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An overview of radiophysical investigations of the lunar soil and plasma shell by active radar detection with the use of spacecraft is presented. The possibility is analyzed of conducting bistatic measurements using the Irkutsk Incoherent Scattering Radar and the onboard radar system RLK-L which is being developed for the orbital station of the Luna-Resurs mission.  相似文献   
U-Pb systems were examined in samples (ranging from 4 to 10 cm3 in volume) of ore material taken from along a 3.5-m profile across a zone of U mineralization exposed in an underground mine at the Strel’tsovskoe U deposit in eastern Transbaikalia. The behaviors of two isotopic U-Pb systems (238U-206Pb and 235U-207Pb) are principally different in all samples from our profile. While the individual samples are characterized by a vast scatter of their T(206Pb/238U) age values (from 112 to 717 Ma), the corresponding T(207Pb/235U) values vary much less significantly (from 127 to 142 Ma) and are generally close to the true age of the U mineralization. The main reason for the distortion of the U-Pb system is the long-lasting (for tens of million years) migration of intermediate decay products in the 238U-206Pb(RD238U) in the samples. This process resulted in the loss of RD238U from domains with high U concentrations and the subsequent accommodation of RD238U at sites with low U concentrations. The long-term effect of these opposite processes resulted in a deficit or excess of 206Pb as the final product of 238U decay. The loss or migration of RD238U are explained by the occurrence of pitchblende in association with U oxides that have higher Si and OH concentrations than those in the pitchblende and a higher +6U/+4U ratio. The finely dispersed character of the mineralization and the loose or metamict texture of the material are the principal prerequisites for RD238U loss and an excess of 206Pb in adjacent domains with low U concentrations. Domains with low U contents in the zone with U mineralization serve as geochemical barriers (because of sulfides contained in them) at which long-lived RD238U(226Ra, 210Po, 210Bi, and 210Pb) were accommodated and subsequently caused an excess of 206Pb. The 235U-207Pb system remained closed because of the much briefer lifetime of the 235U decay products. This may account for the significant discrepancies between the T(206Pb/238U) and T(207Pb/235U) age values. RD238U was most probably lost via the migration of radioisotopes at the middle part and end of the 238U family (starting with 226Ra). The heavy Th, Pa, and U radioisotopes (234Th, 234Pa, 234U, and 230Th) that occur closer to the beginning of 238U decay, before 226Ra, only relatively insignificantly participated in the process. Our results show that the loss and migration of RD238U are, under certain conditions, the main (or even the only) process responsible for the distortion of the U-Pb system.  相似文献   
The paper presents new geochronological and isotopic geochemical data on gold mineralization of the Kedrovskoe deposit. The deposit is located in the northeastern part of the Transbaikal metallogenic province, Russia’s largest. The Early Permian age (273 ± 4 Ma) of mineralization based on the results of Rb–Sr study of metasomatic rocks is correlated with the age of the final phases of Hercynian magmatism in the Baikal–Muya Foldbelt. The Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic geochemical characteristics of mineralization show that the host rocks are involved in the formation of the latter. It has been established that ore lead was supplied to the hydrothermal system of the deposit mainly from a geochemical reservoir represented by the Neoproterozoic juvenile continental crust of the Baikal–Muya Foldbelt.  相似文献   
Owing to the rapid increase in available data on the natural variations of the 238U/235U ratio, new isotopic geochemical mark of redox processes are beginning to emerge. In this connection, numerical estimates of the 238U and 235U fractionation factor (α(UIV?UVI)) accompanying the reduction UVI → UIV are needed. Such an estimate has been obtained for hydrothermal pitchblende formation based on results of high-precision (±0.06‰) measurements of the 238U/235U ratio in local microsamples of coarse spherulitic pitchblende from carbonate-pitchblende veins at the Oktyabr’sky deposit (Strel’tsovsky uranium ore field, eastern Transbaikal region). For this purpose, we used the formation temperature of hydrothermal pitchblende and a maximum estimate of the fractionation factor for 238U and 235U isotopes in the solution-solid phase system under normal (25°C) conditions (Murphy et al., 2014). The most probable isotopic fractionation factor accompanying pitchblende crystallization from hydrothermal solution at T = 320?250°C falls into the interval α(UIV?UVI) = 1.00020?1.00023.  相似文献   
The possibility of using hydrothermal fluorite as an Sm–Nd geochronometer is based on the results of an REE pattern study of this mineral (Chernyshev et al., 1986). As a result of REE fractionation, in many cases, the Sm/Nd ratio achieves a multifold increase compared with its level in terrestrial rocks, and the radiogenic shift of the 143Nd/144Nd isotope ratio reaches 10–20 εNd units over a short time interval (as soon as tens of Ma). This is a necessary prerequisite for Sm–Nd isochron dating of fluorite. Zonal polychrome fluorite from a vein referred to the final stage of large-scale uranium mineralization at the Sterl’tsovka deposit in the ore field of the same name located in the eastern Transbaikal region has been dated using the 143Nd/144Nd method. To optimize isochron construction, local probes with high and contrasting Sm/Nd ratios have been sampled from the polished surfaces of two samples, taking into account the REE pattern of zonal fluorite. Sm–Nd isochron dating has been carried out separately for each sample. The 147Sm/144Nd и 143Nd/144Nd ratios vary within the intervals 0.5359–2.037 and 0.512799–0.514105, respectively. Two isochrons, each based on six fluorite probes, have been obtained with the following parameters, which coincide within 2σ uncertainty limits: (1) t = 134.8 ± 1.3 Ma, (143Nd/144Nd)0 = 0.512310 ± 13, MWSD = 0.43 and (2) t = 135.8 ± 1.6 Ma, (143Nd/144Nd)0 = 0.512318 ± 10, MWSD = 1.5. The mean age of fluorite based on two isochron datings is 135.3 ± 1 Ma. Comparison of this value with the most precise dating of pitchblende related to the ore stage in the Strel’tsovka ore field (135.5 ± 1 Ma) shows that four mineralization stages, distinguished by geological and mineralogical data, that were completed with the formation of polychrome fluorite veins 135.3 ± 1 Ma ago, represent a single and indivisible hydrothermal process whose duration does not exceed 1 Ma.  相似文献   
New isotope-geochronological data (K-Ar, Rb-Sr) provide tight geochronological constraints on the history of Late Cenozoic magmatism on the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus. Several previously unknown, rhyodacite intrusive bodies with an emplacement age of 6.9 ± 0.3 Ma (Late Miocene) are reported from the Kakheti-Lechkhumi regional fault zone in the Kvemo Svaneti-Racha area. Therefore, a pulse of acid intrusive magmatism took place in a period previously considered amagmatic in the Greater Caucasus. The petrological, geochemical, and isotopic data suggest that these rhyodacites are produced by crystallization differentiation of mantle-derived magmas, which are similar in composition to Miocene mafic lavas that erupted a few hundred thousand years later in the adjacent Central Georgian neovolcanic area. The presented results allow the conclusion that the volcanic activity within the Central Georgian neovolcanic area occurred at 7.2–6.0 Ma in two discrete pulses: (1) the emplacement of acid intrusions and (2) the eruption of trachybasaltic lavas. The emplacement of rhyodacite intrusions in the Kvemo Svaneti-Racha area marked the first pulse of young magmatism on the southern slope of the Main Caucasus range and simultaneously represented the second magmatic pulse (after granitoid magmatism of the Caucasian Mineral Waters region) within the entire Greater Caucasus.  相似文献   
We consider the results from the ongoing 2010–2011 work on long-term earthquake prediction for the Kuril-Kamchatka arc based on the pattern of seismic gaps and the seismic cycle. We develop a forecast for the next 5 years, from September 2011 to August 2016, for all segments of the Kuril-Kamchatka arc earthquake-generating zone. For 20 segments we predict the appropriate phases of the seismic cycle, the normalized rate of small earthquakes (A10), the magnitudes of moderate earthquakes to be expected with probability 0.8, 0.5, and 0.15, and the maximum possible magnitudes and probability of occurrence for great (M ≥ 7.7) earthquakes. This study serves as another confirmation that it is entirely necessary to continue the work in seismic retrofitting in the area of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskii.  相似文献   
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