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In the present study, the removal of dissolved and colloidal Cd, Co, Cu, Ni and Zn in Arvand River water during estuarine mixing with the Persian Gulf water is investigated. The flocculation process was investigated for a series of mixtures with salinities ranging from 0.48 to 30.3^. The flocculation rates were indicative of the non-conservative behavior of studied metals during estuarine mixing. Rapid flocculation in the low salinity regimes was observed. The order of the final flocculation rate of metals in the river water was as follows: Co (91.2%)> Cd (86.9%)> Zn (83%)> Cu (75.2%)> Ni (74.3%). Salinity, pH, EC and dissolved oxygen do not govern the flocculation of metals during estuarine mixing. The results of the present investigation show that estuarine processes can be considered as an effective mechanism in self purification of colloidal metals that are anthropogenically introduced into the fresh water ecosystem.  相似文献   
The complex stream bank profiles in alluvial channels and rivers that are formed after reaching equilibrium has been a popular topic of research for many geomorphologists and river engineers. The entropy theory has recently been successfully applied to this problem. However, the existing methods restrict the further application of the entropy parameter to determine the cross-section slope of the river banks. To solve this limitation, we introduce a novel approach in the extraction of the equation based on the calculation of the entropy parameter (λ) and the transverse slope of the bank profile at threshold channel conditions. The effects of different hydraulic and geometric parameters are evaluated on a variation of the entropy parameter. Sensitivity analysis on the parameters affecting the entropy parameter shows that the most effective parameter on the λ-slope multiplier is the maximum slope of the bank profile and the dimensionless lateral distance of the river banks.  相似文献   
Input data selection for solar radiation estimation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Model input data selection is a complicated process, especially for non‐linear dynamic systems. The questions on which inputs should be used and how long the training data should be for model development have been hard to solve in practice. Despite the importance of this subject, there have been insufficient reports in the published literature about inter‐comparison between different model input data selection techniques. In this study, several methods (i.e. the Gamma test, entropy theory, AIC (Akaike's information criterion)/BIC (Bayesian information criterion) have been explored with the aid of non‐linear models of LLR (local linear regression) and ANN (artificial neural networks). The methodology is tested in estimation of solar radiation in the Brue Catchment of England. It has been found that the conventional model selection tools such as AIC/BIC failed to demonstrate their functionality. Although the entropy theory is quite powerful and efficient to compute, it failed to pick up the best input combinations. On the other hand, it is very encouraging to find that the new Gamma test was able to choose the best input selection. However, it is surprising to note that the Gamma test significantly underestimated the required training data while the entropy theory did a better job in this aspect. This is the first study to compare the performance of those techniques for model input selections and still there are many unsolved puzzles. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Shah Soltan Ali area (SSA) is located in the eastern part of the Lut Block metallogenic province. In this area different types of sub-volcanic intrusions including diorite porphyry, monzonite porphyry and monzodiorite porphyry have intruded into basaltic and andesitic rocks. Zircon U–Pb dating and field observations indicate that intermediate to mafic volcanic rocks (38.9 Ma) are older than subvolcanic units (38.3 Ma). The subvolcanic intrusions show high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic affinity and are metaluminous. Based on mineralogy, high values of magnetic susceptibility [(634 to 3208) × 10?5 SI], and low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios, they are classified as belonging to the magnetite-series of oxidant I-type granitoids and are characterized by an enrichment in LREEs relative to HREEs, with negative Nb, Ti, Zr and Eu anomalies. These granitoids are related to volcanic arc (VAG) and were generated in an active continental margin. Low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7043 to 0.7052) and positive εNd values (+1.48 to +3.82) indicate that the parental magma was derived from mantle wedge. Parental magma was probably formed by low degree of partial melting and metasomatized by slab derived fluids. Then assimilation and fractional crystallization processes (AFC) produced the SSA rocks. This magma during the ascent was contaminated with the crustal material.All data suggest that Middle-Late Eocene epoch magmatism in the SSA area, occurred during subduction of Neo-Tethys Ocean in east of Iran (between Afghan and Lut Blocks).  相似文献   
Historically, there has been a dispute over water allocation between users and policymakers in Iran's Zayandeh-Roud Basin (ZRB). In this study, we used the “System of Environmental-Economic Accounting for Water” (SEEAW) framework in combination with the hydrologic model “Soil and Water Assessment Tool” (SWAT) to achieve the water balance in ZRB. We used SEEAW to combine a wide range of water-related statistics across stakeholders and SWAT to evaluate the unknown agricultural water use. The SWAT model is calibrated based on the stream flows and crop yields in the basin. The model assess the renewable water of the basin into two components, about 363 and 70 mm as green and blue water, respectively. Also results from the physical water supply and water use tables demonstrates that the agricultural sector uses 78% of the total renewable freshwater, followed by the residential, 16%, and the industrial sector, 6%. The flows of water from source to services in ZRB are traced based on the water supply and water use tables. The flow diagram shows that 8 MCM of industrial reused water was transferred to the agricultural sector, and 137 MCM and 18 MCM of water from the wastewater treatment plants to the agricultural and industrial sectors, respectively. Furthermore, the results show that the index of the basin dependence on groundwater resources is high (61%), the value of water stress is high (0.88) and the dependence of the basin on transboundary water resources is 30%. Therefore, this method is highly beneficial for achieving a conceptual water balance in disputed basins without enough agricultural water uses data.  相似文献   
The Khanlogh deposit in the Cenozoic Quchan-Sabzevar magmatic belt, NE Iran, is hosted by Oligocene granodioritic rock. The Khanlogh intrusive body is I-type granitoid of the calc-alkaline series. The orebodies are vein, veinlet, massive, and breccia in shape and occur along the fault zones and fractures within the host rock. Ore minerals dominantly comprise magnetite and apatite associated with epidote, clinopyroxene, calcite, quartz, and chlorite. Apatites of the Khanlogh deposit have a high concentration of REE, and show a strong LREE/HREE ratio with a pronounced negative Eu anomaly. Magnetites have a high concentration of REE and show weak to moderate LREE/HREE fractionation. They are comparable to the REE patterns in Kiruna-type iron ores and show an affinity to calc-alkaline magmas. The Khanlogh deposit is similar in the aspects of host rock lithology, alteration, mineralogy, and mineral chemistry to the Kiruna-type deposits. Field observations, hydrothermal alteration halos, style of mineralization, and the geochemical characteristics of apatite, magnetite, and host rock indicate that these magnetite veins have hydrothermal origin similar to Cenozoic Kiruna-type deposits within the Tarom subzone, NW Iran, and are not related to silica-iron oxide immiscibility, as are the major Precambrian magnetite deposits in central Iran.  相似文献   
The spatiotemporal trends of aridity index in the arid and semi-arid regions of Iran in 1966–2005 were investigated using the Mann–Kendall test and Theil–Sen’s slope estimator. The results of the analysis showed negative trends in annual aridity index at 55 % of the stations, while just one site had a statistically significant (α?=?0.1) negative trend. Furthermore, the positive trends in the annual aridity index series were significant at the 95 % confidence level at Bushehr and Isfahan stations. The significant negative trend in the annual aridity index was obtained over Mashhad at the rate of ?0.004. In the seasonal series, the negative trends in the spring and winter aridity index were larger compared with those in the other seasonal series. A noticeable decrease in the winter aridity index series was observed mostly in the southeast of the study area. In the summer and autumn aridity index, two significant positive trends were found.  相似文献   
The East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia faces the South China Sea and is vulnerable to oil pollution because of intense petroleum production activities in the area. The South China Sea is also a favored route for supertankers carrying crude oil to the Far East. Consequently, oil spills can occur, causing pollution and contamination in the surrounding areas. Residual oil spills stranded on coastal beaches usually end up as tar-balls. Elucidating the sources of tar-balls using a molecular marker approach is essential in assessing environmental impacts and perhaps settling legal liabilities for affected parties. This study utilizes a multimodal molecular marker approach through the use of diagnostic ratios of alkanes, hopanes, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) to determine the source, distribution and weathering of tar-balls. Hopane ratios (e.g., C29/C30, and summation C31-C35/C30 ratios) were used to identify the sources of tar-balls. The weathering effects were distinguished by using alkanes, namely the unresolved complex mixture (UCM) and low molecular weight/high molecular weight (L/H) ratios. Similarly, PAHs were also used for the determination of weathering processes undergone by the tar-balls. This multimodal molecular marker gave a very strong indication of the sources of tar-balls in this study. For example, 16 out of 17 samples originated from South East Asian Crude Oil (SEACO) with one sample from Merang, Terengganu originating from North Sea Oil (Troll). The TRME-2 sample may have come from a supertanker's ballast water discharge. The second possibility is that the tar-ball may have been transported via oceanographic currents. All 'weathered' sample characterizations were based on the presence of UCM and other ratios. The multimodal molecular marker approach applied in this study has enabled us to partially understand the transport behavior of tar-balls in the marine environment and has revealed insights into the weathering process of tar-balls.  相似文献   
Predicting the geometry of channels and alluvial rivers is of primary importance in river engineering science. Appropriately designing channels and predicting stable river cross‐sections can decrease costs and prevent the destruction of installations and agricultural land by rivers. Consequently, researchers have applied different empirical and regression methods to achieve relations for predicting stable channel and river geometry. In this study, Group Method of Data Handling ]GMDH) models are used to predict three geometric variables of stable channels, namely width (w), depth (h) and slope (s). The effect of different input parameters, such discharge (Q), median grain size (d50) and the Shields parameter (τ*) on the GMDH models is assessed with regard to predicting stable channel geometry. The results indicate that the GMDH model with mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 5.53%, 4.05% and 4.89% for channel width, depth and slope prediction respectively, exhibits good accuracy. Moreover, a comparison of the GMDH models with previous theoretical equations (based on regression analysis) indicates the superiority of GMDH model performance, with error reductions of one‐fifth, one‐eighth and one‐sixth compared with the regression equations for channel width, depth and slope prediction, respectively. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Eastern Iran has great potential for the discovery of different types of mineralization. The study area encompasses Tertiary magmatism in the northern Lut block located in northern Khur, South Khorasan, eastern Iran and is mostly covered by volcanic rocks, which are intruded by porphyritic subvolcanic intrusions in some places. Application of the spectral angle mapper (SAM) technique to Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) images detected sericitic, argillic, and propylitic alterations, silicification, and secondary iron oxides. The alteration is linear and associated within vein-type mineralization. Twelve prospective areas are selected for detailed exploration and based on our processing results, in addition to NW-SE faults, which are associated with Cu mineralization indications, NE-SW faults are also shown to be important. Based on the presence of subvolcanic rocks and numerous Cu ± Pb-Zn vein-type mineralizations, extensive alteration, high anomaly of Cu and Zn (up to 100 ppm), the age (43.6 to 31.4 Ma) and the initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio (0.7047 to 0.7065) of the igneous rocks, and the metallogenic epoch of the Lut block (middle Eocene-lower Oligocene) for the formation of porphyry Cu and epithermal deposits, the studied area shows great potential for porphyry copper deposits.  相似文献   
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