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Two inverted echo sounders were maintained on coastal and offshore sides of the Kuroshio south of Japan from October 1993 to July 2004. Applying the gravest empirical mode method, we obtained a time series of geostrophic transport. Estimated transports generally agree well with geostrophic transports estimated from hydrography. Their agreement with the hydrographic transports is better than that of transports estimated from satellite altimetry data. The geostrophic transport is expressed as the surface transport per unit depth multiplied by the equivalent depth. The geostrophic transport varies mostly with the surface transport and fractionally with the equivalent depth. Seasonal variation of the geostrophic transport has a minimum in March and a maximum in September, with a range of about one fifth of the total transport.  相似文献   
During time-series observations in Sagami Bay, Japan, the concentration of dissolved dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSPd), a precursor of dimethylsulfide (DMS), was negatively correlated with salinity. In the laboratory, low-salinity shock reduced DMS production rates of the natural bacterial community and induced rapid DMSP release from a dinophyte, Heterocapsa triquetra, suggesting that low-salinity shock reduced DMSPd consumption but enhanced DMSPd production, which agrees with the negative correlation between DMSPd and salinity observed in Sagami bay. In addition, low-salinity shock did not affect DMSP lyase activity of H. triquetra. Low-salinity shock would increase the contribution from algae in DMS production, leading to an increase in potential DMS productivity in the environment.  相似文献   
In this study, we constructed a perturbed physics ensemble (PPE) for the MIROC5 coupled atmosphere–ocean general circulation model (CGCM) to investigate the parametric uncertainty of climate sensitivity (CS). Previous studies of PPEs have mainly used the atmosphere-slab ocean models. A few PPE studies using a CGCM applied flux corrections, because perturbations in parameters can lead to large radiation imbalances at the top of the atmosphere and climate drifts. We developed a method to prevent climate drifts in PPE experiments using the MIROC5 CGCM without flux corrections. We simultaneously swept 10 parameters in atmosphere and surface schemes. The range of CS (estimated from our 35 ensemble members) was not wide (2.2–3.2?°C). The shortwave cloud feedback related to changes in middle-level cloud albedo dominated the variations in the total feedback. We found three performance metrics for the present climate simulations of middle-level cloud albedo, precipitation, and ENSO amplitude that systematically relate to the variations in shortwave cloud feedback in this PPE.  相似文献   
To determine the effects of long-range transport of aerosols from an upwind area in East Asia to a downwind area in Japan, we chemically analyzed aerosols collected simultaneously on Tuoji Island (Shandong Province, China), Fukue Island (Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan), and Cape Hedo (Okinawa Prefecture, Japan). We focused on changes in the metallic composition of PM2.5 aerosols during long-range transport. The average mass concentrations of PM2.5 at the three sites decreased in the order Tuoji Island > Fukue Island ≈ Cape Hedo (48.3 ± 4.5, 13.9 ± 1.5, and 13.2 ± 0.9 μg/m3, respectively). The fraction of coarse particles in total suspended particles estimated by (1–PM2.5/TSP) was highest on Cape Hedo, indicating that the contribution of sea salts was increased by long-range transport of the aerosols over the ocean. Enrichment factor analysis revealed that at all three sites, Al, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Co, Sr, and Ba originated from soil; whereas Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sn, Sb, Tl, and P appeared to be of anthropogenic origin. Na was the most abundant element on Cape Hedo, indicating the addition of sea salts during aerosol transport. The V concentration was highest at Fukue Island, which was ascribed to V emission from ships. Sixty-one percent of the V on Fukue Island and 62% of the V on Cape Hedo were determined to have originated from ships, implicating of data obtained on dates during which backward trajectory analysis indicated that the same air mass passed over Tuoji Island, Fukue Island, and Cape Hedo in that order.  相似文献   
Ayako  Ozawa  Takahiro  Tagami  Masafumi  Sudo 《Island Arc》2004,13(3):466-472
Abstract   A recent K–Ar study elucidated that eruptive style in the eastern Izu peninsula changed from polygenetic to monogenetic volcano at 0.3–0.2 Ma. To narrow down the time of change, we determined 10 K–Ar ages on Togasayama Andesite of Amagi volcano, the youngest polygenetic volcano in the area, and Togasayama Monogenetic Volcano, one of the oldest monogenetic volcanoes in the area, which overlies a part of the Togasayama Andesite. Dating results showed that the Togasayama Andesite effused at least from 0.34 to 0.20 Ma, whereas the Togasayama Monogenetic Volcano erupted at 0.26–0.29 Ma, suggesting that the northern part of the Togasayama Andesite effused after the eruption of the Togasayama Monogenetic Volcano. Considering previous data, it is therefore inferred that change of eruptive style in the eastern Izu area occurred during the period 0.29–0.20 Ma, with considerable overlap of both polygenetic and monogenetic volcanism.  相似文献   
The finding that surface warming over the Arctic exceeds that over the rest of the world under global warming is a robust feature among general circulation models (GCMs). While various mechanisms have been proposed, quantifying their relative contributions is an important task in order to understand model behavior. Here we apply a recently proposed feedback analysis technique to an atmosphere–ocean GCM under two and four times CO2 concentrations which approximately lead to seasonally and annually sea ice-free climates. The contribution of feedbacks to Arctic temperature change is investigated. The surface warming in the Arctic is contributed by albedo, water vapour and large-scale condensation feedbacks and reduced by the evaporative cooling feedback. The surface warming contrast between the Arctic and the global averages (AA) is maintained by albedo and evaporative cooling feedbacks. The latter contributes to AA predominantly by cooling the low latitudes more than the Arctic. Latent heat transport into the Arctic increases and hence evaporative cooling plus large-scale condensation feedback contributes positively to AA. On the other hand, dry-static energy transport into the Arctic decreases and hence dynamical heating feedback contributes negatively to AA. An important contribution is thus made via changes in hydrological cycle and not via the ‘dry’ heat transport process. A larger response near the surface than aloft in the Arctic is maintained by the albedo, water vapour, and dynamical heating feedbacks, in which the albedo and water vapour feedbacks contribute through warming the surface more than aloft, and the dynamical heating feedback contributes by cooling aloft more than the surface. In our experiments, ocean and sea ice dynamics play a secondary role. It is shown that a different level of CO2 increase introduces a latitudinal and seasonal difference into the feedbacks.  相似文献   
The Southern Hemisphere westerly winds are an important component of the climate system at hemispheric and global scales. Variations in their intensity and latitudinal position through an ice-age cycle have been proposed as important drivers of global climate change due to their influence on deep-ocean circulation and changes in atmospheric CO2. The position, intensity, and associated climatology of the southern westerlies during the last glacial maximum (LGM), however, is still poorly understood from empirical and modelling standpoints. Here we analyse the behaviour of the southern westerlies during the LGM using four coupled ocean-atmosphere simulations carried out by the Palaeoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project Phase 2 (PMIP2). We analysed the atmospheric circulation by direct inspection of the winds and by using a cyclone tracking software to indicate storm tracks. The models suggest that changes were most significant during winter and over the Pacific ocean. For this season and region, three out four models indicate decreased wind intensities at the near surface as well as in the upper troposphere. Although the LGM atmosphere is colder and the equator to pole surface temperature gradient generally increases, the tropospheric temperature gradients actually decrease, explaining the weaker circulation. We evaluated the atmospheric influence on the Southern Ocean by examining the effect of wind stress on the Ekman pumping. Again, three of the models indicate decreased upwelling in a latitudinal band over the Southern Ocean. All models indicate a drier LGM than at present with a clear decrease in precipitation south of 40°S over the oceans. We identify important differences in precipitation anomalies over the land masses at regional scale, including a drier climate over New Zealand and wetter over NW Patagonia.  相似文献   
To accurately estimate soil organic carbon (SOC) storage in upper alpine to nival zones on the Tibetan Plateau, we inventoried SOC pools in 0–0.3 m profiles along an altitudinal gradient (4400–5300 m asl). We also studied vegetation properties and decomposition activity along the gradient to provide insight into the mechanisms of SOC storage. The vegetation cover and belowground root biomass showed a gradual increased with altitude, reaching a peak in the upper alpine zone at 4800–4950 m before decreasing in the nival zone at 5200–5300 m.Decomposition activity was invariant along the altitudinal gradient except in the nival zone. SOC pools at lower sites were relatively small (2.6 kg C m−2 at 4400 m), but increased sharply with altitude, reaching a peak in the upper alpine zone (4950 m; 13.7 kg C m−2) before decreasing (1.0 kg C m−2 at 5300 m) with altitude in the nival zone. SOC pool varied greatly within individual alpine meadows by a factor of five or more, as did bulk density, partly due to the effect of grazing. Inventory data for both carbon density and bulk density along altitudinal gradients in alpine ecosystems are of crucial importance in estimating global tundra SOC storage.  相似文献   
A time series of surface geostrophic velocity is developed using satellite altimetry data during 1992–2010 for a track across the Kuroshio southeast of Kyushu, Japan. The temporal mean geostrophic velocity is estimated by combining the along-track sea level anomaly and shipboard ADCP data. This approximately 6-km resolution dataset is successful in representing the Kuroshio cross-current structure and temporal variation of the Kuroshio current-axis position during 2000–2010. The authors use this dataset to examine the winter Kuroshio path destabilization phenomenon. Its seasonal features are characterized as follows: the velocity shear on the inshore side of the Kuroshio becomes stronger and the Kuroshio path state becomes unstable from the summer to winter. This evidence is consistent with the hypothetical mechanism governing the destabilization phenomenon discussed in a previous study. Furthermore, the interannual amplitude modulation of the seasonality is examined in relation to interannual variations in the winter northerly wind over the northern Okinawa Trough and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) index. The destabilization phenomenon appears 15 times in the period 2000–2010. Ten cases are related to local wind effects, and 7 of these are also connected with the PDO index. This is probably because the winter northerly wind over the northern Okinawa Trough is regulated by the PDO signal in interannual time-scales. Only 4 cases are related to the PDO index, but their driving mechanism remains uncertain.  相似文献   
We have obtained precise estimates of the position of Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) on the sea bottom. Such estimates are usually uncertain due to their free falling deployment. This uncertainty is small enough, or is correctable, with OBS spacing of more than 10 km usually employed in crustal studies. But, for example, if the spacing is only 200 m for OBS reflection studies, estimates of the position with an accuracy of the order of 10 m or more is required.The determination was carried out with the slant range data, ship position data and a 1D acoustic velocity structure calculated from Conductivity–Temperature–Depth (CTD) data, if they are available. The slant range data were obtained by an acoustic transponder system designed for the sinker releasing of the OBS or travel time data of direct water wave arrivals by airgun shooting. The ship position data was obtained by a single GPS or DGPS. The method of calculation was similar to those used for earthquake hypocenter determination.The results indicate that the accuracy of determined OBS positions is enough for present OBS experiments, which becomes order of 1 m by using the DGPS and of less than 10 m by using the single GPS, if we measure the distance from several positions at the sea surface by using a transponder system which is not designed for the precise ranging. The geometry of calling positions is most important to determine the OBS position, even if we use the data with larger error, such as the direct water wave arrival data. The 1D acoustic velocity structure should be required for the correct depth of the OBS. Although it is rare that we use a CTD, even an empirical velocity structure works well.  相似文献   
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