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Abstract— We present the results of irradiation experiments aimed at understanding the structural and chemical evolution of silicate grains in the interstellar medium. A series of He+ irradiation experiments have been performed on ultra‐thin olivine, (Mg,Fe)2SiO4, samples having a high surface/volume (S/V) ratio, comparable to the expected S/V ratio of interstellar dust. The energies and fluences of the helium ions used in this study have been chosen to simulate the irradiation of interstellar dust grains in supernovae shock waves. The samples were mainly studied using analytical transmission electron microscopy. Our results show that olivine is amorphized by low‐energy ion irradiation. Changes in composition are also observed. In particular, irradiation leads to a decrease of the atomic ratios O/Si and Mg/Si as determined by x‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy and by x‐ray energy dispersive spectroscopy. This chemical evolution is due to the differential sputtering of atoms near the surfaces. We also observe a reduction process resulting in the formation of metallic iron. The use of very thin samples emphasizes the role of surface/volume ratio and thus the importance of the particle size in the irradiation‐induced effects. These results allow us to account qualitatively for the observed properties of interstellar grains in different environments, that is, at different stages of their evolution: chemical and structural evolution in the interstellar medium, from olivine to pyroxene‐type and from crystalline to amorphous silicates, porosity of cometary grains as well as the formation of metallic inclusions in silicates.  相似文献   
The Alexandra Formation, located in the Northwest Territories of Canada, is formed of a Late Devonian (Frasnian) reef system that developed on a gently sloping, epicontinental ramp in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. High‐resolution sequence stratigraphic analysis of its deposits delineates two reef complexes that are separated by a Type I sequence boundary. The second reef complex developed on the outer ramp, basinward of the first, after sea‐level fell ≈17 m. Stratigraphic complexity of the second reef complex was a result of its initiation during forced regression, and its development through an entire cycle of sea‐level rise followed by sea‐level fall. Its highstand systems tract was not characterized by high rates of carbonate production or sediment shedding. Rather, these features took place as sea‐level fell, after its highstand systems tract. The sequence stratigraphic framework of this regressive reef system highlights a number of depositional parameters that differ from high‐relief, shelf‐situated reef systems with steep, narrow margins. These have implications for understanding the controls on the development of ramp‐situated reef systems, and the nature of reef systems with gently sloping profiles. This study demonstrates that the development of stromatoporoid reef systems may be far more complex than generally realized, and that high‐resolution sequence stratigraphy may provide the tools for better understanding of complex, often enigmatic, aspects of these systems.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to examine the changing dynamics of housing markets in an Australian rural community. With reference to the case of Narrogin, Western Australia, it argues that there is an increasing disjuncture between the social and demographic characteristics of rural residents and the modal form of housing in country towns, namely the detached family house. Factors contributing to this disjuncture include the ageing of the population, the loss of traditional blue-collar employment, sub-regional restructuring of service provision, retirement migration patterns, and growing acceptance of the particular housing needs of groups such as the aged, the disabled, young and indigenous people. While it is clear that there is currently something of a mismatch between the characteristics of the population and the housing stock in Narrogin, it is also evident that a combination of political, cultural and economic factors form a significant barrier to adjustment in the local housing market.  相似文献   

The accumulation of geological information in digital form, due to modern exploration methods, has introduced the possibility of applying geographical information system technology to the field of geology. To achieve the benefits in information management and in data analysis and interpretation, however, it will be necessary to develop spatial models and associated data structures which are specifically designed for working in three dimensions. Some progress in this direction has already been demonstrated, with the application of octree spatial subdivision techniques to the storage of uniform volume elements representing mineral properties. By imposing octree tessellations on more precisely-defined geometric data, such as triangulated surfaces and polygon line segments, it may now be possible to combine efficient spatial addressing with topologically-coded boundary representations of geological strata. The development of storage schemes capable of representing such geological boundary models at different scales poses a particular problem, a possible solution to which may be by means of hierarchical classification of the vertices of triangulated surfaces according to shape contribution.  相似文献   
Depositional slope systems along continental margins contain a record of sediment transfer from shallow‐water to deep‐water environments and represent an important area for natural resource exploration. However, well‐preserved outcrops of large‐scale depositional slopes with seismic‐scale exposures and tectonically intact stratigraphy are uncommon. Outcrop characterization of smaller‐scale depositional slope systems (i.e. < 700 m of undecompacted shelf‐to‐basin relief) has led to increased understanding of stratigraphic packaging of prograding slopes. Detailed stacking patterns of facies and sedimentary body architecture for larger‐scale slope systems, however, remain understudied. The Cretaceous Tres Pasos Formation of the Magallanes Basin, southern Chile, presents a unique opportunity to evaluate the stratigraphic evolution of such a slope system from an outcrop perspective. Inherited tectonic relief from a precursor oceanic basin phase created shelf‐to‐basin bathymetry comparable with continental margin systems (~1000 m). Sedimentological and architectural data from the Tres Pasos Formation at Cerro Divisadero reveal a record of continental margin‐scale depositional slope progradation and aggradation. Slope progradation is manifested as a vertical pattern exhibiting increasing amounts of sediment bypass upwards, which is interpreted as reflecting increasing gradient conditions. The well‐exposed, seismic‐scale outcrop is characterized by four 20 to 70 m thick sandstone‐rich successions, separated by mudstone‐rich intervals of comparable thickness (40 to 90 m). Sedimentary body geometry, facies distribution, internal bedding architecture, sandstone richness and degree of amalgamation were analysed in detail across a continuous 2·5 km long transect parallel to depositional dip. Deposition in the lower section (Units 1 and 2) was dominated by poorly channellized to unconfined sand‐laden flows and accumulation of mud‐rich mass transport deposits, which is interpreted as representing a base of slope to lower slope setting. Evidence for channellization and indicators of bypass of coarse‐grained turbidity currents are more common in the upper part of the > 600 m thick succession (Units 3 and 4), which is interpreted as reflecting increased gradient conditions as the system accreted basinward.  相似文献   
The relict Fairmont Hot Springs deposit, formed largely of carbonates, covers an area of 0·5 km2, and is up to 16 m thick. The triangle‐shaped discharge apron, which broadens down‐valley, is divided into a proximal part with beds dipping at <10° and a distal part with beds dipping at 10° to 15°. The deposit is formed of the: (1) Basal Macrophyte; (2) Lower Carbonate; (3) Middle Clastic; (4) Upper Carbonate; and (5) Upper Clastic Sequences. Two charcoal samples embedded in the Lower Carbonate Sequence yielded dates of 8690 ± 90 and 8270 ± 70 cal yr bp , indicating that much of the deposit formed post‐glacially during the Early to Mid‐Holocene. Deposit aggradation ceased in the Mid to Late Holocene when the Fairmont Creek valley was incised. The Lower and Upper Carbonate Sequences, which are the thickest sequences, are composed of nearly equal parts of travertine (abiotic) and tufa (biotic), with feather dendrite travertine, radiating dendrite travertine and stromatolite tufa dominating. Competition between calcite precipitation rates and biotic growth rates controlled the distribution of tufa and travertine across the discharge apron. Calcite and biotic growth rates were controlled largely by flow velocity across the apron which, in turn, was controlled by topography and regular fluctuations in spring water discharge volume. During times of high spring discharge, slow sheet flow over the proximal part of the apron promoted stromatolite growth, whereas fast, turbulent flow on the distal part of the apron induced rapid feather dendrite formation. During times of low spring discharge, quiescent, shallow evaporative pools, conducive to radiating dendrite formation, formed on the proximal part of the apron, whereas slow flow on the distal part promoted stromatolite growth. Facies with high calcite supersaturation experienced rapid abiotic dendrite growth that precluded most biotic growth.  相似文献   
Although facies models of braided, meandering and anastomosing rivers have provided the cornerstones of fluvial sedimentology for several decades, the depositional processes and external controls on sheetflow fluvial systems remain poorly understood. Sheetflow fluvial systems represent a volumetrically significant part of the non‐marine sedimentary record and documented here are the lithofacies, depositional processes and possible roles of rapid subsidence and arid climate in generating a sheetflow‐dominated fluvial system in the Cenozoic hinterland of the central Andes. A 6500 m thick succession comprising the Late Eocene–Oligocene Potoco Formation is exposed continuously for >100 km along the eastern limb of the Corque syncline in the high Altiplano plateau of Bolivia. Fluvial sandstone and mudstone units were deposited over an extensive region (>10 000 km2) with remarkably few incised channels or stacked‐channel complexes. The Potoco succession provides an exceptional example of rapid production of accommodation sustained over a prolonged period of time in a non‐marine setting (>0·45 mm year−1 for 14 Myr). The lower ≈4000 m of the succession coarsens upward and consists of fine‐grained to medium‐grained sandstone, mudstone and gypsum deposits with palaeocurrent indicators demonstrating eastward transport. The upper 2500 m also coarsens upward, but contains mostly fine‐grained to medium‐grained sandstone that exhibits westward palaeoflow. Three facies associations were identified from the Potoco Formation and are interpreted to represent different depositional environments in a sheetflow‐dominated system. (i) Playa lake deposits confined to the lower 750 m are composed of interbedded gypsum, gypsiferous mudstone and sandstone. (ii) Floodplain deposits occur throughout the succession and include laterally extensive (>200 m) laminated to massive mudstone and horizontally stratified and ripple cross‐stratified sandstone. Pedogenic alteration and root casts are common. (iii) Poorly confined channel and unconfined sheet sandstone deposits include laterally continuous beds (50 to >200 m) that are defined primarily by horizontally stratified and ripple cross‐stratified sandstone encased in mudstone‐rich floodplain deposits. The ubiquitous thin‐sheet geometry and spatial distribution of individual facies within channel sandstone and floodplain deposits suggest that confined to unconfined, episodic (flash) flood events were the primary mode of deposition. The laterally extensive deposition and possible distributary nature of this sheetflow‐dominated system are attributed to fluvial fan conditions in an arid to semi‐arid, possibly seasonal, environment. High rates of sediment accumulation and tectonic subsidence during early Andean orogenesis may have favoured the development and long‐term maintenance of a sheetflow system rather than a braided, meandering or anastomosing fluvial style. It is suggested here that rapidly produced accommodation space and a relatively arid, seasonal climate are critical conditions promoting the generation of sheetflow‐dominated fluvial systems.  相似文献   
To understand deep lithosphere structure beneath the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau more comprehensively and objectively and to explore important scientific issues,such as characteristics of plateau lithospheric deformation,state of strain,thermal structure,plate (or terrane) movement,and crust-mantle rheology,it is necessary to research the variation of crust-mantle electrical structure in the east-west direction in every geological unit.For this purpose,six super-broadband magnetotelluric (MT) sounding profiles ha...  相似文献   
The efficacy of the magnetotelluric and audiomagnetotelluric (MT/AMT) methods for detailing the structure of a hypothetical geological section is investigated by using the singular value decomposition (SVD) technique. The section is representative of southeastern Turkey, which is mostly covered by basalt and is a prime area for oil exploration. One of the geological units, the Germav shale at a depth of 600 m, is a problem layer for electromagnetic surveys because of its very low resistivity (on average 3 Ωm) and highly variable thickness across the area (200–900 m). In the MT frequency range (0.0004–40 Hz) its total conductance—or, since its resistivity is known from resistivity log information, its thickness—is the best resolved model parameter. The total depth to the Germav shale and the resistivity of the Cambrian/Precambrian basement are the marginally resolved parameters. In the AMT frequency range (4–10000 Hz) the resistivity of the surface basalt layer strongly affects the resolution of the other, less important, model parameters which are the total depth to the Germav shale and the total conductance of the Germav shale. The errors in the measurements determine the number of model parameters resolvable, and are also important for interpretation of the geological model parameters to within a desired accuracy. It is shown that statistical evaluation of the MT and/or AMT interpretations by using an SVD factorization of the sensitivity matrix can be helpful to define the importance of some particular stage of the interpretation, and also provides a priori knowledge to plan a proposed survey. Arrangements of MT and AMT observations, together with some Schlumberger resistivity soundings, on a large grid will certainly provide three-dimensional detailed information of the deep geoelectric structure of the area.  相似文献   
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