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Lipid extracts from a 61.7-cm-long subtropical stalagmite in southern China, spanning the period of ca. 10,000–21,000 yr ago as constrained by U–Th dating, were analyzed using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The higher plants and microorganisms in the overlying soils contribute a proportion of n-alkanes identified in the stalagmite. The occurrence of LMW (lower molecular weight) n-alkanols and n-alkan-2-ones in the stalagmite was mainly related to the soil microorganisms. We suggest that HMW (higher molecular weight) n-alkanols and n-alkan-2-ones identified in the stalagmite originate from soil organics and reflect input from contemporary vegetation. Shifts in the ratio of LMW to HMW n-alkanols or n-alkan-2-ones indicative of the variation of soil ecosystems (e.g., microbial degradation of organic matter and/or the relative abundance of soil microorganisms to higher plants) are comparable with the subtropical alkenone-SST (sea surface temperature) record of the same period. The similar trends seen in the δ13C data and the lipid parameters in this stalagmite imply that the overlying soil ecosystem response to climate might be responsible for the variation of δ13C values.  相似文献   
Despite considerable work on other trace elements, the incorporation of dissolved silicon from cave waters into speleothems has not been previously investigated. In this study, the controls on dissolved Si in cave waters and on adsorbed Si in resulting speleothems are therefore investigated. Bedrock (dolomite), soil water, dripping water, and cave carbonates were retrieved from Heshang Cave situated in the central Yangtze valley of China and were subjected to analysis of dissolved Si content (plus accompanying Ca and Fe analyses). Soil waters have Si/Ca of 45.5 mmol/mol, compared to only 3.2 mmol/mol in the dolomite bedrock, demonstrating that >80% of the dissolved Si must come from dissolution of silicate minerals in the soil. Drip waters have a dissolved Si concentration of ≈4.2 μg/mL, similar to that in the overlying soil water. Actively growing cave carbonates have a Si/Ca of 0.075 mmol/mol suggesting a partition coefficient for incorporation of dissolved silicon of 0.0014, in good agreement with previous laboratory studies. Extrapolating the results of these laboratory studies to the cave environment suggests that changes in Si/Ca in cave carbonates are likely to be primarily controlled by changes in drip-water Si/Ca. The drip-water Si/Ca will, in turn, be controlled by the rate of wind-blown silicate supply; by soil weathering rates; by rainfall dilution; and by precipitation of calcite. The general expectation is that these effects combine to produce high Si/Ca in speleothems during times of low rainfall. A δ18O record from a Heshang Cave stalagmite which grew between 20 and 11 thousand years ago allows these controls to be tested. Correlation of high Si/Ca with high δ18O demonstrates that regional rainfall exerts significant (but not complete) control on speleothem Si/Ca. With further understanding, speleothem Si/Ca may provide a proxy for past rainfall to complement existing proxies such as δ18O and Mg/Ca.  相似文献   
张兰兰  吴启明  申朝永  刘芳  陈砚国 《测绘通报》2021,(12):120-123,129
本文以赫章县为例,以乡镇为研究单元,从地形地貌、土地资源、交通条件等方面构建地理空间要素评价指标。并利用地理探测器、地理加权回归模型等方法,从空间的视角科学分析地理空间要素对贫困化空间分布的影响,揭示了贫困程度与资源环境的空间分布规律,为实现因地制宜、精准脱贫,以及巩固脱贫摘帽成果提供了决策参考。  相似文献   
利用小波变换(WT)对香港天文台飞机观测台风“妮妲”(1604)资料进行分析,研究在不稳定、不均匀的台风边界层中湍流涡旋的垂直传输作用。在0.1~5 Hz惯性子区内横风和顺风分量功率谱密度能较好符合-5/3幂律。小波分析显示:横风的小波功率谱峰值集中在1 km之下,顺风分量的小波功率谱峰值集中在1~6km之间;眼区动量通量的主要贡献尺度为2.3 km,眼区外主要贡献尺度在1~2 km,中低层为较小尺度(<1.0km);湍流功能(TKE)的生成尺度主要集中在4 km之下。这项研究定量描述了南海北部台风边界层各个区域湍流结构的差异特征,讨论了对台风边界层通量参数化的可能影响。  相似文献   

基于达州市2015年10月-2016年9月的闪电定位和探空观测资料,以850 hPa与500 hPa温差、大气可降水量、K指数、对流有效位能、对流抑制和抬升指数作为雷暴预警因子,利用投影寻踪动态聚类方法对该时段内的雷暴个例构建了预警模型。结果表明:(1)模型预报结果定量评估的临界成功指数为72.00%,该模型对个例达到了识别和预警效果;(2)该预警模型与常规预警方法相比,具有识别率高,计算简便,客观性强等特点,可为雷暴预警提供了一种新的客观预报方法。

方念乔  胡超涌 《地学前缘》2008,15(4):132-137
文中讨论了一种评估古气温变化的新方法。我们成功地利用石笋流体包裹体所捕获的Xe/Ar比值,重建了末次冰盛期以来盛行东亚季风的长江中游地区的气候演化。一种表达成ln(CXe/CAr)的对数式被证明与冷暖周期变化具有密切的关系。从研究的石笋中所提出的δ13C与Mg/Ca曲线一般随区域古气温波动而变化,但不能排除其中有另类气候信号的叠加。我们的工作则明确地指出,流体包裹体所记录的Xe/Ar在各种反映温度变化的替代指标中可能是最好的一种。整体而言,ln(CXe/CAr)曲线与那些基本随暖期和冷期振荡的曲线保持一致。将稀有气体曲线与δ13C和Mg/Ca信号整合对比之后,我们在研究区划分出末次冰盛期以来8组暖/冷旋回。整合后的气温变化模式合理地解释了过去20000年里的区域环境变化。  相似文献   
李辉  吴启明  申朝永  刘芳  李婷  张峥 《测绘通报》2021,(10):150-153
本文以紫云苗族布依族自治县为试点,首先利用地理信息空间分析技术,分析评价耕地空间特征、农业物资运输配套设施空间分布、农业灌溉资源空间分布等因子对耕地生产效益的影响。然后从地理国情普查、耕地地球化学质量调查等成果数据中甄选影响因子,构建影响因子样本集,提出梯度距离概念,计算等级耕地经济效益权重,并构建偏最小二乘回归模型,评价各因子对耕地生产效益的影响。最后从地理空间角度提出了提升县域农业生产效益的改良措施。  相似文献   
云南中甸纳帕海古环境演化的有机碳同位素记录   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
中甸纳帕海位于云贵高原横断山脉腹地,其成因与碳酸岩类地层长期溶蚀有关,在丰水期和枯水期纳帕海的水位相差很大,枯水期常形成浅水池沼,因而造成枯水期和丰水期水生植被的发育状况有很大的差异,枯水期由于水生植物(飘浮和挺水植物)发育,造成总有机碳和氢指数的增加,有机碳同位素偏负,丰水期出现相反的演化趋势,进一步轮推表明在暖干的气候条件下纳帕海极易形成枯水位,在冷湿的气候下可维持相对高的水位,古环境重建表明纳帕海在大约32kaBP和15kaBP出现环境的重大于变迁,32-15kaBP出现高湖面。  相似文献   
Tu  Chaoyong  Chen  Shumin  Zhao  Zhongkuo  Li  Weibiao  Ni  Changjian 《Natural Hazards》2022,113(1):475-505
Natural Hazards - Tsunamis occur not only in marine settings but also in lacustrine environments. Most of the lacustrine tsunamis are caused by seismically- or aseismically-triggered mass...  相似文献   
深井地震观测可以排除地面噪声干扰的影响,提高观测的信噪比,应用前景广泛。文中介绍基于DSP的深井宽频带地震计,总体介绍其特点、组成、原理,并对某些关键问题进行阐述,说明各部分的具体实现方案,并研制初步样机。  相似文献   
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