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Results of high-dispersion spectroscopy (10 Å mm–1) of the symbiotic star AX Per carried out in the years from 1979 to 1987 are reported. The emission line [FeVII] 6086 consists of a narrow and a broad component; the radial velocity of the narrow one varies according to the photometric period 681.6 days. This variation (K=30.6±1.5 km s–1) seems to be due to the orbital motion of the hot star. The radial velocity of absorption lines varies with an inverse phase dependence and a much smaller amplitude (K=5.6±2 km s–1), which may reflect the orbital motion of the red giant. The variation of the radial velocity of the emission lines of FeII, ect. (K=6.7±1.5 km s–1) might be due to the rotation of the red giant. The profile of H emission line suddenly changed around the phase of the photometric minimum, which could be explained as a result of an eclipse of the emitting region by the red giant. On the other hand, some problems remain open in the behaviour of the radial velocities of H and HeI 5876.The observed results support a binary model of AX Per consisting of a rather massive (3M ) M-type giant and a Main-Sequence star (0.6M ). AX Per seems to be in an early stage of the Case C mass transfer, and the estimated very high mass accretion rate (10–4 M yr–1) is consistent with the theoretical models. The narrow component of the emission line of [FeVII] 6086 might be emitted in radiatively driven polar jets on the hot star of which luminosity is close to the Eddington limit.A new identification as ZrII at 6106.47 Å is proposed for the emission line at 6106 Å.  相似文献   
Tuff deposits of the Koko Crater group consist largely of alkali basalt glass, either fresh or palagonitized. Most of the deposits are progressively palagonitized at depth, and topographic relations of palagonite on Koko Crater indicate that the palagonite was formed after the cone had been deeply eroded.The principal authigenic minerals in the palagonite tuffs were deposited in following sequence: phillipsite, chabazite, analcime, montmorillonite together with opal, and calcite. The amount of authigenic minerals in a given sample is generally proportional to the amount of palagonite, indicating that the authigenic minerals are produced in palagonitization of glass.Chemical analyses of sideromelane and associated palagonite by the electron microprobe show that about a quarter of the SiO2, half of the Al2O3 and MgO, and three quarters or more of the CaO, Na2O, and K2O are lost in converting sideromelane to an equal volume of palagonite. A substantial proportion of these components lost from the sideromelane are precipitated nearby in zeolites, montmorillonite, opal, and calcite.Reaction of sideromelane with percolating ground water at low temperatures accounts for the vertical zoning from relatively fresh tuffs down into palagonite tuffs. The pH and ionic strength of percolating water probably increased with depth by solution and hydrolysis of glass, and where the pH and ionic strength became sufficiently high, the glass reacted to form palagonite and zeolites. Palagonite was formed by a microsolution-precipitation mechanism rather than by hydration or devitrification.  相似文献   
We review the main characteristics of the symbiotic system AG Draconis, with special emphasis on its optical and X-ray variations. We also discuss the X-ray to visual energy distribution during quiescence and outburst and describe our spectroscopic and X-ray observations during the 2003 outburst. Based on X-ray observations collected with the XMM–Newton Observatory, on INES data from the IUE satellite, and on optical spectra collected with the Asiago–Cima Ekar, Bologna–Loiano and La Palma–Galileo Italian telescopes.  相似文献   
Solar soft X-ray (XUV) radiation is highly variable on all time scales and strongly affects Earth’s ionosphere and upper atmosphere; consequently, the solar XUV irradiance is important for atmospheric studies and for space weather applications. Although there have been several recent measurements of the solar XUV irradiance, detailed understanding of the solar XUV irradiance, especially its variability during flares, has been hampered by the broad bands measured in the XUV range. In particular, the simple conversion of the XUV photometer signal into irradiance, in which a static solar spectrum is assumed, overestimates the flare variations by more than a factor of two as compared to the atmospheric response to the flares. To address this deficiency in the simple conversion, an improved algorithm using CHIANTI spectral models has been developed to process the XUV Photometer System (XPS) measurements with its broadband photometers. Model spectra representative of quiet Sun, active region, and flares are combined to match the signals from the XPS and produce spectra from 0.1 to 40 nm in 0.1-nm intervals for the XPS Level 4 data product. The two XPS instruments are aboard NASA’s Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) and Thermosphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere, Energetics, and Dynamics (TIMED) satellites. In addition, the XPS responsivities have been updated for the latest XPS data processing version. The new XPS results are consistent with daily variations from the previous simple conversion technique used for XPS and are also consistent with spectral measurements made at wavelengths longer than 27 nm. Most importantly, the XPS flare variations are reduced by factors of 2 – 4 at wavelengths shorter than 14 nm and are more consistent, for the first time, with atmospheric response to solar flares. Along with the details of the new XPS algorithm, several comparisons to dayglow and photoelectron measurements and model results are also presented to help verify the accuracy of the new XUV irradiance spectra.  相似文献   
Global plasmaspheric TEC and its relative contribution to GPS TEC   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The plasmaspheric electron content is directly estimated from the global positioning system (GPS) data onboard JASON-1 Satellite for the first time. Similarly, the ground-based GPS total electron content (TEC) is estimated using about 1000 GPS receivers distributed around the globe. The relative contribution of the plasmaspheric electron content to the ground-based GPS TEC is then estimated globally using these two independent simultaneous measurements; namely ground-based GPS TEC and JASON-1 GPS TEC. Results presented here include data from 3 months of different solar cycle conditions (October 2003, May 2005, and December 2006). The global comparison between the two independent measurements was performed by dividing the data into three different regions; equatorial, mid- and high-latitude regions. This division is essential as the GPS raypaths traverse different distances through the plasmasphere at different latitudes. The raypath length through the plasmasphere decreases as latitude increases. The relative contribution of the plasmaspheric electron content exhibits a diurnal variation that depends on latitude with minimum contribution (10%) during daytime and maximum (up to 60%) at night. The contribution is also maximum at the equatorial region where the GPS raypath traverses a long distance through the plasmasphere compared to its length in mid- and high-latitude regions. Finally, the solar cycle variation of plasmaspheric contribution is also reported globally.  相似文献   
The December 26, 2003 Mw 6.6 Bam earthquake is one of the most disastrous earthquakes in Iran. QuickBird panchromatic and multispectral satellite imagery with 61 cm and 2.4 m ground resolution, respectively provide new insights into the surface rupturing process associated with this earthquake. The results indicate that this earthquake produced a 2–5 km-wide surface rupture zone with a complex geometric pattern. A 10-km-long surface rupture zone developed along the pre-existing Bam fault trace. Two additional surface rupture zones, each 2–5 km long, are oblique to the pre-existing Bam fault in angles of 20–35°. An analysis of geometric and geomorphic features also shows that movement on the Bam fault is mainly right-lateral motion with some compressional component. This interpretation is consistent with field investigations, analysis of aftershocks as well as teleseismic inversion. Therefore, we suggest that the 2003 Bam earthquake occurred on the Bam fault, and that the surface ruptures oblique to the Bam fault are caused by secondary faulting such as synthetic shears (Reidel shears). Our fault model for the Bam earthquake provides a new tectonic scenario for explaining complex surface deformations associated with the Bam earthquake.  相似文献   
Organic molecules such as proteins can be preserved in certain fossils. The bulk properties of fossil proteins of both vertebrates and invertebrates have been studied for over half a century. Named proteins have so far been identified, however, only in vertebrate fossils, such as collagen from mammoth bones. Using immunological assays, we examined 1500 year old fossils of the extinct land snail Mandarina luhuana from the Bonin islands for the presence of dermatopontin, a molluscan shell matrix protein. First, we examined the shell microstructure and mineralogy of the fossil shells using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) in order to estimate the extent of diagenetic alteration. The results suggest that the original microstructure and mineralogy of the shells are preserved. Antiserum raised against the Type-1 dermatopontin fragment of the living land snail Euhadra brandtii showed significant immunological reactivity with the extracts from the fossil shells of M. luhuana. Immunological binding curves drawn for the shell extracts of extant M. aureola and the extinct M. luhuana confirmed the presence of dermatopontin in the fossil shells and provided an estimate that about 75–98% of the original dermatopontin was lost from the M. luhuana fossils. This is the first report of a named protein being identified in invertebrate fossils.  相似文献   
Electron microprobe analyses of small chlorite grains (10–20 μm width) in diagenetically altered rocks from three deep wells and a series of outcrop samples ranging in maximum age from 4 to 1300 Ma show an increasingly smaller range in grain-to-grain composition as a function of the average age of the specimens in a series. The scatter of composition in a sample in each series changes little with depth despite present day, or estimated maximum temperature differences of 70° C to 100° C from top to bottom. Comparison of these chlorite compositions with those published for geothermal and metamorphic rocks formed under conditions of 300–450° C indicates that the homogeneity of chlorite composition is a function of both the temperature of equilibration and its duration. Apparently total homogenization of Fe/(Fe+Mg), Al/(Al+Mg+Fe) content will occur after 1010 years at low temperatures. Simple calculations indicate that a slow process such as solid state diffusion could be responsible for the eventual homogenization of mineral grain composition to reach chemical equilibrium after phase equilibrium has been reached.  相似文献   
A new radial velocity curve of V 1329 Cyg has been obtained from emission lines originating around an evolved star. The latter might be faced by an M-type mate, whose mass is larger than 23±6 solar masses. The system seems at |Z|>250 pc from the galactic plane. The 6830 unidentified band, found in V 1329 Cyg and among BQ [ ] stars, symbiotic stars and a few planetary nebulae, could be used as a diagnostic tool to identify very evolved stars. The close similarity of the optical spectrum of V 1329 Cyg to that of the optical counterpart of GX 1+4 is remarkable.On leave from Nagoya University, Japan.  相似文献   
In drylands, water deficit is the primary factor limiting plant growth. In the present study, surface energy balance and plant growth (above‐ground and below‐ground biomass) were measured continuously during the 2002 growing season in semiarid grassland in the northern part of Kazakhstan, Central Asia. Although there was above normal total rainfall during the 2002 growing season (May–November; 244 mm over 183 days), there was a dry period during July and August. Evaporative water was effectively supplied by precipitation and surface soil moisture during the wet season (May and June), during which time above‐ground biomass increased. During the early stages of the dry period, mature plants were likely to tap deeper sources of soil moisture, representing stored snowmelt water. As the soil moisture content decreased during the summer dry period due to the high levels of evapotranspiration and lack of precipitation, the evaporative fraction and above‐ground biomass rapidly decreased, whereas the below‐ground biomass increased. These results suggest that in summer, soil moisture acts to store water, and that soil moisture is essential for plant growth as a direct source of water during the dry period in natural grasslands in the Kazakhstan steppe. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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