, .. 2 11% . , , . 87Sr/86Sr 0.7077 0,7085 . , - . 70° , 120° . , , 44%, 17%. , , 250 . - . , - . , . , . .
ABSTRACT A number of non‐marine evaporite units composed of primary gypsum were deposited in saline lakes that developed in the southern Teruel Basin (NE Spain) during the Miocene. In the basin depocentre, a continuum of lacustrine evaporite lithofacies influenced by the activity of organisms is displayed. The Libros Gypsum was deposited in a deep lake, in which water stratification became unstable with progressive shoaling. Rhythmites, composed of laminae of pelletal gypsum and laminae of very fine lenticular gypsum crystals mixed with siliceous microorganisms, formed in addition to gypsum turbidites, intraformational gypsum breccias and slump structures. The pelletal laminae originated from the faecal activity of animals (crustaceans?) ingesting gypsum crystallites in the lake water during episodes of maximum evaporation, whereas the laminae of very fine lenticular gypsum mixed with microorganisms accumulated during episodes of relative dilution. In the wide marginal zones of the basin, the Libros Gypsum unit consists of massive to thin‐bedded bioturbated gypsum and thin‐bedded clotted gypsum, which formed in intermediate to very shallow (palustrine) water depths. The bioturbated gypsum lithofacies were produced by the action of diverse organisms, presumably worms and coleopterans, and chironomid larvae to a lesser extent; the massive lithofacies precipitated in very shallow water; and the thin‐bedded lithofacies formed in shallow to deeper settings. The thin‐bedded clotted gypsum is a relatively deep facies that may have diverse origins (e.g. bioturbation, compaction, disruption of soft sediments and early diagenesis). There is a well‐developed metre‐scale cyclicity in the marginal lake sequences, which is not observed in the inner lake deposits. This suggests a depth control in the various lacustrine subenvironments to record cyclic evaporitic processes. The isotopic composition of the gypsum indicates early sulphate‐reducing bacterial activity in the bottom of the lake and suggests that the sulphate was derived from the chemical recycling of Triassic evaporites of the country rocks.  相似文献   
We present 39Ar–40Ar dating of phengite, muscovite and paragonite from a set of mafic and metasedimentary rocks sampled from the high-pressure (HP) metaophiolites of the Voltri Group (Western Alps) and from clasts in the basal layer conglomerates from the Tertiary molasse which overlie the high-pressure basement. The white mica-bearing rocks display peak eclogitic and blueschist-facies parageneses, locally showing complex greenschist-facies replacement textures. The internal discordance of age spectra is proportional to the chemical complexity of the micas. High-Si phengites from eclogite clasts record a 39Ar–40Ar age of ca. 49 Ma for the eclogite stage and ca. 43 Ma for the blueschist retrogression; phengites from a blueschist basement sample yield an age of ca. 40 Ma; low-Si muscovite from a metasediment dates the formation of the greenschist paragenesis at ca. 33 Ma. Our data indicate that the analyzed samples reached high-pressure conditions at different times over a time-span of c.a. 10 Ma. Subduction was continuing during exhumation and blueschist retrograde re-equilibration of higher-pressure, eclogite-facies rocks. This process kept the isotherms depressed, allowing the older HP-rocks to escape thermal re-equilibration. Our results, added to literature data, fit a tectonic model of a subduction–exhumation cycle, with different tectonic slices subducted at different times from Early Eocene until the Eocene–Oligocene boundary.  相似文献   
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