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光伏发电与气象要素密切相关,正确认识气象因子对于光伏发电量及其发电效率的影响是进行发电量预测和维持光伏电站稳定运行的重要基础。采用江苏省淮安市某小型光伏电站2018—2020年发电量数据、淮安市太阳辐射观测站数据及光伏电站附近气象站观测数据,分析气温、太阳总辐射等气象因子对光伏发电量的影响。相关性分析结果表明,光伏发电量与太阳总辐射呈极强的正相关,基本随太阳总辐射的变化而变化;与气温、降水分别呈弱的正相关和弱的负相关;与风速几乎无相关。然而,灰色关联度分析显示,光伏发电量还与气温呈现出较高的灰色关联度。进一步分析表明,光伏发电量随太阳总辐射的变化受到气温的明显调制,不同气温下光伏发电效率不同。门限回归分析显示,当气温达到一定阈值时光伏发电效率会出现下降,具体表现为:当气温达到12.1 ℃,光伏发电效率下降26.7%;当气温超过22.8 ℃,光伏发电效率下降43.7%。使用这两个温度阈值建立的TR(Threshold Regression)模型的准确率要比线性回归模型提高约10%。  相似文献   


Urban trees have long been valued for providing ecosystem services (mitigation of the “heat island” effect, suppression of air pollution, etc.); more recently the potential of urban forests to store significant above ground biomass (AGB) has also be recognised. However, urban areas pose particular challenges when assessing AGB due to plasticity of tree form, high species diversity as well as heterogeneous and complex land cover. Remote sensing, in particular light detection and ranging (LiDAR), provide a unique opportunity to assess urban AGB by directly measuring tree structure. In this study, terrestrial LiDAR measurements were used to derive new allometry for the London Borough of Camden, that incorporates the wide range of tree structures typical of an urban setting. Using a wall-to-wall airborne LiDAR dataset, individual trees were then identified across the Borough with a new individual tree detection (ITD) method. The new allometry was subsequently applied to the identified trees, generating a Borough-wide estimate of AGB.


Camden has an estimated median AGB density of 51.6 Mg ha–1 where maximum AGB density is found in pockets of woodland; terrestrial LiDAR-derived AGB estimates suggest these areas are comparable to temperate and tropical forest. Multiple linear regression of terrestrial LiDAR-derived maximum height and projected crown area explained 93% of variance in tree volume, highlighting the utility of these metrics to characterise diverse tree structure. Locally derived allometry provided accurate estimates of tree volume whereas a Borough-wide allometry tended to overestimate AGB in woodland areas. The new ITD method successfully identified individual trees; however, AGB was underestimated by ≤?25% when compared to terrestrial LiDAR, owing to the inability of ITD to resolve crown overlap. A Monte Carlo uncertainty analysis identified assigning wood density values as the largest source of uncertainty when estimating AGB.


Over the coming century global populations are predicted to become increasingly urbanised, leading to an unprecedented expansion of urban land cover. Urban areas will become more important as carbon sinks and effective tools to assess carbon densities in these areas are therefore required. Using multi-scale LiDAR presents an opportunity to achieve this, providing a spatially explicit map of urban forest structure and AGB.
The geologic significance of the Mn-ore existing in sediments of Serravallian and/or Tortonian age of The Matese Mts. (Central-Southern Appennines) has been reinvestigated, according to more recent criteria. Such deposits originated under the influence of peculiar environments, where the instability of the sedimentary basin, preluding to greater tectonic movements, should have created conditions cyclically euxinic, very similar to those occurring in the strata located between Longano and Pietraroia Formations. Unequal tectonics acting upon Miocene sediments after their deposition, should have caused the secondary remobilisation of Mn-minerals, resulting in irregular patterns of lenses and layers of various thickness.  相似文献   
江苏连续三次区域性浓雾形成过程的机理分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文利用常规观气象测资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料及风廓线雷达资料和能见度自动观测资料等对2013年12月上旬江苏省连续三次区域性浓雾的特征和发生发展机理进行了详细分析,重点对锋面冷却雾的形成过程进行了研究。结果表明:三次浓雾过程都发生在有利的环流形势下,但成因却显著不同。辐射雾主要由夜间地面辐射冷却配合高湿静风形成,边界层低空急流有利于逆温的形成,为浓雾发展、维持提供条件;平流雾是由海上暖湿平流流经江苏冷的下垫面而形成,东南气流输送充足的水汽、加上稳定的逆温层是平流雾形成的必要条件;锋面雾由冷锋前部的冷平流冷却效应而形成,浓雾主要发生在锋前,但冷锋入侵后,前期充分的水汽积累和动力辐合使锋后能见度依然较低,浓雾继续存在。  相似文献   
王博妮  濮梅娟  田力  张振东  吴建军 《气象》2016,42(2):192-202
文章对2012年6月至2014年6月期间发生于江苏省沿海高速公路的浓雾过程(能见度0.5 km)进行统计分析,探讨了低能见度浓雾的气候特征、气象要素变化以及主要环流形势背景。研究结果表明:(1)低能见度浓雾月分布次数有显著差异,3-6月、12月至次年2月雾发生次数最高,春、冬季高于夏、秋季;03:00-05:00为低能见度生成的高峰时段,08:00左右为消散峰值时段。(2)能见度低于0.5 km后,如果相对湿度继续增大到97%左右、温度处于0~4℃、风速在0~2 m·s~(-1)、风向在ENE-SSE,能见度可能继续下降到0.2 km以下。(3)对150366个样本的环流背景统计分析表明,中北部路段的低能见度天气大多数是由锋前雾引起的,主要出现在中低层暖区域内,地面为冷锋前部弱气压场的环流条件下。全路段大面积低能见度天气由辐射雾和平流雾造成,辐射雾天气形势主要是高层为下沉气流,配合地面受弱高压或高压南下;平流雾出现在中低层暖性系统,地面位于入海高压后部或低压倒槽东侧,低层盛行偏东风或东南风。(4)"象鼻型"先期振荡现象适用于沿海高速公路低能见度预报过程,尤其对能见度稳定维持0.2 km以下的浓雾过程有很好的预警和监测作用。  相似文献   
MAGIA is a mission approved by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) for Phase A study. Using a single large-diameter laser retroreflector, a large laser retroreflector array and an atomic clock onboard MAGIA we propose to perform several fundamental physics and absolute positioning metrology experiments: VESPUCCI, an improved test of the gravitational redshift in the Earth?CMoon system predicted by General Relativity; MoonLIGHT-P, a precursor test of a second generation Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) payload for precision gravity and lunar science measurements under development for NASA, ASI and robotic missions of the proposed International Lunar Network (ILN); Selenocenter (the center of mass of the Moon), the determination of the position of the Moon center of mass with respect to the International Terrestrial Reference Frame/System (ITRF/ITRS); this will be compared to the one from Apollo and Lunokhod retroreflectors on the surface; MapRef, the absolute referencing of MAGIA??s lunar altimetry, gravity and geochemical maps with respect to the ITRF/ITRS. The absolute positioning of MAGIA will be achieved thanks to: (1) the laboratory characterization of the retroreflector performance at INFN-LNF; (2) the precision tracking by the International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS), which gives two fundamental contributions to the ITRF/ITRS, i.e. the metrological definition of the geocenter (the Earth center of mass) and of the scale of length; (3) the radio science and accelerometer payloads; (4) support by the ASI Space Geodesy Center in Matera, Italy. Future ILN geodetic nodes equipped with MoonLIGHT and the Apollo/Lunokhod retroreflectors will become the first realization of the International Moon Reference Frame (IMRF), the lunar analog of the ITRF.  相似文献   
The Silesia–Cracow district in Poland has been one of the world’s principal sources of zinc from nonsulfide zinc ore (Polish: galman). The still remaining nonsulfide ore resources can be estimated at 57 Mt at 5.6% Zn and 1.4% Pb. Nonsulfide mineralization is mainly hosted by Lower Muschelkalk (Triassic) limestone and is associated with different generations of the hydrothermal ore-bearing dolomite (OBD I, II, III). A fundamental ore control is believed to have been exerted by the basement faults, which were repeatedly reactivated during the Alpine tectonic cycle, leading to the formation of horst-and-graben structures: these dislocations may have caused short periods of emersion and the circulation of meteoric waters during the Cenozoic. Nonsulfide ores show a wide range of morphological characteristics and textures. They occur as earthy masses, crystalline aggregates, and concretions in cavities. Breccia and replacement textures are also very common. The most important mineral phases are: smithsonite, Fe–smithsonite, Zn–dolomite, goethite, and Fe–Mn(hydr)oxides. Minor hemimorphite and hydrozincite have also been detected. Two distinct nonsulfide ore types occur: the predominant red galman and the rare white galman. In the white galman, Fe–smithsonite and Zn–dolomite are particularly abundant. This ore type is commonly considered as a peripheral hydrothermal alteration product related to the same fluids that precipitated both the OBD II–III and the sulfides. In contrast, a supergene origin is commonly assumed for the red galman. Evidence of the petrographic and mineralogical difference between white and red galman is also found in stable isotope data. Smithsonite from red galman shows a limited range of δ 13CVPDB values (−10.1 to −11.4‰), and δ 18OVSMOW values (25.3‰ to 28.5‰, mean 26.8 ± 0.3‰). The uniform and low carbon isotope values of red galman smithsonite are unusual for supergene carbonate-hosted deposits and indicate the predominance of a single organic carbon source. Smithsonite from white galman has a more variable, slightly more positive carbon isotope (−2.9‰ to −7.4‰), but broadly similar oxygen isotope composition (26.8‰ to 28.9‰). The relationship of the white galman ore with the hydrothermal system responsible for OBD II and sulfide generation is still uncertain. The most important paleoweathering events took place in both Lower and Upper Silesia during Late Cretaceous up to Paleogene and early Neogene time. During this period, several short-lasting emersions and intense weathering episodes facilitated the formation of sinkholes in the Triassic carbonate rocks and the oxidation of sulfide orebodies through percolating meteoric waters. These phenomena may have lasted until the Middle Miocene.  相似文献   
利用江苏省70个县级气象基本站1991—2020年逐日降水、日照时数资料,筛选出不同等级的连阴雨事件,建立连阴雨事件库。分析了江苏省连阴雨事件的时空分布特征和典型连阴雨过程,构建了区域连阴雨指数。结果表明:1) 江苏省以强连阴雨事件为主,事件年均发生次数、日数和降水总量从北到南依次增多。2) 苏北、苏中、苏南地区连阴雨事件的年发生次数、日数和降水总量表现出较明显的年代际差异,年际波动从北到南逐渐增强。苏北地区的连阴雨事件集中于盛夏发生,苏中地区多发于初春和盛夏,苏南地区于春夏大部分时间均较为频繁,秋冬亦较常见。3) 综合考虑连阴雨事件发生日数、降水量以及事件分布面积,构建区域连阴雨指数,以反映某一区域的连阴雨强弱情况。该指数较好地反映了2020年苏北、苏中、苏南三地区的区域连阴雨过程和强度变化。  相似文献   
Several techniques have been used to reduce the oil and grease content in aqueous streams; one excellent is bioadsorption. With a view to provide a sustainable method for the treatment of oily effluents, the aim of this study was to evaluate sugarcane bagasse as bioadsorbent to reduce the oil and grease content of aqueous effluents. Analysis of the material was performed, and the adsorption experiments were in a batch system, using a synthetic effluent. The results showed that the kinetic equilibrium occurred in 0.08 h of contact. The study of influence of pH of the aqueous phase and the temperature showed that the adsorption capacity was proportional to the pH value, but inversely proportional to the temperature. The adsorption isotherm was obtained at a temperature of 298.15 K using the Langmuir and Langmuir–Freundlich models, and the maximum adsorption capacity obtained was 6.65 kg of hydrocarbon per kg of bioadsorbent. It was verified that sugarcane bagasse represents an excellent material for application in the treatment of oily aqueous effluents, since it is associated with low cost and a high adsorption capacity. The variation in the adsorption capacity observed as a function of pH of the aqueous phase was not found to be significant. This is an important characteristic of the material in terms of its industrial application, verifying the possibility for its implementation in any treatment process, demonstrating the great potential of sugarcane bagasse for use as a sustainable alternative in the reduction in oil and grease in aqueous effluents.  相似文献   

Sporting events attract high volumes of people, which in turn leads to increased use of social media. In addition, research shows that sporting events may trigger violent behavior that can lead to crime. This study analyses the spatial relationships between crime occurrences, demographic, socio-economic and environmental variables, together with geo-located Twitter messages and their ‘violent’ subsets. The analysis compares basketball and hockey game days and non-game days. Moreover, this research aims to analyze crime prediction models using historical crime data as a basis and then introducing tweets and additional variables in their role as covariates of crime. First, this study investigates the spatial distribution of and correlation between crime and tweets during the same temporal periods. Feature selection models are applied in order to identify the best explanatory variables. Then, we apply localized kernel density estimation model for crime prediction during basketball and hockey games, and on non-game days. Findings from this study show that Twitter data, and a subset of violent tweets, are useful in building prediction models for the seven investigated crime types for home and away sporting events, and non-game days, with different levels of improvement.  相似文献   
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